
“Ayee!” Shouted John and his buddies Terrence and Bill, as their beer cans clinked. They were watching the Super Bowl on the big screen that Valerie and John decided to buy last week. Val shook her head as her and Michelle chopped up vegetables for tomorrows beef stew dinner. Michelle said,” Mom, I don’t know what it is about football, that leave’s a guy stuck to the television for nine hours.” Val chucked a little finally answering,” I don’t know honey. I don’t know…” Michelle was only seven years old but she was very smart. Val kissed her forehead and told her to go upstairs and check on Keenan and Jana. Michelle nodded removing her apron; she hung it up on the apron rack and walked out the kitchen as Val put the vegetables in the crock pot. Looking out the kitchen window she noticed her neighbor Ellie and Ellie’s husband Reggie outside leading their grand children into the house. It was kind of cloudy the sky looked terrible like it was getting ready to rain any minute. Val reached down wiping her hands on her apron. She clicked the crock pot on High and walked out the kitchen, forgetting to remove her apron. She kissed John on his head and told him she was going upstairs to take a bath. John only nodded too focused on football. Val went upstairs seeing Michelle,7, Keenan,4, and Jana,10, in the play room. She smiled as they played, who knows what. They were so creative. Turning the corner Val took a towel and a face towel out the linen closet. Walking in her room she closed the door behind herself. She went into the bathroom looking at herself in the full length mirror, at her brown oval eyes, and light brown skin. She already had about three worry lines in her forehead from too much stress about things. At one time Michelle had gotten really sick and she was in the hospital for four months because of a high fever and a cold that wouldn’t go away. Val touched her forehead pulling her skin tight to see if they would vanish but they were to deep. Val pulled her waist length hair up into a tight bun. Removing her apron she hung it on the knob of the back door letting her clothes drop to the floor, she started the bath water. She looked at her body as she was bent over, She had a nice round butt, and a nice rack but her body was not all that. She was neither to thin nor to fat just kind of in the middle. She shrugged. Not waiting for the water to fill the tub she grabbed the bubble bath sliding into the tub; she poured the bubble soap on herself relaxing feeling the water run against her toes. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door.”Yes?!” said Val. “Baby, can I take a bath with you? The guys went home.” John said outside the bathroom door. Val leaned out the tub a small bit reaching up to unlock the bathroom door. John opened the door peeking in at her, he smiled. Val smiled back studying his handsome chocolate face and hazel eyes. He slid inside the door a towel wrapped around his waist and his nice abs and chest showing. Val bit her lip. John dropped the towel sliding in behind her; he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Mmmm.” Val moaned lying back against his chest. ,”The kids are going to find us and jump in here.” Val said making John chuckle and nod in agreement. He slid his hand down between Val’s legs gently playing with her clit. Val sighed letting him. It felt good. Suddenly they both heard 6 little hands knocking on the door yelling,” Mommy…Daddy!” John smiled only rubbing Val’s clit a little faster trying to get her to climax before the kids tried to break the door down. Val pushed his hand away.” Wait a minute, Mommy and Daddy are getting clean.” said Val letting out the tub water. Climbing out the tub she dried herself off wrapping the towel back around her body. She opened the bathroom door.
Moaning very quietly John and Valerie made love once they had put the kids to bed for school tomorrow. “Ooh John.” Val said in a whisper. John had his head buried between her neck and shoulder as he made love to her. Val suddenly climaxed with John. Sighing John kissed her cheek rolling off her as she got up to go to the bathroom. It was only 9:30. Val finally returned cleaning John off with a warm towel. He smiled looking up at her,” I love you.” He said. Val smiled. “I love you too.” John leaned up kissing her starting another round of sex. Val giggled as he entered her once again. Once they had finished having sex for a second and even third time, they watched a movie discussing a trip down to North Carolina to visit John’s family for a family reunion. School was only in for another week than it would be summer break. Val disagreed saying she did not want to attend. “John, your mom doesn’t like me, she fakes it, and plus your brothers will be talking about how you should have married Nina and not me and than your sister is just really going to make it worst saying that Nina is so beautiful and you married me, and I don’t feel like it. Why can’t I just stay here and you and the kids go.” John said,” No baby, I really want you to go. You know I love you and only you; I don’t care what they say or do. I have your back. Come on baby we haven’t been down there in almost 3years.” said John. Val and John argued until John finally got her to agree to the kids seeing their Grandmother and Grandpa. John’s mom and dad loved their grandchildren. Val sighed turning away ignoring John. John only wrapped his arms around her waist, and they both finally fell asleep
Michelle, Keenan and Jana sat at the kitchen table enjoying their dinner while Val packed their bags for the week trip. Val sighed folding up clothes and preparing while John went to pick up the van for the morning. She closed Keenan suit case. Checking Michelle and Jana’s self packed suit cases. Laughing aloud to herself seeing Michelle had hers packed with Toys, Dolls, and her tooth brush. Val laughed unpacking Michelle’s and putting clothes in underwear in it along with everything else that she had missed. Jana had packed her suit case correctly and accordingly. Val smiled impressed. She rolled the bags to the front door. Keenan started crying from the kitchen. Val went into the kitchen seeing him on the floor. “Oh honey.” said Val picking Keenan up. He had fallen out of his chair somehow and bumped his shin. Val kissed it and tickled him making him laughing. Val heard the front door opening. John had come back, She heard him roll the suit cases out to the car. Val carried Keenan on her hip walking out to see what the van looked like. It was a nice silver and a very roomy Chrysler minivan. She put Keenan on his feet inside the van. His eyes grew big as he climbed on the seats. John smiled watching his son.
Val smiled hugging her mother-in-law at the barbeque once they had arrived. John’s mom’s smile tighten as she hugged Val. “HEY!” shouted John’s brothers; Randy and Will both giving him a hug. They both were so handsome and tall. Val looked up at them, they didn’t even glance back, they all simply picked up and tickled John and Val’s kids and went deeper into the yard. Val sighed wanting to run back home, She made her legs walk deeper saying hello’s and hi’s and even how are you’s as she hugged all of John’s uncles, aunties and in laws. She looked up and saw John’s beautiful sister Cheyenne sitting cross legged at a table next to a gorgeous man. Val plastered on a smile walking toward her. She always felt intimidated by her. “Hey Cheyenne” Val said. Cheyenne turned her head her pony tail almost hitting the gorgeous stranger.”Oh hey Val. I didn’t know you were coming. You look cute.” said Cheyenne not bothering to get up to give Val a hug or introduce her to the guy.”I am Val, John’s wife.” Val told him extending her hand in front of Cheyenne. He nodded smiling taking it.”Darrin.” he said with an even wider gorgeous smile. “Darrin come on, let go get some food.” Cheyenne said breaking their hand shake as she took Darrin walking him toward the BBQ pit telling him something. Val shook her head. She had tried to put make up on and dress as best she could to fulfill John’s family’s standards, but there was nothing she could do. She looked around for John and her kids. John had a gorgeous family she studied some faces. A lot of the girls and women were modeling, doing fashion, and even going to cosmetology school. People would never get tired of looking good. They definitely would not. Val was a Judge. She guessed that didn’t scream beauty to anybody. Finally out of the crowd of family. She spotted John and Michelle leaning on her dad as he talked to his dad. Keenan and Jana were running around playing with the rest of the kids. Val finally smiled seeing that all of them were having a good time. She got up to go join her husband. Kissing John’s cheek she greeted her father-in-law with her best smile, He hardly notice as they went back to their conversation. Michelle grabbed on to Val’s hand walking back with her to get something to eat. Val fixed both Keenan and Jana’s plate too. Michelle went to go find them and they came back shortly, eating fast so they could go back and play. Val shook her head laughing telling them to slow down. Val heard somebody said,” Hey Nina!” Val felt a bitter feeling rush up her spine. Nina and John had been friends since kinder garden and were high school sweet hearts and they dated almost all throughout college, until Nina left for FFW Modeling or Full Figure Modeling. A modeling company who finally called Nina, showing how much they wanted her. John and Nina never ended on bad terms they just ended and promised to get back together once she had come back in 2years but John met Val and they fell in love. Nina was even invited to the wedding. Nina was gorgeous she had a beautiful figure, a sexy face and beautiful hair. She also had a sweet attitude to go along with her beauty. It was Cheyenne who had called out her name and was now giving Nina a hug and Darrin studying her. Almost everybody got up to give Nina a hug as she got a soda out of the cooler. John was looking at Nina, his gaze changing. It almost looked like he has missed her. Val frown a small bit. Nina and John shared an embrace. Everybody awed. Val got up going in the house to cool off. She knew John loved her. Just 6 more days and no more “family reunions”
The day grew tired as it got later into the evening, everybody was relaxed and talking. Music was playing and people were on the dance floor, they even had taken out the soft candle lit lantern stakes. Val sat straddling one of the picnic tables with Keenan buried in her arms. He had tired himself out and was now asleep. John sat behind Val his arms wrapped around Val’s waist and against Keenan’s back. Jana and Michelle were dancing with a crowd of girls on the dance floor. Nina was sitting in plain view looking beautiful with one of the candle lit stakes glowing against her skin and her hair. She sat cross legged in shorts and a halter top that was nicely held by her breasts. Out of the corner of her eye she saw John’s eyes traveling Nina’s body from across the room, but he never got up. He was a man, and she was very pretty… How could you not look at her? Val felt it would be stupid to get jealous when they were married with three kids already. She shrugged it off. Darrin was sitting on the other bench next to Cheyenne but was obviously watching Nina. Nina never looked up nor did she notice she was to busy smiling and cheering all the girls on. Valerie sighed wishing she could speed up the trip. Around 12:00am the party began to subside as people left to return to hotels and homes. John was somehow holding both Michelle and Jana as the slept in his arms. John gripped both girls under their legs, taking them to the van. Nina was saying her goodbyes to Cheyenne and Darrin. Darrin hadn’t spoken to Val the rest of the day, not a glance, not even a word. Yet both Cheyenne and he give Nina a hug as they left. Val shook her head. Nina had walked over to John as he laid Michelle and Jana in the backseat. Val carried Keenan quickly over to the van as well. Nina had opened her mouth to tell John something but shut it when she saw Val coming.”Oh Hi.” Nina said with a small smile. John hadn’t noticed that both Val and Nina were behind him so when he stood back up his face was a little closer to Nina’s then it should have been. Val didn’t mean to seem immature, but out of jealousy she softly butted Nina out of John’s face with her hip, as she put Keenan in his car seat. Nina jumped back. “By Johnny.” She said almost in a whisper as she walked off to her red convertible. “Bye Ni” John shouted after her. Val rolled her eyes at the little nick name he still had for her; as she climbed into the passenger side of the van. John slid the van door shut and finally got in starting the van; He pulled out of his mom’s driveway. After about 20mintues or so they had reached the hotel and it was almost 12:40am. John woke Michelle and Jana as he picked up Keenan. “Come on girl’s, follow your mother.” He said softly, handing Keenan to Val. Val heard John rolling the bags behind her as she led everyone to the room. ..Valerie and John had finally put the kids to bed, along with bringing in all of suit cases. They were now relaxing in their own bed, as they watched TV. John finally yawned. “Mmm, that was nice. I am so tired now.” He said. Val smiled as she slid under the covers with him. Turning the volume down the both fell asleep.

The next day Nina and John were speaking in the kitchen at his mother’s house, as Val played with all the kids. “John, I am trying to move to Indiana. I am having a little trouble finding a place though. I have called and all that. It would be better if I actually went there. I am trying to save all I’ve got. To have all my things shipped, its going to cost something…” Nina went on and on frantically with tears in her eyes as she asked if she could stay with John and Val for at least two weeks, and she would be gone. John calmed her down as he wiped her tears, He nodded saying it would be no problem, but he would still have to discuss it with Val. They hugged and she kissed his cheek, John smiled at Nina as he walked out the door looking for Val. “Val!?!?” he called. Val was sitting on a blanket with a couple kids. John spotted her; He took her hand leading her to the side of the house. Val almost exploded hearing Nina needed somewhere to “Crash.” “John, she gets paid 5,000 dollars weekly…She can’t pay for a hotel?” “Val, you have to think, She has nowhere and it will take 3day’s to ship ALL of her item’s to the USA… She sees a place she’s interest in but wants a better look. She probably won’t even be with us for two weeks.” Val tapped her foot. “John, I don’t know.” “Val…Be nice now.” It took a lot of begging, the rest of the trip and sex with John several times before Val even said ”Yes.” And she still didn’t want to say yes.
Nina had trailed John the entire way back to Indiana to North Carolina. Finally they were in front of the house. It was around 730pm. The kids jumped out the van running in the house. John laughed shaking his head as he again rolled every ones bags in. Including Nina’s. Nina followed Val into the house as she gave her a tour of their beautiful house and her choice of guest room, They currently had 9 bedroom’s in the house. One for Val and John, one for Michelle and Jana and one for Keenan. Nina could not choose but she finally had by the end of the night. Val made a spaghetti dinner for everyone with cheesy breadsticks. “DINNER’S READY.” Shouted Val. She heard six feet tumble down the stairs. Val was an excellent cook and dinner was always delicious, unless Val absolutely didn’t care that day and decided to fry ham. John entered the kitchen sitting at the head of the table. Val sat down hearing Nina’s as she came down stairs; she looked beautiful as she entered the kitchen. She wore a small cloudy white nighty that tied in the front with white sleep-in shorts. John looked up and looked away almost immediately. Val looked down at her own self…An apron and sweats. She shook her head knowing she would have to step it up. It started off awkward and silent but pretty soon everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves. Even Val and Nina were getting along really well. Nina and Val were on the couch together giggling and chuckling at a Katt Williams stand up video. It was almost 12:00am, but Val and Nina hadn’t even noticed they were enjoying themselves too much. “Nina, what kind of house are you looking into?” asked Val. “Well, something roomy, But not too roomy. You know what I don’t know, Just whatever feels good to me.” Said Nina with a small shrug. John came down stairs sitting beside Val.”Come to bed…” said John in an aggravated voice. Val smiled knowing he was horny and looking for some loving. Nina smiled with a small eye brow raise. “Ah I am beat, bed time.” Nina lied as she hugged both Val and John. She walked upstairs to the guest room door; shutting behind her. John lifted Val in his arms taking her to bed. Not to long after their bed lightly bumped along the wall. Nina’s room was just right on the other side of the wall and she hadn’t realized it till just now. Nina listened to Val’s moans and John’s groan’s; pretty soon she began pleasing herself. The bump against the wall got harder and louder and Nina came along with them. She hadn’t had sex in 2years and she didn’t want a sleaze bag. No guy she had met liked her for her; just her face. Nina stretched rolling around on her stomach. She tried to fall asleep but John and Val didn’t stop making love till after the third time. She smiled because they still had a healthy sex life and their marriage was still going strong, even after 6 years. Nina fell asleep around 4am, and so had John and Val.
Val rode in Nina’s car as they followed the realtor to the house. It took about an hour to actually get to the house and it was beautiful; A big beautiful house. Nina pulled around in the half circle in front of the house. Her eyes widening like a little kid in a candy store. “How much is this Nina?” asked Val. “450,000.” Said Nina. Val shook her head bewildered. “Nina, you still have to ship your things, and buy other things… and I know your putting off modeling for six months now. On a personal matter do you even have enough for this house, the shipping from England to the USA, and other things?” Val questioned. “ I already wrote a check for the shipping and the shipping fee, and I definitely should. I am going to get a 10,000 dollar loan from this place.” Nina said showing Val a couple sheets of paper stapled together. Val studied it; reading it, as the realtor gave Nina and Val a tour. Nina wanted it bad and Val wanted to talk her down from it. Nina only had 100,000 dollars banked. “Nina, listen this house cost’s 450,000…You would have only have 110,000 dollars.” Val said in a small plea. “I have 5 more checks coming within 4month’s Val, and one of those check’s are 10,000 dollars exactly.” Val’s brow scrunched up doing the math in her head…35,000 in 4months. Plus the 110,000. 145,000. Val shook her head. No matter what she said, she could not talk Nina down from the house. Within two day’s Nina somehow had gotten the house. On the third day of the first week, Nina laid on the couch filling out a couple papers from her new house and a lot of papers from the bank. Val had dropped the kids off at grandmas earlier, for their weekly night time visit and after Val left for work. John was just returning from his Job. He had his own Graphic business. He drew pictures for the big time advertisement’s you see on billboards, and it had reach excellent heights. John smiled at Nina seeing her all laid out on the couch in a sun dress and flip flops. Nina threw the pen down. “30 pieces of paper stapled together plus another 50 piece’s, I am 30 now and they still don’t understand the go green epidemic” Nina spoke to John in an annoyed voice. She passed John going into the kitchen to get something to drink. John chuckled following her. She looked very nice today. John than thought about Valerie. He opened his cell phone leaving his wife a message. John turned on the stove putting on Val’s apron. He started dinner. Nina smiled. “Oh you can cook?” she said smirking. “Yeah, I can cook.” Said John smiling as he grabbed a couple things from the fridge. Nina laughed. “Eggs, cheese, milk. What are you making, Nacho’s?” she questioned watching the things he pulled out. John laughed nodding. Nina shook her head. Her dress had caught the hot pan and came down landing on her foot. Nina screamed loudly. John dropped the food kicking the pan away, He put her back on the counter, turning on the cool water, He rolled her dress up to her ankle putting her foot on the sink. It hadn’t burned her badly, but it was red. Nina sighed.”Thank you, Johnny.” John nodded as he began cooking again. “You alright Ni?” “I am.” She said. John finally has finished cooking a delicious nacho dinner and Nina and he were eating in the living room. He had also wrapped a plate for Val. She’d be home in 2hours depending on how long her court was today. Nina was sucking a licking her fingers, and John was rooting for his team, Nina’s team was about to win. She squealed jumping up knocking John in the shoulder laughing. He knocked her back laughing. He picked her up dropping her on the couch. She kicked at him and pretty soon he was chasing her for turning her plate of nachos up over his perfect hair. She jumped on her bed.”JOHN!!!! I am SORRY!” “I bet you are” John had gotten his belt. He swung it at her laughing. She tried running past him but he had caught her arm throwing her on the bed. John snapped the belt. “Oh goodness.” Said Nina her eyes widening as she laughed. John’s eyes met hers as they both laughed. Almost suddenly both of them shared a mutual kiss, a long mutual kiss. Shortly during their kissing they started having sex without even thinking to stop. Nina had not had any one enter her in such a long time, So her screams only encouraged John, and John hadn’t had sex with Nina in a long while and what she had between her legs was like a 5star reservation. They kept going and going almost 4 times. Until they both heard the front door open. Nina pushed John off her; knocking John on the floor, He only sat there stunned before realizing his wife had just come home and He was having sex with someone else. Yanking his jeans and boxers up quickly. He looked at Nina. She looked beautiful. His erection would not leave. Her room was filled with the smell of sex as he quickly exited her room shutting the door behind him. Valerie and John had sex all the time 3 times each time. Usually. Although what Nina had back there…It was something he missed, and Valerie was his wife, but that back there was excellent. John only hungered for more. He took in a breath shaking away all his thoughts. He closed his eyes leaning his head back. From the top of the stairs Val saw him. “Hi baby, thank you for the message. It was real sweet.” Val said smiling. John smiled at her. “Your welcome.” The bed bumped against the wall with more intensity than it had a couple nights ago. Nina closed her legs tightly. Listening to Val’s loud screams. It seemed like they had sex 19 times but John had actually last for an hour. Nina rocked and rolled against her bed. A pillow between her legs, craving John.
Nina’s moans matched John’s groans as they had wild sex at her house. John had told Val he was helping her out with the move, and other things. It only took a week and four days for the move and the house to be finally Nina’s and here John was committing adultery. Nina and John came together only to start back up again. Finally after John and Nina dressed; Nina spoke, “John, we have to stop your married. What if I get pregnant? We aren’t using anything kind of protection you realize, I am Val’s seconds and she is mine.” said Nina with a shake in her voice. John agreed but his body could only crave her more. “Okay, Nina. I know” He said understanding. “Valerie is a judge, she will find out, if we don’t stop now.” John nodded helping Nina with her furniture. Nina thanked John with a simple hug as it was getting late. John hugged Nina back pushing his craving from his mind. He had 3 kids and a wife what the fuck was he thinking? John and Val had sex like two bunnies for months at a time, and it was because of John. He was busy trying to replace Nina. He was ashamed because it almost felt like he could not. John laughed as he played hide ’N’ seek with his kids. They all giggled as he scared them chasing them around. Val laughed watching John. She noticed Nina’s car pulling in the driveway. Nina and Val had become close over time. Val walked to the front door. Nina looked beautiful as always. John looked up hearing the creak of the front door. He looked at Nina, in his own mind he had already tackled her right there and immediately started something. Michelle and Jana knocked John down while he wasn’t paying attention and Keenan had sat on his chest. John laughed trying to get up but they all hit him in the head with the Styrofoam bats he had bought them a couple weeks back. “Hey ya’ll.” Said Nina smiling and hugging Val. “Hey, what brings you here?” asked Val. Returning the smile and hug. “We are invited to an adult drink with my mother and friends.” Nina said. “Wow, I haven’t seen Mrs. Rose in a while.” John said. “Mhm.” Nodded Nina. “That sounds exciting, what about the kid’s John? My mother is on a cruise with my dad. We are out of a babysitter” Val said. Val trusted nobody with her kids really, John thought for a small second. “We can leave them with our neighbors, Ellie and Reggie, they love them “said John. Val smiled nodding
Mrs. Rose took Nina, John, Val, Terrence and Bill out to a place called “SMOOTH” Both Val and Nina had dressed beautifully. Bill had known John since high school, so seeing Nina stopped his heart, and Terrence was a buddy of his from college years ago. Just meeting Nina was a shock to him. Soon drinks were had and everyone was relaxed and enjoying conversation. “Nina you are amazing looking.” said Bill. Terrence only could nod his head in agreement; Over the two hours that they had been there both Nina and Terrence had taken a great interest in each other and had been gazing into each other’s eyes half the night. John noticed and was aggravated quite a bit but was doing well at hiding it. Val kissed John’s cheek as Mrs. Rose and her spoke. “Nina, you have been drinking an awful lot…I should drive you home.” Said Terrence his hand running along her knees and thighs underneath the table. “Perhaps you should.” Said Nina with a very flirty smile. John rolled his eyes. Val noticed and laughed. “I know John that was too corny” John only smiled; underneath it all he could not believe how much this was pissing him off. At about 10pm. Val tapped John telling him they should get the kids, and that she had another court date tomorrow at 12:30pm. John nodded, and they began telling everyone goodbye. Finally in the car, Val said, “Nina and Terrence would make a good couple. Nina is demanding and motivated, and Terrence is a real sweet heart, a good man with a lot of skills.” Val said smiling as John turned out of “SMOOTH” John nodded, “Yeah I guess.” He said with a shrug. Val looked at him and laughed.”You guess? They really like each other…It very obvious.” Said Val letting down her window enjoying the breeze. John was glad it was dark because Val would notice the disgruntled look on his face and ask what his problem was, and John had a hard time lying to Val. He pulled into Reggie and Ellie’s driveway. Val got out the car to go get the kids, and John couldn’t help but watch his wife’s rear end as she walked to the front door. He loved his wife, and cussed himself because of what he had done, and even more of what he was thinking of continuing to do. They had an excellent marriage, great sex, awesome kids, and a great life together. What was he thinking? “Thank you both.” John heard Val say, coming from out of his own thoughts. Michelle and Jana both skipped to the car and Keenan was in his mother’s arms as usual. John smiled. Val got in the car holding Keenan. Looking down at him she kissed his cheeks and his forehead.”Val put him in his car seat; you’re going to make him a real mama’s boy if you keep that up.” John said jokingly. Val glared at John getting up to strap Keenan in. Once she had finish, she got back in her side, and John pulled out the driveway heading towards their house. “What did you guy’s eat?” Val asked the kids as John pulled into the garage.”Mac n cheese!”said Michelle. “Was it good?” asked Val. “It was not better than yours mom…Trust me.” Said Jana. Val and John laughed. “Get your brother Jana.” John told her. Jana grunted lifting her brother. “We need to get you to a gym, he only weigh’s 40 pounds, Jana.” Val said teasing her daughter. “Haw, Haw. Mom” Jana said walking into the house behind everybody. Michelle giggled. “No cooking for me tonight.” Val said with a hint of joy and laughter in her voice.”Yeah, but I want to eat something…” John said looking at her smiling . Val laughed pushing him away. She got up removing her heels as she walked up stairs. “Michelle and Jana, GET TO BED! Girl’s its almost 11:30.” Said John sternly. “Dad…We don’t even have school anymore” Jana said boldly. Michelle looked at Jana her eyes perked open as she shook her head at Jana as If she was saying..Shut up Jana, you’re going to get in trouble. “Jana, what did you say? You had better be in bed when I get up there.” John said.”I am 10 years old, I am a big girl now, and I should be able to stay up!”Shouted Jana slamming her door. John ran up the stairs opening the door. Val listened shaking her head. That Jana was something else, but she had gotten it honest, Val was just as hardheaded. John glared down at his daughter looking into her eyes. Turning her around he hit her butt hard with his belt. “Jana, you know better than to talk to me like that.” John said in a very stern tone. Jana frowned crying. John softened his eyes and voice. He always coward into his baby girl. That’s probably why she was so damn spoiled. Val warned him that, if he kept doing that she would always get her way. John picked her up kissing her tear’s away.”Aw, Baby girl, I am so sorry. I love you, but don’t you dare disobey your dear ol’ dad” said John holding Jana up in his arms. Jana nodded whimpering holding her daddy’s neck. John put her in bed. Val rolled her eyes. John was such a softy for both his daughters and even Keenan, John had whooped Michelle before for breaking the glass door, and all she did was have to cry and almost instantly it was his fault. It was like on cue almost. John put Jana in her bed kissing her head and Michelle’s head. “I love you, night my babies.” He said clicking off the light. Keenan was standing by John’s leg holding super man in on hand and batman in the other. John looked down at him, as he shut Jana and Michelle’s door. “Hey big man, its bed time.” Said john holding out two finger’s to Keenan’s hand, Keenan took it. “Now I am not picking you up like your mother.” Said John loud enough for Val to hear. Val laughed shouting back.”I am only smothering him with my love. Dear!” Keenan rubbed his eyes walking sleepily with his dad to his room. John looked at Keenan. Keenan had a lot of baby fat still left, which made him look even younger than four. Val and John once took Keenan to the doctor to see if he was unhealthy. The doctor only told them he was a healthy four year old, and he would simply grow out of it. Finally John picked Keenan up, because he was walking to slow. “Oh, I see this is how you get your mother.” John said kissing his son. “No.” Keenan said shaking his head, showing his pretty teeth. John only laughed. Once he had put Keenan to bed he returned to his room. “John you need to stop spoiling those girls” said Val once John had shut the door behind him.”Spoiling them how?” John questioned. “What Jana did was very rude and disrespectful, and she is a big enough girl to know that, Every time you spank her, she cries, on cue, and It suddenly become your fault, and Michelle she’s even worse.” Val said shaking her head at John as they climbed into bed. John only sighed he knew she was right, but every time he looked at either Michelle or Jana he felt so bad in the end. “I know baby…I am really trying, but I love my girls, and I want them to know that dad will be there whenever they cry even if it is because of me” Val smiled. “Awe that is sweet, but dad needs to know when his girl’s are wrong, and he is only bettering them when he does discipline them, Plus if you keep doing that, when Jana gets older she knows all she has to do is get upset to get anything and she will have you running for you money.” Val said. John nodded sliding over on top of Val. “John not tonight, I am full of a martini, I am tired and I have to work tomorrow afternoon into the late evening.” Said Val. “Shhhh…”john said clicking off the lamp by their bed. He went down underneath the covers and between Val’s leg. Ten minutes later Val had both hands on Johns head, arching right into his face and mouth. “MMmm, best dinner ever” John said under the covers. Val squirmed breathing quickly and heavily as she climaxed. John didn’t stop even when she pushed his head away. He only held her legs tightly as he had himself more “dinner”.
Val woke up at 11:45am, she stretched. John had kept her up all night, and was now laying on top of her. She pushed him to his side of the bed; she was surprised the kids hadn’t got up yet. “John can you get the kids breakfast.” Said Val smacking his butt as she quickly walked into the bathroom.” I have to be at work in an hour.” Said Val turning on the shower. John murmured a yes, getting up. He opened the door and saw Michelle, Jana and Keenan downstairs eating cereal in the living room and watching TV. John shook his head. “You guys want breakfast?” John asked. “John Michelle is sleeping over at Lauren’s today; drop her off at 2:30. Jana is staying with Vanessa and her mother they are going to some kind of Water Park at 1:30 and Keenan has a doctor’s appointment at 3:15, for another shot. Make sure Michelle and Jana are both packed. Jana can pack her own suit case, Michelle can too but check it after. Keenan’s appointment is a 20.00 co-pay!” Shouted Val from inside the shower. “Okay.” John said. He usually let Jana and Michelle remind him. “No, we wanted cereal.” Said Michelle and Jana from the living room. Nodding John went to brush his teeth. Around 3:30 he’d had done everything Val verbally listed and him and Keenan sat inside Denny’s enjoying a meal. A couple beautiful women had walked in and Keenan only stared at them as he sat in high chair. “They are too old for you, big man.” John said teasing. “No, I can get them.” Said Keenan eating his fries. John laughed. Both of them were talking and glanced at John every so often. Finally one of them got up, walking over. “Excuse me.” She said. She looked very young. 22 almost. “Yes, Ma’ma?” John questioned. He slightly studied her. “Can I borrow your sugar.” She said looking into John’s eyes. “Sure.” He nodded. “Stealing my woman daddy.” Said Keenan. John and the young lady laughed. She smiled. “Aren’t you cute” she said looking at Keenan. “I know “Keenan said smiling. John shook his head, that was definitely his son. “So is your dad.” She said taking the sugar. She was leaning over john in away to where he could see her bare breasts. John grew harder under the table. “Thank you” she said knowing he had been down her shirt. John nodded. Her friend at the table across the room giggled. “It’s Linda by the way.”Linda said sitting back at her table. “John” he said. At 5:30pm both Keenan and John returned home, after their father and son day. John put Keenan down for his nap, and John in his room was sprawled across the bed stroking himself quickly. John finally shot his load cleaning up, and washing his hands. John went into Keenan’s room taking a nap with his son. He awoke again at 6:45 and Keenan was curled up into John’s chest sleep. He smiled at his son kissing his head. He called all three of his girl’s checking on them and then he started dinner.
Val, John and Keenan sat at the table enjoying John’s cheesy meaty lasagna, caeser salad and texas toast. It was around 930pm. The phone rang. John got up to get it. “Hello?”. “Oh hi Jana, I love you to sweetheart, you want to talk to your mom.” Said John as Val listened. He handed her the phone. “Hi honey, how is it going and what time should your dad pick you up.” John sat down again eating. Keenan had red sauce all over his face. John reached up whipping his face with a napkin. Val hung up. “John, Jana is staying for another night. Did Michelle call?” Val asked. “Okay, and Michelle call 45mintues ago, I am not picking her up till Friday, It’s Lauren’s birthday week” said John. Keenan stopped eating. “You full sweetie? And oh that’s nice, how old is she going to be?” Val asked Keenan, and then John. Keenan only made a noise rubbing his belly. John chuckled at Keenan kissing his cheek.”She’s turning the big 9.” Said John. Val laughed. John cleared the table washing the dishes while Val put Keenan down and was taking the bath that John had made her. John looked out the window; it had started raining. He put the last of the dishes in the dishwasher turning it on. He walked up stairs to his room. “Baby it’s raining, make sure you wear something warm tomorrow for work.” John said from the room. Val didn’t answer. John raised his brow. “Val?” he knocked on the door opening it. She had fallen asleep. He smiled.”Baby.” he said softly kissing her lips. “Mmm?” Val said waking up. “Come on” John said taking her out to tub and drying her off. He picked her up laying her down, bundling her up in the blankets so she wouldn’t get cold. He lied by her holding her resting with her. The phone rang. John leaned over to get it. “John, it’s Nina, they shipped in my couch today. Can you help me with that? Terrence is coming by too.” “Sure Nina, What time?”.”Around 12ish” said Nina. “Okay, I’ll be there, take care now.” John said hanging up. Cuddling his wife once again he fell asleep.
Keenan ran around Nina’s big back yard with his toy airplane as Terrence and John carried a big couch up Nina’s stair well. “Come on Terrence put some muscle into it.” John teased him. Terrence had rested twice and they were not even half way up the steps. “Aww shut up Johnny Boy.” Said Terrence laughing as they started moving again. John smiled. Nina giggled at the top of the steps. They finally got up the steps. John look out the window to see if Keenan was okay as they set the couch down by it. “Bigman! Come in!”John shouted down to Keenan. Keenan flew the air plane into the house and up the steps he came. “Okay daddy.” Said Keenan once he got there. Nina smiled picking Keenan up. “Hi big boy.” She said. “Hi Nina “ said Keenan showing his teeth as he laid against her chest. “You and my wife always babying him.” Said John shaking his head. Terrence laughed. All four of them sat on the couch. “So Nina what are you putting in here exactly?” John said looking around at the empty room. “I was thinking of just a rest and drink area.” She said nodded and looking around as if she could already see it. Terrence stepped out taking a phone call. “Sounds nice.” Said John. “Nina, I’ll be back I have to go pick up a check for a friend. I should be back in 45mintues, its not to far.” Said Terrence “Daddy, can I go with uncle Terrence “ said Keenan leaning up out of Nina’s chest. “Oh so you’re bored with me?” asked John. “Yes, duh.” Keenan said getting up. John laughed. “Sure Keenan.” Terrence picked Keenan up and put him on his shoulder. “Come on little man, want to see how money is passed.” He said as he walked down the steps. Nina and John both laughed hearing him. After Terrence left with Keenan, John and Nina talked up in the empty room. Nina had gotten up shutting the window, it was chilly. John adjusted himself to hide his erection from looking at Nina, Did everything she owned have to be so figure fitting? John shook his head. “You and Terrence dating?” said John trying to come from out of his thoughts.” We have went out a couple times, and we are just getting to know each other now, I admit we almost had sex that night after the bar, But I somehow didn’t let him in. He’s very smart and has a lot going for himself. A great job opportunity. Did you know he’s helping build mansion’s?” Nina asked questioning John. “I know, he use to talk about how he loved to build and make things in college.” Said John nodding. Nina had noticed John’s erection growing bigger. Laughing she pointed it out. “Looks like someone has come out to play.” She said. John only smiled trying to cover it. Nina only sat closer. She smelled so good. John took in a shaky breath getting up, He walked over opening the window. Nina smiled. 5mintues of that went on and pretty soon John had entered how mouth, and she was sucking him good. John almost fell over his knees buckling as she kept sucking. “Nina…Nina” he called out her name stroking her mouth he had finally climax. John only stayed hard. Nina looked at him swallowing his cum. “John…I have no condoms” she said shaking his head knowing what he was thinking. Not to long after a lot of arguing back and forth. John stopped giving a damn and they were having sex again. They hadn’t heard Terrence or Keenan come in. “Awww John! Aww John! AWw!” Nina called out in John’s ear as he quickly pounded inside her. Her pussy was real good. Tight, wet and warm. “Nina?” Terrence called out. John didn’t want to stop even though they heard Terrence call out. “John, stop” Nina said whispering in his ear. “No, Nina, I want you bad.” John said looking down at her. He only pounded her harder. Nina pushed him and started saying no over and over. John finally stopped. Getting up he zipped his pants. Nina pulled her shorts back on ,smoothing down any hair out of place. She walked out first. “Hey Terrence, hey Bigboy. Your dad stepped out.” She lied. John heard Nina lead them down to the kitchen. John stepped out the room. Coming down a couple minutes later. “Hey Keenan, we gotta get going. I promised your mother I’d clean the house today.”Said John. Keenan nodded. Nina kissed Terrence’s forehead. “Okay, bye John.” Nina said smiling at him. John smiled back, “Bye Terrence” said John “Cya “ said Terrence. His arm resting around Nina’s waist. John drove home thinking about Nina, his dick only grew harder. He wanted a release from her. John finally got home.
Keenan was taking his nap, and John had picked up Nina and she was riding John quickly in the guest room. The door was shut to muffle Nina’s moans. Val stepped in the front door happily sighing because she had gotten out of work earlier. Climbing up the stairs she looked at Keenan she smiled. She walked in kissing his head. John pushed Nina’s face into a pillow drowning out all sound, He pounded her from behind making the bed shake, putting a dent in the wall from the head board, He fucked her hard and quickly. Val shut Keenan’s door. She heard a loud bump against the wall. She looked at the guest room door shut, she figured John was fixing something, Regular handyman she thought laughing. She opened the door. “John, don’t break anything or I will have to break you” She said chuckling before peeking in. There John was each of Nina’s legs in his hands, Nina face down and both naked. “John…” Val tried to get his name out. Her eyes filled with tears. She just stood there. “Val..!” John said pushing Nina away he grabbed his robe from the floor. “GET OUT OF HERE!” Val yelled looking at Nina, Nina scrambled her clothes getting up quickly. Tear’s traveled Val’s cheeks looking at John in disbelief. She didn’t even give herself time to see Nina leave; she simply went in their room slamming the door. Val curled up in bed angry and hurt she had not come out the room at all and John had been trying to get in but she locked the door. “Baby, please let me in, please, Let me explain.” John begged from outside the door, he was crying. He felt like such a fool. “I love you” he whispered. Hearing that Val yanked opened the door. Slapping him. “Oh you love me? Yet you decide to have sex with another woman!?” Keenan had gotten up and was standing in the hallway seeing his dad get slapped. “Mommy, Daddy! “ Keenan called out crying and running to his parents. Val heard Keenan and she looked at him. She picked Keenan up comforting him. With one hand she took out a suit case, not hers but John. She threw his clothes in and dropped it at his feet. “Go” said Val sternly. John looked at Val and Keenan. “What about my kids Val?” John said a tear trickling his cheek. “Well maybe Nina will get pregnant, since you there was no protection involved.” Said Val with hurt in her voice. “Keenan go play with superman.” Said Val. “Mommy is hurt and Daddy did something hurtful” Keenan didn’t budge. “Keenan its okay.” Said Val. Keenan frowned but obeyed. Val dropped to the bed tears traveling her cheeks. John dropped the suit case. He dropped to his knees in front of her. “I am so sorry, Baby. I did wrong, and I will do anything to do right, Please don’t send me away though.” Said John holding her waist and pushing his face into her chest. Val and John cried for a long time without stopping and all John could do was hold her tighter. Val let john stay but she had decided not to lay down with him for a long while, So he slept in the guest room. Val had gotten Jana and both Keenan and Jana were asleep. Val cried herself to sleep that night.
Over the next 2weeks John started cooking dinner, breakfast, making Val’s baths, taking her out. Everything he could. Not even all that took Val out her funk. What she had saw, now was embedded inside her mind. Val watched TV in her room. John knocked on the door.”Val, can I come in?” asked John. Val nodded looking at him. He sat down “Val, I love you, and I set an appointment up for a marriage counselor Monday.” He said looking at her. “I love you and I want to right my wrong, I will do anything baby.” Said John. Val nodded.”Okay John.” She said. Monday came quickly and Val took off court duty to attend. John and Val waited in the waiting room as the Doctor was finishing up an earlier appointment. After a couple minutes later, Doctor Bolan stepped out her office with another couple. The wife leaned in to hug her and the husband was already walking very hastily away out the door. The wife eyes were bloodshot like she had been crying. She finally walked quickly after her husband after releasing the hug, her heels clicking 4 steps behind him. John and Val only looked at each other as if to say; What did she do to him. John cleared his throat nervously. ,”Valerie and John Stuart? I presume?”asked Doctor Bolan with a smile and an eyebrow raise. Val nodded returning a small smile. Both John and Val walked into her office as she shut the door behind both of them. The office was a nice big and it smelled wonderful, A soft flowery fragrance. A dark red comfortable couch sat against the wall. In the middle was a gorgeous glass table and on the other side sat an identical couch. Dr. Bolan sat down with two small journals and a note pad hook on to a clip board, as Val and John sat on the other side. “Before we began, would either of you like anything to eat or drink? I want you to be as comfortable as possible.” asked Dr. Bolan. Val nodded, “Water please?” John shook his head.”No, but thank you.” Dr. Bolan got up taking a bottle of water from the fridge located near the corner of the room. She handed it to Val and Sat again.” Usually, in this case you never hear about what a counselor or therapist’s life is like, or shrunk for that matter. You always see them taking out their clipboard, writing down your life and getting the check. Than when they come back they have it all memorized, I don’t do that. So today I want to tell you a little about me, and from each of you I’d like to know something about you. You paid for an hour, but I am adding on an extra one and there is no catch.” Said Dr. Bolan. Handing Val the clipboard. “That’s yours.” Val looked confused, “What am I doing with it?” “This is for 8weeks, Val, you may learn something about your husband that may make you angry, You will need that to swing at him.”Dr. Bolan said chuckling. Val had laughed finally for once in weeks. John hid a smile behind his hand. “Ahh, So she smiles. Val the clipboard is just something for you to write down everything we talk about. Once it’s over, I want you to see it, and realize how much progress you both have made in your marriage. I can see on your face and John’s that you both are struggling to pick up the pieces, and Val when I saw your face, It looked as if you had lost something and you were never getting it back. I wanted to make you smile” Val smiled again. “Thank Dr. Bolan.” “Call me Lisa.” Said Dr. Bolan. “Okay” both Val and John spoke at the same time.” My name is Lisa Bolan, I was a terrible teen. I went to Jail four times, twice for attempted murder, once for auto theft, and another time for robbing a bank. That was only in 1year and I was 16. I got pregnant at 22. I never found out who the father was. I’d had sex with many different guys, I could not find a job because no one wants to hire a felon. So I became a prostitute. Making 500 dollars a day, I got so many diseases it’s shameful. At 25 I met a wonderful man during prostitution and we waited 5years almost 6 to get married, He wanted me to get clean. It was hard, but I did it. He was 35 and he was a Lawyer, He helped me achieve everything I have. My first REAL job, all my certificates, everything you see here, it was because of him. At my age of,30, we got separated to resolve our situation, He was having sex with a relative of his and mine. For years I could not get past it. For years, we never did anything to fix it. I am 45 now and my husband died, and I am left with my two beautiful children, and now I have a boyfriend. Who I love dearly.” Said Lisa without missing a beat. “If you love someone, and you know that threw thin and thick water’s they have been with you, don’t give up on a marriage that both parties desire to repair, because that can be fixed. Only until you stop trying will it become unbearable than it will seem too hard, and then you will give up, But I assure you both. Whatever happened here, I will help you both mend the pieces.” Said Lisa gripping both their hands while looking into both of their eyes. The meeting went on and Val began telling a little about herself, and after John spoke on himself. Val jotted things down on the clipboard. Before the meeting ended, Lisa handed Val a pink diary, on it she had written,” VS”. Handing John a blue one she had written “JS”. “Take these, I want you to write in them daily, but wait till the day has ended and write from the morning till the night, about anything, about John or Val, about what happened in the day, and at the end of this 8week counseling I will tell you what I want you to do with them,. Now its 4:15, scoot along you to and write down a magnificent story.” “Val, I want you to give me a hug when we come out this room and John I want you to walk ahead of her quickly, I want scare the people in the waiting room, the other wife could cry on cue, I doubt you can though. “said Lisa with a laugh. Doing as Lisa said the couple in the waiting room looked terrified at what she could have done, to make John walk off like that. Val smuggled a laugh as she ran after John. Both John and Val laughed once they had caught up to one another. Val and John climbed in the car and driving home they both stayed quiet. Val read over the clip board jotting a couple more things down, putting the date at the end of what she had written. John finally pulled into the driveway. Val looked at John. “John, I love you” she said stepping out the car to see her kids and pay the babysitter . John put his head to the steering wheel, immediately he cried. Val hadn’t said those words to him in weeks, it felt so good to hear them. John hadn’t realized how long he had been out in the garage until Val came out to get him.
At 10:30pm Val wrote in her diary;
I feel strange, writing down my thoughts. I’ve never done this before. We’ll today, I finally told John that I loved him, he didn’t come in the house for almost four hours, It scared me to death, thinking that he may have left me. He was only sitting in the car crying. It touched my heart. We actually had sex once we had put the kids to bed. It was not considered, Because before we had it, The kids had pissed John off because I made mash potatoes and Keenan started throwing them at his sisters and they fought back, food was everywhere the kitchen was a mess, He took them all at once whooping them. Michelle and Jana of course cried. Keenan only said he was sorry. It made me smile. After that John and I went up stairs and talked about Lisa. She’s a wonderful women we both agreed. John got up to go but before he left he gave me a kiss on my cheek. I kissed his cheek, and we hugged for a long time, and we began kissing. It turned passionate. Then came the sex needless to say we both we tearful as we made love. It felt really good, and the sex was excellent. Ha! You thought the sex was just good. No. I sent John back to the guest room though. He unhappily went, but I don’t want to rush that. I didn’t want to rush the sex. So I guess i have to control myself. NO MORE SEX! Gdnight.
At 11:45pm John wrote in his diary;
Thats probably the most unimportant thing right now, but I made Val cry and scream. It was wonderful. I love her so much. I would run back in the room and try to lay down and cuddle with her but she sent me away. I wanted to go for a second time but she only shook her head a pushed me out, Maybe I’ll get some more tomorrow? I think so. I’ll just walk up to her naked. :D. I am glad Bill recommend Lisa. She is going to be really good for us, She ‘s very caring with a sense of humor. I had to whoop my kid’s today… Val gripped my hand as I walked out Jana and Michelle’s room, She tugged on it telling me not to run back in and make it my fault. It was hard, Jana told me she hated me. It felt horrible. I love my baby girl… Hopefully she will understand when she gets older. Keenan actually told me he was sorry. That’s my Big man. I’m still going… I think I might have to rub one out…. John
Val had left the next morning for work, John left the kids with Val’s mom as he went his Job too. Evelyn his secretary walked in his office. Eve had a terrible crush on John and John did not need her flirting…Especially right now. He had actually fingered her once before Val and John married. He never told Val. Eve walked in shutting the door behind her. She handed him today’s task’s on a sticky note. John took it without looking at her. Eve always wore a tight suit, just for him, and He’d always be tempted just by looking at her. He had come close to having sex with her a couple times when Val was ignoring him, but Bill and his receptionist always came in at the right time, and today Bill had called in sick. Eve wrapped her arms around John’s neck running a tongue along his ear lobe. She started to rub John’s chest. “Eve stop…please” John said with a shaky breath as he thought about Val. Eve only continued hearing John weakening. She knew about Val but she gave not even two damns about that woman. Eve knew about John’s high sex drive and she also knew Val wasn’t giving him any and she wanted some. She started jacking John off. John pushed her away. She only bit and licked his ear, and stroked him faster. John jumped up moving. “Eve! Go back to work, or I will fire you!” John said flustered. Eve only started removing her blouse… Val pulled up to John’s building, a bag of Chinese food in her lap. She got out the car smoothing her skirt, she walked inside the double doors. Debbie the receptionist sat behind her desk typing in something on the computer. Walking over, Debbie looked up seeing Val.”Oh hey Val, John should be in his office.” “Okay” said Val smiling. Eve had stuffed John between her lips. John stood for a slight second, it felt so good, he felt his knees buckle, John jumped away zipping his pants up quickly. “EVE!!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY OFFICE!” he said yanking open the door “GET YOUR SHIT AND GET OUT! YOU’RE ARE FIRED!” Eve look at him in surprise, her brow wrinkling in anger. “ I DON’T WANT YO STANKY ASS NO WAY!” she said using her shirt to cover her breasts. Val had just walked right there at the conflict. She only smiled. John was trying… Eve looked at Val. “You need to get another wife any damn way. She is not even that pretty. “ said Eve pushing past Val. Val rolled her eyes not caring, John looked at Val. “Hi baby. What are you doing here?” said John trying to calm his temper. Val showed him the bag of Chinese she had brought. “Want to have lunch with me?” asked Val. John nodded, Val looked beautiful today. She was wearing makeup and her waist length hair was in tight curls. Val started taking out boxes once she had come in and shut the door. John grew hard staring at his wife, He didn’t quite understand why people said she was so average. She was beautiful in his eyes. John leaned over kissing Val passionately. Val pulled away. “John, please. Let’s take things slow. Last night was a little to fast for me it had me stunned.” John bit his lip fighting off his urges. “Can you play with me?” said John showing her how badly he needed something. Val got up locking the door, and they quickly had sex on his desk; it was something they hadn’t done in a couple years. They were right in the middle of the third time when a knock came on the door. “Yeah!!!?” John shouted weakly as he quickly pounded Val, he covered her mouth as he pounded harder. “John its Debbie, Your 4:00 appointment is here, He’s waiting in the front. Should I send him back?” asked Debbie through the door. “Give me……” Said John his voice trailing off into no sound as he came into his wife. John nearly fell over onto her. Val gripped John with her thighs as he came.
“Yeah send him back” Val said for him. “Okay!” said Debbie.
Val stood in the bathroom taking a pregnancy test, a couple weeks later. John and Val saw Lisa regularly and their marriage was getting stronger as weeks had past. Val had finally let John back in their bed room and he was sitting on the bed waiting for his wife to come back from the bathroom from whatever she was doing. The stick turned pink, It meant she was pregnant. Coming out the bathroom, she looked at John saying “John, I’m pregnant.” John looked up from the TV. “Your what?” said John. Val saw his eyes tear up with joy. “I’m pregnant.” Said Val tearing up too. They hadn’t even been trying but they both loved kids. John smiled walking over to his wife giving her a hug and a kiss. “Can we name him Jordan” said John rubbing her stomach. “What if it’s a she?”asked Val. “It won’t be, I only have one man in this family.”John said laughing. Val giggled shoving John on the bed. She sat by him watching TV. Val and John discussed a party for Jana’s 11th birthday. Jana nosily peeked in. “Yes, she wants the new groovysimmer, pants” said Jana in a squeaky high voice, from outside the door. “Listen John it’s your mind talking to you” Val said as John got up quietly to go scare Jana. “Yessssssss, and alsssooo Jana want’ss a cell phone!” Jana said in a ghostly whisper. John ran out the door and Jana scream. “DAD! Oh my gosh! You’re so annoying!” said Jana. Val laughed. John came back laughing with Jana in his arms he kissed her. “Am I to annoying to buy you a cell phone, and I am not getting you a cell phone, Who do you have to call?” asked John. “Daddy there is this cute boy in my class, Samirah O’dell, He’s like some kind of Indian fighter.” “You really aren’t getting one now” said John sitting Jana down. Jana jumped off the bed.”UGH, you guy’s make me sick!” said Jana stomping off. “Don’t break the floor, we still would like to live in the house hon!” Val yelled to her daughter. “HAW HAW!” screamed Jana. John laughed. Val heard Keenan’s GIJOE battery operated car coming up the hallway. Keenan squeaked the horn. He stopped at his parents room. He winked at his mom and give his dad a thumbs up he then put his arm around the other chair and actually started to back up into their room.”Cya” Keenan said pulling off in the hallway again. Val and John laughed shaking their heads.
Both Val and John left Lisa’s office again, only 2weeks more, and It would be completed. Val got the mail as John vacuumed the living room floor. Both Michelle and Jana were jumping over it, He would have told them stop, but he’d tripped Michelle twice and it was actually fun for him too. Val glared at all three of them, ”STOP THAT! And John you know better than that” Michelle and Jana quickly sat on the couch hearing their mom yell. Val was showing a lot now, she rubbed her stomach. “John, Nina and Terrence are getting married” she said handing John the purple and white decorated invitation. “Wow” John said reading it. “She wants Michelle and Keenan to be in it, Val.” Said John looking at her for approval. “No, John. I don’t even want to go. She never even said sorry.” Said Val, walking to sit by her daughters. John nodded putting it on the table sitting by his wife he rubbed her belly.John could only look at the wedding invitation. He hadn’t seen Nina in months. Shaking his head as he held his wife’s hand. A Tyler Perry movie played and Val giggled hysterically at Madea’s ghetto tactics. John looked at his wife studying her, smiling softly he could see how happy she was once again. John squeezed her hand tightly, as he softly kissed her stomach where his soon to be son rested
A year later Val tiredly breast fed Lamar, carefully cradling him In her arms, John watched as Lamar quietly took in his mothers milk. John wanted to crack a small joke to un-stress Val, but she looked frustrated. He decided against it. Once Lamar finish Val handed him to John. John smiled down at his son. “Hey man, how you doing.” John smiled when Lamar looked back. John gently lied Lamar down on his happy nappy infant bed. John and Val hadn’t had sex in almost 5months mainly because Val was stressed out and tired. Val had already fallen fast asleep. John got up kissing both his wife and son. Walking out into the hallway he went into Jana and Michelle’s room. Michelle was up reading one of her books again. John quietly whispered,” Baby girl, time for bed okay? You have school tomorrow.” Michelle groaned slipping a book mark in and clicking off the lamp. John walked over and hugged Michelle and walked over to gently kiss Jana’s forehead. Shutting the door behind him, John walked to Keenan’s room. Keenan was also up playing with his Nash cars. John shook his head and played Nash car with Keenan for a little bit before sending him to bed as well. John sighed an erection growing inside of his pajama bottoms. He was tired of self relief. Taking a cold shower before bed, John had finally dried off and fell asleep. The next morning John awoke at 6:30am.”John, my vacation starts this week, you can turn that off.” Val said softly holding a crying Lamar. “Oh okay, baby go back to sleep, I’ve got Lamar. The milk is in the fridge I know.”said John kissing her cheek and taking Lamar. John gently rubbed Lamar’s back as he walked down stairs with him. At 730 the kids should be coming down John thought to himself. Feeding Lamar he peeked into the fridge to take out breakfast.,”Dad.” John turned around seeing Jana. She looked sick.”Baby girl, what doesn’t feel good.” Before even answering Jana threw up all over the kitchen floor. Jana limply laid her head on the table. John frowned with worry.”Come on baby girl go back to bed.” Said John wishing he could pick could carry his daughter upstairs. Jana was 12 now but no matter how old she got, she would never be to old for him to carry. Jana went up the stairs. John put Lamar in his baby craddle as he clean the floor. He thought about was exhausted Val was. Picking up the phone he called Val’s mother to come help. “Hello Son. How are you?” John smiled talking to Val’s dad before speaking to her mom.”Okay, I’ll be there at 8:30am John. I completely understand, You are so sweet to called. Bye Dear” John picked up Lamar looking at the clock, 6:55. John cooked breakfast setting the table for Michelle and Keenan. At 7:15 he heard Michelle coming down the steps.”Daddy, Daddy, Jana is sick. She keeps throwing up.” Michelle said as she stuck a piece of bacon in her mouth. John kissed Michelle’s head saying, “I know sweetheart, Where’s your brother?”. Michelle shrugged. John sighed and went up stairs to get Keenan. Keenan’s face was flushed red. John touched Keenan’s head; he felt very hot.”Little Man?” Keenan opened his eyes stretching and getting up. He looked very drowsy. John put Keenan to bed taking his temp discovering it was 100.2. John called Val’s mother to make her aware before getting some medicine for him. John shut Keenan’s door and went back to the kitchen and saw Michelle and Lamar missing. John shook his head and peeked out into the living room and he saw Michelle feeding Lamar. John smiled. Hearing a loud honk a couple of mintues later. Michelle handed Lamar to John as she waved good bye going out the front door. “Hi nana, I got to go.” John chuckled.”Hi son.” John smiled giving Val’s dad and mom a hug.”Thank you so much, Mom. Keenan has a fever and Jana seems to have the stomach bug.” Val’s mom nodded listening prepared to take care of her grandchildren for the day.
John gripped his secretaries waist tightly as she bounced against his dick. John sighed as they finished up. “I have fucked up again.” He thought to himself quietlyHis new secretary; Alliah was a beautiful woman, very curvy with a nice “phat” ass. Not only that but she had a beautiful face and friendly smile, another plus? This woman was smart as hell and very seductive. Alliah smoothed her skirt down as she climbed off John’s desk. “Thank you, I needed that.” She said very softly to his ear as she pulled her thong on only to have to smooth her skirt down again. John sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck not even glancing at her he said,”Yeah..okay.” She smiled her heels clicking back out his office to her spot placed outside his door. John thought to himself about Alliah and what to make of this now. Overwhelming guilt arising from his stomach into his chest. He shook his head and only could get back to work. Three hours into a massive pile of paper work his cell phone thumped against his desk.”Yes? John speaking?” John spoke to the unknown caller. ,”John, Its Nina. I know we haven’t spoken in a year, So its suprising that I’m calling, I was checking to see how you were doing?” Nina said quizzically over the phone. John tried to keep sexual frustration and shame from his voice. ,”I have been fine, I am sorry Val and myself didn’t join the wedding. Val wasn’t happy about it.”. “I understand, but it wouldn’t have felt right not inviting you, Terrance and I are fine, I’m actually at home right now.” Nina knew there was problem, knowing John for the time she’d known him. She could detect it in his voice that there indeed was a problem. John knew this and as quickly as they’d said hello he brushed her off saying he had to get back to work.
Alliah walked around showing John her place, She’d invited him over for no reason in particular. Aliah studied John’s expression as she walked ahead of him wearing a comfortable yet seductive form fitting dress that showed every inch of her gorgues body. John shook his head not knowing why he’d excepted the invitation, He lied to Val and simply told her that he would be visting Terrance. She didn’t seem happy about it because of Nina, but he reassured her that nothing would take place. ,”This is my living room.” Said Alliah in a soft and mellow voice. She broke John from his thoughts. He looked up and saw a beautiful room with a lot of antique art on the walls and a beautiful antique couch. Alliah sat on a couch in the living room and she gently patted the space next to her. John studied Alliah as he took his seat next to her. A nice bulge growing in his jeans, making his dick hurt as it strained against the zipper. Alliah smiled hiking her dress up gently she pulled it over her head, wanting John with every fiber of her being. Underneath she was wearing a sexy black lace bra with panties to match. John only stared shaking his head at how beautiful her body was. Alliah straddled his lap kissing John with a sweet but passionate kiss. John sighed deep shuddering as he returned her kiss.
Val called John’s phone for the fourth time since he had left to go to Nina’s house. Val sighed frustrated It was now 12:30am and He had left at 8:30pm. Val called Nina’s cellphone worried. As much as Val did not approve of Nina she was looking for her husband. Nina rolled waking up as she heard her cell phone bumping against her dresser. Reaching over she realized it was Val calling; Shocked she answer. ,”Nina, is John still there, can you please tell him to come home. I am very worried. Nina though to herself,” Oh dear Val, I am so sorry he fell asleep. I will go wake him. Nina talked calmly to Val before hanging up. Nina softly tapped Terrance awake. ,”Terrance, I think your best friend is sleeping around in Val.” Terrance woke up. ,”Hum?” he responded groggily. Nina kissed Terrance back to sleep and began to try John’s cell phone


Texte: The cover was of course found on google, and yes I did tamper with it by using. -Ladeetai
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.04.2011

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To all my readers. Espically the one's who are 20 and up, If there are any =) Happy reading =)

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