
Love For The Bounty Hunter

Brandon was getting ready as he did any other day. This morning he had to make sure he was dressed and ready to walk out the door at 7 am it was already 6:15, he had to move his butt if he was going to make it on time.
He was training someone new today so he had to make sure he was on his toes, he had everything they were going to need, and he needed some energy. They were bounty hunters and asked, “Do we get a gun soon? Are we the police”, this was annoying questions because if they read their booklet the student would know that he was not going to get a gun, they used pepper spray, wore bullet proof vest, and made sure they had back up.
Brandon is 5’8 and 175 lbs and he could move fast. In this line of work you were running all the time, you would have to chase the suspect, and if you are not in shape this is not the job for you.
Finally ready to walk out there he blew out a breath, cleared his mind, and prayed to god he would have a good day.
It took twenty-minutes to get to his office on the other side of town; he owned his own building after four years of working for someone else. He now had his own which he named, “Brandon’s Bail Bonds.” He loved owning his business, though he did hate that he had to travel so much because the suspects would fled. It would be nice to have a calm home, with children and a wife.
He shook his head to clear those thoughts. He did not have time for a family at this time and besides no relationship he was in ever lasted long enough to start a family.
Stepping out of his air-conditioned car he immediately felt the heat of the sun hit his face. He hurried across the parking lot and stepped inside the cold air in the building, “ Snake, Dave, And Steve lets go look at this paper work we have for the day.” He shouted when he entered the building.
When the three men were seated around the table Brandon asked, “has anyone of you seen the new kid yet”
The three men shook their head no in unison. They looked out the window, which was covered with advertisements waiting to see if he would walk in any minute. This was not a good sign to be late on the first day of work. Within five minutes and the new guy had not shown up Brandon went on without, briefing the others on the case for the day.
Snake shouted, “Let’s suit up and hit the streets.” Brandon tried to call Nick to see why he was not at work yet. He did not get an answer, pushing the end talk button, and clipping the phone to its clip on his belt loop; he put his hand in the air and pointed his first finger towards the sky circling it around. Everyone knew that meant round up and get into the vehicles.
Snake and Brando drove together every “mission” it was just their thing, they have gotten close over the years, they actually started off with the same company. They joked and laughed as long as they were focused on the suspect. Each would make sure they had the picture they had seen back in the office, and periodically on the drive to their last known location.
You had to be on your toes on this job. You knew if someone was hiding him and would hurt you instead of helping out, or the suspect would bolt out of somewhere and you would have to chase them down. There was the possibility of getting shot though the crew had to wear bullet proof vest.
Two hours into the search Brandon’s cell phone started ringing. He snatched the phone from his hip, hitting the talk button, “ hello this is Brandon, how can I help you?” the phone was quite for a minute before someone said, “ Brandon it’s me, dude I am sorry I did not make it to work on time, by the time I got there you all were gone.”
It was Brandon’s turn to be quite as he pulled the cell phone away from his ear. He looked at it as if he were looking at the person on the phone, putting the phone back to his ear he said, “we waited there for 15 minutes and you never showed. We did not have all day; there is a job to be done here. I will talk with you when I get back to the office.”
“Dude, that was the new guy Nick. He is just calling saying he is sorry he was late. Shouldn’t have called earlier this morning?”
Snake laughed and said yes at the same time. “He might not be a morning person. In that case we would not be able to use him; this is0 around the clock work some nights.”
Knocking the neighbor’s doors to get information the suspect they were looking for, making phone calls and driving around was actually tiring. They were all getting tired and not one sight of the suspect. Brandon was thinking of calling it a night when Dave from the other car said, “I got a call saying he is at the beach two blocks from here. If we move in slow then hit him fast we should be able to get down and out of here in no time.”
That is not what happened though it did sound like a good plan at the time. Someone must have tipped him off about Brandon coming because when they pulled and got out of their vehicles, before his crew could make a move the suspect pulled out a gun and shot Brandon.
Dave used his stun gun on the suspect so he would drop the weapon and be cuffed without any other problem. Steve was checking Brandon to see where he had been shot and how bad.
“It’s just the left arm and it is just a graze I think I will be okay.”
“You know how this works, it’s the rules. If anyone gets hurt on the job they have to go to the ER. So I will help you up and stay in the waiting room until you are done.”
“I will let you drop me off at the ER but I will find my own way home. I don’t know why they make us stick to those stupid rules.”
Pulling up in front of the ER Brandon got out of the car, before closing the door he said, “this is not getting any of us out of work tomorrow.” And he walked inside the hospital.
Brandon hated going to the hospital because of this reason, why would a patient need to sit in the waiting room for so long when this was supposed to be the ER, he was getting ready to walk to the desk when they finally called his name, “Brandon Duster.”

The ER Nurse

“Please come in and sit on the table, I will be right back I forgot something.”
She walked out just as fast as she walked him into room. He sat there thinking he wished she would hurry up, and there before his eyes she re-appeared.
“Sorry about that another emergency. I need to check and clean your wound and I need to get your blood pressure.”
Brandon lifted his arm so she could wash the blood off his wound, that stung so bad he wanted to run out the door, but he was stronger than that. Before she started to butterfly stitch his left arm she smiled at him and said, “I am sorry long day, my name is Dr. Cotton, I need to make sure you do not get an infection. Now I am closing the wound so that I can take your blood pressure. How did this happen to you, if I may ask. You do not look like a police officer.”
Brandon chuckled under his breath and said,” I am a bounty hunter and the suspect got tipped I was coming so he shot at me. It was just a graze but they make you come be seen by a doctor. That is why I am here today.”
She continued her work and when she was finished and handed him the clipboard to sign, his heart felt like it fell out of his chest.
What the hell was wrong with him? Sure she was pretty with her long blonde hair and blue eyes. She has a gorgeous smile and the twitch in her walk was making his manhood want to grow.
“I will be back with your discharge papers and make sure you follow the directions on these papers here. This will assure that you do not end up back here, well at least not for infection.” She giggled and walked out of the room, leaving him feel alone and out of place. He reasoned that he was out of place being in a hospital.
Thirty-minutes later he was standing out front waiting for his cab to arrive and thinking how in the world it took someone thirty-minutes to be discharged. The bright sun was shining in his eyes making everything a glare and the medication for pain that he was on made him sick to stomach when he was in the sun, so he took a few steps back and sat on a bench under a big oak tree.
Stepping into the cab Brandon told the cab driver where he needed to go. The whole ride home for some reason he could not shake the thoughts of the DR. in the ER tonight. He wanted to see her physically in front of him, not the mental images. The cab driver announced,” we are here Sir. That will be $22.65.”
Quickly handing over $25 and telling the cabbie to keep the change, Brandon stepped out of the cab and looked at his apartment. He could not wait to go inside and lay in his bed; he has a bedroom that is made to fit his personality; modern appliances and his clothes. He was not home to watch TV so he does not have a big stupid plasma TV instead he has a small TV set in his bedroom where he spends most of his time.
He laughed to himself as he pushed the door open to enter the apartment. “Like a woman like her would date a bounty hunter that leads a dangerous life and she tries to save lives. Though she will be a great fantasy since I am single.” As soon as the words that were out of his mouth he saw a brown haired, brown eyes woman staring at him.
“I don’t think you need to be single. You can come to my place tonight and we can see what happens. What do you say?” the woman asked.
Brandon smiled politely and said,” no thanks ma’am I was just speaking in general. But thank you very much for the offer.” He told her as he continued to his apartment where he would be safe for the night, maybe not from his thoughts but from horny woman throwing themselves at him.
When he walked into his apartment he looked around at his boring brown furniture with no couch or anything in his living room, in his bedroom he had a plain twin bed with a white sheet and blue comforter. He has his TV set up against the wall as soon as you walk in the room.
He got comfortable on his bed and dialed the number to Snake, he was checking in with him so he knew everything was in the clear and no matter about resting there was work in the morning.
He decided he should eat something it has been hours and the ER gave him pain mediation so on his way on of his room to the kitchen he turned on the TV so he could see what the weather was going to be tomorrow, he hated when it rained and he was not prepared. He grabbed a TV dinner out of the freezer and stuck it in the microwave for two-minutes, standing there because when the ding went off he was going to have to stir his potatoes and add two more minutes until it was done.
Sliding it onto a plate so that he could carry it without being burned by the black plastic, he walked back into his room, and sat on the bed to watch TV and eat dinner. He led a boring life but he liked how his life was going. He did not want or like change. He needed to get his head together and get the ER doctor out of his head.
“No rain in the forecast at all this week. That is good, that will help us.” He said to the TV.
He went to sleep trying to fight the thoughts that were flooding his brain of thoughts of a sexy nurse that came into his house and nursed him back to heal, and not only the wound to his arm, and it was not life threaten so he would have to make sure something else happened to him. He had these types of dreams until morning came shining into his window to wake him. When he got out of his bed he told himself there was no since in fighting this, whatever this was, he was going to the hospital with presents until she went out on a date with him.

Presents For ER Doctor

The morning Brandon had to get up for work at the normal time and but today he was going to find time to stop by and get a dozen roses for the doctor at the ER, he did not know what was going on in his head when it came to this woman, but his heart sped up, his head was spinning, and he felt tongue tied when she was around him last time. This was going to be the test when he delivered the roses to her.
He called Snake and asked him to pick him up this morning, he was going to do as little with his left arm as possible, though he was going to work. He heard Snake honk his horn letting him know he was in the drive way and ready to go. Brandon walked out of his front door making sure to lock it, and walked out to Snakes black Harley Davison truck. He loved it and was thinking about getting one but he was fine with F-150 for the moment.
“What is on the agenda for the day?” Snake asked.
“We are going to the office and see who our suspect is, if this is an easy case we are going to find the perp and take the rest of the day off.” Brandon turned to look out the window; he knew his friend was going to have questions of why they would not take on another case to get them done. He just did not have the strength to go into it with Snake right now; he would let him know what was going through his head when they were in the truck and on their way to get their suspect.
The three men went through the same routine as they normally did, coming into the office, and sitting at the table until they got their instructions. One thing was different this morning; Nick decided to come in this morning, which did not make Brandon very happy. He had plans for today and he did not want to teach someone how to hunt down a suspect.
Damn it, I am tired of my days going to shit because things do not go according to plan. “What is going on Nick? You have decided to grace us with your presence this morning huh? I am going to have you ride me and Snake.” He told him pointing to Snake. When people first see him they see the tattoos that he has all over him, his face, hands, arms, and legs. But he was a good man he was serious when it was time to be but he had a good hear t and protected his friends.
Once they climbed into the car Brandon told Snake what his plan was for the ER doctor then turned around in his seat and told Nick,” today you will sit in the truck with me while Snake, Dave, and Steve chase, if that is needed today. We will sit here and watch and I will explain whatever you need me to. Do you understand?”
“Yes Sir I understand. I think that I will be able to help you Sir and I am sorry about not showing up yesterday.”
Brandon did not say another word; he turned back around in his seat and picked up the picture so he could be on the lookout for who he was looking for.
Tired and in some pain Snake pulled into the ER parking lot and let Brandon out at the doors. “I will be back as soon as I can, if you need to go ahead and park.” He closed the truck door and walked into the hospital. He could feel his breathing becoming choppy, his legs felt wobbly, and his heart rate felt like it was kicking his ribs out of his body. He did not see the doctor when he walked in so he walked up to admissions desk and asked, “Is Doctor Cotton in today?”
“She is but she is very busy, I am sorry can I help you with something?” the nurse behind the desk questioned with raised eye brows.
“Could you give her these roses please, let her know that if she does not call me that I will be back with presents until I find the right one that is for her? Thank you.” And he walked back out of the hospital smiling from the look of shock on the nurses’ face.
Snake must have seen him come out because he drove back up to the front door to pick Brandon up. “What happened dude? You were not in there long.”
“I could not talk with her but I did let the nurse at the front desk know that I would be back with more gifts for the doctor so it would be best for her to call me.” He chuckled.
“You’re really going through with this huh? What are you going to do if she does not want to date or she is married?”
“I looked and there was no ring or ring line on her finger. What woman could resist a man that comes to her job and leaves her gifts every day until she says to one date? If I was a woman I would date a man that bought me gifts just because.”
Snaked dropped Brandon off at his home so he could do whatever and get ready for work tomorrow. “See you tomorrow.”
Brandon was hoping that the doctor would call him tonight but he did not think that she was going to. It was going to take a few gifts for her to contact him. But when she did would she be mad or would she go out with him? Walking into his house he noticed his cell phone was blinking, which meant he missed a call. He looked pressed the button so he could hear his voicemail.
To his surprise she did call him already, she called and left a message saying,” I am sorry you are wasting your time; those were some lovely flowers, though I am not at the point in my life that I cannot date anyone right now. I would thank you not to come to my job every day.”
He didn’t care what she said he was going to crack her so she would go on one date with him. What could that hurt?
The next day he stopped by the hospital twice; once in the morning and once that evening on his way home from work. That was a total of three gifts so far and he was going back to morning and evening again.
He heard his cell phone ringing before he entered his apartment but he did not bother to take it out and look at it, as he knew it was going to be the doctor so he would wait, and listen to the voice mail in a minute.

Taylor's POV

Taylor had a long week with work and then on top of that this man that she treated that week was dropping by everyday leaving her presents. He refused to answer his phone when she tried to call him and he ignores her last message about not leaving presents anymore.
She did not have time to think about it tonight her best friend was coming over; Kerri is 8 months pregnant now so she doesn’t get out much, and it will be great to see her friend tonight. She ran through her house making sure it was clean, no dirty dishes, laundry, and covers on the floor.
Looking at the time on her cell phone in her hand she seen she had enough time to jump in the shower and change out of her scrubs. The scrubs were comfortable but she was sick of looking at them every day. She had the quickest shower of her life and dressed in record time, as she was towel drying her hair the door bell rang.
Opening it in a hurry so she could hug her friend; there stood Kerri round stomach and a man standing next to her. To be honest Taylor didn’t think he looked like the best character for Kerri to be hanging around right now, though she said nothing.
“Come in here, it has been to long since I have seen you. What is going on? What brings you here tonight and I know you’re ready to have the baby.” Taylor asked her friend.
“Taylor this is very important to me okay? I need to ask you for the biggest favor ever, if something happens to me any time after the baby is born, will you please take her?”
Taylor did not know how to react to something like that, if something happened to her. What the hell is talking about? And she just had to ask first, “what is going on Kerri? Why would something happen to you at any time?”
“Look that is not important right now. I need to know that if something was to happen to me you would take care of my daughter. I know you said you didn’t want to have children, but you didn’t have her I did so you could raise her.” Kerri was begging and Taylor got a feeling something horrible was going to happen to her friend.
“Why don’t you both stay here? By the way I am Taylor and you are?”
“My name is Brad.”
That is all he had to say, he did not say a word when Kerri was begging her to take her baby either.
Kerri and Brad were looking at each other in a strange way but she did not say anything, she was really hoping Kerri stayed the night with her, hell the rest of her pregnancy, and longer if need be.
“Thank you Taylor but we can’t stay here tonight. I will come by after the baby is born and chat longer with you okay? I love you Taylor you’re like my sister. See you later.”
Taylor watched the beat up ole Ford drive away with the red tail lights fading the further the car got from her. Her heart sank to her stomach; she knew that she may never see her friend or her baby again. Damn it, why didn’t she just stay here where she would have been safe and so would her baby? She pisses me off sometimes but I love her.
When Taylor walked into her room the first thing she saw was the presents she got from Brandon all week, she started thinking what she had got this week from this man. Monday he drop off a dozen roses, Tuesday two roses and a card that sang out “Wild Thing”, Wednesday it was a gold necklace with a T charm to hang on it, Thursday he brought in tickets to some ballet, and Friday it was a black spaghetti strapped dress.
She smiled to herself she had never met a man that spent this much time and money trying to win a date with a woman. She wished she could go out on a date with Brandon, he was all male, he was good looking, with bright blue eyes, and dark hair. He made her heart flutter when she walked in the room in the ER and seen him sitting on the bed. He was sexy with a bullet wound and dangerous job. That was another thing she thought his job is dangerous how could she date someone that lived a life like that? She saved lives no matter who the person was dying on her table.
This night had to end; it has been too much all week and the talk with her friend Kerri tonight took the rest of her energy. She needed a day off but that was not coming any time soon. The rest of this month she was on call because the head doctor was out on vacation. Taylor even thought about putting on the black dress Brandon left at the hospital for her so she would feel good for a minute tonight, though she knew that was a bad idea since she could not get the damn man out of her head.
“Guess I will try to call him again tomorrow before I get my breakfast, he should be up and on his way to work at least.” She was talking to herself again. She didn’t care tonight she got to talk to whomever she wanted and it would be fine. She changed into a pair of bright pink boxers and bright pink tank tops, she pulled back the covers, and crawled underneath and was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
The next morning she heard her cell phone alarm clock shout out, “ Pressure pushing down on me” she jumped out of her bed and stretched. She always jumped out of bed as if she had an emergency every time she heard that song. Taylor walked into her bathroom and turned on the shower, she wondered if she would hear from or get a chance to see Brandon today. She shook her head and climbed into the hot shower.
She didn’t have too much to spend in the shower if she wanted her cup of coffee before she headed out the door. She wrapped her towel around her head and dressed into baby blue scrubs that had the character Scooby Doo on them, she would put her white coat on at the hospital. Taylor walked into the kitchen where her coffee was already done brewing because she set the timer to go off so it was ready when she got out of bed. Grabbing a traveling mug from her cupboard she added two spoon full’s of sugar and a pinch of creamer adding the top to it and grabbing her purse on her way out the door.
She pulled into the hospital parking lot, cutting off her lights since it was still early in the morning, and opened her door to climb out. She leaned back in and snached her purse up, before she could get all the way out of her car she bump her ass into someone, she screamed and fell face first back inside her car. She turned her head and looked up into Brandon’s eyes.
“What the hell are you doing here? You scared me half to death.” She said in a whisper.
“I am so sorry. I did not mean to scare you, I was actually on my way to come see you and I saw you bend back in your car for something.”
She got back out of her and closed her door harder then she meant to, but she didn’t care she was pissed that he scared her.
“I was wondering if you thought about my proposal for a date?” he asked.
She rolled her eyes and continued walking. She didn’t know what to say to him, she knew this was a bad idea because it would end badly. But in her heart she wanted to go out with him just once to see if he was really a good guy.
“Fine I will go out with you if you promise to stop bringing me gifts and making my staff nervous of you.” She told him with a smile.

Taking Taylor Out

Brandon could not believe his luck was good this morning, he pulled into the hospital parking lot and he saw Taylor bending into her car. He hurried up and parked his truck, locked it, and quickly walked over to her car so he would be able to talk to her before she walked inside the hospital.
He did not expect her jump and fall back into her car. He would have laughed but she was seriously pissed off that he scared her and probably because she fell back in the seat. She said,” What the hell are you doing here? You scared me half to death.”
All he could do was apologize and walk fast to keep up with her. He loved the way she looked mad, happy, and serious. He didn’t care he just wanted one date with her. When he asked her out and she said yes. He almost stopped walking and he knew his jaw was hanging on the ground.
“I will pick you up here or at your house? It does not matter to me. We can go anywhere you would like, just let me know Friday.”
Taylor only nodded and continued on her way but that is all Brandon needed from her. She was at least going out with him and that is what he has been trying to get for a week. He did everything he could think of and none of the presents were working, to be frank he was running out of ideas.
Today he had to nab two suspects and his team was ready to go, he had played around too much this week and the whole team had to pay for it. He went into the office early since it was just going on 5 am, he sat at his table next to the big picture window, and flipped through the two folders he had on the suspects. Today he was after a 26 year old male with black hair and black eyes then he had to get a 21 year old female that looked like she was 16.
What could be so bad that these people turned to the life of crime and had bounty hunters like us after them? He thought.
He didn’t know how long he was studying the folders and writing down the numbers he had on both, the female had four different contact numbers and they would need to contact them all. He heard his team coming into the office.
“What the hell are you sick? You are here early today and how long have you been here?” Snake asked.
“What does that mean am I sick? I own this place so I can come in anytime I want.” Brandon said with a chuckle. His team chuckled with him, they knew it was more like a family business not just three men that worked for a boss.
Unfortunately they did not find the male suspect today but they did get the 21 year old female, she tried to run so they gave chase and cornered to take her down. She scarped her knees up bad so Steve got the first aid kit out and cleaned up her knee before sitting her in the truck. Steve also walked her into the jail house so she could be booked in.
That night when he got home he had to call Snake because they did not have much chance to talk today there was action all day, which is how they liked it so they did not get bored. Brandon called Snaked and chatted for a few minutes, men didn’t stay on the phone long they got to the point and hung up.
He lay in his bed thinking of Taylor what she would look like Friday, would she wear the black dress he bought her? He was making himself confused. He decided to sleep on it.
It was finally Friday and Brandon couldn’t wait to see Taylor tonight. He thought about calling her but thought against it, she probably end their date if he did that.
Snake and Dave asked him, “what is wrong with you today?” Brandon didn’t want to tell them about his date with Taylor in case it don’t go well tonight, so he instead he shook his head no, which they knew meant nothing he was going to talk about at this time.
Brandon watched the time all day, he had to be asked something or told something more than once, and he got them lost twice. “I am sorry you guys, I don’t know what is going on today. I will be better tomorrow so this does not happen again.”
He seen Snake looking at him out of the corner of his eye but he did not say anything, he just wanted the time to hurry up so he could go pick Taylor up. He wanted a shower before he did pick her up.
Brandon walked into his house and rushed around to get ready for his date, he grabbed a black pair of slacks and white button down shirt. He sprayed cool water on himself so that he would smell good. Brandon took a look in the mirror and smiled, if he did say so himself he looked good for his first date in years. He was so nervous and he never felt this way.
He pulled into the hospital parking lot and saw Taylor was sitting in her car waiting for him, that is good then he did not have to go in and ask for her. He pulled in right next to her car and unlocked the doors; he got out so that he could open the door for Taylor to get inside. When he got out of his truck and walked around the back, he saw Taylor wore the black dress he bought her. Secretly he was pleased.
“Where are we going? I hope I am dressed okay, you bought it so I figured I should wear it.” She said.
“Don’t worry you look beautiful and it is a surprise where I am taking you.” He smiled at her.
He opened the door letting her get in and shutting the door when she was comfortable. He skipped around the back of the truck and hopped behind the wheel, and took off. He looked over at her and said, “Relax, you’re going to have fun tonight.” He loved the smile on her face when she looked at him, lit his boring world up.
“It will only take us about ten-minutes to get where I want to take you. I think you will like it, at least I am hoping.” Brandon told her,
Taylor was quite but she looked a little more relaxed the longer she was around him. He wanted to talk with her but right now he was lost with words, he did not know one thing about dating anymore.
Brandon pulled over near the edge of a huge river, but there was other cars there, so he made sure left run for someone else to park and said, “We are here. We have to wait a few minutes but when we see the folks from the other cars get out then we do to.”
“What are we waiting for? I drive by here all the time but I do not pay much attention, I am usually in a hurry whenever I am out.”
When Brandon seen the big boat coming down the river slowly with the bright lights making the boat light up he said, “this is our time to get out. Are you ready for this?” he asked her
Taylors eyes were big and round, Brandon wanted to pull her over to him and her kiss her silly. He didn’t though; instead he smiled and got out of the truck. Brandon held Taylors hand down to where the boat was docked waiting for the next group to load up. He gave the man at the top of the flat ladder that they just walked up.
“I have never done nothing like this before. This is great, thank you.”
Brandon felt good about his choice for their first date.

Taking Taylor Out All Month

The look and happiness in Taylors face was enough to make him feel giddy and he loved it. He took her by the hand and led her onto the shiny light colored dance floor. She danced very well and he was happy about that. He had the time of his life, when it was time to take Taylor back to get her car he was a little disappointed as he wanted the date to go on.

He asked her, “What did you think of the steak dinner you had? The potatoes looked good.”

“It was good, I thought that they should have added more garlic and butter to the potatoes but I think I finally found someone that cook my steak the way I like it without it being too tough.” She smiled.

When he pulled into the hospital parking lot she said, “I had a great time tonight and I wanted to thank you for taking me, though I have been a pain in the ass.” She fumbled in her purse and came up with a piece of paper and pen; she was writing her phone number down.

“I had a great time tonight myself and you can count on me getting a hold of you soon.” He winked.

He waited until Taylor was safely in her car before he drove off. He was proud of how the date went tonight and he would tell Snake about it tomorrow. He was falling for Taylor and he didn’t know what to do about it, he said he would never be in another serious relationship. He thought all the way home about what he was going to do and still didn’t have an answer when he pulled in his drive way. He looked at the time and seen it was only ten a clock he would call Snake and see if wanted to go get a beer.

They met up “Big Jims” that was the best bar in town and there were three of them. Brandon walked inside and sat at the bar, he made it there so first so he ordered a pitcher of beer and poured himself a glass as on as the bartender sat it down.

He saw Snake walk in with a expression on his face that told Brandon he thought it was weird he wanted to meet at the bar. He had a good time tonight and thought it was time to talk with his friend about Taylor; he wanted no he needed to tell someone how he was starting to feel about this woman that invaded his thoughts all day.

“What’s going on dude? Where have you been the last couple hours?” Snaked asked.

“I wanted a drink and talk with you for awhile.”

They sat there looking into their beers, Brandon was twirling his glass around in his hands then he would take a sip. He knew he looked stupid sitting there saying nothing, but he was thinking of how to come about this. Honesty, he thought.

“I was on a date, Taylor finally said yes she would go out with me and we had a great time. I ended up taking her on the boat that drives around on the lake; you can eat, drink, and dance. You would have been surprised at how loose I was around her.” He paused and looked over at his friend, removing his hands from his glass and sitting them in his lap he said, “I am in love with you already, she makes me happy, and I can’t wait to see her again.”

He saw the doubt in his friends’ eyes but he knew that what he was feeling was real, they had something tonight and he has dated plenty of women.

“You think you are love with her already? That is not possible. I think that you should get your thing on, you know have sex, and be done with it.”

“Brandon looked at him with rage in his eyes, “What does that mean?”

Brandon stood up so that he could leave when Snake grabbed his arm, “wait I, don’t leave I think we should talk about this. I see that this woman means a lot to you but do you think that you are in love with her already? I will say this okay? Don’t have sex with her and leave ride it out and see where it goes from here, you are both very busy people.”

They sat there for an hour talking when Brandon stood up so they could leave, they had to work in the morning and he still wanted to call Taylor. He walked out of the bar with Snake and said good bye, he walked to his truck and jumped in; first thing he did was put his seat belt on and used his cell phone to call Taylor on his way home.

She answered her phone on the second ring, she sounded like she was out of breath that made Brandon’s mind go wild. He said, “Hello you, what are you doing? I am on my way home.”

“I am getting ready for bed as I have to work early in the morning if I do not get a call in the middle of the night on an emergency.”

He talked with her until he pulled in his drive and then he asked her, “Would you like to go bowling tomorrow?”

“Yes, I would love to go bowling tomorrow. I guess I will meet you there tomorrow. Good night.”

He got out of his truck with a smile on his face. He was glad he got shot by that criminal; he thought that was the best thing that could have happened to him. He was going to try his hardest to try and keep Taylor in his life.

He walked in his house and decided to take a shower so he would be ready for work in the morning. He was too excited to sleep right now knowing he was going to be going out with Taylor again, he wanted to have sex with her of course but that was not important.

He laid in his bed and thought about how she looked in her black dress and he was thinking that he should send more than a dozen roses to her work; she would be embarrassed but she would love it at the same time knowing he was thinking of her and cared for her like he did.

Three weeks later Brandon and Taylor were getting along great. They had not had sex yet but they did some close a couple times. He has felt her creamy, soft breast in his hands. When she kissed him it felt like he was in heaven and he wanted to make love to her body like he made love to her mouth.

Tonight’s plans were to go to Snakes BBQ than go to the bar for a few drinks before going back to her house, he figured he should get some flowers, chocolates, and champagne in case tonight was the night.

Brandon had to get through the rest of his day before he could think of going out with Taylor, he has been driving in the truck all day and he has not come across his suspect yet; whenever he called no one heard or seen this person. He was tired of looking if he was being honest; he loved his job but days where the crew spent in the trucks and could not catch or find someone really brought their spirits down.

“Did you ever find out if you two were coming to my house for the BBQ?” Snake asked him.

Brandon wanted to laugh but he held it in and said, “Yes we are coming to your house tonight though we are not going to stay long. We have other plans as well. I am not sure what they are going to be yet; this night is about Taylor.”

Brandon decided at 5pm that it was time to quit for the day. They did not have any lucky so start over again tomorrow. He was ready to get home and shower so he could go pick up Taylor.

Pushing Hard For Taylor

Brandon didn’t know what to think of her having a baby and she didn’t say anything. He just wanted to know why she went on a date with him and didn’t say oh by the way I have a child.
“Taylor, I don’t care that you have a child, I just want to know why you didn’t tell me about having a baby when we went out the other night.”
“Please leave Brandon. I don’t have time for this right now and I don’t have to actually tell you anything. You asked for one date and that is what I gave you. I didn’t know what I was going to do until we went out that night, but things have changed and I can’t talk to you about it; I am on my way out.”
Brandon followed her down the path to her drive way where she buckled the car seat in the back, he did notice she was fumbling and she didn’t have the act down like a mother should. He continued to watch her and after five minutes she had the baby latched in the car.
“I guess I will call you later tonight. I have to go right now though, so please just let me contact you.”
She was begging him to let her call, but did he believe that she was going to call after she would not talk to him for days. He didn’t have any choice but to wait for Taylor to call him. He walked down the drive way to his truck; he got in behind the wheel, and looked Taylor in her eyes before he pulled away.
His cell phone started beeping since he never set a ring tones. “What’s up Steve? I am actually driving right now.”
When he hung up he said the boys were going to the bar and wanted him to come along, he didn’t have anything else to do so he went. He needed something to get his mind off Taylor having a child with her today; she didn’t even look like she had given birth. He had too many thoughts going through his head.
“What’s up assholes?” Brandon asked waking up to a table they were sitting at.
“Dude, where have you been all day? We have been by your place a few times and we even texted with no reply back from you.”
Brandon shook his head and sat down. He reached for the pitcher of beer in the middle of the table. He needed this drink, Snake handed him a glass, and Brandon poured it to the rim. He gulped the beer down like he was a dying man in the desert.
Steve, Dave, Nick, and Snake were staring at him with their mouths a gaped. He slowly took his hand away from his face so he could look back at them, he said, “what is the matter with you?”
“What has been into you the last few days? You have not been with us when we are at work and you are not a drinker but you just downed that glass of beer like you dying of thirst and there was nothing else for you to drink.”
Brandon didn’t know what he should tell them because they were right he has not been being a good boos or friend to them. He needed to get his heads out of the clouds and get back into his life. He could get Taylor out of his head. He ever needed a woman before and he didn’t need one now.
“I am sorry I don’t know what is going on. I promise I am working on getting back to my old self but for tonight I think I will get smashed and worry about my life tomorrow.” He smiled and drank down the rest of the beer that was in the glass.
Dave got up and asked a woman to dance, he looked so funny out there shaking his ass all over the dance floor like he was having a seizure. The men at the table started laughing, holding their stomach, and stomping their feet. Brandon didn’t think any of them had ever seen Dave dance before and doubted they would forget it any time soon. The poor woman was looking around to see if anyone was watching them.
Steve wanted to record them dancing but his cell phone wouldn’t get it where it was light enough to be seen so they scratched that idea. They were going to fuck with him about it tomorrow though.
Brandon sat there drinking through two and half pitchers of beer before he said, “well this has been fun but I really have to go home. I am tired and I am beyond drunk.”
Brandon patted himself down looking for his car keys; he looked around the table but still couldn’t find his keys. He looked up at the guys around the table and said, “Where are my keys? I really want to go home now.”

Taylor Ignoring Him

Brandon got home in record time, he basically ran into the house, tripping over his own two feet, and making it to the door before he fell flat on his face. He laughed out loud when he caught himself from falling, that would have been funny, and I guess love makes someone act a fool. He unlocked his door and went straight to his room for a change of clothes and jumped into the shower.

He could not want to call Taylor and ask if he could pick her up now, they could stop by the store and get something to drink and if she wanted a dish to pass, though that was not something that had to do, it was just something he was thinking so he could spend more time with her.

Brandon was wrapped in a towel as he walked into his room and looked all over his bed for his phone to find it under his covers, not sure how it got there he picked it up and called Taylor; it went to voice mail. That was okay she was probably working so he left her a message and got dressed as he waited for her to call him back.

An hour later Taylor still had not called him back so he called her cell phone once again and left another message. He was beginning to get worried when she still did not answer or call him back right away, he decided to wait another hour and he was going to call the hospital and just ask to talk with her, Taylor always answered his calls or called him right back.

“Hello I am looking for Dr. Cotton is she available to speak at the moment?” Brandon asked.

“I am sorry Dr. Cotton is not working today.” That was it, no good bye, no nothing. Brandon did not understand why she was not answering his calls.

Brandon didn’t want to look like a liar so he had to make an appearance at Snakes BBQ or his crew would be talking shit tomorrow at work. He snatched his keys from the dresser and walked out the door; he needed to do something he felt like he was going crazy. On his drive to Snakes he was trying to figure out why she would stop talking to him out of the blue like she has.

He saw there were plenty of vehicles in around Snakes house including the drive way, he parked in the road at least two minute walk to his house, that wasn’t bad but that meant there were too many people for him to deal with tonight. Brandon went searching for Snake to find him manning the Grill and of course a beer in hand and a petite blonde female on his side.

“Wow! I didn’t know you were going to have so many people here for a BBQ,, how’s it going?”

“What’s up man? I didn’t know so many people were going show either but seems like someone brought a guest then so on, it’s great isn’t it? Where is Taylor?” Snake asked.

Brandon didn’t know how to answer that so he lied of course he wasn’t going to tell his friend that the woman he has been bragging about has stood him up out of nowhere and she wouldn’t take his calls.

“She wasn’t feeling to hot after she got out of work so she decided to go home and take a nap. I came just to say I came and then I am going to go over Taylors to make sure she is doing okay before I go home myself for the night.”

He could tell Snake was not buying his story by the way his eyebrows were arched; Brandon didn’t care if he believed him or not because when he left the plan was to go straight to Taylors house. He wanted to find out what was going on with Taylor.

“You have to stay and have a beer or two with me, oh this is my girl Abby but she will be going to mingle while we chat before you leave.”

Brandon and nodded his head yes. He could at least do that much; he would have stayed any other time. This man has been his best friend for years and he should be here more than 30 minutes. Tonight he had something important to do, he would have to explain to Snake about that later, he was going to make this a lively visit until his beer was done and he was leaving.

“Where did you meet her? I thought you were dating that little red head?” Brandon asked Snake.

“I met her through the red haired girl. I will probably never get married or that serious about one woman; I like verity.”

Brandon has never been like that he has always wanted a real family; wife, good job, and children. He got the good job, now he was looking for a wife and then he could have children. He smiled at Snake and scanned the yard. He was trying to keep his mind on Snake and what he was saying.

“What’s going on with you man?” Snake asked him.

“Nothing, I am just worried about Taylor. I know she works in a hospital but when she gets sick she has no one to take care of her or maybe she is too sick to get herself to the doctors.” He was lying but he couldn’t help it.


Texte: all rights reservered
Bildmaterialien: bookrix photo
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.04.2012

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