His Golden Tears

I'm living in a world where she isn't there to hold. Von:
His Golden Tears
A murder of her boyfriend, Ty, brings Katherine to be scared of every shadow. When Ty is put into Heaven, all he wants is to get back home.

Read both of their points of view, Katherine's hardships in the Living World and Ty's troubles trying to get back to Katherine in Heaven.

Will Ty see Katherine again? Will Ty's murderer be found? Is Ty Katherine's ONLY love?

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this cant be finished..and i wanna know how it ends.

Are ya gonna finish it?

hehe <3 it btw

4 Kommentare

I'll try to finish it. :) Just for you. Ha ha. I know how much you want me to! Love my cliff hangers at the end of EVERY chapter? xD I'm glad you like it darlin'. owo


I'm sorry but.. I'm not finishing this book and I'm getting off of that ^ account. I'm making a new book and having a clean slate. (:

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