Love For The Bounty Hunter

Bounty hunters don't fall in love Von:
User: kimmyj79
Love For The Bounty Hunter
Brandon is a hard, tough, and get his suspect kind of man. He does not date and he does not have a family, but one night in the ER can change that.
Does he fall in love with bright eyed nurse that helped him that night?

bounty hunter, ER, doctor
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Sorry this is taking me a little bit to add chapters to this story, I got sick but I am back now so I will try to upload more soon

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you so much for the hearts :) I am adding chapters every day if I can..I did add one more tonight, I will try for another before I hit the hay :)

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