
Chapter One.


Sunday, 11:28 pm. outside the coffee shop.

The rain trickled down my spine chilling me... And right now, that was the only thing in the world I could really feel right now. I stared at Ty for a long time trying to remember good times I had had with him. But at that moment, all I could see was his pale body… his pale, lifeless body. No breathe. No heart beat. The only thing moving from him was his blood being washed down the pavement by the falling rain. His tan drenched away by death, his beautiful blonde hair, now crimson red, his deep green eyes, now pale and gray. I finally fell to my knees when I could feel my body again.

That was the day when the world went cold.

Chapter Two.


Sunday, 11:30 pm. outside the coffee shop.

It felt strange to be separated from my body, I felt so light now. And… so… dead… I looked down at Katherine and my body. The way she cried was unbearable… Even though it’s pointless, I knelt down and hugged her tightly. Surprisingly, she jumped up and gasped… Was it possible? No… She couldn’t feel me. Then I realized she turned around to look at something.

And before I could look, the real world disappeared before my eyes.

Chapter Three.


Sunday, 11:30 pm. outside the coffee shop.

When I heard the footsteps from the distance I gasped and spun around, embarrassed, I wiped my tears. It was dark outside, and my eyes needed to adjust, so I couldn’t see who was there at first. Then I saw her, and she looked happy, even when she saw Ty, dead, on the ground.

To her happiest, she walked up and said, “Hey, Kat. Did Ty die or somethin’?” I stared at her for it seemed like forever, my best friend, the smartest, most popular girl in school, now, a stupid girl, alone with her stupidity.

“Are you stupid?” I felt like I was screaming, but I knew it was just a whisper. I could barely speak at this moment.

“Oh, you want me to tell you it’s okay? You want me to cry over a guy I don’t even know? Is that so stupid? I don’t need to cry for you, you are doing just fine on your own.” Shelby grimaced.

I know that she always takes offense and she always fires back, but this was a moment where I just didn’t need this. So I turned my back to her, looking back at Ty.

“Oh, come on girl, let him go! He’s in ‘heaven’ or whatever… Have you called the police?” I shook my head slightly, but enough for her to see. “And, uh, why not? Look whose stupid now. I’ll do it so the ‘widow’ doesn’t have to do it herself.” She snickered a little.

“Why are you so cruel? Do you understand?.... At all? He was my boyfriend. Practically my soul mate. You know how I am about relationships, and you know I mean it when I say soul mate.” I turned around quickly, “He was my happiness in this world and he’s gone and all you’re doing is standing there, calling ME stupid. What, stupid because I can’t dial the police because I can’t really feel my fingers right now. Because I’m crying because MY BOYFRIEND IS DEAD?! You have no reason in anything you say Shelby Anne Jonston! You were my best friend! I thought I could go to you when I was down and nobody else was around, and yet you stand here and insult me when I need you the most!” I felt my face burning by that point and I whispered, “You were the only thing I need right now. Is it so hard to not be cruel for you?”

She gazed at me in astonishment, and then her face went calm again. “Well at least I dialed the police for you. Best thing I can do right now, APPARENTLY. I guess I shouldn’t stay here with somebody that hates me all of the sudden.” She smirked and turned… and walked away casually.

I had lost two things that night.

My soul mate and my so-called best friend.

Chapter Four.


Unknown time. Unknown place.

I kept walking around like an idiot. There is nothing in this place and I just keep walking around until I find something…. Or somebody. I know it’s crazy to say but, do the deceased souls ever get lonely? Because, about 5 or 6 minutes after death and I’m already lonely. I want to go down to where I was, with Katherine. All I wanted was to be with my beautiful and sweet Katherine. At this point I just want to comfort her, but I ended up disappearing in to this…. this… place… I’m not sure what to call it right now.

“You’re in the Gates of Heaven, in case you were wondering.” Said a booming voice.

I turned around quickly and saw a tall man with wings smiling at me.

“How—where—what the—“ I sounded stupid, but this… angel... had to understand me.

“It’s okay. Your name is… Tyler Clament…. Am I right?”

I looked at him blankly and realized (stupidly, I know) that that was my name he said. I said quickly, “Uh—umm—yes, yes that’s me. I’m—in… Heaven?”

“You are at the Gates; you don’t get into Heaven that quickly, I still need to tell you a few rules first.” He smiled and gestured me to come over there. I walked slowly, still unsure. After being murdered, I wasn’t sure to trust anybody, even if the man had wings. Stupid as it sounds, it makes perfect sense to me. When I got in front of him and looked down at my feet for what it seemed like forever.

He grabbed my shoulders and tilted my head up slightly, but enough for me to see him. “I understand how you feel at this moment with how your life ended, but you can trust me, Tyler. You know me from some time ago, that’s why I am now your guide.” My eyes widened, “I—I know you? Then why don’t I recognize you?” His smile slowly faded and he sighed, “Remember a boy named Lane Ganest?” He raised his eyebrows, still holding my chin. I thought for a moment and shook my head slightly. “I lived next door to you for about 12 years and we played basketball almost every day with Phillip and Josh? Ring a bell?”

I almost fell to my feet. My childhood best friend that I had tried to get out of my memories after he died was now my guide to being an angel. What are the odds?

He let go of my chin and laughed a little at my sudden realization. “Lane? Snicker Lane?” I laughed. “Wow, you age in heaven?”

He smiled at me and laughed, “You clearly remember me Ty. Good to see you again, Hershey Boy.”

I hadn’t heard that nickname in almost 6 years… It felt good to be with him again. “How do you remember that name?” I said, half laughing.

“I’ve been here for almost 6 years, I happen to go back to some memories. It’s always the happy ones I like to go back to.” He smiled down at me.

I looked at my hands, pretending to examine them. “I’m sorry for forgetting you… I… just… well… I didn’t want to think of you being dead… I was so sad for so long and I needed to go on… I’m really sorry. Really and truly sorry Lane.” I felt my face burning. I really couldn’t think of anything to say. Then I looked at him half smiling.

“It’s okay Ty; we all need to move on sometime in our lives. That’s how life works.” He shrugged. “Even when you’re just a soul, you need to move on. Forget all fears and woes and—“

“Is there any way I can go back to Earth.” I quickly interrupted.

He looked at me astonished, “Wait, what? Why? You’re in Heaven and you want to go back?” I nodded.

“I want Katherine to know that it’s okay and who did this to me. I don’t want my murderer to get away.”

I looked at him for a moment and I could tell he was trying to think of something to say. Then he scratched the back of his neck and sighed, “Wait until we meet God for you to ask questions like that. Come on Hershey Boy.”

As we started walking to the Gates, I was worried that I might never see Katherine ever again.

Chapter Five.


Monday, 6:45 am. school.

I cried when I starting walking up to his locker. Some habits, I just really hate. When I felt my eyes starting to water even more, I quickly turned and practically ran up the stairs. It was like a video game to me trying to avoid everybody before I went to the bathroom.

POUND! I fell to the ground and looked up at him.

“Uh…. Sorry Katherine… Didn’t see ya there…” Phillip bent down to pick up my books. “Are… are you alright? You can talk to me if you want to, I understand if you—“ I leaned over and hugged him tightly and whispered, “You were his best friend,” I let go and looked at him, “If anybody were to understand, it would be you.” He glanced at me for a minute with a blank stare and then held out his arms, “Then I’ll be here to help you get through this. I know Ty would like somebody to help you through something like this.”

I leaned into his hug and smiled knowing somebody was finally here to help me through this.

Chapter Six.


Heaven… I guess?

“Wait, you said I couldn’t get through Heaven without knowing the rules and I don’t have my wings.” I looked up at him through the corner of my eye, clearly I interrupted some thoughts because I saw him snap out of a daze.

He straightened up and pointed to his right. “There are the Gates, we aren’t through them yet. And I was thinking how to tell you the rules…. And, you can get through the Gates without your wings, but you need to go straight to God before you are officially living in Heaven. You can’t live in Heaven without your wings.”

I tilted my head a little bit in confusion. “Wait, what? I thought that I just went straight to Heaven and became an angel to serve God.” He scratched the back of his neck and he made a face (I think that maybe that was his thinking face, I have no freaking idea what to call it).

“You don’t get your wings until you help at least one lost soul or somebody who is in need of help of other importance. Only God can decide who… Only then can you. It shows you are a pure soul, one who wants to help.” He just glanced at me, hoping (CLEARLY) that I understood.

“I’ve seen movies about cra—stuff like that. Heh… So the movies on this stuff is true?” He looked at me for a second confused. OH YEAH. He hasn’t been around to actually watch those kind of movies and actually know what it means. Crap… Nice one there Ty.. “Nevermind Lane… Sorry… ANYWAY.. Soooo…. We go to God now?”

He looked at me angrily, “Remember I have to tell you the rules? I told you at least once dude.”


“Sorry, go right ahead..” I tried to make myself look at least a little bit shorter so he couldn’t see me. I mean, I was short enough as it is… Or is he just really tall?

“Okay, Rule One: Don’t ever use the Lord’s name in vain while being an angel… Or ever for that matter. Rule Two: Do not hurt one another physically or mentally. Rule Three: Obey God at all times. (Even if it seems wrong, he has his reasons for everything, believe me Ty) Rule Four: Do not disrespect another. There is no reason for it.” He glared at me for a minute (taught me something there… Geeze..) “Rule Five: ….Do not get involved with Satan unless you get God’s permission and bring your advisor with you.”

…..Why would anybody ever want to do that??

“Okay, I get it. That’s it?”

He scratched the back of his neck, “Count the Ten Commandments and yah, that’s pretty much it.”

“Alright, going to Heaven and meeting God then?” I looked up and smiled at him.

He smiled back and nodded. “You ready?”

Never been more ready in my life or death.

Chapter Seven.


Monday, 2:52 pm. School parking lot.

Once I got out of school, I ran straight to the car and tried to get the key in the ignition, but for some reason my hands didn't want to respond. I sat in the car with my head on the wheel and sighed.

Apparently everybody had watched the news this morning about Ty dying. Reality really struck me today, and I'm really starting to hate it. When I saw Ty yesterday night, I was hoping it was all a dream. When I woke up this morning, I sat up bed like any other day hoping I woke up from a simple nightmare.. Then I ate my Fruit Loops and turned on the news. I realized then, this was all real. I was awake for this nightmare.

Today, everybody told me how sorry they were but only one person was there for me today, and that was shy, bashful Phillip. He'd actually walked in the girl's bathroom and talked to me and wiped my tears. (He made sure nobody was in there and he locked the door.) He had talked to me and helped me a little, but nothing could help me right now..

Unless you can raise the dead, that is.

Chapter Eight.



As I walked through the gates I realized this wasn't the Heaven everybody interpreted. Like, clouds & tons of pretty singing angels everywhere. It had beautiful bamboo floors, a fireplace & an ocean off to the side. Off in the distance I could see some angels but only through 1 open window that seemed to be floating.

I looked up at Him. He was beautiful.. amazingly extraordinary... No.. Those words can't describe it perfectly..

Then it hit me: Perfect. Just.. Perfect.

He seemed to look like my father when he was younger.. Not like how paintings depict him as. He had short blonde hair, auburn eyes, tan, but not too tan, skin, & a clean beard.

I bowed before Him and looked up slightly to see He had His hand out for me to get up.

At this point I was trying to decide whether to take His hand. Stupid, yes.. But it was hard to explain why I had a nagging feeling to not take His hand.

So I ignored the nagging feeling and took His hand.

Chapter Nine.


Monday, 3:27 pm. School parking lot.


I rose my head up, slightly confused, I looked right then left.

Phillip was standing by the window, looking in at me, clearly waiting for me to roll down the window. So, I did.

"Umm.. Hey Phill--"

"Let me get in the car. Now. Please. I'll tell you on the way." He stared at me hard waiting for an answer.

I stared blankly at him out of pure shock. I wasn't use to him acting like this. I finally seemed to snap out of it, "Uh.. Yeah, get in. It's unlock--"

He ran all the way around the car, opened the door dramatically, and irritatingly slammed the door, "DRIVE."

I rolled up the window, looked forward, and looked at him with distaste, "You may have helped me today, but that doesn't give you the right to treat me like this."

He stared at me like I was stupid, looked frustrated, and then tried his best to go back to being a little calmer, "Please drive your car away from here as soon as possible. I am trying not to explode from freaking out right now. Thanks." He pointed in the rear-view mirror.


Chapter Ten.



I was frozen in my own state of mind, in a new universe, different from anything I've ever seen.. And I had just seen God's perfect face. I was staring at a door. It wasn't ordinary. Yes, it was floating, but it seemed to have a strange pattern and language. Colors that didn't seem to exist anywhere BUT this strange place.

I tried moving towards it, but I seemed to only have the ability to move my arms. I looked around me and saw beautifully sculpted arms around me. I looked up.

It was Him.
And He was smiling at me with His perfectly perfect teeth shining.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.12.2011

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Katherine Efird. Character after her and for her to enjoy.

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