
Crimson red Ebooksatz

Crimson red



Jeanette Peters


Colors of moonlight 1




All the lost souls,

who forgot,

to believe in the immensity of love.



Love is not love

which alters when it alteration finds.

It is an ever fixed mark

that looks on tempests

and is never shaken.

Love alters not with time’s brief hours and weeks,

but bears it out even to the edge of doom

(William Shakespeare)

A brief history of the world

A brief history of the world



Many centuries ago, vampires decided to reveal their existence to mortals. Humans shivered as they became aware of the hunter among them. Out of shadows, vampires had been guiding the fate of different peoples for a long time. It was necessary for their survival to enter into a symbiosis with humans. They were used by the vampires as food. During the centuries many people fell victim of the bloodlust of the vampires. But that didn’t stop many of them offering themselves as bloodwhores at an early age.

Dealing with mortals was also not safe for the beings of the night. Sometimes a strong spiritual bond developed between human and vampire. If this happened, the immortal had only the choice to make the human being one of their own or to perish as soon as his soulmate died. Over time, both species learned to live together.


But human or vampire, neither fate nor life care about any of these species ...

First part

First part











Martina took an appraising look at the five-year-old standing in front of her and pursed her lips. Since she was born her daughter had managed to turn her life upside down.

»Go get your coat and your white booties«, she said to the blonde girl and gave her a nudge. It wasn’t strong enough to let Joleen fall, but the little girl had to make some steps before she could run.

»I’ll do Mom«, she called out with her squeaky voice that Martina already owed one or two headaches.

She looked at her trembling hands. Maybe she should take something before they picked her up? She shook her head in answer. It wasn’t wise to be dopey if you were making a deal with vampires. She smiled cynically.

This arrangement has been in place for a few weeks now. And she’d gone through all the points over and over again. It was important when you got involved with the beings of the night. They were happy to wording the contracts they had drawn up in their favor. If you weren’t careful, you ended up with nothing. That was a good reason not to consume anything for now.

She reached for the cigarettes on the table in front of her. Nearly gallantly she pulled one of the sticks out of the package before she put it in her mouth and lit it. The tremor and tension eased a little after the first stroke. She got up and went to the bar in the corner of the messy and eclectic living room. Most of the furniture here had come from friends or benevolent clients. Some of them were brought here by herself when the neighbors turned off the household garbage outside. No two pieces were the same.

She poured herself a glass of cheap whiskey and thought back. She had all options open to her six years ago. She was young, pretty she was good to gather many lovers. Mostly several men at the same time who had made her live very exclusive. And then ... she got pregnant.

»Ungrateful bitch«, she muttered and tipped down the whole glass of whiskey, just to refill herself right afterwards.

None of her lovers wanted to accept the possibility of having a child with her. She had already started taking drugs, so she used the opportunity to ask six men for money. After all, money never hurt.

Soon she had found a cheap backyard clinic to remove her little mishap. As soon as she was lying there she realized that she couldn’t. She didn’t love the fetus inside her. No. The inability not to eliminate this disturbance had been her mother’s fault.

»Stupid cow!«, Martina cursed.

Her mother had been a religious person, read the Bible daily and lived in a disciplined manner according to its rules. Martina was also forced to submit to the rules of the Catholic Church. She was sixteen when she left home. She hadn’t thought back to her childhood home since then.

However, at this moment, her mother’s parenting collapsed on her with all its force. She had left the clinic without having achieved anything.

She again emptied the glass with a pull and took the bottle into her free hand to sink herself again.

»Mom, I’ve got everything!«, the annoyingly squealing voice sounded behind her. Martina flinched.

Quickly she turned off the glass and the bottle, turned around and took off to punch her daughter. »Stupid brat!«, she hissed. »How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me like that?«

Joleen stood in front of her holding her cheek which was already beginning to turn red. Shit, she should have thought. The vampires surely managed to put a foot through this little reddish discoloration. »I’m sorry, Mom«, Joleen moaned. She looked at her with big green eyes.

»Go and put ice on your face«, she demanded and turned away from her daughter.

»Yes, Mom. I’m sorry, Mom, I didn’t mean to scare you«, the five-year-old whispered and then disappeared towards the kitchen.

She rolled her eyes. She soon felt better. She should have come up with this idea much sooner. But a neighbour drew her attention to the opportunities to improve her situation.

There were vampires, it was a well known fact. Vampires controlled most of the world’s events. Martina knew this too. But she had never bothered about it.

She used to have one of the night people as a suitor, but that was a long time ago. Vampires were generous, even if they were only used as bloodwhores for one night.

Again she shook her head. You had to be careful when you let them drink from you. If they got into a bloodrush, it could end deadly for the bloodwhore. There have been reports of a vampire losing control and a bloodwhore reaping death instead of lust.

Sex and feeding were pleasantly combined. And also their victims had hours of highest ecstasy through them. But the feeling that vampires caused in humans could lead to addiction. You just couldn’t get rid of it, you always wanted to experience the intoxication that you could only get through a vampire.

Bloodlust, unlike bloodrush, was a guarantee of perfect sexual fulfillment. Martina knew many whores who had gradually degenerated into bloodwhores because they brought a vampire into bed over and over again. This had been something Martina had always paid attention to. Even though vampires paid well, it was not worth getting dependent on them and possibly getting enslaved.

Well, that was just for her, of course. Not for the little girl who entered the living room at that moment, with a cautious look.




There was a knock and Zacharias made the door open with a quick mental command.

Bored, he looked at his brother, who entered the room. One of his current bloodslaves followed him.

»Brother«, Cirrus said as he sat down in the chair. His bloodslave sat down next to his feets.

»What do you want, Ci?«, Zacharias asked.

»Our visit will be here soon. I’m just here to inform you«, Cirrus explained, stroking his bloodslaves hair. »If you want to eat something before entering human company, this would be the time.« He grabbed the black velvet ribbon the young woman was wearing. It was used to cover the bite marks on the bloodslaves' throat. »If you don’t like any of the bloodwhores, I’m willing to let you have Angela for a while. I don’t mind sharing her with you.«

Zachariah’s eyes wandered over the white neck. Immediately his eyes found the perfect place to approach and his hunger appeared. However, it vanished when he discovered the many bite marks of his brother. Slowly he shook his head.

»Thank you, Ci. I appreciate your offer, but I was already eating early in the evening«, Zacharias said.

»As you wish, brother«, Cirrus replied and giving the young woman a little push. »Go back to the others. I’ll call you.«

»Thank you, Sir«, she whispered softly. She kept her eyes lowered. As he watched her leave the room with her hips swinging, Zacharias realized how extensive her education must have been. Too many people forgot the first rule of dealing with a vampire.

Never look into their eyes.

It was easy for them to manipulate people and get them to submit. In many cases, even a short look was sufficient. One glance and the will of the human who crossed him was subject to the will of the vampire. Of course, there were also people who had an unusually strong will. They managed to resist the vampire for a while longer. But in the end, they all came out on penalties.

»Who is our guest again?«, Zacharias asked. He looked closely at his brother. When time didn’t matters, the nights would merge. Usually he rarely took care of the family business with humans.

»Brother. After all, it was your vote that led to this deal coming to an agreement«, Cirrus' voice easily contained reproach and sharp amusement. »It’s about the crack whore who's trying to sell us her daughter.«

Something was bothering Zachariah’s mind. Yeah, he remembered. The contact to this whore had been mediated to them, a few weeks ago, by one of their human coworkers. One of the day she told them that her neighbour was looking for contact with a vampire who would be willing to buy her daughter.

Zacharias shook his head with a smile. The price the whore demanded was ridiculously reasonable. Especially if you considered how young her daughter was.

They had discussed for a long time whether it would be advisable to take such a young person with them. Cirrus and Fayn, one of their cousins, thought it might be worth preparing a human for life as a bloodwhore from an early age. Agenta, Zacharias’ sister, and Nikolas, also a cosin, however, were of the opinion that the waiting time until the girl could be used as such did not outweigh the effort. Of course, ten or twenty years was not a significant time for those who lived for all eternity. Nevertheless, they expressed concerns.

In the end Zacharias' voice was the determining one. They agreed to take the girl as some kind of test subject. Her development would show whether it was worthwhile for them all to take this new path. Clearly this human child would have a better life under their roof than in the care of the crack whore. There were many women, like the mother of the kid. Should this girl become a success, they were able to breed a completely new generation of bloodcompanions. And the children would find a better home than with the people who didn’t care anyway.

At that age they were completely innocent and very easy to manipulate. They would grow up with the tasks that would be their responsibility and have a completely different relationship to those who did make the choice to commit to the vampires in later years.

Whether the children were willing to, or not, he did not care, most of the bloodwhores were just like that, because they could not resist the rapture which came over them when one of them nourished himself on a human being.

Zacharias got up and his brother matched him.

»I will receive our guests«, he explained to Cirrus. »You can get the others, they certainly won’t be unaware of the arrival of our latest addition.«

Cirrus nodded contentedly as they left the room together.


Although they had servants, Zacharias refused to miss the opportunity of welcoming customers who offered them lucrative deals in person. He knew how vital people were to their survival, which is why he considered them a necessary evil. However, it did not occur to him to bind himself to a human being.

Taken a bloodwhore usually was a one-night deal. Bloodslaves were bound to a vampire, but the vampire also attached itself to this person. As far as his family was involved, this was always on a voluntary basis.

The bloodwhores lived in a separate wing in the house. There, they waited to be chosen for one night, whether he himself, a family member or a befriended vampire. They were given food, lodging and, if necessary medical care. The choice was left to them as to whether they wanted to be the vampire’s will. In the end, they still had the opportunity to reject the offer. In addition, they had the possibility to be coached by more experienced humans.

The bloodslaves were usually given a room near the vampire to which they were bond. Or, as in the case of his brother, who liked to keep several bloodslaves, a separate part of the house, which was obviously different from that of the bloodwhores. They were granted more space because they were physically and emotionally attached to their vampire. This connection could vary in strength, but it always kept them from betray them or theirselves.

The girl they would buy from her mother today would be made familiar with the rules of the vampires all over. When she was old enough, she was allowed to choose for herself whether she wanted to become a bloodwhore or a bloodslave. Besides, of course, she had the choice to refuse if someone wanted to make her his slave. A choice that was denied to bloodwhores often when they joined a harem. Bloodwhores had to be available to every vampire. They were also used much less for this purpose.

She would initially live with the bloodwhores, because they had enough time to take care of the girl. It was Agenta who had selected two women and instructed them to care for the child’s welfare at all times. They received a small payment in return. Although his sister was against the admission of the child, she had been anxious since the decision was taken to have the test object supplied. This trial run should go as smoothly as possible.

That child would be the beginning of a whole new era for all of them. No member of his family wanted to risk anything going bad.

They had decided to provide the child with a comprehensive school education. This would, of course, take place in her house, next to the classes in which every bloodmate could participate. They did not agree on the age when they could feed on her for the first time. But they all agreed on one point: She needed to make the decision on her own.

People who were forced to offer themselves as a source of food often went mad or simply died. It was irrelevant whether enough blood flowed through her body. In all the centuries they had not been able to find out the reason for this. A natural protection of human beings against their peers?

Zacharias shrugged off the thought and concentrated on the road that passed in front of her mansion. The car had already arrived. He could feel the presence of the driver, who was working for his family. So his guests had to be somewhere on the property.

He found them almost immediately, when he focused his senses on the family estate. He opened the door and waited, looking calmly outside.

So far he had only met the mother, and she had certainly been very pretty by human standards in the past. But the years of increased alcohol and drug addiction had taken away her beauty. Nevertheless, he was curious about the daughter, because she would have no chance to fall into such vices.

By the contract they had drawn up, she was bound to his family for her entire life, except if they would release her as well. This only would occur if she was willing to commit to a vampire as a bloodslave.

His view wandered across the property. The high cedar trees lined the entire estate and blocked the view from the outside. Because of their daily servants, the wide lawns were neat and clean. The path leading up to her house softly gleamed in the moonlight. The flowers exuded a pleasant scent that merged with the mild air of the night, creating a perfect alliance.

Then he discovered the tall, blonde woman dragging a child by her hand. He narrowed his eyes slightly and watched them more closely. The girl struggled to keep up with her mother, almost ran. Her eyes were wide open and he himself could see the speed of her breath.

Slightly disgusted, he shook his head. It was a long way up to the house. If the mother had set this speed from the very beginning, the girl’s exhaustion did not surprise him.

The wind turned direction and carried their voices over to him. He understood only scraps of words, but nevertheless it was clear to him what was spoken.

»...ait please, Mommy«, a wheezing was brought by the wind. »...ot that fast, please, Mommy.«

He could see the woman stand still and turn away from him to look at her daughter. »...on’ no-- on! You...untank...ucking brat!« He heard the helpless sobbing of the child as it was grabbed by the mother’s hand again, which continued at an unchanged pace.

Zacharias really wished that this child would prove itself. He was aware of how many of these children still existed, which would certainly find a better life among them.

A scream reached his ears even before he consciously perceived what could have led to it. He only knew this one had come from the child.

When he focused his eyes to mother and daughter again, he saw the girl lying on the floor and heard a quiet sob. The girl’s little hands enclosed her knee. Apparently the child had stumbled over the many stones, or it had simply been moved on by its mother, as it could no longer keep up with the speed.

Again he heard the nagging of the mother who grabbed her daughter by the upper arm, brutally pulled her to her legs and began to shake the child. »Don’t be stupid! Why are you always ruining everything for me? You’re so ungrateful! I always, always took care of you, and what do you do? You always ruin everything,« she shouted. Her words went on as she shook the girl more and more firmly and the teeth of the little ones hit each other.

Before Zacharias became aware of what he was doing, he left his position and moved towards them. Just in time, as he realized. When he came to a stop just behind the mother, she raised her hand to beat her daughter.

»Can I be of any help?«, he asked in a gentle voice. It gave him immense pleasure as he saw the mother freeze in her movement.

She drove around to him and smiled at him friendly without looking him in the eyes. She had been well instructed. »Dear, Sir«, she purred and there was nothing left to see of the disparaging attitude she showed towards her daughter. »You didn’t have to meet us, it was very kind of you and your family to send us a car.«

Zacharias' eyes slipped past her and got caught on the girl. Huge green eyes stared at him, the face was reddened from crying. But curiosity lay in her look and she watch at him in the way only human children did.

»You must be Joleen«, he said with a smile.

The child’s gaze wandered insecurely over to his mother as if she were looking for an instruction as to what she now had to do. Zacharias suppressed a smile when he realized that these were good conditions for a bloodslave.

»Hush, don’t be so rude and introduce yourself«, the mother hissed and pushed the girl.

She tripped one step forward and came to stop right in front of him. Zacharias gave the mother an angry look and then turned to the girl with a smile. »Did you hurt yourself when you fell?«, he asked. He was not really interested, and the question was superfluous because the smell of blood had already got into his nose, but he wanted to give the child the opportunity to find her own words.

The little one continued to look at him, said nothing, but managed to nod. Her blond curls bounced slightly to the beat of movement. The uncertainty in her eyes vanished a bit.

»Shall we go inside and see what we can do about it?«, Zacharias continued and again the girl looked at her mother. The woman nodded barely noticeably so the girl nod again, too. »Well, come with me«, Zacharias told her, and went off.

He also heard mother and daughter start moving again. The girl stayed close to him. After a few steps he felt something unfamiliarly warm and gentle on his hand. He looked down in puzzlement. The girl had grabbed his hand and looked up at him. She was still not speaking, but he could discover neither fear nor uncertainty in her eyes.

He carefully stretched out his senses in order to understand the girl’s feelings. A useful ability when moving among humans.

No, the girl wasn’t afraid, at least not of him. This child hungered for his mother’s love, and he wondered why the woman who had given birth to her kept pushing about. The little one, Joleen, was curious because she never had seen anyone like him before. And she was surprised because no one had ever been so gentle on her before.

In silence, Zacharias decided to investigate the girl’s past in more detail. The access to her memories would be easy and he might get a better impression of her life so far. But only the few vibrations he received from Joleen were enough to upset him.

And then humans called vampires cruel. No one of them would ever turn anyone and then push them off like that. It was an unwritten law to care for those you created. She even treated her bloodwhores better than this child had been cured by his mother.

Zacharias take a deep breath, for even if he did not need any air, it helped him to urge himself to rest.

Then they arrived at the stairs and the little one stopped unsteadily. Her fingers detached from his hand. She looked back at her mother, unsure what to do now.

»Well, what are you waiting for? Go up there«, the woman instructed the child overbearingly.

Zacharias watched as the little one stepped unsteadily from one foot to the other and pressed her lips together. »My knee is hurting, Mom«, she whispered quietly.

»Don’t act like that!«, the mother hissed. »Get up the stairs!«

The child winced as the mother took a step towards her, and again Zacharias felt nothing but disrespect for this female. However, he was surprised at his own behaviour. Why did he get that upset? Usually he was calm and didn’t care much about humans. Yeah, he didn’t even pay much attention to them unless he had to feed on them. But this child ... it had an urge to protect it.

Joleen followed her mother’s instructions and put the uninjured leg’s foot on the first step. She trembled with every movement, but she did not dare to ask her mother for help again. Zacharias was overcome with pity, a feeling that was also completely unknown to him.

He crossed the short distance with a quick step and raised her up. Surprised Joleen stared at him, but then she give him a gratefully smile. The smell of blood came back into his nose. He could feel his fangs coming out. But he didn’t show, and carried the child into the house, where he put it back on the floor. The mother followed them.

»Wait here!«, he just told the woman and then looked at Joleen, who stared at her mother. The woman silently nodded. »Joleen, come with me! We’re gonna fix your knee.«

She willingly took the hand he reached her. He led her into one of the bathrooms of the house, and looked around.

It was only a small wound, and he was sure he could fix it without calling a doctor. It was better not to get the smell of blood into his family’s nose while they were discussing the contract again. That would only distract them and they might miss something important.

»Sit down there«, he said, pointing to the toilet. Bathrooms in the house were usually used by employees or bloodmates, but this one was extremely uncommon. The girl nodded and sat down.

Zacharias reached for a cloth and moistened it by the sink before kneeling in front of Joleen and began to clean the wound. The girl twitched but didn’t make a sound. Instead, she kept looking at him.

»What’s your name?«, Joleen suddenly asked and surprised him. Humans weren’t often able to take him by surprise, but the girl had been that silent until now. He hadn’t assumed she’d find the courage to speak. He smiled as he admitted to feel a little impressed. Her innocence erased the instinctive fear that most humans showed in dealing with him.

»Zacharias«, he just replied. »But you better call me Sir.«

»Why?«, Joleen frowned and kept looking at him.

It didn’t seen to bother her at all to look him through the eyes. Irritating. »Because it’s common. This is the way it is demanded«, he replied.

A thoughtful expression appeared on her face. »I was having a Zacharias in my kindergarten until my mom took me away«, she explained frankly and almost seemed a little sad. »But we all used to say Zach because Zacharias sounds dumb.«

Joleen’s statement took him by surprise and he began to laugh without being able anything to do against it. When he looked into her face, he really saw her smile for the first time. The tension she felt when her mother was around suddenly disappeared. He had to admit that he certain felt sympathy for the child.

»Well, you can call me Zach if we're alone«, he admitted to Joleen and was again rewarded with a happy smile. »But if there’s someone around, you’ll say Sir, right?«

»It' s our secret«, she promised, while nodding her head so hard her curls bounced up and down.

»That’s right«, he confirmed and then continued to clean her wound.

»Why are your eyes that funny?«, she asked a moment later and Zacharias stopped again.

He should have reckoned that question. Mortals used to avoid such questions, but human children were simply more guileless at such things.

»Because I’m a vampire«, Zacharias replied. »When we are changed, our eyes become cloudy and lose their color.«

»And then they turn grey?«, the girl asked and Zacharias nodded again.

And then she did something he didn’t expect at all. She reached out her little hand and stroked his cheek. »I like your eyes. They are funny, but beautiful«, she explained and smiled at him again.

For the first time since he began his existence as a vampire, he found himself speechless in the presence of a mortal. He was used to holding control firmly in his hand, especially when he was surrounded by humans. This child, however, had managed to surprise him several times.

»Thank you«, he muttered and got up to get a Band-Aid out. Joleen continued to watch him, and as he stretched out his senses now to experience what was going on inside her, he felt nothing but pure gratitude.




Sitting beside his sister, he waved a goblet filled with blood. Cirrus looked anxiously at his family. They all were similarly nervous, because a lot would depend on this girl’s development.

Vampires didn’t like change. However, if they could be as useful to them as this one they were quite welcome. Zacharias received her guests and that was a good thing. Not just because he was the best person to deal with humans but also because his ability to explore the feelings of his counterpart was useful in such matters.

»They're late«, Nikolas noticed.

»Calm down, Nikolas, maybe they’re stuck in traffic«, Fayn muttered and put her hand on her brother’s forearm. Nikolas breathed, but said nothing more.

»You’re wrong«, Agenta said with a smile. »They’re already in the house. You'd be aware if you talked less and focused more on your senses.« Her voice penetrated gently and calmly through the room and Cirrus noticed Nikolas relaxing again.

»Well, they’ll certainly be here soon«, Cirrus explained. »I wonder what kind of little bird we’ll get into our nest.«

Agenta glanced at him unsteadily. »Yeah, me too. With this child, everything may rise or fall. Are you aware of the possibilities we will have if this child proves itself?«

»If«, Nikolas said. Unlike Agenta, he was still not happy with her majority decision. Nikolas would not make things easy for this child.

»They’re coming«, Fayn noticed before anyone else could say anything.

It was amusing to see each of his family members putting on an indifferent face. He matched them.

The door opened and Zacharias entered. A tall blonde woman entered the room behind him. By the hand she held what they all been waiting for. A child, barely five years old, blonde, with bright green eyes. Cirrus smiled contentedly. That girl would become a beauty one day.

The child looked at them all unsettled. The way she watched was not obtrusive, yet she lacked the shyness with which humans usually looked at them.

»You are allowed to sit down«, Zacharias explained and then came over to sit next to him. Cirrus glanced puzzled at his brother. He seemed satisfied.

He turned to the woman and the girl who were still standing indecisively in the middle of the room. »Look at that!«, Zacharias whispered to him and then he bent forward so that he could look at the girl. »Joleen, come and sit between me and my brother«, Zacharias told the child.

Cirrus glanced at him in surprise. His brother just gave him a big grin.

The girl looked at her mother, who stared forward with an expressionless face. When Joleen didn’t get any instructions she nodded and smiled at Zacharias. »Yes.« She sounded delighted at his brother’s invitation. Usually, human children avoided them. It was a natural protective instinct. But this child seemed to have no fear of them at all.

The girl stopped after two steps, which amazed him, and then looked at Zacharias to say: »Sir.«

Cirrus glanced back towards his brother, who smiled with great contentment and leaned back on the couch. The girl ran over to them and then jumped on the sofa between them. Then she looked curiously at Cirrus. »Are you a sir too?«, the little one asked and the big eyes watched at him.

Cirrus could hear the laughter of his brother and gave him a toxic look. »Yes, I am«, he replied.

She nodded and frowned as if she were trying to understand the meaning of it. »You too?«, she finally asked Nikolas, who nodded and raised an eyebrow. The girl smiled and then looked at Fayn. »Are girls sirs, too?«, Joleen asked.

»No, girls, or women, are Ladys«, Fayn explained with a gentle smile.

Again the girl nodded and finally looked at Agenta, whose deep red hair lit up in the light of the chandelier. »You have great hair«, the girl shouted and made huge eyes. »Can I touch it?«

Cirrus noticed Zacharias giving the child a little nudge and she looked at him. He looked at Joleen as if he expected something from her and the girl nodded in understanding. Cirrus had no idea what was going on, but he understood when the girl finally turned back to Agenta and added »Lady?«.

Obviously his brother had taken some time to explain some basic rules to the girl. Seeing them implemented that quickly really was impressive. Cirrus nodded satisfied. Signs were good. It seemed to be the right decision.




Stunned, Martina stared at her daughter. What had that vampire done at the time he was supposed to have treated her wound? Was she hypnotized by him? Vampires could do that. At least there were stories about it. Perhaps he had drunk from her blood? She wouldn’t be upset about it. It's the reason she dropped Joleen here. Nevertheless, the change in her daughter’s behaviour surprised her.

»Sit down«, the red haired vampire say with a smile which caught a glimpse of her fangs. Martina shuddered and her abdomen contracted as she remembered the last time such teeth pierced her skin.

She headed for the last free chair to sit in. Lasciviously she crossed her legs. It was an unconscious process which had become flesh and blood to her after many years in her profession.

The vampire, who had approached her and Joleen on the way up to the house, pushed a stack of papers across the table. Her fingers itched to grab them immediately, but Martina managed to hold herself in place.

»You’ll notice that we have listed all the points in the contract that we had discussed before«, he explained, putting one hand on Joleen’s head. »By signing this you assign all rights on your daughter and hand her over to us. Give her to us. What we do with her is up to us, you will not have any part in the decisions we made.« Martina nodded to signal her understanding, and he continued immediately. »In exchange, you will receive a onetime payment of twenty thousand and a monthly payment of two thousand as long as Joleen is not of full age.«

These words warmed Martina’s heart. She’ll be fine with that. She needn’t worry about care for that annoying child anymore. With the money of the bloodsuckers she was able to make herself a beautiful life. To her it was a win-win situation.

»Where to sign?«, Martina asked ecstatically.

The faces of the vampires seemed to be completely meaningless. As she arrived at the woman with the black hair, she couldn’t help but take a look into those grey eyes. And she saw something flashing up that she didn’t like. The vampire’s gaze may mean trouble.

She wasn’t wrong. The woman leaned forward with her eyes wandering between Martina and Joleen.

»You are aware of the meaning of this? From the moment you signed, you no longer have a daughter«, the vampire explained and looked at Martina with a glance that made her uneasy. »You will have no right to visit or reclaim her. From the moment you sign, it will be like you never gave birth.«

»I’m aware of that«, Martina explained and looked at her daughter with a frosty glance.

Fear had stepped into Joleen’s eyes. »Mommy, what are you talking about?«, the girl asked and slipped forward a bit.

»About yo...«, Martina set.

The vampire sitting next to her daughter raised his hand and Martina stopped immediately. It wasn’t wise to disagree with a vampire. There were stories in which such thoughtless actions had caused death.

»We’d like you to stay here with us. We talked to your mother about that«, the vampire explained and Martina was surprised about how gentle the sound of his voice was.

The black haired female also got up and went over to Joleen. »There are not many children in our home and we would like you to stay with us for a while«, she explained.

Joleen looked at Martina, who had already signed the contract. She don’t needed to stare to her daughter ... No, don’t stare at the child who now belonged to the vampires to know how dumb Joleen looked now. The brat always got that look when she didn’t get the point. Which has happened quite often.

»And my mom?«, the girl asked, and Martina had a hard time suppressing a smile. That girl no longer had a mother.

»She won’t live with us«, the vampire who was sitting on the other side of Joleen explained.

The girl frowned again and the third male vampire stood up and took out an envelope which he put on the table in front of Martina. Her heart started to race, surely this was her payment.

»This is your compensation and the first monthly installment. Feel free to check it«, the vampire declared and sat down again. She was itchy to grab the envelope by her fingers and let every single note slide through them, but she controlled herself. She was smart and so she had gone to friends to find out how to behave facing the vampires.

»I trust in your sense of honor«, she explained and gave the vampire her most beautiful smile. Her eyes were still on the envelope. »And now, if you don’t mind, I’ll say goodbye.«

The vampires all exchanged a brief look and then nodded unanimously. Martina grabbed the envelope and her copy of the contract. With calm footsteps and a frantic heart she left the salon.




The terror Joleen went through when her mother announced that she wanted to leave was violent. Zacharias, who had adjusted to the feelings of the little ones, hardly was able to avoid shuddering.

Without having a second look at her daughter, the woman got up and left the room. When the door fell into the lock behind her, the girl came to life.

»I don’t want my mommy to go«, Joleen sobbed and suddenly jumped off the couch. Her unexpected agility caught them all by surprise, and neither he nor Cirrus were able to stop her. »Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, wait!«, the little girl shouted and ran towards the door.

Zacharias was about to jump up to stop her, but Fayn held him back. »Allow her to say goodbye«, his cousin whispered. Zacharias nodded, although a dark hunch sneaked up on him. Much slower and calmer they all followed the girl. She had managed to open the heavy door and burst into the entrance hall.

»Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Please wait! Mommy!« Cries echoed through the house. Zacharias tried to understand the connection Joleen had to her mother, even though she treated her so badly. When he and his family entered the entrance hall, the crack whore was already standing at the front door and the child reached her just in time to put her small arms around her mother’s waist. She held tightly against the woman.

»Mommy, please take me home«, she begged. Martina did not even bother to look down to her, but instead tried to remove the arms from her body. »Please, mommy. Or we both can stay here«, the girl whispered fervently and Zacharias wondered if they were really doing the right thing.

»Let go of me«, the woman hissed. »I don’t want you!«

»But you’re my mom«, the girl muttered in complete incomprehension.

»No, not anymore«, the woman replied. »Now let go of me, brat!« She powerful hit the girl. The child’s grip actually released from the mother, and Joleen crashed hard on the floor. The woman walked up to the lying child and kicked her.

Zacharias reacted instinctively as he rushed forward. Before he consciously decided to do so, his hand closed around the woman’s throat pushing her up against the wall. Everything he saw lay behind a fine red veil. His anger made his instincts determine his actions. And he was aware that his eyes were now glowing in a deep red.

»You are no longer entitled to her«, he hissed. The woman put her hands around his hand in an effort to release his grip. Her eyes widened in terror as her feets left the floor. »If you raise your hand against our property again, we will kill you!«

The woman nodded. She understood. He threw her away in an angry tug. Her body slid above the ground until her head hit the wall. Zachariah stopped looking after her. Instead, he closed his eyes to calm down. Slowly he felt his inner rage diminish.

»Mommy? Mom, please wake up!« When the soft crying reached his ear, he opened his eyes again and searched the room to find Joleen. The girl squatted next to her mother’s body with her small hands on her shoulder. She shook the woman over and over again. A small pool of blood was already forming under her head. His push had probably been stronger than he intended. »Mommy, please wake up«, Joleen whispered again looking at the blood in terror. Then she looked up to Zacharias. Unlike what he expected, he saw no anger in her look, but a flea. »Can you fix her?«, Joleen asked and sobbed heavily. »You healed my knee, too.«

»I don’t think that’s possible, Joleen«, Zacharias explained quietly.

She just cried even harder and shook her mother again. »Yes, you can. I know that«, she whispered and the big eyes looked at his whole family one by one. »Please«, she begged.

It took Zacharias great effort to shake his head again.

»She’s still alive«, Fayn whispered. They all knew what she was suggesting. Everything in Zacharias resisted it.

»Can you help her? Please«, the little one begged again, and even Nikolas' eyes slipped a little bit in compassion. Again, the child looked at her mother and cried more and more. »Mommy, you have to get up«, she begged. »You’ll certainly get better, the Sirs and the Ladies will help you, but now is time to get up!«

Zacharias heard his cousin growl. The child’s plea was successful. It touched his cousin. Nikolas went to her and knelt beside the woman. »Stand up and let them take you away«, he demanded. »I’ll make her well again.« Joleen looked at Nikolas hesitantly and then she immediately jumped up and gave him a big hug. Zacharias could see his cousin’s body tense. He didn’t like any surprising physical touches. Nevertheless, he took it for a few seconds, which was really surprising. This child seemed to have a strange effect to all of them.

»Thank you, Sir«, the girl whispered and then quickly jumped aside.

»Take her away, we don’t know how the mother reacts when she awakes. Maybe she’s thirsty«, he said and turned the mother’s body.

»Come with me«, Zacharias heard his cousin say. »We’ll find you a nice room to unpack your things. And later we’ll visit your mother.« Zacharias nodded contentedly and knew Fayn would take good care of the child.

Nikolas brought his wrist up to his mouth and bit into it. Two fine rivulets of blood appeared. Then he put his hand to the mother’s mouth.

A very uneasy feeling crept up on Zacharias as he watched his cousin make the little girl’s mother to one of them and heard Joleen sobbing all the time in the hallways of the house.





She took the child to the bloodwhore’s wing. Christin and Tony, the women whose task it was now to take care of the child, were there.

They were expecting them. As they watched the child’s crying face, sorrow became visible in the faces of the women. Confirmation for Fayn that they chose the right one.

She was looking at the two bloodwhores. Christin was as light as Tony was dark. Her long, blond hair, the pale skin, which was actually the standard for blood companions, caused by blood deficiency, and the white clothes she always wears. Tony, on the other hand, had dark skin, her eyes were deep brown, they seemed nearly black, and her long dark hair also reached her waist. They had both arrived at the same time, but instead of indulging in the usual hostilities that were common among the bloodwhores, they became friends. They were also willing to visit a vampire in pairs, if that was his wish.

Their friendship had prevented them from slipping into the dull catatonia that possessed many bloodwhores and could only be broken by having sex with a vampire. Through their connection they had succeeded to preserve their personality.

When Fayn finally stopped in front of them, they both kneeled down. »You may rise«, the vampire explained. The child next to her pulled up her nose. Fayn avoided a sniffing and wondered how disgusting humans were in many ways. She looked at the child with a friendly smile. »Joleen, meet Christin and Tony. They will take care of you for a while now and show you your room«, Fayn explained. Joleen nodded. The small body still shaken by silent sobs. Fayn looked back at those two bloodwhores. »If she doesn’t calm down, send for one of us. We’ll take care of it.«

Christin and Tony nodded. Fayn noticed the uneasiness in the women’s eyes. They heard the words Fayn didn’t say. They would mentally manipulate the child. That would calm her down, even if she didn’t want to.

»Aren’t you coming?«, Joleen asked and pressed Fayn’s hand.

»No, I have to take care of your mother«, Fayn explained.

Joleen’s mouth formed into an understanding »Oh«, and the girl let go off the hand she had been grabbing for a few minutes in search of help.

After a moment of reflection, Fayn said: »You stay here and be a good girl!« She wasn’t sure if these were words spoken to human children when they were left alone. But Joleen nodded, which Fayn found reassuring as she returned to the entrance hall.


As soon as she entered the lobby, she noticed the change. The mother’s body was no longer on the floor. Apparently the blood had already been removed by one of her servants. However, she felt the presence of her family in the salon and they all seemed thrilled.

Curious about what was going on there, she approached the closed door.

»... not a good feeling about it«, Zacharias explained urgently as Fayn entered.

»What are we supposed to do? Letting the girl watch her mother bleed to death«, Nikolas countered angrily. »Excellent start for our experiment. The child would blame us for her mother’s death.«

»So what do you want to do with her? You changed her. That means you are responsible for her«, Zacharias said to his cousin. »You saw the way she treats that kid. Do you really believe it would be safe to keep her here?«

»As you said, I changed her, and so she is subject to my instructions«, Nikolas replied. He looked over to the couch, and when Fayn followed his eyes, she saw the girl’s mother who had been laid up there.

»We all should keep an eye on her«, Cirrus now explained. Nikolas drove around to him and looked at him angrily. Cirrus raised his hands. »I agree with your opinion. Right now, you’re doing the right thing. However, this woman has an amazing potential for aggression against her daughter.«

Fayn finally stepped into the room and thurred quietly. All eyes turned to her and she smiled at her family. »I think it could be predestined«, she said quietly. »We’ll take care of both and see how it goes. And maybe this is the rupture she used to finally get closer to her daughter.«

»What do you mean?«, Zacharias asked confusedly. His voice sounded defensive.

»Perhaps she will now succeed in shedding the hatred she has for her daughter. She’s going to start a new life. Maybe it is also a new start for mother and daughter«, Fayn continued. »This child is yearning for her mother’s love because she never kept it. If we can get the two of them to come closer, it might be conducive to our attempt.«

The faces of her family had become thoughtful. They would come to the same realization that Fayn was sure of.

»All right«, Zacharias finally said. »Nikolas, it’s up to you what happens to Martina. You’re in charge for her in all matters.«

»In exchange, I should stay away from the child?«, Nikolas asked.

»No. But she has for a while. As long as we can’t be sure about how to avoid something like that in the entrance area earlier. She's much more stronger now, which means it could be lethal for the child the next time«, Zacharias explained.

There was tension in the air as Zacharias and Nikolas stared at each other. Finally Fayn saw her brother nodding and she relaxed. He was temperamental and stubborn, but he also knew what was right and what wasn’t.




After the meeting with his family was over, Nikolas arranged to take the child’s mother to another room. He chose one of the rooms that were actually intended for his bloodslaves. There was no use for them anyway. It also seemed more reasonable to him to keep the child’s mother close to him.

Nikolas still didn’t know what led him to submit to the girl’s plea. Now he wondered if his sister wasn’t right. Maybe it was destined for all of them.

It knocked softly. Before he could express his consent, the door opened. Fayn entered.

»She’s still asleep?«, his sister asked.

Nikolas nodded. The transformation took various hours. This was known to all of them. There were too many factors involved in the transformation to give an accurate timeframe. All that remained was to listen to the small signs announcing the end of the transformation. Fayn smiled at him. »Do you need anything?«

»I do«, Nikolas muttered. »I need two bloodwhores. One male, one female. Someone we can skip because I don’t know how well she could control herself once she’s changed.«

Fayn took a look at the blonde woman lying asleep on the bed. »Yes, she doesn’t seem to be one of those people who can control themselves well«, she agreed with Nikolas. »I’ll make arrangements and send the bloodwhores up to your room. What about the female, do you have any special requests?«

Nikolas shook his head. He had no interest in a particular type of bloodwhore. As long as they were able to satisfy his needs, each of them was fine. His sister left the room.

He looked at the sleeping woman. In death she owned a beauty that never had been granted to her when she was alive. Sure, by human standards there may have been a time she might have been pretty. But now as her blood transformed her, she reached a new level of elegance and grace.

Again there was a soft knock. By a mental command, he forced the door to open. Two bloodwhores entered with lowered eyes and then immediately kneeled down in front of him.

His sister’s choice pleased him, but that didn’t was a suprise. She had an unerring instinct to choose bloodwhores.

»You«, he pointed to the boy cowering pale and limp in front of him on the floor. »Go there!« The male blood whore nodded and followed the command. As he looked at the sleeping new vampire, the bloodwhore’s body trembled.

Nicolas suppressed a disgusted smile. Bloodwhores were so predictable. All they wanted was to get fucked as much as possible by a vampire, to indulge in bloodlust. They masterfully ignored the possibility that they could die at any time.

He eyes wander to the female bloodwhore which had been selected for him. She was young, even for a bloodwhore. Most of the bloodcompanions chose to live as bloodwhores between their late twenties and early forties. In other words, in the period in which most people became aware of their mortality. Sex with a vampire made them feel alive.

»Look at me!«, he demanded. Now that she received a direct order from him, she raised her eyes. She wasn’t pretty, even by human standards. Her brown eyes were dull, as was her light brown hair, which lay dreary around her face. The body was a to thin for him to like. But she would serve the purpose for which she was here.

»Get up!«, he ordered. The bloodwhore responded immediately. With his right hand he embraced her neck and an expectant trembling went through her body. Shine stepped into her eyes.

The fire of bloodlust also gripped humans and pulled them into the abyss. So how long this one' s probably been hooked?

»Put your head to the side!«, he demanded. Again, the bloodwhore immediately obeyed.

He let his lips run over her neck. Her smell wasn’t anything special. Then the idea of how her blood would taste came into his mind. This was enough to make his fangs soar out. A small smile crept onto his lips as he walked around her to stop behind her. The bloodwhore remained motionless, only this slight trembling, which dominated her entire body, revealed her excitement.

»Take off your dress«, Nikolas growled. With a sudden movement, he grasped the woman’s breasts before stepping back from her. The bloodwhore sighed in joyful anticipation. Then hurried to take off the dress. Finally she was naked in front of him and one hand slide between her legs. Instantly he pushed two fingers into her while pinching her nipple with the other hand. The bloodwhore was already wet and willing to welcome him.

Nikolas' fangs became even longer. Slowly he let them pass over the skin of the woman, but without piercing her. That whore should be begging him. She should beg and lie on her knees right in front of him.

»Please, sir«, she breathed. She put her head even more aside so that he could get to her neck easier. »Please, I beg you, I need you inside me.«

A satisfied smile appeared on Nikolas' face. That’s what he wanted to hear.

He pulled his fingers out of her and then grabbed her hair with his hand. Strongly he pulled her head back. She moaned again and rubbed her butt against his hard cock.

»Please.« Another plea and the body trembled under Nikolas. With gentle pressure, he made her take a few steps forward until she stood on the backrest of the couch that adorned the middle of the room. Then he pressed her down, leaned over her and let the tips of his fangs run over her skin.

As soon as his teeth pierced her skin, the bloodwhore under him trembled and cried out with pleasure. However, Nikolas did not let go of her, but penetrated her with a hard pressure. Her warm blood flowed down his mouth.

His lust increased with each swallow. With harder and harder pushes he brought himself ever closer to his own climax. The woman below him moaned loudly and pushed her pelvis towards him again and again.

He removed his hand from her hair and pinched firmly into her hard nipples. She cried out again, but this time in pain. He loved it when adrenaline produced by pain soaked the blood. It had its own unique flavour.

The aura of bloodlust enveloped her. The lustful moaning of his playmate clearly showed how much she also enjoyed the pain. She came under him one more time.

Nikolas grabbed the bloodwhore by the hip and turned her around and pushed her again, even harder. The movements of his hips became more and more urgent, the strokes get harder and he felt her twisting her legs around him.

He licked up the blood on his tongue before his lips closed up the wounds again. He went on to soak up the woman’s delicious lifeblood. So he was riding her and rapidly approaching his orgasm.

As soon as he reached the climax, Nikolas immediately let go of the bloodwhore. She was lying on the sofa, heavily breathing and trembling. A little smile wrapped her lips. Now when Nikolas was satisfied and had his fill, he was no longer interested in her.

»You can leave«, he explained briefly. » Be sure to get enough to eat and drink.«

»Of course, sir«, the bloodwhore replied breathlessly, getting up shaky.

His bloodlust had already subsided and now he could be sure not to get caught up when the new vampire awakened. Because once she did, she’d turn to the male bloodwhore.

He heard the rustling of the clothes while the bloodwhore dressed in silence. Then, without another word, she left the room. Nikolas sat down on the couch. Soon a new vampire would awaken. This may become an interesting business.




Her awakening feels weird. Like her body. Where the fuck was she? The material she felt under her fingers was unknown to her. The mattress on which her body lay, too.

Martina listened into her body and a shock flashed through her. She wasn’t breathing. Why didn’t her body ask for oxygen? She took a deep breath, but didn’t feel relieved. She didn’t miss the air. Confused, she opened her eyes and sat up.

She had been lodged in an elegant room. By who? The bed on which she lay was covered with sheets made of silk. There was dark wood, and the scent of it was heavy in the air. There was a shelf in one corner with elaborately bound books. In the other corner a sitting area had been set up.

On a couch, she discovered a vampire and started to blink. She couldn’t tell how she knew, but everything about him just screamed for it.

The short black hair emphasized the grey of his eyes, the white skin seemed flawless to her. His clothes were distinguished and of the best quality. His attitude also had a quiet elegance. He calmly looked into her eyes and seemed to be waiting for something.

»What happened?«, Martina asked confused. Then the memory came back. Her daughter, that worthless brat, had been sold by her to the vampires. But what had happened then? How did she get into this room? And why the fuck she was here?

»You died«, the vampire explained and continued to look at her.

Martina frowned. Died? But she was here! She felt alive. She could feel, speak and move. She froze. She acted like a living woman, but she did not have to breathe, and she could neither feel nor hear her heartbeat.

»Am I a ...?«, she started, shocked, but she didn’t dare to say the word »vampire.« Saying it would make it real.

»Yes«, the vampire just replied.

»But how?«, Martina whispered horrified. Her life should have started now Joleen was gone. She died instead? A vampire? A creature of the night?

»You have misappropriated our property and have been punished for it. Only your daughter’s begging and pleading gave us the decision to give you a second chance. We change you into one of us«, the vampire explained.

Nikolas! It flashed through Martina’s mind. Yeah, she knew his name. »And what if I don’t want to?«, Martina asked, noticing how her voice became an impending growl.

»Then you are free to put a peg through your own heart. In a metaphorical way, of course«, Nikolas replied with a shrug.

Martina flinched. If she considered, she didn’t want to die. »And now?«, she asked, hoping he would give her an answer.

Nikolas stood up and came over to her. »Now you should have a drink«, he explained. »Surely you will be thirsty.«

»Drink blood?«, she asked. She got sick thinking about it. Then she frowned. No, her stomach contracted, but not with nausea, but in joyful expectation. Yeah, she wanted blood. But where could she get it?

»I brought something here for you«, Nikolas explained with a smile. Did he read her thoughts? »No, I can’t read your mind«, he promised her and Martina raised an eyebrow. His answer made him lie. Finally, he replied to her thoughts. »I can sense your feelings because I’m the one who changed you. I’ll explain everything, but not until you’re fed up.« He opened a door and a large bathroom appeared behind it. A boy stood there.

Martina guessed why he was here and licked her lips. Oh, yeah, she wanted him, wanted to ram her teeth into his throat and suck him out until there wasn’t another drop of blood flowing through his body.

She felt a change in her mouth. Surprised, she opened it and carefully touched the sharp fangs with her fingers.

»You’ll get used to it«, the vampire explained. Then he grabbed the boy by the wrist and pulled him out of the bathroom. »Go up to her, you’re here to please her«, the vampire ordered the boy and he nodded and came at her with a heated look.

Martina had always been aware of how she could wrap a man around her fingers. With a tempting smile she slipped a little aside to make room for him.

The boy stopped in front of her bed and began to take off his clothes. Fascinated, she watched the movement of his muscles. But then she captured his pulsating veins that ran under his skin.

»Come here!«, she gasped. The boy followed the order immediately. Martina was pleased to realize the lightness of it, and put one hand on the warm chest.

Hate flared up inside her as she felt the beating heart under her fingers. Her heart was no longer beating. This was the fault of the selfish little monster she had given the gift of birth. It was Joleen who made her sit here and be damned as a walking dead.

Angrily she bent over without warning and buried her teeth in the boy’s throats. Martina didn’t care if it made him feel pain. She only perceived his twitching to a limited extent. And then she started sucking on the wounds. Sweet blood shot into her mouth and the boy groaned under her hard touch.

She’d make Joleen pay for it. The little beast had cost her life. But for now, she just have this boy. She sucked harder and felt the boy squeeze her. His erection pressed noticeably against her thigh. As his warm blood flowed down her throat, her abdomen contracted in pulsating waves and an unknown lust caught her. Yeah, she wanted to feel him inside herself, ride on his cock while she was drinking.

Without releasing her lips from his throat, she pushed her black skirt up over her thighs. She saved taking off her thong, but ripped the thin material with a jerk. Then she pressed the boy down onto the bed and let her hips circle over his hard cock. She settled on it without transition.

The boy moaned in pleasure. Martina also noticed her breath speeding up. In one corner of her memory, she was surprised at this, because she no longer needed to breathe. But then she enveloped a strong wave of bloodlust and everything else faded.

All she mattered was the boy’s tail on which she was riding towards a climax she could never have experienced during her lifetime, because she would have been crushed by it. The only thought, except for sex, which remained firmly anchored in her mind, was revenge.

Revenge against Joleen for destroying Martina’s life. She would also ruin Joleen’s life, too, but now she could take her time because eternity lay before her.

Authors Note

Dear Reader,


I hope you enjoyed the reading session. If you are interested in the whole book, you can get it on Amazon. The book is free for Kindle-Unlimited readers.


Thank you for your time


Jeanette Peters




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.07.2018

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