That Night in the Woods.

That Night in the Woods.
This is the story of Violet. I mysterious fourteen year old girl. She lives in a masion with Lucifer, her very shady brother. One night, she has a vision of two boys. After putting an illusion spell on the masion, the boys show up on her doorstep. She watchs as they slowly figure out what The Williams family really is.

Hi! It's Lora, I have this website called and it has some of my books from bookrix on it. I am in the middle of making a website called which is a website that will have lists of the characters and places and all around info about my books! So if you have any questions about my books, I will try and answer them on there! So just message or comment questions to me! Thanks!
-Lora Carlson.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Dragon Thompson

Hi Lora, it's me. This is REALLY good. Your writing voice is a lot better than mine. Do you think we could write this as a collaborative story? I have the main idea for the story so far, but it's improv for the most part. You just have a better... I dunno, way of writing. But yeah. I have the story on my account, but I haven't added anymore. DAMN IT WHY DO I RAMBLE LIKE THIS?!

Wichtiger Beitrag
♣ Ordinarily Obscure ♣

This was very nice! I still am confused whether you are finished with it or not. Well I hope you don't mind me adding this to my group "Underdog Books". It is for amazing books with a low level of hearts.

1 Kommentar

It's not finished. Not at all. I have to a bit more and my friend has to write more so I can add. I don't mind at all! Thank you!

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