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User: tophat
Global Reset
They should have made sure i died!

Sci-fi, Super-power
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Fabulous, Kade!
You opened in scene perfectly. You gave back story seamlessly. You ended exceptionally well, and your prose was spot on. If I could vote for a winner, it would be this one!

3 Kommentare
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That was truly evil. What am I ever gonna do if this really happens?

I like the ending - Mwahaha!


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Everyone on this site who can read should read this book.
Everyone on this site who can shoot electricity from their fingers should carry out the actions detailed in the book on your nearest govenment without delay.

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just how easily these kind of evil thoughts so easily roam inside your head...(shudder). I am with grandmacas, I'm not letting you anywhere near my computer!

I could not find any flaw except the ease in which you so obviously enjoyed writing this. Devilishly clever!

Stephen King and M.Night Shammilan, Watch OUT!!!

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Thanks for reading and your comments guys.
I also hope this never happens. What would we all do to get reviews???

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