My Life is Confusing

A year after my father's death and it's already changing Von:
User: AJ Joseph
My Life is Confusing
Topaz's life is getting real confusing. Her mothers dating another vampire. He has a daughter and a son. They go to Topaz's school and now her life in school and home as she knows it changes for better or for worse.

This is what I got so far tell me if you like it please.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Topaz's Life"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Starlight Academy
New Friends, New Enemies, New School, New Destiny
My Life is Confusing
A year after my father's death and it's already changing
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plz write more! I luv this book!

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Awesome!!! I think you should totally write more! I really want to know what happens next.

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I really enjoyed it. Plz write more and plz send a message wen u have wrote more !!!!!:)

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