
Reflections of my Muse Von:
This anthology is a medley of poems dabbling in all genres. This collection deals with mainly form poetry, restricted by a specified meter and rhyme unlike free verses. However, the limitations of meter and rhyme do not curb the emotions of the poems. They will not fail to enthuse the poetry lovers but would throw a challenge to traditional poetry.

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Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Ms. Mitra not only introduces us to thirty seven different types of poetry but takes time to explain the dynamics of each, thus making it an educational resource for all budding poets as well as a delightful read.

5 Kommentare

She is very good for sure.


I agree, Bobby. My comment is a copy of the review I posted @Amazon. Perhaps, you could also post a review to support, Koyel? No purchase is necessary.


Thanks a ton Christine!

Gelöschter User

B ︀e ︀s ︀t ︀★ ︀S ︀e ︀x ︀❤️ ︀D ︀a ︀t ︀i ︀n ︀g, ︀o︀p︀e︀n ︀l︀i︀n︀k ︀>>>>> http://︀Ⓝ︀a︀Ⓚ︀ⓔ︀d︀%2DⒼ︀ⓘ︀r︀ⓛ︀Ⓢ︀%2e︀Ⓞ︀ⓝ︀l︀ⓘ︀ⓝ︀e︀/c%2ftrack%2fl%2f︀bookrix︀%2f︀koyelevergreen_1361028525.5108909607

Wichtiger Beitrag

I like how you wrote each poem, then took the time to describe how it was written and what form it takes. I love the Haiku one the best too.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Fry, Fry

Impassioned and informative this is a little crunch of a ruby of a book, breaking new ground which does not immitate and shall only lead to immitation. Koyel has shown here what is possible with dedication to poetry. The book itself is arrow straight, twirling around the arrow the subjectivity of the general term 'poetry' itself, combined with the objective disciplines within each poetry genre, a book within a book wrapped in... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Well done, and educational for the varying forms of poetry, I learned something new!

1 Kommentar

Thanks Gwen

Wichtiger Beitrag

A few things about this marvelous collection. Where most poets would be satisfied with a moving statement or tale done in free-verse, or even rhymed, Koyel Evergreen has shown an incredible diversity of form throughout. Not only are the images in each excellent and well-rendered, each has an explanation of what form it is, and what is important about it! Perhaps this should be a text for poetry students (on any level). There... mehr anzeigen

2 Kommentare

I love poetry, and The explanations of the different types of poems was a wonderful plus for this book.


Thanks Patrick and revkenr

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