
I snuggled up to the warmth of my mother, inhaling her exotic spicy perfume and the smooth feel of her silk dress, soon my eyes began to droop, then my body went limp and I was asleep...

I woke up, the harsh icy wind blew at me, almost knocking me over, I cried for my mother, for my father, for my sister but no one helped me. I was stuck in deep, grubby black mud which clung to me as a second layer of skin, I gripped close my dear china doll and wailed some more. The mud was knee deep, it was dark and the bright glazing moon was out in all of its glory but I was terrified, I was only five years and two days old, I was too young to die. The twisted black trees tried to claw at me, the mud tried to devour me whole and the darkness left me blind. An eerie howl sounded but it got louder and louder, there were more howls now but then I heard the sound that changed my life forever, a blood curling scream followed by a second scream. I felt strong with determination, I threw my doll to the side, then started to yank myself out of the mud, praying for a miracle, I was out. Shivering in my tiny long blue silk dress, which was now torn, muddy and ruined, I ran and ran to the sound of the screams. I tripped over a log, scrapping my knees, but I continued to run, sharp thorns and branches scratched me and red ran onto my dress. I was in a small clearing near the road, tipped to the side was the carriage, the horse was laying almost dead on the road, its deep black eyes crying for a quick painless death which would never come, I walked over to the horse and her breathing was ragard. I picked up the rock near her head, then swiftly dropped it. She was out of her misery, she was torn, her guts spilled onto the floor but whatever had done this was sick, leaving a poor horse nearly dead in this state, I looked over to the carriage and it was torn as well. I had to admit, I was terrified beyond belief, all I wanted was my family and to be curled up beside them. I saw a long trail of blood, I followed it along then entered another clearing but the trees were more spreaded apart.

Then I saw them, tall creatures almost wolf like but stood upon two legs, their breath smelt like rotten flesh and the smell of damp and decay was overwhelming, they had dragged my family here, there was many decaying rotting bodies here but none of them were recognisable as human as they were shredded beyond belief. The largest was stood over a body... It was father! I fell to the ground and silently sobbed for the loss of my father, if he was dead then it meant they would be too.

I felt a warm breath tickle the back of my neck, I was too terrified to look behind me, I heard light snarling and I knew one of those things was behind me. I closed my eyes, just waiting to be struck dead but the blow never came, shaking I turned around and there was the creature. It was a light golden yellow, its fur stained with blood, its sharp teeth were dripping with saliva but were a shinny white colour, I didn't look it in the eyes because supposedly thats the one thing you don't do with wild animals. It took a step forward, It was only a small one, taller than me only by a bit but it was a creature none the less.

Timidly, I looked up to see what it was doing then the sharp golden amber eyes stared into mine, I was frozen to the spot, I heard the screams of my mother and sister. Quickly I turned around, picked myself up off the ground as I began to run to the clearing, the creature jumped on top of me, it was just playing with me, giving me a small bit of hope then crushing it. It had me pinned to the ground, its sharp claws cut my arms and I let out a little welp. Then it snarled loudly in my face, distorted words came from its...His mouth, " Shut up, your mine and I'm not letting them have you...Don't forget your mine, ever..." Then he was gone, I picked my self up and stumbled into the clearing, all was heard was the eerie sounds of animals, I ran over to my sister, I felt for a pulse but she was dead, not a single mark on her. Her glassy grey eyes were open but lifeless, I stroked my hand over her face then closed her eyes, I crawled over to mother. Her red dress was torn, showing skin which was not allowed to be seen, she had a large puncture in her stomach and blood continued to flow, her eyes were open but then they blinked. "Mother.." I sobbed quietly. I grabbed her hand then felt her grip tighten then it went limp, I shoved her hand away then saw what she had left in my hand, It was her most prized possession. A necklace, it was a unique black diamond but it was ragged and rough making it not that valuable but it was going to all I had left of her. I hugged her body, not caring if I got blood all over me, in her last words she faintly whispered," Run, they will be coming back, don't look back just run because if they catch you they will do terrible things," I cried into her shoulder then told her that I loved her then left her to die in misery. I ran and ran till I got to a fence then climbed over but dropped from exhaustion.

I felt a cool rag brush my head then my eyelids fluttered then opened, the light was dim and a young woman was caring for me. I looked at her, she had lovely black hair which tumbled down her back, she has soft brown eyes that showed love and compassion, I looked down and saw that I was changed into a white night gown. The oil lap flickered, it was still night. "Where am I ?" I whispered. The woman just stroked my hair then sweetly said," Shhh hon, you safe now, my name is mary, come on just go to sleep," I slowly closed my eyes then fell into a deep sleep filled with nightmares. I woke up chilled, slightly damp with sweat, a set of plain clothes were left out, I pulled on the grey cotton dress, then pulled on my little black button up boots then walked downstairs to find the lady called mary. I ran over to her, she was in a large kitchen, I could hear the roars of people outside and the occasional screams, she pulled me up on the table.

" Ok hon, these people outside are the things you saw, yes I know what you saw, don't look them in the eye and don't talk unless are are told to talk,, you can help in the kitchen but sooner or later you will have to serve them, don't worry, just don't leave the building with anyone no matter what they look like, ok hon," She gave me a little kiss on the head then pulled my down, she wrapped a little apron around me then set me to peeling potatoes. " My name is Illina Catrin , not Hon, I am five," She smiled then said," Silly girl, Its just a nickname not an actual name, well my name is mary belle and later I will introduce everyone to you," She gave me a little pat on the head. My days from then on were simple, doing the same job over and over which was preparing food, all days mixed into a blur and I began to forget things, things that I hoped I wouldn't. Before I knew it, it was my sixth birthday, a day I wouldn't forget, I did my usual routine, put my clothes on then go down to the kitchen.

I picked a mop up, then began to clean the stone floors, everybody was busy doing their own thing. Then they all faced me then began to sing, I was given a pile of string and wool wrapped gifts, I smiled knowing they didn't have to cause a fuss. I smiled then sat on the counter as I opened the gifts I saw that sammie, a young brunette had given me a new comb which meant I didn't have to pinch marys, I said thank you then hugged her, millie, an old redhead gave me some ribbon to tie my hair up, I hugged her and then said thank you. In the end after a million of hugs, I had been given, a comb from sammie, some ribbon from millie, a scarf from lillie, a pair of shoes from annabelle, a apron from becky, a bracelet from kyle, a necklace from sam (kyles brother), then two dresses from Mary. I was so happy than I decided to try on all my new things, so I tried on my ice blue dress from mary, my bracelet and necklace from kyle and sam, my apron from becky and my shoes from annabelle.

I started to peel carrots when, lillie burst through crying, she had been serving them when two of the got into a fight and she got badly scratched, she was holding her lip arm as blood ran. Mary gave me two plates then pointed to a table, she shoved me out then their was silence, harsh glittering eyes stared my way and I heard whispers about me as I walked to the table. I didn't realise I still had my smile plastered on my face, I put the two plates on the table.

Sat at the table was a young boy, a bit older than me and he had golden blonde hair and I didn't know what colour eyes because I didn't directly look at him and an older man which looked like him. I turned around to walk about then the man roughly grabbed my wrist then hissed," Don't you know it's impolite to have your back turned when you walk away,"
I looked slightly away from him, trying to be careful to not look him in the eye but he saw it as an act of rudeness. "Look at me when I speak to you,"
I looked in his direction but not his eyes and yet he saw it as an act of rudeness.
" What am I not good enough for you to look me in the eyes, answer me!"
Quietly my bubbly voice said," Sorry but I was always told to not look you in the eyes," I saw a wicked smile creep onto his face then he said," Your new aren't you? Why don't you join us for a meal," I heard a few laughs at that but I was confused, It must have been my voice that gave me away when I stuttered," Um, I ha-ave on-ly be-en here a year and sor-ry I'm no-t allow-ed,"
He smiled even more, " You have no idea what is in these drinks or meals do you?" I shook my head. He smiled then gestured for me to leave, I scurried away and into the kitchen. I went back to work as if nothing had happened, the years passed by and as I got older my chores were harder and took longer. By then I was still clueless, I had grown up though I was now thirteen and this was when my job changed.

When I woke up, the sun didn't shine, I was use to the fact it was barely day here and that it was dark nearly all the time but it didn't bother me. I washed my face in the chilled water when I saw a different dress was laid out for me, It was a lovely grey dress which looked quite fine, it shimmered in the faint glow of the lamp, I looked curiously but when back to getting ready. Also a note was left out, saying to leave my hair down. I had naturally curly light blonde hair, infact it was alost white, I also had the palest grey eyes which were quite unusual. I combed my hair then, undid the ribbon I had already tied then slid the dress on. It was light and just unbelievable, it just wasn't what I was used to. I sipped on the unusual shoes which were like ballet shoes but shinny black, I struggled to tie them but managed in the end. I was curious, I walked down the wooden stairs to the kitchen, the silence was eerie, we have never been this silent. I went to mary then asked," What is wrong, what happened?" She wiped the tears running down her face then chocked out," Lillie is dead, your taking her job now," I had learnt now over the years a few things but I was still in the dark, I knew the servers never lasted long if a creature got attached to them and after a few years they end up dead. I sobbed, she was like an older sister to me, I had known her for years and she was only four years older than me. Mary hugged me then motioned for me to serve the food.

I picked up the plates then made my way into the room, the wooden doors swung open and the roars, fighting and gambling continued and it was like I didn't exist until I walked over the door frame, all eyes were drawn to me. I just smiled, didn't make any eye contact but I felt sickened by these creatures and the aroma from the food alone could leave me throwing up but I guess I will get use to everything. I walked over to the main table, slipped four plates and six bottles of a foul liquid onto the table, sat at the table were a group of boys my age and that slightly nerved me. One of the boys, smirked at me showing a full set of pearly teeth, he leaned over to me and said," So what's your name doll," I didn't give eye contact but I quickly replied," Illina," then I started to walk away but the boy grabbed my wrist then sat me on his lap, I struggled to get away but couldn't move an inch. "Come on baby, sit with us for a while," I continued to struggle but his grip just got tighter. In my usual bubbly voice I answered,
" Sorry, I have to go," He let out a little dramatic sigh then let me go.

I quickly walked back, then closed the door with a relaxed sigh. Mary came over and worriedly said," Are you ok, you didn't get hurt or anything?" I shook my head then went to grab some more plates, I walked out again but there wasn't an awkward silence and nobody stared at me, I walked over to a small circular table which sat some men which were properly in their late twenties, as I slipped the plates onto the table, one of them knocked their drink onto the floor but made no motion for them to pick it up, I finished putting the plates on the table then picked it up but then my mothers necklace slid out.
The blonde mans eyes quickly darted to me and he drawled," Where did you get a necklace like that?" I answered," It was my mothers but she gave it to me," He whispered in my ear," It's a one of a kind and I have only seen one lady wear that necklace and it was eight years ago, she's dead of course her whole family died so I don't believe you,"

Defending myself I snapped," It's mine, you were not the one that saw her mother almost dead, you were not the one that saw her whole family die, you did not get attacked did you, I had to leave her, she told me to run, you don't know a thing about me !" I had finished screaming really loudly at him, everyone was looking at me and it was silent. My face had gone slightly red, I was breathing quite heavily and it took all I had to not hit him, his eyes only showed fury.
I backed away, then he stood up and stalked closer to me, a few men stood by the door making sure I didn't exit to the kitchen. I had just realised, I was the only girl in the room I was frightened about what he was going to do to me. He grabbed me roughly by the hair then hissed at me," Listen, I have to admit you have guts but if you dare speak to me like that ever again, I will rip your tongue out," He dropped me to the floor, I picked myself up then walked to the kitchen. I was shaking madly, I climbed up the stairs, threw the dress off and put my night dress on and slept.

Days turned to months, each day was as painful as the one before, I was sick of the harassment but I never knew it would get worse...

When I woke, there was a different outfit set out, the dress was beautiful but quite revealing.
It was a black silk dress, it was low cut and at the edge trimmed with white frills, it finished at the elbow, it went in at the waist and then slightly went out. I put it on, admiring the soft feel of it and looked in the mirror, a different pair of shoes was left out, little button up boots and I also put it on. There was a different note left out, saying to have part of my hair clipped back. I clipped back the front part of my curls at the back with a clip left out and it left my curls looking very long and elegant. The stairs creaked as I walked down then, I was guessing it wasn't going to be a usual day after all because it was my fourteenth birthday and I was well, older and most girls I knew got married off. I knew mary would never arrange a marriage for me, most girls didn't live long anyway so not many parents saw the point. If they lived to fifteen then thats when they arranged a marriage, but I wasn't fifteen and thank god for that.

I waved at kyle, he happily smiled as he lifted the heavy sack of flour, he had amazing hands and it was such a shame to waste them on a job like that but this was the only job he could find, lots of people worked here and usually from a young age. Kyle could make anything from metal, such a fantastic blacksmith but he only just fixed the were's horses shoes and did other labour work. He dropped the sack and flour flew in his face, I laughed at his expression but he ran over to me then gave me a little gift, it was a iron bracelet with a horse on, he knew I deeply loved horses and that when he was working I snuck to the stable and talked to him. I spent my free time with the horses or painting, sam was the painter, yet again amazing hands and wasted but he taught me how to paint and I've loved it ever since.

"Oh kyle, did you make this?" The horse was perfectly detailed, it was placed in a run, a dark memory came and I shivered at it, I slipped the bracelet on the wrist and hugged him. His smile was even brighter now, he brushed his brown hair out of his face then said," Happy birthday, el," It was my nickname, he always called me it even though it wasn't related to my name really. I smiled at him, then picked up the tray, the chipped wooden doors swung open. The foul substance could be strongly smelled but my nose was use to it by now, wicked eyes shot my way, emmalie was on duty but now I was here she could go to bed now, I worked the late shifts because I could easily sleep through the day and it didn't bother me. All the windows were open for a change, it wasn't as stuffy or hot, infact it was rather cool, I looked out the window and my jaw dropped open.

The moon was red, not a blood red but a pinky cherry red and it was so unusual and unique. I smiled at the pretty sight then continued to walk towards the table, I was still captivated by the sight, even when serving the food, my eyes were on the moon. The boy, had his hand rested on mine and yet I didn't notice it until he clicked his fingers, my eyes shot to the table and I moved my hand away. I had heard the boys name plenty of times, he was called jake sullvermore and he was only fourteen, he had dark chocolate hair and aqua blue eyes. In a purr he said," It's a beautiful sight, isn't it," Without realising it, I nodded.
His hands lingered on mine and his hands stopped at the bracelet. This time his voicy was icy and harsh. "Who gave you this, you got this today, didn't you," I backed slightly away from him but I was trapped in his icy glare, I stuttered, something I did when I was nervous. "Ye-ah it was a gift, it wa-s fro-m a fri-end," His eyes narrowed, one of his friends joked,"Oooh is jake jealous?" He just snarled at him, I just guessed it was his response to that question. His eyes shot back to me," Where do you think your going?" He grabbed me then forced me to look straight into his eyes,"So who was the lover boy, I'm going to rip him a new look," Frightened for kyle, I stayed silent. Getting more furious by the minute, jake shook me then yelled in my face,"WHO IS HE!" He was snarling, his grip was getting tighter and he continued to yell," Who was the boy that dared to give you a valentines gift," Realising his anger I whispered," It wasn't a valentines gift, it's my birthday," He let me go then calmed down dramatically, he patted the seat next to him and when I didn't sit he yanked me down.

With a sinister smile creeping onto his face he said innocently," So, how old are you?" I was uncomfortable with the stares, it felt like they were burning a hole through me, I chirped," Fourteen, I've got to go now so, bye," I tried to leave the seat but jake had me pinned down,
" It's a lovely dress your wearing, do you know who picks out what you wear, us but I picked that out for you, after all you look lovely in silk," His eyes gazed along my body with a smirk, it was hard to not get drawn into their charm. He took my hand, his breath tickled my neck then whispered in my ear," I've got something to show you outside," He paused near the end, I knew I wasn't meant to go off the grounds but going outside wouldn't harm me, would it? I have been plenty times outside to the stables, I never got hurt. He pulled me along, we walked outside then the cool air hit me and I inhaled it in, I didn't get out much and I haven't been off ground in years. I looked outside, my eyes adjusting to the darkness, he had had his arm hooked around mine and he was walking to the gate, the one I had never passed through in years. I hesitated when we got to it, he lost his smile then said," Whats wrong illy, your safe with me," I looked at him when he called me illy, nobody had ever called me it, I looked nervously back at the inn then walked on. He opened the gate, it squealed as if warning me but I was just imagining things wasn't I ? I still had flickers of memories or where they nightmares, I couldn't really remember, my mamma mary always told me they were nightmares and that everything was always going to be ok.
I felt wrong as I passed one foot over the gate, jake just smiled at me then we walked, they trees were black as tar and were crooked and bent. When a scary noise made me jump, I clung on to jake but thats when we got to a little clearing and jake sat me down and he sat. The moss was soft and auburn leaves clung to the tree, I had panickeda slight bad feeling but I knew I would be ok. He started to talk about the moon but I wasn't really focused, he left and then I was alone. I panicked looking around, an owl flew close and fluttered its white wings in my face, I screamed and battered my hands at it but it wouldn't leave me alone. I looked around, the red moon eluminated everything giving a red glow and made dark shadows creepier, I heard a branch snap and I turned around. Jake was just laughing, his face looked pale and as white as ice, his lips pulled into a tight line then he dragged this amazing beauty forwards, it was a horse as black as night, it was tall and elegant, just breath taking.

"Want to go for a ride?" Nervously I nodded, I was picked up and put infront of jake, he didn't head in the direction of home but rather the opposite and rode further away. Timidly I squeaked,"Where are we going," Jakes voice was as chilling as the night, "Just for a little ride," He stopped again but then he yanked me to the ground, his hands twisted in my hair and he roughly brought his lips to mine. I tried to fight, he nipped my lip then chuckled," I love a fight," I was pinned to the ground, I was the weakest person to mankind but it was my beauty and the fact I was very obedient and friendly that kept my job. I squirmed under his grasp and he just pulled my hair more until I stopped, tears began to run and he snapped,"Stop crying," He kissed me harder, trying to get my mouth to open but I wouldn't, he easily got bored then he slung me over his shoulder as if I was a bag of feathers. He didn't say a word to me on the way back but I ran straight to my room, chucked off the dress, disgusted with myself but at least he had the dignity to stop before he did any damage. Things were slowly getting worse.

I had a restless sleep, I was haunted by an old nightmare, one I hadn't had since I was little.

Then I saw them, tall creatures almost wolf like but stood upon two legs, their breath smelt like rotten flesh and the smell of damp and decay was overwhelming, they had dragged my family here, there was many decaying rotting bodies here but none of them were recognisable as human as they were shredded beyond belief. I was in a childs body, I felt so unprotected and vulnerable.
My fingers dug into the soft mossy dirt, it strongly smelt of roots, I felt like this was real so strongly because I have never had a dream ever like this.

I felt a warm breath tickle the back of my neck, I was too terrified to look behind me, I heard light snarling and I knew one of those things was behind me. I was slightly confused what I thought as a "Thing". I closed my eyes, just waiting to be struck dead but the blow never came, shaking I turned around and there was the creature. It was a light golden yellow, its fur stained with blood, its sharp teeth were dripping with saliva but were a shinny white colour, I didn't look it in the eyes because supposedly thats the one thing you don't do with wild animals. It took a step forward, It was only a small one, taller than me only by a bit but it was a creature none the less.

Timidly, I looked up to see what it was doing then the sharp golden amber eyes stared into mine, I was frozen to the spot, I heard the screams of some people I didn't know. Quickly I turned around, picked myself up off the ground as I began to run to the clearing, I had no idea why I was risking my life to run to the strangers screaming. The creature jumped on top of me, it was just playing with me, giving me a small bit of hope then crushing it. It had me pinned to the ground, its sharp claws cut my arms and I let out a little welp. Then it snarled loudly in my face, distorted words came from its...His mouth, " Shut up, your mine and I'm not letting them have you...Don't forget your mine, ever..." Then he was gone, I picked my self up and stumbled into the clearing.

The light was bright and blinding, so unbearable, I woke up in a bed and stood in the corner of the room was a boy, no older than fourteen. He had striking blonde hair which slightly curled it was soft looking and the colour of a sun, we never saw for longer than a few seconds a day. He had amber honey coloured eyes which just seemed to melt the very core of your soul, I had no idea why I felt this way about a stranger. Then he was gone, not vanished, just a mere blink then gone, I must have been imagining it, confused and restless I went back to sleep.

I slightly opened one eye, I heard a female voice panically saying," You can't go up there, get out now," Then a male voice roaring with a growl,"SHUT UP, I AMM GOING TO DO WHAT I WANT!" I groaned then snuggled back into bed, a startling slam made me jump, jake had ripped open my door so hard that splinters had gone flying and the lock was now broken. I pulled the cover over then sleepily moaned,"Go away, I'm tired," I blinked then rubbed my eyes realising it wasn't a dream, panicking I pulled my cover up to cover myself because I wasn't presentable. My curls were in a mass pouring down my back in slight tangles, I was still slightly dazed.

Jakes P.O.V

I saw my Illy still dazed and sleepy, I wanted her and she was the only human girl here I wanted, It took everything I had to control my wolf because he so badly wanted a taste of her, we could faintly smell an old claim which lingered on her which made many very wary but it was old and she wasn't claimed. I just wanted to see her, really it had been my wolf that had taken over and brought myself up, her white curls were a wild mess, her mouth in a slight pout because she had been woken up, I had never seen her this wild and well such a mess. She seemed like a slightly uptight obedient girl.

His P.O.V

I was coming for her, it was time I staked my claim, I was guessing by now she had us swarming around her, I don't know what it was but she was very different and I think it was something in her blood that changed everything.

Illina P.O.V

I was frightened, all he did was look at me as if I was some painting for sale but I was not for sale or a mere painting, his eyes gazed around my room, slowly stopping when he saw my paintings. I plucked up the courage then said,"Get out now," He pulled a confused and slightly sad face then walked out, I sighed in relief then relaxed. I got up out of bed, got changed into the pale pink dress laid before me then left my hair in a wild mess. Walking down the old creaky stairs, something I had done a thousand times, it felt different though as if something in my life had dramatically changed. The smell of smoke was thick in the air, kyle was lifting flour bags. His brown hair was wavy, his slightly tanned skin looked damp from the heat and heavy labour, he had an angry grimace on his face. When he saw me, he stormed up to me.
"What the hell were you thinking! I-we were worried sick,you could have been killed, you are a stupid idiot! " I flinched away from his angry words, tears escaped my eyes then trickled down my face, he still looked furious till his face softened and he held my wrist. I wiped the tears away then grabbed the foul meals, then started to walk away but his face haunted mine. The doors swung open, emailie came over to me then smacked me in the face and yelled all the curses known to mankind. My face stung, it was still damp from when I had been crying, she looked like a vicious animal. What was wrong with everyone today, she yanked me roughly by my hair then hissed into my ear. "You stupid brat, do you realise how much kyle cares about you and you throw it all in his face, he should love somebody who would love him back, selfish cow,"
That wasn't the only pain I was feeling, I felt guilty, I never knew kyle loved me in a different way, he was more like a brother than anything else. I carried the plates to jakes table, he was slouched onto the sofa and he was alone, I wondered where his friends were, but weirdly I felt even more nerved. I didn't look at him, then started to back away, I could tell he was furious with me but I didn't care at the moment I needed to apologise to kyle.

Jake looked at me with a pure look of hatred, he sneered in a cruel voice "He is all you care about isn't he, what, you going to go run off to him now," I looked at him confused then he roared quietly which was a weird combination."That fool, kyle,"
My eyes widened then he dragged me to the sofa, my arms were pinned above my head and my legs pinned down by his. He was above me, crushing me with his weight, he swapped my wrists so he was holding then with one hand, then he grabbed the food. Shoving it in my face he sneered," Eat it," I moved my head away from the putrid food, showing my disgust, I spat at him.
His reply for that was a painful slap to the face, he whispered in my ear," Kiss me like you mean it or I will rip HIM a new look, how would pretty boy like that? Mmm, such a hard decision,"
I looked at him then then gave in to defeat, I couldn't move anywhere anyway. I squirmed under his strong grasp then as he kissed me, I bit him but it was too late, kyle had already seen me and this blonde stranger was looking horrified as well.

He snarled then brought his fingers to his bleeding lips, he was snarling loudly but then he smirked, chillingly he taunted" You want a taste? I bet you want to be one of us, all it would need is just a little blood..." He was looking at me, I had never seen him look at me this way. I quickly ran away from him but he was quicker, he grabbed my from behind and held me tightly around the waist. The blonde stranger was staring but nobody else was, his lips were pressed into a tight line and he looked furious, I didn't even know him so why was he acting like this. He wasn't the victim. I kicked and hit till he let me free, I knew he would get me soon, he had given in to defeat tonight but he wouldn't give in tomorrow. I clutched my aching stomach then walked outside, into the dark night. It was pitch black, at the moment I didn't really care what happened to me as long it wasn't done by jake, everybody hated me.

I walked further and further away, I was alone and out of sight, I heard a branch snap. Then there was the blonde stranger, he was only young and about my age, I didn't like the way he was looking at me, a stare filled of lust...

I hobbled in, I ached and the pain was unbearable, I was ruined now and I would never get married. I climbed up the stairs and cried till I could no more, I couldn't tell anyone because I was already dying from the shame of it. What would my weakened reputation be like? I could barely walk, I had no one I could trust, everybody that I now trusted was dead. I hated to think about it, the horrible Were went on a rampage and killed lots of people. I laid in my bed then slept for many days. I opened my eyes, kyle was beside me, holding my hand but also holding emmalie's hand. The light was dim, it flickered on the wall, I moved slightly but it hurt to do so. "Kyle, I'm so sorry, can I talk to you in private," He nodded then motioned for emmalie to leave as she left I hugged hi and burst into tears. "Kyle, I' so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," He looked at me then wiped the tears from my face then hushed," Shh el, everything is going to be alright," I cried even more then murmured into his shoulder," No it isn't kyle, it isn't at all," His eyes flew straight open then he demanded," Tell me whats wrong," I sobbed.

In a small voice I chocked out," I'm ruined." I couldn't bare to talk anymore. My life was ruined.

Kyles P.O.V

Illinas life went down hill from that day on, she refused to leave her room, fearing the stranger that always waited day and night downstairs for her. Many days she just sat then stared at the wall, she had lost her spark and it was like part of her had died that night, it pained me to see her like this. I loved her but now more like a sister ever since me and emmalie started to see each other, her room was bare, she kept everything in a trunk and never opened it. Each night she screamed from horrible nightmares and during the day she stayed silent, she never spoke to anyone from now on.

Illinas P.O.V

I could feel it inside of me, I was with child but I couldn't bare to tell anyone, the bump was large and rounded. The pain was getting worse, we all knew, all females either died right when it happened and it was a miracle that I was alive but it wasn't because it was a curse to me. Kyle was looking at me but everybody had given up on me, I decided to make a change. I creaped off my bed then opened my trunk, I think I was ready to face the day today. I slipped on a black loose dress then left my hair down in a large mass of curls. I had been the first time I had been downstairs in a few months. Everybody looked at me in shock but then came up, reassuring me and giving hug and kisses. I smiled weakly but then a burning pain burned in my stomach, it felt like I was being torn on the inside, I gasped then it became worse. The room spun, I screamed then fell to the floor clutching my stomach and wailing loudly. To my surprise a few Weres actually burst into the servers quarters, which was right next to their rooms. I rocked back and forth wailing louder, the searing pain was unbearable, I felt like I was being ripped to shreads on the indside. Blood began to run on the floor, I cried louder, a few people ran up to me and held me asking me if I was alright. I wasn't and they could tell but it was an act of kindness. More Weres popped into the room, murmuring about what was happening. I held kyles hand then whispered to him,"They know whats going on," I motioned my head to them.

I blacked out...

A darkness that consumed me and swallowed me whole. White noise filled the air, I felt weightless as if I was drowning, slowly sinking and then it struck me. I chocked, unable to absorb air, was I truly dying?

She lay in the bed, her matted hair spilled across the pillows, droplets of sweat covered her whole body, her chest rose and dropped, her weak feeble body could not hold the thing within her. Her skin had lost all colour, she was pale and looked like clear glass, her eyes closed in an endless sleep but she flinched as it moved, the bump dominated her and she could not cope. The humans refused to have her in the area once they found what she was carrying, yet they were fine with us being here, the weak pathetic humans feared the unknown but yet again they lived within the dark. When I had seen her when I was young, I knew it was different, she was made to be mine and I hoped that she survived.

Drowsily I opened my eyes, the light was so bright that I flinched but then all the pain flooded back to me, I was covered with a thick white cover and in a large soft bed, sat asleep by the bed was the blonde stranger. I moved slightly because it pained me to stay in this position, then his eyes flew open and looked straight towards me. I cowered away.

His soft silky voice reassured,"Shh it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you," A tear slipped down my face at the memory of when he did hurt me. I chocked out," Yo-uu hu-rt m-e be-fo-re," His eyes widened then he shook his head. He made a reach for my hand but I pulled it away. His swirling honey eyes looked deeply into mine and he pulled a sad face, how could he dare pull a sad face when I'm like this. I felt a vile substance rising up in my throat and I leaned right over to the side of the bed and accidentally was sick all over his shoes. I wiped my mouth and shakily leaned back against the headboard. I whispered out an apology then closed my eyes peacefully but I was deeply shook up and my stomach felt like it was butter being churned.

I heard a familiar tune being hummed and I drifted off into a deep sleep. I remember the song my mother use to sing to me, was she my mother? She wasn't mary, but she looked so familiar, I listened to the song being sung.

It was a sweet silky tune, almost like the hush or the sea or the noise of the breeze.

Here in the forest,
dark and deep,
I offer you,
eternal sleep.

Then I remembered what happened when I was five.

I woke up screaming, it was now dark, the room brightened up by the stranger coming in but when the room eluminated, I saw my mother.

I stuttered but then I realised she wasn't the woman I remembered, she was more kind and gentle and didn't have the evilness and fierceness of the person before me. My eyes widened and she nodded gently. The stranger burst threw, then said harshly," Mother, go away, your frightening her," I shook my head then grabbed my mothers hand then hissed at the stranger," She's my mother, not yours," He just looked at me with disbelief and went to feel my head. He cuddled me then murmured into my ear," Honey, your running a fever, she isn't your mother, she's mine," Her clean crisp voice cut over his humming in my ear and she said," Christain, she is my daughter, but your not my real son but your like my own flesh and blood," Feeling sorry for him, I stroked his hair then said," The tune you were singing was what she use to sing to me," I had no idea what was coming over me, how could I possibly have feelings for this man, I don't even know his name and he is a were! He did this to me, I'm falling into this places trap.

He left the room swiftly, dragging my mom along, I waved bye and she did too. I closed my eyes and I fell ito a deep deep sleep. I was starting to remember everything...

I felt like I was standing on plain glass above the world, clouds surrounded me and I could see the forest below.

I snuggled up to the warmth of my mother, inhaling her exotic spicy perfume and the smooth feel of her silk dress, soon my eyes began to droop, then my body went limp.

I fell down and down to the forest and landed with a thump.

The harsh icy wind blew at me, almost knocking me over, I cried for my mother, for my father, for my sister but no one helped me. I was stuck in deep, grubby black mud which clung to me as a second layer of skin, I gripped close my dear china doll and wailed some more. The mud was knee deep, it was dark and the bright glazing moon was out in all of its glory but I was terrified, I was only five years and two days old, I was too young to die. The twisted black trees tried to claw at me, the mud tried to devour me whole and the darkness left me blind. An eerie howl sounded but it got louder and louder, there were more howls now but then I heard the sound that changed my life forever, a blood curling scream followed by a second scream. I felt strong with determination, I threw my doll to the side, then started to yank myself out of the mud, praying for a miracle, I was out. Shivering in my tiny long blue silk dress, which was now torn, muddy and ruined, I ran and ran to the sound of the screams. I tripped over a log, scrapping my knees, but I continued to run, sharp thorns and branches scratched me and red ran onto my dress. I was in a small clearing near the road, tipped to the side was the carriage, the horse was laying almost dead on the road, its deep black eyes crying for a quick painless death which would never come, I walked over to the horse and her breathing was ragard. I picked up the rock near her head, then swiftly dropped it. She was out of her misery, she was torn, her guts spilled onto the floor but whatever had done this was sick, leaving a poor horse nearly dead in this state, I looked over to the carriage and it was torn as well. I had to admit, I was terrified beyond belief, all I wanted was my family and to be curled up beside them. I saw a long trail of blood, I followed it along then entered another clearing but the trees were more spreaded apart.

I realised, I had killed before, but yet I left my mother to die in pain but she didn't really die.

My vision went red, it was a blood red, I touched my eyes and pulled back. Was I crying blood?

Then I saw them, tall creatures almost wolf like but stood upon two legs, their breath smelt like rotten flesh and the smell of damp and decay was overwhelming, they had dragged my family here, there was many decaying rotting bodies here but none of them were recognisable as human as they were shredded behond belief. The largest was stood over a body... It was father! I fell to the ground and silently sobbed for the loss of my father, if he was dead then it meant they would be too.

I felt a warm breath tickle the back of my neck, I was too terrified to look behind me, I heard light snarling and I knew one of those things was behind me. I closed my eyes, just waiting to be struck dead but the blow never came, shaking I turned around and there was the creature. It was a light golden yellow, its fur stained with blood, its sharp teeth were dripping with saliva but were a shinny white colour, I didn't look it in the eyes because supposedly thats the one thing you don't do with wild animals. It took a step forward, It was only a small one, taller than me only by a bit but it was a creature none the less.

Timidly, I looked up to see what it was doing then the sharp golden amber eyes stared into mine, I was frozen to the spot, I heard the screams of my mother and sister. Quickly I turned around, picked myself up off the ground as I began to run to the clearing, the creature jumped on top of me, it was just playing with me, giving me a small bit of hope then crushing it. It had me pinned to the ground, its sharp claws cut my arms and I let out a little welp. Then it snarled loudly in my face, distorted words came from its...His mouth, " Shut up, your mine and I'm not letting them have you...Don't forget your mine, ever..."

I realised, that was MY christian then, he had saved me and wanted me as a child. Wait...did I just say MY christian? I felt different now, as if I was out of my child body.

Then he was gone, she picked her self up and stumbled into the clearing, all was heard was the eerie sounds of animals, she ran over to her sister, she felt for a pulse but she was dead, not a single mark on her. Her glassy grey eyes were open but lifeless, she stroked her hand over her face then closed her eyes, she crawled over to her mother. Her red dress was torn, showing skin which was not allowed to be seen, she had a large puncture in her stomach and blood continued to flow, her eyes were open but then they blinked. "Mother.." She sobbed quietly. She grabbed her hand then felt her grip tighten then it went limp, she shoved her hand away then saw what she had left in my hand, It was her most prized possession. A necklace, it was a unique black diamond but it was ragged and rough making it not that valuable but it was going to all the girl had left of her. She hugged her body, not caring if she got blood all over herself, in her last words she faintly whispered," Run, they will be coming back, don't look back just run because if they catch you they will do terrible things," She cried into her shoulder then told her that she loved her then left her to die in misery. She ran and ran till she got to a fence then climbed over but dropped from exhaustion.

It felt weird experiencing my childhood nightmare as me as a child and then experiencing it as another person. Suddenly I heard children giggling, a flash of white ran to the clearing, I chased after the child or was it children? There drenched in blood was a little girl, she had white hair in wild curls, her white dress was more a bloody red, her head was looking at the ground. She lifted her head up and she looked straight into my soul, her eyes were golden honey coloured and her high pitched voice whispered one word," Mamma," I woke up in agony, I felt deep tearing inside of me, I let out a high pitched scream, in came running was christian and mamma and a few people I didn't know also a man that looked like my christian came in.

I screamed again, my sheets were stained were blood, my breaths were laboured. Mamma held my hand then I felt an awful tearing. She whispered and told me to keep pushing. In a large pool of blood, a crying baby came out. My tense body relaxed but their was another to go, I was already feeling week and that pained me when the midwife told me there was another.
With all my might, I gave it all I had and what I thought was the last one came out. I closed my eyes, christian just stared in utter shock. My heart beat slowed down, everything seemed to be in slow motion.
Christian slowly running towards me, the midwife yelling, mother crying and others just in shock.

I felt my life drain away, I think I dying. A sharp bit of pain was felt on my wrist then it was like I had been dunked into an ice lake.
The iciness consumed me, trying to put out the burning flames and then it went black...

Every inch of my body hurt, I felt like I was going to shatter any second, I was alone in the room, it was dark. The curtains shut, I didn't want to be in the dark, I craved for light as it felt like I had been in darkness all my life. I heard a wail, my child. I wanted to see her/him, I never even got to hold my babies. I lifted my head up then pain exploded in my head and it dropped back onto the pillow. The door slowly creaked open and christian walked in, his face was pale and looked washed out, he had dark circles under his eyes. I gave him a weak smile and he sat on the bed cuddling me and sobbing quietly in my hair. He held me tighter then whispered," I thought you were dead, I don't know what I would have done if you were dead," I spoke quietly as my voice ached," I want to see my baby," I saw a flash of panic in his eyes then he shook his head, I screamed at him then shouted again, rage boiled through my vains. What was happening? He gave in to my demands and I stared at my little girl but the little boy was a monster, just like his father. I looked at him, tried to hold him but he snarled, I left him with his father to take out. Pain leaving my body, I got dressed then quietly snook out into the night with my baby.

I wasn't prepared for what was yet to come...


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.02.2012

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