Under Winter Sky

User: libramoon
Under Winter Sky
poetry co-created with the season of dark and cold

poetry, winter
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Carol Wills

Although I’m not very good at commenting on poetry, I have to say I loved this and Twinkling Snowflakes in particular. I’ve voted and saved Under Winter Sky to my favourites so I can dip in again from time to time...Carol

3 Kommentare

Thank you so much for reading and enjoying.

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Wichtiger Beitrag

I can certainly say that I know you better now. Especially after reading your book. You DO have a way with words and a beautiful way it is. I really enjoyed: 'December Wine' I am a wine maker and I know the pain it takes to wait until it's done before the ecstasy of the finished taste. Also, I liked 'Ringing the Changes' Great poetry. I'll vote!

1 Kommentar

Thanks, Joe. Happy to make your acquaintance.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you for participating in our
poetry writing contest "Winter & Poems".

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