
About the cause of writing this book.

Well am actually studying the Greek and the Romans in history so I decided to write about the gods. Apparently this book is bending the truth...the only reason I made two gods have a child was because the child would be MORE powerful but in reality in order for a god to have a child they had to mate with a mortal. This piece is a rough draft of the actual beginning of this book "Fallen Goddess" which is in process but I want to make sure its good enough. Please help me out in either liking or commenting or both to indicate if I should continue or not. I'm lost in this whole book writing....thanks! Enjoy! :)

My reasoning letter

My mind was everywhere I couldn’t think straight between finals, friends, puberty , my seventeenth birthday and the mystical dreams I’ve been having it was impossible for me to get an ounce of sleep. I rolled onto my side and stared out the screen door noticing it was left open. Climbing out of bed I threw the blanket mama made around me making sure I was securely covered from the outside chills. I walked onto the balcony and gazed down the tall apartment building watching the streets light with cars. My gaze moved to the skies watching the seven sister’s twinkle above me. I sighed deeply before turning to go back inside. There were smeared finger prints on the glass by the handle of the door and an envelope laying on the floor in front of me. I stepped inside closing it tightly, sat on the bed and proceded in opening the letter with my name beautifully written on it. Celine

. An unusual looking paper was tucked in it which smelt very appealing almost like a freshly bloomed rose drowned in wine.
I pulled it out and started to read:

Dear Celine,
Your beauty is indescribable and your independence is immeasurable and we would be delighted to see you once more. We would like you to have this gift but to recieve it you will have to be patient until your birthday. Remember our love for you is strong and we would happy to be with you, to hold you, to touch you once more but our time is very limited…

Your Mother and Father
From the Star’s above.

There was a soft knock on the door. “Sweet tea, it’s time for school.” I heard mama call. I looked at the clock to see the time, 8:39, giving me only thirty more minutes to make it to school. I hurriedly showered, brushed my hair, did my makeup and got dressed. I grabbed my back pack and started down the stairs. “Sweet tea, remember to pick up the mail on your way home today. You know Jerry’s knees are to old to function like he used too.” Mama said flipping pancakes. She is the typical housewive with black curly hair, a tiny little body, a sweet admirable voice and an apron strapped around her at all times.
“Why not take papa to the doctor?” I asked sitting at the table. I didn't want to speak of the letter deciding on letting them tell me their selves since I figured they wrote it. I kept a small grin on my face anticipating my 'present'.
She places a plate stacked of her famous blueberry pancakes smothered in fresh maple syrup in front of me and kissed my forehead gently.
“You know that old bum doesn’t care to doctors. He thinks they’re a waste of money!” She chuckles to herself. “That man needs to get a grip.”
Shoving the pancakes in my mouth I swallowed a glass of orange juice to wash it down. I was already running late and if eating like a dog was a faster way to reach to school on time so be it even though I am a neat freak.
“I think papa needs a massage to calm his nerves. He’s always tense.” I gulped another glass of OJ.
“Who's tense?” He asks walking into the kitchen. He ruffles my hair and pulls up a seat next to me around the table.
“No one papa. I have to go now though.” I say. He pulls out his wallet and hands me lunch money. I quickly pecked his forehead and called “Bye!” before running from the house.

Finding out my fate....kinda

The bell rang triggering all the students to pour into the class and take their seats. Amber and Sarah, my two best friends were on both my sides ranting about their new hair styles and manicures but I was to caught up by the letter until...
“Morning class today we are being joined by a new student.” Mr. Greggory, my History teacher says. “His name is Lance Goliath.” My heart stopped for a second as the most gorgeous looking man I have ever seen made his way into the classroom.He has golden blonde hair flopped perfectly in his face over his deep brown eyes, a muscular body which was piercing through his tight blue polo shirt and pearly white teeth that caused me to smile. I swore I would've died when his eyes landed on me and his smile grew wider.
"Check him out, Cici. I think he likes you." Amber whispers nudging her elbow into my side.
"C'mon Amber tell me what guy wouldnt fall deathly in love with her?" Sarah interrupted. I zoned them out and stared at him in his dazzling eyes. It's like our world collided because everything fell into the background and I was in his arms on my knees bowing to two bright gold thrones.
“Rise Mercury, you’re mission was completed successfully. You may leave.” A woman said. Her voice was mesmerizing and I felt my feet tremble beneath me. I rolled my head up and looked at her. She was magnificently beautiful with long golden hair which waved down her shoulders, piercing blue eyes that gazed at me lovingly and pale pink skin free from any flaw.
Mercury released me and stood. He bowed to the woman who was on the left throne and to the man on her right. Their fingers were intertwined and it seemed as if they were lovers. The man also had curly golden hair but had dark brown eyes and a strong appearance the woman was softer looking. They were beautiful and my heart beat increased.
“Thank you, your majesties.” Mercury replied. He looked down at me, smiled and left. There were two guards that led him out closing the tall heavy doors behind him. I realized that everything was exquisite with gold and silver walls, doors, furniture, utensils etc its as if I were in heaven. There was a small fountain pouring dark blue water out of cupid's mouth.
When we were all alone except for the guards the woman stood and slowly walked down the stairs until she stopped right in front of me. She outstretched her arms to me and said, “Celine…oh my wonderful Celine. Rise, rise we’ve missed you so much.” I stood still confused about what exactly was going on. The man also stood and came to her side.
“Do I know you?” I slipped out. Her facial expression didn't change she just smiled widely. She walked even closer and wrapped her arms around me.
“Oh how we’ve missed you so, Celine.” Tears welded in her eyes as she released me and signaled for the man to take his turn in hugging me. His muscular arms buried me. I closed my eyes and leaned closer into him. I actually felt close to them not even having the ‘stranger danger’ feeling. When he released me they both stared at me and the woman placed her hand over her heart and smiled.
The man said, “We are your parents. Ares and Aphrodite.”
I couldn’t help but laugh and said, “My parents are home actually probably planning me a birthday party.” They chuckled.“What’s so funny?”
“Come darling. It is time for you to freshen up. Your feast awaits you.” The man said.
“Feast?” I question.
“Yes, of course. We have to have a magnificent feast for our returning daughter. Come quickly it starts in an hour.” My so called mother says. She gracefully wraps an arm around my neck and escorts me to the heavy golden doors with my ‘father’ trailing behind us. The guards bowed to us and hurriedly opened the doors with smiles spreading across their faces. ~Could this be real? ~ I asked myself.
We walked for what seemed like hours curving into endless halls, big flourishing rooms and descending numerous stairs. While servants scurried around the place smiling and bowing at us with respect. My mother and father as I decided to call them were quiet behind of me. We stopped at an enormous room furnished blissfully fit for a princess. With lavender curtains draped down to the marbled floors which had wonderful furniture spread across it. There was a queen sized bed tucked in the corner of the room, an ancient looking dresser sitting right from the bed, and there was also a mural of some sort of a baby being carried by a tall handsome man through white puffy clouds.
“This is your room Celine. I’ll send a servant to help you get ready.” My father says backing out. Before he closed the door he bows. My mother stays with me with a sad expression playing on her face. She walks over to me and strokes my silky black hair softly. Her hands felt soothing against my face as she continues to stroke my hair.
“We’ve missed you so much my dear.” She finally says breaking the silence.
“I don’t know what is there to miss. I’m sorry but I do not know you.” I reply meekly.
“We wouldn’t expect you too yet we do expect you to remember this.” She calmly states making her way over to the closet. I plop onto the soft cushiony bed folding my hands in my lap. I continue to gaze around as she shuffles through pink and purple boxes with specific articulate designs on them.
She comes back finally with another box in her palms yet this one was very tiny compared to the rest. She sits next to me and unclasps my hands placing the box into them. “Do not open it until told to do so.” She whispers.
"Why?" I objected.
"Just don't...please." I nodded then placed the box out of sight. Under the pillow.
“Can I show you something?” I unexpectedly said.
“Anything.” She replies warmly. I pulled out the letter from my back pocket and placed it into her hands.
“Did you write this?” I stared at her worriedly but knew the answer was going to be yes. Giggling softly she nods and wraps her arms around me for a quick embrace. ~This is real. I'm an actual god! Hope this feeling lasts.~ I thought.
“We wanted to give you warning about your life. It’s going to be changing very quickly even more bizarre than this. At least my dear try to get use to this lifestyle and tell us what you think.We just want to make sure.” She says motioning to the room.
"Sure of what?" I question gazing up inot her welcoming eyes.
"Make sure that you're worth it." She sighs losing her smile. I stood palming my face when there was a small knock on the door. A servants head popped in and she gleamed at us. She has golden hair, clear blue eyes, and deathly pale skin seeming no older than seventeen.
“Hello,” She says quietly. “My majesty requested my presence in order to help the returning princess for her feast.” She curtsies slowly with her chin tucked in between her collar bones in shyness not making eye contact. I look to my mother then back to her and shrugged. My mother stood after a period of silence making her way out of the room and still having that sheepish smile on her face.

“You don’t have to be all formal around me.” I protested to the servant as she played in my bouncy black curls. She had given me the ultimate redress and my face glistened in the mirror at my dresser. I wore a long flowing washed pink gown that hugged my curves with a slit right above my knee which emphasized my crystal blue eyes, complimented by an elegant pair of silver stilettos tailor made for my size 6 feet. Platinum diamond shaped earrings dangled from my ears favoring my tanned pink skin.
“What is your name?” I question as she finishes my make up. I turned to her and stood still sbout an inch or so shorter. She was quiet yet her expressions were filled with enthusiasm and beauty. I tilt my head proposing that I was getting tired of her delay.
“Helena.” She whispered. She took a step back and curtsied again making her blonde hair fall into her face.
“Well Helena, today is your lucky day.” I proposed.“You just won yourself a free make over by a princess!” Her head shot up at me in surprise with a sweet little smile forming on her lips. Wow,I thought was I actually a princess?

The feast

I danced down the stairs slowly with all eyes plastered on me. Helena was not too far behind me also dressed as lavishly as I am. I clothed her in a baby blue dress, black flats (seeing that she doesn’t know how to walk in heels) and placed her hair in a neat bun with loose hairs falling to her cheeks. Her make up matched her blue eyes and her face was dressed by the clips on earrings and necklace she wore. She looked beautiful and grateful.
There was a long table stretched down the ball room filled with over exceeding amounts of food from lobster, to pies, to drinks. My parents sat at the far edge of the table where an empty seat awaited. Mercury sat next to that seat and my heart immediately flipped making my smile grow wider. My mother looked across at him smiling also. A servant escorted us to my seat where Helena stood behind me. Servants weren’t allowed to sit unless they were told to do so and judging by the stares she’s been getting I didn't want to make her face more humiliation.
“I didn't quite get to introduce myself. I’m Mercury.” He whispers as everyone took their seats. The table was filled with what seemed like numerous kings, queens, princes and princesses. All had their own servants standing loyally behind them.
“Hello my name is Celine.” I reply with a very small flirtatious smile. He chuckles softly and sips his wine before gazing back up at me with his loving brown eyes.
“Everyone knows your name my lady.” He notifies. I wasn’t surprised to say they were at my feast yet he says it as if I'm supposed to know. I giggle goofily before sipping at my water and wiping my mouth with a napkin. “I like your servant’s uniform.” He says after a while causing me to once again giggle goofily.
“Then I guess my uniform is also likeable.” I retort. He takes a second to inspect me before nodding with a lustful grin on his face.
“Very like able.” He reminisces in my ear sending a warm wave of pleasure through my body. I cross my leg from the intensifying situation going on between my thighs.
“Thank you all for celebrating our daughters return.” My father announces standing and clinking his glass. Everyone’s attention diverted towards him. “It has been a very agonizing eighteen years and my wife and I are just ecstatic that our daughter, Celine, heir to the throne of Olympus has returned. Long live Celine!” He raises his glass further into the air and a wave of ‘All hail Celine’s’ arose in the spacious ball room.
It wasn’t long after when everyone departed from the table and made their way to the dance floor. Well, everyone except Mercury and I. I tried not to look at him because if I did something stupid will definitely mutter from my mouth. “Is there something wrong my lady?” He asks. I gulped some water and shook my head diverting my eyes to the happy dancing royals. They all danced in sync to the dreamy orchestra that played heavenly music. Friendly smiles were spread across their faces and big gowns with high hats moved in my sight. The women were elegant enough and the men were the definition of gentlemen. I closed my eyes and swayed slowly to the music feeling Mercury’s warm eyes on me. I heard him stand before I opened my eyes to see his hand outstretched and his chest raised high. “Would you care to dance your highness?” He questions manneredly. It was almost as if he were proposing something. I unhesitant placed my hand into his soft warm one as he swept me onto the dance floor. It was if I were in a Cinderella scene where everyone waltzed like a choreographed dance routine. Mercury wrapped an arm around my waist bringing me closer and intertwined his fingers with mines. I gently placed my other hand on his shoulder as he led me away into the blissful sea of dancers. I felt his chest heave lightly against mines as we twist and turned around other couples. I noticed my mother and father were sitting on the far side of the room in thrones looking around the room at their company.
Mercury was slowly easing his hands on my back towards my rump. I didn't protest. I mean I probably thing he’s still a vir-
“So what’s the deal with you and my parents?” I asked instead.
“What about them?” He replies.
“I mean are you some sort of servant for them because you sit at the table. Not that I didn't like it. I mean I did…I mean…you know what I mean.” My goofy side was definitely on its way out. Begging for itself to be released. I felt him chuckle beneath me.
“I am merely a messenger your highness. I’ve worked for your parents for as long as I know. My father has worked for them and so has my father’s father.” His voice was strong and proud. I felt proud to be in his presence. He was happy with how his life was going and I felt that my parents were old bums as I called them. ~Wow~ I thought I should really pick up a few hints from him.


Texte: All rights reserved
Bildmaterialien: Book cover is the propertyof Google
Lektorat: crystalsun
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.04.2012

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