Broken Pieces

Broken Pieces

Jillian grew up in a not so ordinary environment. Her innocence was taken even before she knew how to take care of herself. So when she finally got the freedom she was waiting for she did everything she could not to go back to her hometown. Being with her high school classmate Nicole in a small town in Florida with no money, no shelter and no relative they worked as a team to survive life even if it took for them to become strippers. Just as when she was starting to embrace her faith, a rich bachelor came her way and promise her a good life. She decided to move in with business tycoon Carter Greene in California and couldn’t stop herself from falling in love with the gorgeous business man and just when she thought she was about to get her fairytale an unexpected circumstance came her way and she was forced to leave and move to another town again. When will she ever find the peace she was looking for? And when will she stop running away?

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Omg that was a brilliant book great read. Look forward to reading more

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Wichtiger Beitrag

I loved this book... Pls update as ssoon as possible... I m curious to know whats going to happen futher

1 Kommentar

Thank you. I will. I promised :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read my book. I am planning on hoping it soon. I actually already have the ending in my head and I just need to find the time to actually put it in writing.

Are you guys rooting for Carter and Jillian?

Wichtiger Beitrag

I love this book so much I stayed up all night to finish it I beg you to finish it it's an amazing story please finish it soon !!! I hope they get back together

1 Kommentar

I will be finishing it soon. I promised.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Please tell me that it's not the end of the story!!

1 Kommentar

Hi. Thank you for reading my latest upload. It is definitely not the end of the story.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I couldn't stop reading til the end. Good story...great job.

1 Kommentar

Thank you for good feedback, it inspire me to finish it soon. :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

This was a fantastic story. Loved the story line, and the emotions of each caracter. Good job....Loved it☺

1 Kommentar

Thank you :) I was touched with your message and it inspires me to continue writing this story.

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