Cory And Suzy
Von: Katryn AliAngeleeka – A 13 year old who lives in an orphanage near Academy Hospital in a small town up in the mountains called Amblen Falls
Amistis Star - A nurse at Academy Hospital
Moiya Moegly - A nurse at Academy Hospital
Michael - The Arch Angel
Gabriel - An Arch Angel second to Michael
Grant Castel - An Arch Angel
Raphael - Another high Arch Angel that serves the Trinity
Eflack - A criminal
Nold - Another criminal, brother of Eflack
Cory - A female cobra snake
Suzy - Another female cobra snake, Cory's sister
Daniel - A male cobra snake, brother to Cory and Suzy
Jack Frost - The little, tiny elfin man who frosts in the winter
Ardimus Wind - Jack Frost's adopted brother who can control the wind and make blizzards
Akos Macgyver - A doctor at Academy Hospital
Duncan Fraser - A doctor at Academy Hospital
Brandan Fielder - An anesthetist at Academy Hospital
Zartharyos - Villain who has to live inside a suit of armour. Amistis Star's father
Staggisus - A reign deer who has wings
Ahha - A little alien from the planet Quorlec 7
Petra - Another little alien from Quorlec 7, Ahha's brother
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