The lost road...

The lost road...
Ever since illina's family died, she has fallen to the lowest she could, trapped in place where people die everyday and nothing can be done. She wasn't meant to be here but yet she is, will she give in and accept this torture as a form of life or will she fight to escape, her breaths are numbered so she needs to decide...

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Lost souls"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
The lost road...
The lost life...
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Love the story and I found it to be well written.

I would suggest using a standard type set, Times New Roman or Ariel, only because I almost gave up reading it due to the distraction of the type.

I did bull through it because I thought it was worth the read. Its very important to note that content is what keeps your reader interested. The few mistakes you made can be fixed but the talent to spin a story is something you... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

I think you've done really well at creating the mood in this book. Admittedly there are quite a few grammatical and puntuation errors in this that need to be addressed but I think you've done really well. The opening is fast paced and you can feel the confusion of the character as she's running for her life. Just make sure you check the punctuation!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you for the comment and the heart, it's just a rough draft at the moment but I'm going to edit it xoxo

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