Lovers of My Love

Lovers of My Love

It all began one hot summer  Monday morning in the West Indies, on a little  island, Audrey woke up, did her exercise, showered,, styled her hair, applied makeup to her face and walked downstairs to prepare breakfast for herself and family, usually, herself and her mother, She was right on time, on schedule, for a new day as every minute mattered, they sat and scanned through the morning paper and chatted briefly over breakfast which was consistently  buttered toast, orange juice, soft boil eggs and tea with milk and sugar…as she cleared the table the phone rang, her relief receptionist had called to say she would not be at work that day, because of the party they hosted the night before, she was feeling ill, repeating several times that the food from the Chinese caterers were having a bad effect on her and she had already left a message for the administration office at the company, the morning continued as Audrey, got dressed for  work and wore her favorite color uniform,  black pleated skirt and white shirt with her sheer black stockings and black pumps., she bid her mother goodbye.

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Romance, friends, saga, relationship
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