
A Violet Shade.

I sat in my room. In the dark. Alone. Unless you count my one-eyed teddy bear as someone. I could hear

Lucifer downstairs. I can also hear Jamie shuffling around downstairs. I stood up and started walking in

circles. Lucifer banned me from doing this, but he couldn't see me just then.  I continued to walk in circles

until my head started pounding. I stopped and sat down. I grabbed my teddy bear and just held him for a

second. I stood up and dropped him on the floor. I walked to my door and pushed it open. I walked down

the stairs, my mind barely registering what I was doing.


"Hello Violet, how are you today?" Asked Jamie when he saw me shuffling down the stairs.


"I'm good, wonderful, fantastic," I mumbled as I stumbled up to him.


"Violet, you were circling again? Master Lucifer banned you from doing that." He scolded me as softly as you

can scold someone. I just nodded and slumped to the floor. Jamie just sighed, shaking his head and left me

too think. After a couple of minutes I stood up and fixed my crumpled dress. It was a plain black dress

which hung just below my knees with spaghetti straps. I started walking around the house when I saw Jamie

again, running his hand through his hair.


"Jamie! I-" I was cut off by the darkness that filled my vision and mind. It disappeared as soon as it appeared,

being replaced by a vision of two boys walking in the dark. I'm not exactly sure where they were walking. The

picture started to fade and I tried to hold onto it. It faded completely and my eyesight and thoughts came

back too me. I blinked and looked around. I was sitting on the floor and Jamie was in front of me.


"What did you see?" He queried. I looked around blankly.


"Violet! What did you see!?" Jamie started shaking my shoulders. I looked at him with unfocused eyes.


"I... I saw...two men, no, boys. I saw two boys. Walking. Walking somewhere."


“Where? Where were they walking?"


"I don't know." I looked away.


My visions always mean something and I always know what is going on in them except recently. Except

for two times. The one about the boys and the one I had about Lucifer. Jamie helped me stand up and led

me up the stairs. He steadied me as I stumble my way up the long stair case. He opened my bedroom door

and led me to my bed.


"Really, Violet? You left your bear on the floor again. You know how upset you get if you find him on the



He gently picked up my bear and handed him to me. I looked at my bear then held him to me. Jamie smiled

at me then walked out of the room, quietly closing the door behind him.


A couple hours later I was startled awake. I must have dozed off.  I sat up but closed my eyes. I could

sense two people coming towards the house. I stood up and cupped my hands in front of me. When I

opened them a

small ball of light filled with swirling teal and white colors was in my hands. I made the ball bigger and

bigger, expanding it through the house and beyond, until it covered the whole house. Now anyone coming

towards it would see it as an old, abandoned house. I smiled and left my room. I could hear Lucifer taking a

shower. I was walking down the stairs when I heard people outside. I quickly tip toed to the front door and

pressed my ear to the wood. Listening to the the people outside.


“HEY ETHAN!” a boy yelled.


“Idiot!” the second boy said in a hushed voice. “Do you want us to get in trouble?”


“Ah, I told you before, MAN UP. But you’re right. We don’t want to get into trouble. That would be annoying.

I may get grounded from my new phone!” said the first boy.


“Of course that’s what you worry about...” The boy I assumed was Ethan mumbled.


"Should we head inside now?" The first boy asked Ethan.


"I dunno...I'm still not sure about this..."  


"I agree", I thought as I moved to peek out the window at them. 


"But I guess I should man up, huh? And yes, I knew you were about to say that." Ethan chuckled quietly at

the face the first boy was making.


"Well, let's go then!" I quickly ran as fast as I could towards the stairs, but I knew I wasn't going to make it

all the way up before they came through the door, so I slipped under the stairs instead. I peeked around the

side of the stairs and watched as they opened the door.


I watched their faces as they took in the mansion. I giggled quietly to myself. They looked funny. Ethan

turned his head to the first boy.


"Nate?" he asked in a small voice. Nate... so that was his name.


"Yeah?" Nate replied with his mouth open wide.


"You're seeing this too, right?"


"Yeah, but you know how they say seeing is believing?"


"Yeah... I can't believe it either"


I just laughed quietly to myself. They looked around a bit before I heard Jamie speak.








My Big Brother.

"Welcome to the private estate of the esteemed Williams family, May I help you?" Ethan and Nate just looked



"Are you the butler for the... Williams, was it?"


"Yes, my family has worked for the Williams for generations. I am still apprenticing as a butler. Now why are

you here? You'd better not be another tax collector, or Master Lucifer will be cross." That, my friend, is so

true. I crawl further under the stairs, now lying on my stomach, to get closer. I brush my crazy black hair out

of my face.


"Well, this may sound weird, but we wanted to explore this house, since on the outside it looks like an old

abandoned house." Nate said, looking nervous. We all know why they thought that. I'm pretty sure Jamie

knew why too. I could see him glance back up the stairs.


"We were curious. The two of us definitely weren't expecting this."


"An abandoned house, you say? Well, that is interesting. I haven't heard of such a thing about the estate. Are

you sure?" asked Jamie. I grinned. It was fun to watch Ethan and Nate squirm.


"Yes, were sure. Come outside and see for yourself, uh... sorry, I never caught your name" Ethan stuttered a

bit. I quickly scooted back far enough to sit. I cupped my hands again and opened them. I looked around as

the illusion spell I casted slowly shrunk back into the tiny ball it was before. I cupped my hands around it and

slowly opened them. The ball was gone and so was the illusion. I crawled back under the lowest part of the

stairs I could get to.


"My name is James. You may call me Jamie if you wish." Jamie told them. Ethan gave a slight nod and walked

out the door with Nate and Jamie following him. I quickly ran out of my hiding spot and looked out the

wnidow again. I watched with delight as Ethan ad Nate shared horrified looks. I mean, if I was them, I would

be pretty freaked out too. They were looking at huge amount of land, hardly forested, with several buildings

scattered around everywhere. It was a small village.


"Looks normal to me" Jamie said with a small grin. "Why did you think that there was an abandoned house



"“But- there... was..... WHAT?!?! WHAT’S GOING ON?!?!” Ethan and Nate said in unison. Which,

from personal experience, if very difficult to do. Especially if you don't plan ahead.

“You seem very disoriented and confused,” Jamie said, trying to comfort them. "Would you like to come

inside to settle down, with a cup of tea perhaps?" They looked like the were trying to regain control of there

flailing emotions.

"Yes, thank you for your offer." Ethan said wirh a slight tremble in his voice. I quickly ran into the dinning

room and hid behind a tapestry on the wall. Jamie led them into the dinning room. I watched as they looked

at all the food in wonder.


"Help yourself, there's plenty to go around." Jamie said to them with a slight grin.


"Thank you" Ethan said. He elbowed Nate. "Act polite, we don’t know what’s going on, so don’t be a pig.”


"Fine! I'll restrain myself" Nate whispered back. I chuckled to myself. Jamie pulled out chairs for Nate and

Ethan, then sat down himself. When they had all had food on their plates, I decided to try and get out of the

dinning room. I noticed Ethan ate much better than Nate, who only ate the meat. After letting the two boys

eat, Jamie broke the silence.


"I never caught your names..."


"I'm Ethan and this is Nate"


"Very nice to meet you, Ethan and Nate"


“I think I should talk to the family about your presence in their home. Are you done with your meal?”


"Yes we are." He nudged Nate to silently tell him to stop eating like a savage. "Should we wait for you to

come back?"


"Yes, I'll direct you to the living room and I’ll come back after I have spoken to the family.” With that said,

Jamie led them into the living room. I quickly walked out from behind the tapestry and follow them into the

living room. With a polite "Make your self at home" from Jamie, he was off to get Lucifer. I stood in the

shadows, watching Ethan and Nate. After an awkward silence Nate spoke.


“Well, this has been an interesting day.”


"Happy Birthday..." Ethan said with a weak voice.


"Yeah, thanks. What is this place anyways? What happened?" He looked weirded out. Just as Nate stopped

talking Lucifer walked in. I moved farther into the shadows. He was drying his hair with a towel. He takes the

longest showers ever. I watched with a small smile as Ethan and Nate looked at him with shock in their eyes.

It was obvious that they could see his elf like ears and sharp pointy teeth. He looked them over with his blood

red eyes. His pointy tail slowly moved back and forth.  


"Who are you?" Lucifer asked. "What are you doing here?" He seemed a little ticked that his shower was



“We came here because there was an abandoned house we wanted to explore, and when we opened the

doors, we ended up here. Your butler, Jamie, has been very kind to us.” Nate told him politely. That's a first. I

used the shadow to creep around the room. I stood closer to Lucifer now.


"And your names?" he demanded lightly.


"I'm Ethan, and this is Nate. Are you part of the family that lives here?" Ethan asked with poilte curiosity.

Geez, these people are freaking polite!


"Yes, I am. My name is Lucifer." I think Lucifer said that a little to proudly.


"Lucifer? Does that mean you're the head of the family?" Ethan asked.


"Yes, I am the head of the Williams family, Lucifer Williams. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Nate and Ethan.”


"But you look so young! How can you be the head of this family?" Nate asked. It was kinda rude if ou ask


"I am the oldest of four children. I became the head of the family when my father died two years ago" I

glared at Lucifer and he simpley glanced in my direction as if to say "He asked, so I explained". I could

imagine him shrugging with a innocent smile on his face.


“Um, if you don’t mind my asking...” Ethan said slowly. "Do you mind explaining your, um... strange



“Ah, you can see me, can you? What about, Nate, was it?” I saw him smile slightly.


“Um, yes sir, I can see you.” said Nate with a slight quiver in his voice. I chuckled. I walked out of the

shadows and towards Lucifer. I peeked out from behind him and watched Nate and Ethan. I could tell that

they couldn't see me. I walked out from behind Lucifer and slowly traveled through the shadows. I accidently

bumped the curtain and saw Ethan looking at it.


“Violet, come out here.” said my big brother. I slowly walked out of the shadows. I smiled when I saw the

look on there faces. I looked at my feet.


“This is my little sister Violet. She likes to hide in the shadows.” Lucifer explained to them with a chuckle. I

glared at him and looked at Nate and Ethan. Nate looked like he’s seen a ghost and Ethan had a look of

concentration on his face. I looked at Lucifer and saw him watching us. I looked back at Ethan. Lucifer

started to say something but I interrupted him.


“Lucifer, are they gonna die now?” I asked. I watched as Nate and Ethan both took a small step away from

me. I looked at them curiously, like I was waiting for the order to attack.


“No, I think I’ll keep them.” He said, matching my creepy tone.





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.03.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to the author of "That Night in the Woods" Dragon Thompson. His story is in Ethan's POV (Point Of View). After I read what he has so far, I decided to write a sort of a spin off of his story, putting in my own character in the shadows (so to speak), watching what happens. The author is a friend of mine, so I will not put his name in for security reasons.

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