
The act of deception Von:
User: taistarr
Valerie and John have been married six wonderful years. They have three beautiful children that they are very proud of. John is a handsome man of 30. and is always questioned why he married Val. He always say's the same thing," I love her." Val,32,is not the prettiest women nor the ugliest, but she is an excellent wife and mother. Day's, Weeks,Months, and even a year goes by and their marriage seems everlasting...As day's go by the past has risen and problems occur, Is their marriage strong enough to with-hold any issue?

Married Folks, Urban Fiction
Beiträge und Kommentare
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Karabo Mashigo

Honest to goodnessyou need to update this book soon. You can't stop it there, this guy needs to suffer and hurt as much as he is hurting his wife. You don't do that to someone you claim to love. Please write something soon and update. I beg of you.

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I believe I read this story when I first came on here. I hope there will be an update soon as I read it again.

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Really hope that wasn't the end I want Val to kick his ass to the curb and find a real man!!! Please finish!!!

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When Will This Book Be Updated Again Cause I Really Enjoyed It && Hated The Way It Stopped!?

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@alaiyof; YOu and me both lol

and no its not finished I am just finding time to write more, I have added more!!!! since the last time

this comment was posted on August 27th and some more of the book was also posted on the same date!yayayayay read away lol thank you for all your wonderful comments, all are very much appericated

the end is far from where it stopped!(:

im sorryyy about that(: perhaps I can catch... mehr anzeigen

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So leaving the ending up to the reader's imagination was the best way to go, huh ? I hate suspenseful ishh like this....Interesting book though

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good book but didnt like the ending , it just leaves u wondering what happens next

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