The story of Skylor

This an idea for a book right if u want me to finish the story or not in the comments enjoy........,............................................

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Skylor Storys"
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The story of Skylor
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Wichtiger Beitrag
Duron Crejaro

I mean all of this in the most non-offensive way. Ton's of misspelled words. Also there is constant tense slipping(between present and past tense). Also, there are spots where you suggest she is talking, but don't actually use dialogue. Also beyond misspelling, i saw a few instances of you using shorthand/texty. In writing, you should never for example, have her look at a pic...yes we all know what a pic is...but a pic is... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

Thanks and Its still being wrighten Its not edited yet but some of my friends are flowing so ya know

Wichtiger Beitrag
J. M. Rivers

Oh, you don't need to finish, you need to bloody start!

Seriously, it will need work but the draft, oh my.....potential is in the air!

14 Kommentare | Ältere Kommentare anzeigen
J. M. Rivers

Needs to be in paragraphs, Speech needs to be easily identifiable by use of speech marks....

You need to explain more coz it feels rushed a little. Why are you selling it at $0.00?


It was my sister playing around on my account

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