
'Ring...Ring...Ring" The alarm goes off signaling that I have 2 hours before school begins. I tap the alarm off and hurry to take a bath. After dressing and eating a eclair for breakfast I set out to look for my friends. When I got closer to the parking lot I saw them. Today was the day of Gaby's birthday. The day when she could become a witch and werewolf. I ran to them so fast that no mortal eye could see me. "Hey you guys what's up?" "Don't you tell me you forgot." "I would never forget Gaby, HAPPY BIRTHDAY" "Thanks. Any way lets wait for the others." After Gaby says that the others come from around a dorm building laughing. Most of them are scared of me and others hate me. "I see the slut is here already." "Well well well if it isn't barbie Brianna did you finally get plastic surgery cause I can't see any curves on you or your wannabe posse." I say smirking. Suddenly my phone starts playing 'raise your glass' by.Pink. Wait no not my phone someone else's. No two other people. I look at my phone and notice I got a text from my mom. I look up and notice that two other people got text messages too. "What's up Topaz." "Ya Topaz did you get a text." "Ya I did." "Who from your boyfriend." "No from my mom I wonder what she has to tell me." I look at the text and read it out loud. "Honey can you come home before school I need to tell you something." "I wonder what she needs to tell you. "You and me both." I hope she's okay. I look up to see who the other kids who got the text messages are. One is a girl who happens to be in Brianna's posse and the talkative boy who I fought on my first day of school. "So who sent you guys the texts." "Wouldn't you like to know." The girl said. While the boy says "Our father wants to see us." I turn to Isabella, Nia, and Sheyla and say "Sorry guys have a change of plan I'll meet you guys in breakfast. Ok." "Of course. You guys lets go." Nia says addressing everyone else. I noticed that the siblings have already left and everybodys gone to breakfast so I might as well fly home. I imagine my wings unfurling and reaching sky high. Every little feather in it's beautiful pattern. How each feather overlaps the other in perfect harmony. In seconds my wings are over my head and ready for me to use them. I imagine myself on the air gliding and flying next to my mom and when I open my eyes I'm in the air and heading home. Since no one knows I'm half angel they'll think that an angel was just flying by. They would enjoy the view since there are not many angels many were killed and others hide for the sake of their lives but fly every so often. I make sure to watch out for clouds and planes so I don't get blinded and other mortal people don't see me. I reach my house in a record of 5 seconds. Since I'm half angel and half vampire thats faster than any vampire or angel can every run or fly. I'll tell my mother later about my time she'll be so happy for me. A few seconds later the siblings show up behind me. "What are you doing here at my house." I half growl and say. "Isn't this 1550 Parkway Street." "What's it to you." "Well the text from our father sent us here." He wimpers. "Let me see now." He surrenders the phone while I look at the text. It's exactly like my text except it says kids instead of honey and it gives off my home address. "Well be happy that your not lying and welcome to my home." I say unwelcoming. I open my front door and there sucking faces with my mom is a man. We stay at the door quawking at the two. When their done they turn around noticing us for the first time in maybe the first time since I opened the door. Wowww. This must be really gross. Seeing my mother and father kiss was nothing seeing my mother kiss a man I hardly knew was just gross. I shake my head vigiorously trying to take the image out of my head. "So mom what did you want to see me." "First can you revive them we're going to need them awake so they can also hear the news." "Wait, wait, wait." Says the man I'm thinking the siblings father. "She can revive the dead." "Yes, and the fainted and etc..." I say not impressed. "Topaz don't speak like that." "Ya, ya, ya." I turn my back to them and I think they started sucking faces again and quickly pull them in. I set them on the queen size couch and start to revive them. I hear my mom talking to the man. Him probably asking my mom how can I do this, or if I can do this how come I didn't save my father when he was dying. I found out I can to this when I touch a werewolf that was dying. Something inside of me told me she was no threat. And when I laid my hand on it the werewolf came back alive. Somehow the werewolf knew who I was and backed off. Something about that werewolf seemed so familiar. When I finally got both of the siblings awake my mom made us sit down in case any of us faint. I'm betting she meant the siblings. I took one hard look at the siblings and noticed that they're twins. Their dirty blonde hair fitting both of their heads perfectly. Their eyes grey with dark blue specks in them. Their lips not full but half way there and finally their noses. Perfectly sculpted. I look back to my mother and the man holding her hand. He looks kind of like them except no blue specks in his eyes. I looked into his life and saw his wife and how she died. I saw every last bit of his life from birth to how he met my mother."Your deceased wife she was part cat wasn't she." "Yes how did you know." "She died 3 times before she met you but didn't tell you cause she loved you and when she died in that car crash you were devasted and she never came back. Since she was half cat she only had 4 lives. You met my mother about a year ago, 5 years after your wifes death. "How do you know this." I shook my head tearing my eyes away from his. "Sorry that was something unforgivable, sorry." "What are you talking about I just what to know how you knew all that not even my kids know that." Right next to me the twins gasp like this is the first time they heard their father kept something from them. "Mom you take it from here." She sighed and started "My daughter is very special and so am I. I can't tell you what makes us special but I can tell you my daughters full name and her powers that excell over all creatures. Her full name is Topaz Astrid Henderson." They gasp and kneel down before me and my mother. "You must stand this is why I have not told you our full name. She has the power to see your past by looking through your eyes, she can see your future by touching you, she posses all the elements earth, wind, fire, and water, while you know normal vampires only posse one, she is faster, stronger, and way more aggressive than most." Now the boy inturrepted her and said "Most people already know she aggressive, and strong." While rubbing his neck. I laugh right out loud. "So Topaz you already shown your skills to him I thought you were trying to cool your anger." "Hey is it my fault Miss.Barbie Brianna needs bodygaurds and had to put her and her posses ass on my car." "She can hold up more than a giant,well thats it, maybe." "What do you mean maybe?" The girl asks. Man I really going to need to know their names. "Well I may get more powers later on when they decide to come out." I answer for my mother. "Okay lets get to why we brought you here." I study my mom closely and notice she keeps moving her head up and down quickly. I think she's nodding but she never nods so quickly in case any vampire or angel hunter sees. I look down at the hand the man is holding. He moves it a little and I see an engagement ring on her ring finger. I jump up and run to them the man is obviously impressed at how fast I am. I grab the hand the man is holding and take a better look at the ring. The ring is gold with little Greek words on it and has different types of birthstones on it. On top where I thought a diamond would go is a topaz. I go back to the coach and I think I gave away the surprise but I don't think any of the siblings noticed. "Okay before you accuse me of peeping into your memorys I didn't I took a better look at the my mothers hand that your holding." "Okay let Chrystie and Bryon see it." The siblings go up and look at the ring. Chrystie is completely awed by the ring and Bryon seems interested in getting the ring for someone. I jump up and get to the door when the bell rings. I open up and see my boyfriend Justin, Raven, Tera, Sam, and Chris. "Hey you guys what's up." I say excitedly. I go to hug Raven. When I do I see the day where I revived the werewolf. This time from someone elses point of view. Then the werewolf morphs into Raven. Raven was the werewolf. I'll talk to her later. I hug Tera only to see another flash back. One I don't even know. I see Tera surrounded by rocks that magically rise up. I see Tera shooting yellow beams at the rocks and the rocks blowing up. Tera was a demon. Now I have to talk with her. Next I hug Sam and another flashback. What is up with this. She's moving around a forest looking for someone or something. She has her fangs drawn and darts at something. She's on top of a elk. She draws her fangs nearer to the neck of the elk and sucks it dry. Vampire really are all my friends creatures of the night. I hug Chris only to get another flashback. This time I see Chris moving in the forest he has a wand and moving around he moves closer to the activity happening and he sees Sam as a vampire sucking the elks blood. He looks around to see if shes alone shes not. Theres someone else there too. I move onto Justin and kiss him like I haven't seen him in forever. While kissing Justin I see another flashback this time I see Justin and Sam dressed in black hunting then her fangs come out. This time I know what's happening. His fangs come out and he attacks an elk that happened to be near Sams elk. Well this is to be expected Justin and Sam are siblings. I pull away from the kiss and face my friends and boyfriend. "So is there something ALL of YOU guys want to tell me." I hear no's from my friends and bring them in. I turn to them while my fangs are out. I touch every single one of them and they magically transform into what they are. All except Raven she turns into a wolf. Tera is wearing this cute yellow bra with yellow boa around the bra's edges. Her yellow mini skirt has yellow fringes with a firey yellow tail. Man a demon can have the cutest clothes. Justin's, and Sam's fangs come out. Chris looks the same except some how his wand transformed into his hand. "Ya, nothing you guys want to tell me." "How did you do that." Justin says. "I'm a special vampire. So you guys my moms engaged again." "Really who's the lucky guy." Tera asks. "Come in and see like you are I want my mom to see my new power." I grab onto Justin's arm and look into his eyes keeping control of my power to see into people's memory's. When we finally got into the living room Chris wasn't the only one shooting daggers at Justin. So was Bryon. "Oh I forgot what's your name first and last." "Oh sorry Topaz my name is Jason Edmunds." "Thank you Jason. This is my boyfriend Justin, my friends Tera, Chris, Raven, and Sam Justin's sister plus my friend." "Well nice to meet Topaz's friends." I looked into my mom's eyes and knew what I had to do. I had to tell them. Even my soon-to-be-family. "Everyone me and my mom would like to tell you something." Everyone quieted down and looked at us Chris and Bryon stopped shooting daggers at Justin. My mom nodded her head and she said "Please don't tell anyone I want this to stay between us all okay." We started unfurling our wings. My wings stood over everyone but there was enough room for them. My mom's wings on the other hand she had to hold most of it back cause there was not much room for them they stood as tall as my wings but were fuller. We heard ohs, and ahs of the sort and we finally brought our wings back in. My mom fell cause holding your wings drains a lot of your energy. Jason caught her before she could she fell and hit the floor. I land gracefully on my feet. "Your an angel!" Tera said almost like she didn't believe it. "I guess so. Can you guys come to Starlight Academy please you guys are allowed cause your 'mythical' creatures." "Sure honey anything to see your little beutiful face." "Aw that's so sweet Justin that's why I love you. Justin what element can you do and Sam which one can you do." I looked up into their eyes and knew. "You guys can control fire." "Yep how did you know." "Your eyes." "Topaz did you look into their memory's." Chrystie had to say. "What she can do that." Tera is really quiet I think this is way to much for her. "No their eye color is black. I noticed that everyone in each of my different element classes have a specfic eye color." "Oh" Sam said. "Why did your mom faint like that and you didn't?" Tera asked. "She was holding back most of her wings cause there wasn't much space with me showing my wings to and it takes a lot of energy." "Oh okay I hope she's okay." "Ya she's okay it wears off. For a matter of fact she should be awake in 3...2...1." She awoke very abrubtly that I think she gave herself a huge unwanted headache. "Well you guys are going to have enough room for your wings cause your moving in with us you can see the ocean, the academy, and the whole town." "Okay if my friends can come over any time." "They can live there if they want." "No we can not take advantage of your offer." Justin says gentlemen like. Man he's cute when he acts like a gentlemen. "No I rather have more company in the house and you are friends of my soon-to-be daughter." "Thank you Jason." I go and hug him when I do his fangs come out. "Sorry I don't know how to control this power yet." "That's okay I don't mind." "Sam, Raven, Chris why haven't you said anything." I now noticed that there kneeling to me and waiting for me to say anything. "Our queen we have been sent to find the next queen of the creatures and turns out we have been with you this whole time." Raven said. "You also revived me from the dead." "Something told me you were no threat and that I only had to touch you." "My daughter is the queen of the creatures. That's no surprise my daughter was always a princess." I hugged my mother with so much love. The wierdess thing happened her wings didn't come out. "Mom why didn't your wings come out." "You think the only royal blood here." "What are you talking about mom." "I am the lost princess of the angels. Once I turned into queen I would be the queen of the creatures but I knew I was not the actual queen and that the real queen would soon show herself so I fled." Wow this is a lot to take in. I look at my diamond incrested watch. I saw how late it was we only had 30 mins. left for breakfast. "You guys we have to bring you to the office to get a schedule for school. So lets get breakfast and hit the road I can carry you all on my back. Whats your plan mom and Jason?" "Well I'm carrying Jason and the suitcases on my back but I don't think you can carry all of them I should take some of them." "Okay we got a plan now, so everyone eat up." "Wow she's bosy and she just found out she's a princess." Bryon said. I gave him a death stare and said "remember who can beat you up." "Oh that's my girl." Tera says while jumping up and down. She leans closer to me and asks "So can I have him?" "Sure, he is totally checking you out." "It's because of this outfit." "Oh I love it and let me tell you something remember my principal right he's a demon like you." "Cool now I have someone that can teach me to control my powers." "Yep how did you not know he was a demon he was right in front of you." "I couldn't smell him cause there was a strange smell something evil." "That may have been Julia she was a shapeshifter. I drank her blood which let me tell you was delicous." "Wait you drank a shifters blood aren't vampires like allergic to shifters blood I think they die." "But remember I'm half angel. To tell you the truth I could shapeshift into animals now I can shapeshift into humans too." I take her form and everyone in the room gasps. "Sorry forgot to tell you this, before I could shift into animals. Oh and Justin the reason why Julia and her mother died because I drank their blood so now I can shapeshift into people too." Eveyone in the room calmed down and I took the oppertunity to use some magic that Gaby taught me. I turned around and calld Tera over. "Hey Tera can you help me with a spell that Gaby taught me." "So you've made friends with a witch and now you can do spell." "I guess so since I'm the only person she's ever taught that can actually do the spells. "Cool I'm friends with a princess." I just smile and tell Tera the spell. Since she was a demon she could do spells. We both closed our eyes and said the spell while our hands are pointed to a silver platter on the counter. We repeated the words over and over again until we could smell the ribs. We opened our eyes and on the huge platter were king-sized steaks. We looked at each other an smiled. We both knew the vampires in the room next to us could smell the meat but it was faint to them cause there was no blood. We quickly grabbed the platter and made our way to the living room. Inside my mom was the first to see us come in. "Topaz when did you make ribs they smell delicous." Tera answered for me. "We didn't make it we made it Mrs.Astrid with magic." Since I didn't acutally tell my mother about me doing magic I kinda was embarressed to answer any questions she would ask me about my MAGIC powers emphasize on magic like in witch. "Sorry I didn't tell you about that I just forgot until I thought about ribs you know how I love them." I said quickly. "That's okay sweetheart I don't mind you know your father's grandmother was a witch." "Oh so that's why I have magic that explains alot actually."


Texte: copyright 2011
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.06.2011

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I'd like to dedicate this book to my friends and family. And a great big thanks to Savannah for helping me with the title.

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