Eismond - XXL - Leseprobe

Colors of moonlight 2 Von:
User: daenerys
Eismond - XXL - Leseprobe

Theresa stirbt und damit brechen harte Zeiten für ihre Tochter Penelope an. Von ihrem Schicksal gebeutelt, zieht sie sich immer mehr zurück.
Doch Jonathans Vampirclan hat Interesse an Penelope und behält sie im Auge. Der einfühlsame Vampir versucht die Mauer aus Trotz, Angst und Misstrauen zu durchbrechen.

Zweiter Teil der Colors of Moonlight Trilogie.

Colors of Moonlight: Drei harte Leben. Drei bewegende Tode. Drei unvergessliche Liebesgeschichten.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Colors of moonlight"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Blutmond - XXL - Leseprobe
Colors of moonlight 1
Crimson Red - XXL - Preview
Colors of moonlight 1
Eismond - XXL - Leseprobe
Colors of moonlight 2
Warriors Blue - XXL - Preview
Colors of moonlight 2
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Seattle, WA

America is and has never been Italy. Undoubtedly to the surprise of many, as a
nation state Italy is almost a century younger than the U.S., with that much
less time for its much older factions and divisions to develope a consensus
about politics, as well as a sense of collective identity. In addition, it's
democratic traditions and liberal values are barely a post-W.W. II

Meanwhile, an important... mehr anzeigen

Daxiv Video https://moxox.com Daxiv Video -- Movies & TV shows online or stream right to your smart TV, game console, PC, Mac, mobile, tablet and more.
Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Columbus, OH

It is hard to disagree with much of what you say. However, I’m sure that you
are aware of a disturbing trend in online forums to disparage white authors
who tackle any issue involving race. You say “the same editors… are pushing
the same tales… about how black people ‘overcame,’ often written and
illustrated by white writers and artists.” This disregards a number of things.
1. Children’s stories, both fiction and... mehr anzeigen

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