The Toaster

User: lazarus67
The Toaster

A frustrated wife buys a gift for her ungrateful,  complaining, miserable husband.                                                                                                                     

Complaining husband
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Devious old woman, but a very cute story about growing old.

1 Kommentar

It wasn't premeditated...but it was forth-coming.
I was reminded of the of the film called Arsenic and old lace. Eunice is pretty much like one of the two elderly ladies...kindly, but slightly 'touched'.

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The toaster, Laz you are cruel, but I did laugh and I needed that. At first I thought you had read my mind as I began reading . I do not have a senile,living with me, but it does seem ea lot of thing in our home is needing something. Water problems this year and we are finally putting in sump pump. We are cleaning out in the process and have two extra toasters?! Good to read another one of yours.

Mary Lou and I have lived in... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

would like to see some of your pastels.

Wichtiger Beitrag

kmsl!! Well I guess he got what he deserve...a good shock!! I enjoyed it Laz! Another good one!! Thanks for the share! :)

2 Kommentare

Thanks Debbie...your kind of story, my guess.


lol! I like a lil humor in a story! It's entertaining to laugh and yours was a good one!

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Gelöschter User

Good one Laz. The old fart was really shocked by his birthday gift, wasn't he.

3 Kommentare

Lol...I guess.

J.C. Laird

Cute story, I suppose we could hope they had upgraded along the way and had circuit breakers installed in that old house....


That...I'm in doubt of.

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george g asztalos

nice story Laz...these witchess are capable of anything :) i just wonder if a man can get so stupid in reality to warm his bath with a toaster? maybe alzheimer is the answer...:)

1 Kommentar

I wouldn't be too surprised.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hello Lazlo
What a bittersweet story :D
It makes me giggle, when I finished work.
Greetings from Switzerland, Evi

5 Kommentare

Hello Switzerland.


Hello Montreal ;-)


Actually I've moved to Cornwall Ontario for 3 years and now I'm in Hawkesbury Ontario. I should change that in my profile.


;-) oh sorry, I just remembered, that you where from Montreal, so I send my greetings to Montreal. I hope, you have a good time in Ontario.
For me, it's bedtime, tomorrow I have a strong workday and in Switzerland just midnight has passed ;-) for about an houer :D
I wish you a... mehr anzeigen


Close enough enough.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hahaha!! You go, Eunice! Good one, Laz! Nicely done!


Thanks. You can blame the accident. 4 broken ribs ...not too much mobility...and time to spare. So I got creative again.


I noticed errors but there was a box on top said it was translated - did I want original? I hit that and all the errors went away. As did the complainer.


I noticed that too at times. I panicked. But then I realized it was in the translation. Not sure why it does that. Oh well...all is well that ends well... for Eunice as

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