Lessons Learned

in a hard way Von:
User: Kalai
Lessons Learned

More than a school or a college, life teaches you the best. The best lessons I learned in life is to be humane and be considerate to your fellow human beings. Does it sound silly or great? Every day in our lives teaches something that brings a change in our attitude and mindset.

#life, #lessons, #cheers
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

You learned wonderful lessons in life, which you can pass on to the next generation. In fact, you should consider yourself blessed to experience these things because it makes you independent, sensible and a stronger person. This is a good reminder to all of us. So smile and enjoy your week!

Wichtiger Beitrag

A lesson in life worth learning and living by. Could you see a world were all people lived by these lesson of life. It would be a wonderful place. Thanks for sharing.

Wichtiger Beitrag

We are kindred souls. I understand your sensitivity. You have figured out some solid life lessons and write of those experiences with clarity and heart. I like your direct style, hiding nothing. I enjoyed reading this and learned to have a better attitude. Thank you for the reminder. Great job. Robynn

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