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Lord I was a cringe filled girl. I’m sorry for what you have all been subjected to in the past.

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what is the future of Lego ? Will it survive as we know it or will it go digital?

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Lego will always have toys. Some drug deals even take Lego's as payment they are with lost of moneys


wow, I never knew that.


Yep, and if Lego does crash they are doing well in movies and have many games to keep em going....BT Lego doesn't look like they are going to fall

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yes even here in a quiet rural area it happens but at last the issue is out from under the table and the health board are taking action and community groups too raising awareness of how people can become isolated and begin to feel it is the only solution.
Part of the action is that people talk more , express their feelings , are encouraged to join social groups such as the men's shed movement , provide counselling services,... mehr anzeigen

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hi how is Harrisburg , Pennsylvania these days? did you know the inventor of Lego was a Danish carpenter?We are about to get a new Lego store near us. Collect and click. How big is your Lego collection and what is the craziest thing you have made?

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Well my Lego collection is a few tubs .....and the craziest thin I made is a boat with wings



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The itzy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout,
down came the rain and washed the spider out,
up came the sun and dried up all the rain,
and the itzy bitsy spider, climbed up the spout again ^.~

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