
Jess had been through alot, With her brother being gone, and soon after her mother, Jess doesnt trust, nor does she want to trust anyone. That is until she meets Kian. Her new neighbor. He is a type of person she had never thought she would meet ever again. 

Kind and caring. 



Now I present to you, Quiet.




(i am using my name again because I am horrible at coing up with names)

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Wichtiger Beitrag
H. Elizabeth

This is beautiful. I can really relate to the beginning of chapter one... To the bullying and the self harm.
But I'm not here to pity myself- You've begun a wonderful book, my friend! Keep up the amazing work.

1 Kommentar
jessjc3 ♥️

Yeah i know most people cant relate to the beginning, but that is something i hahve and still go through, so I wrote all of it down and turned it into a book.
thanks so much
also thanks for the support of the book i realy appreciate it \<3

Wichtiger Beitrag

I really enjoyed your ability to paint a compelling picture..I found myself becoming part of the world that you created...Best wishes, Danny.

1 Kommentar
jessjc3 ♥️

Awe well thanks, im glad you liked it. xo

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