
Twinkling snowflakes in cold dark night
Wishing, dreaming, taking fancy's flight
What are the dreams your snowflakes bring?
What are the songs your carolers sing?
Where is that land -- secret in your mind --
where the seas are strong, the winds are kind
and everything turns up right in the end?
Where is that place, and who is the friend
counting snowflakes across that cold blind sky?
Who is the playfriend;
who is the I?
Twinkling snowflakes, I wish I may
Send warm, healing visions by
dream-drawn sleigh.

Approaching Winter

Twinkling lights. I remember twinkling,
clouds resplendent awaiting snowfall.
It's Persephone's time below,
growing in power, regality.
Friend to post-living souls,
hearing their stories,
sharing her own,
from the above time.

Flitting about,
we sing seasonal phrases,
sweat anxiously in crowded malls
over inner demands for a never
remembered perfection.
Children standing in awe below
magnificence of glowing giant trees.
Cities returning to primal forest
for an imaginary season.
Telling ourselves our stories that
Santa might find us worthy
of that shiny plaything that will
make us all right, make us happy.
Happy little children, so Mama
and Papa might be proud,
stop fighting,
tell us happy children stories,
take us back to the Garden.

Deep below, Persephone combs
her silken hair, long tangly
Magical petals of bliss and succulent aroma
lightly fall within the Garden walls.
The flowers are sleeping, blanketed in
millennial layers,
reverberations of stories,
plotlines thick with forest lore.
Snowflakes twinkle, lightly falling
draping long-growing trees
peacefully awaiting their Queen.

Not with a Bang

Light calmly shines
through bare-branch silhouettes.
Ice, frozen in time
sparkles, giving no reasons.
Still. Cold. Natural cycles.
Out on the battlefield of man
brutal bleeding
shattering of bones and dreams
too loud and crazed
to be heard
reverberating in shattered brains.
Once a molten planet
shot out of star stuff
creating plains and seas,
rocky terrain
spinning so merrily
with no idea of sadness
set into motion
spiraling cycles.
In crystal stillness
frozen tears break and fall
slowly, silently, into time
knowing not what we have wrought.

Weather Vane

Wintry White lace
dribbling through my mindspace
etching out photographs
unknown to my sight
one simple demand
worrying my grand plan
how to follow laugh lines
in flight out of fright
Juries listen closely
to tales out of turn
spun so very grossly
it's very hard to learn
what is True -- What to do?
Singing of silence
doesn't stop the violence
dancing 'neath the Moon
never keeps out harm
transfixed in wonder
still we may blunder
but caught up in the tune
in the moment in the form
what seemed so important
dissipates into rain, into storm.

Winter Solstice

The darkness descends.
As we cry out for warmth and light
our voices turn
to spirit-imbued song.
Our frantic movements
against the cold
turn to ecstatic dancing.
We take comfort from each other's
warmth; celebrate the life within
struggling to survive.
'Tis the season to relearn the magic
as we share our heavy burdens
of fear and despair.
Joining hands,
dancing 'round the fire,
we raise our sight to the sky
and each day,
the days get lighter.

Winter Song O' Mother Sun

Winter homage to our waning Sun
that she will return, feeding us
with light and heat, sweet
Mother Star, we enchant
thee with ceremony, singing/dancing
in glorious pageantry at your feet,
a synergy of faith and formal prayer.
We are your children, refining
your gift of life, designing
grand structures, grander dreams,
imaging rainbows from your
streaming light;
see how our visions learn to take
under your warm embrace
and on through the night.
These long dark nights, we beseech you,
reach out to join our hands,
sharing warmth of your reflected love,
Mother Sun.

Winter Light

Rooftop Sun sparkling in snow melt
birds drink and scatter
bare branches wave in the breeze
Where is the meaning in this picture?
Sparkling eyes roam
eager for adventure
Feel the hidden joys of change
frigid ice to flowing water
Contemplation merges into life

Oblique bands dapple into twilight
Far away forests call
Peace floats softly
in trailing starshine

December Wine

Decant December wine
best saved for end
of the year
held in joy of anticipation
Traveling the hills on sleigh rides
of old
Reliving the thrills over
fine age and spirit
a day we hold dear
it is worth far more than gold
I see a star pale and strong
hear a wind
made of song
holy choirs singing
There is nothing wrong with desire
Wonders of will, of intensity
wild like the sweet breath
of winter
the joy of being alive


Propped up on sun heated metal
pulling bottle shards from leathered feet
Tasting exotic flavor of strangers
in transcendent bursts of night
Injecting cooked up shards of shame
lulling to sleep splintered realities, mirrors
obscured in dusty grease, finger marks grasping.
A leap into mesmerizing candle flame
jumbled dreams more dependable
than waking jigsaw sky.
Running endless empty road
lost in snow, laughing as flakes tickle
eyelash, melt against unnamed face.
No destination.
No fate written in DNA.
Aching from a dozen discomforts
cold, wet, exhausted, alone.
Caught like Narcissus,
one more scentless Winter bloom.


Yeah, I wanted to tell you;
but there just wasn't time to listen
And the snowlined streets
called you away from my door
And I just couldn't scream out
over your brilliant white plans and schemes
that I needed you to hear me.
Besides, what was I going to say?
That life was becoming too much with me?
That people were becoming
both too dull and demanding
That drugs no longer filtered the pain &
all my dreams had turned to nightmares?
You had no need to hear it.
And what was the point of burdening you
with my melancholy love
(tho my spirit keeps promising me that love
and only love can kill the melancholia
and reawaken me to joy.)
So what could I say?
That winter has frozen my tears inside my mind and
only thoughts of death still bring me solace
the night seems too cruel and empty,
but the too brite days are worse
and I love you?
You are right not to listen.
I am right to disappear into the darkness --
leaving me to make my peace alone in a cold
and lifeless cell --
escaping memory.
And the tears inside my skull
speak of belief that has died
and wonder overcome by a desperate apathy
and that place deep within my heart that love
alone can reach -- release
That secret life-affirming catalyst
which remains solidly locked away --
I cannot ask you for the key.

'Tis the Season

As we strive through painful cold, treacherous dark,
dodging danger, palpitating heart,
anxiety our stark true friend
Dream of this season's end in joyful meeting,
reunion, reward.
Dream loving happy family, aglow
in warming fire, festive lighted tree.
Pocket snapshot from a gentler age,
we ache to reclaim.
Raise high the revelry of feast
and frolic, space for sacred play,
miraculous day to carry like inspiring song,
a beacon through the storms
yet to rage.
Live this vision
embracing grace.


Essence, scent memory
cinnamon, pine, family
wafting incense
fragrant air
redolent of antiquity's winds.

Trailing magick's mountain meadow
Hard, sharp, cragged, creviced
Exquisitely strong, enduring, scarred,
mending, calloused, engaging
Fingertips, skin, caress manifest existence.

Rippling bells, liquid voices drip
replenishing wine. Listen.
Reverberate back to the tribal pool.
Dancing drum beats, symphonic raining rivers.
Rise and quaff the choir's song.

In ritual visualize the distant dawn.
Hearths to unseen worlds
fade before Sol's majesty.
Incandescent homunculus eyes opening to flame,
krinkling sparks, glowing.
Powerful torches burn through dark imagery.

Revel in flavor, mythic piquancy.
Peppery heat, sour sorrows, exotic ebullient stew.
Wisps of buttery dreams, savory bliss,
divine delicacies,
bittersweet ecstasy.

Ringing the Changes

Seconds of afterlight, Sun lapsed into horizon
Quiet of new snow, cold blanket to trees, roofs, road
Gentle twilight, before the night, before all the freeze of laughter,
bubbling partying, high hats and hands, desperate to ignite,
to touch ice to ice and become.
New Year searching forward, blind drunken eyes behind,
leaking distilled tears denied. We are jolly good one and all.
Revels, broken lyrics, misremembered, misunderstood;
gladly clapping hand against back, strapping together to
keep upright, sloshing through traffic mottled snow
slipping together, sliding to raucous tune,
old fools' show, commemorative legends to pull out over
brandy and fire.
Resolutions and revelations.
Look into the molten glass, sparking visions
Clean star twinkles ask not, glorying in terpsichore,
no written lines obscure wide sky, open beyond horizon
mistily expanding into rolling sea. Drink to the season,
to oblivion, to ecstasies bequeathed in excess emotion,
rolling, amniotic, amnesia of expectation. Breathe --
vestigial gills awaken.
This is the first measure of the first movement
a pirouette, a dervishly delightfilled whirl.
Cast upon this rocky estuary, dance inner wise
third eye calling dawn into destiny.

December 31, 2009~


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.01.2010

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