Crimson Red - XXL - Preview

Colors of moonlight 1 Von:
User: daenerys
Crimson Red - XXL - Preview

A world full of violence, bloodrage and conspiracy.
Joleen is thrown into it when her mother sells her to a vampireclan. As if that are not enough, she is confronted with her mother's hatred for her.
As a stranger in this new environment, Joleen as a human being tries to find a place in the vampiric world.

Colors of moonlight 1: Crimson Red

Part 2: Warriors Blue
Part 3: Visions Silver

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Colors of moonlight"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Blutmond - XXL - Leseprobe
Colors of moonlight 1
Crimson Red - XXL - Preview
Colors of moonlight 1
Eismond - XXL - Leseprobe
Colors of moonlight 2
Warriors Blue - XXL - Preview
Colors of moonlight 2
Vampire, blood, bloodlust, bloodrage, erotica, love, hate, sex
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