Forbidden, Yet Desired

User: amulet97
Forbidden, Yet Desired
Gabriela Levine was a normal, average student, until a mysterious boy comes into her life with moves as smooth as glass. The mysterious boy falls head over heals for Gabby, but is she really worth it? Death or love? A sacrifice made...

love, hate, sex, romance, gang, drugs, comedy
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You so need to finish this book! like by the end of the week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pretty plz :) m dying-literally-to read it!

Wichtiger Beitrag

forbidden yet desird its. A goooooooooooood boooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ever. I love this book. I wish there were more books of this me and my. Best friend in the. World love. This book so. Much

Wichtiger Beitrag

i love love love lovex10000 this story so far, it flows so well and i love it.! you need to update it ppleeeeeeease.. and tell me when you do!

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