

He didn't know if this was the right path or not. He followed the two other men, one look about 18 and the other a little over 20. They travled through tunels with walls taken over by graffiti made up of only black and red.

Rain sheeted down on the darkening countryside surrounding the tunnel. They stepped easily over the suken graves and humus of the welcoming cemetery. There was no fog tonight, so making a run for it now and finding his way home would be no problem. Although, the darkness and onslaught of rain were deceiving enough.
The 18 year old look over his shoulder to see if the young new comer was still following. Thinking that he was only going to look, then turn away, the new comer was startled when he heard a rusty voice say, "If you're going to become on of us, you'll need to make up a nick name for yourself."
The other man's mouth hinted at a smile.
"Unless Leo decides to do it for him, if you know what I mean," he laughed and the other chimed in with a chuckle.
The young new comer stayed quiet as if as told. If he was going to have a nick name, it would be of his chosen. Something normal, yet different. Something easy, but dark.
The 18 year old interupted his train of thought when he said, "We've arrived."
They lead him into an abandoned building made up of dry wood and broken brick. The faint instinct to run back ran through his body, but he thought that it was better to be with others like him, then in Hell all alone.
They lead him inside of the building and to a room that a man, probably about thirty, sat circled around by about 15 other people.
"Ah," The man grinned, "This must be the new comer I've heard about." He stood before him. "He's only a kid." The man chuckled.
"He put up quite a fight in the parking lot, Leo." The 20 year old lit up a ciggerette and inhaled. "Put three of our brothers in the hospital."
"Three?" Leo gapped, liking what he heard about him. "What's your name, kid?"
"Nickname or acutal name?" The new comer asked with no emotion, just eye contact.
"Actual name." Leo looked amused. He felt that this kid would be the gang's pet; everyones favorite.
"I like it," Leo smirked, "You have no need for a name. You are just Felix." Leo put an arm around Felix's shoulder. "Time for your task."
"My task?" Felix rose an eye brow.
"What? You thought you can join us just like that? Don't be silly." Leo purred, unhooking his arm around Felix. Leo began to skirt him, their eyes never leaving each other. "To get in, either you must have sex with the gang leader, or kill an innocent human being."
"That's insane!" Felix objected.
"That's the rules, kid." Felix thought long and hard about this. He looked at his toes for at least five minutes, then his eyes met Leo's once again.
"Who's the gang leader?"
"Yours truly." Leo winked. Felix detected humor, but having sex with him? That's gross.
"I think I'm going to have to choose the second one." Felix said, wincing. That got a few chuckles from the rest of the gang.
"Come with me, Felix." Leo started to walk out.
Gee, I hope he's not disapointed

, Felix thought with a weird face.
"Where are we going?" Felix asked, running to catch up with him.
"To find the person you're going to kill." Leo said in a 'duh' tone. Felix kept his arms to his sides as he walk along side of Leo.
After about 30 minutes of walking the back streets, Leo stopped him.
"What?" Felix asked, taken back a bit.
"Hear that?" Felix listened for anything for a minute, and heard laughter. Felix nodded. Leo pointed to a forrest on the side of a milk chocolate colored house. The trees parted enough to see a family playing with a frisbee.
"DAMN IT, JOHN. STOP THROWING IT LIKE THAT!" A girl yelled. She came closer to the forrest, grabbing the frisbee that was thrown far by her brother.
"Her." Leo whispered in my ear. "You will kill her


Chapter One

"DAMN IT, JOHN!" I yelled at my step-brother. My two step-brothers and I were playing frisbee out of bordem in the side yard. "STOP THROWING IT LIKE THAT!"

," John laughed out, "IT'S THE WIND." The wind, my ass. He just likes to piss me off.
I grabbed the frisbee and ran back to my spot. "Okay!" I threw it perfectly to my younger step brother, Louis.
"Nice throw, Gabby!" Louis cheered for me. Louis takes after his brother with his actions towards other people, but when he's with me, he's nice and acts more himself. Louis is a short, stubby 6 year old with thick dirty blond hair and light blue eyes.
John, on the other hand, goes out of his way to piss someone off. He has some kind of disease and dislexia, so I take it easy on him, but he can really get on your nerves. He has thick, dark brown and nice blue eyes. He's not the best looking kid around, but his eyes are really pretty.
Louis through the frisbee poorly to John, but it was better then how John threw it. This time, it went WAY into the forrest.
"JOHN, I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I yelled, storming off into the forrest. I heard their laughter, causing me to groan and curse at them in my head.
I traveled into the forrest, the smell of pine filled my nose. It was about October, the pine kneedles were all over the ground, golder than the specks in my dark brown eyes.
I bent down and picked up the red plastic frisbee, until I heard a twig snap. I snapped up to a boy who looked at me with hate and curiousity. My eyes were wide and my breath was caught into my throat.
He was actually pretty hot. He had glossy, straight black hair that layed gently along his foreheard. His eyes were as blue and dark as the ocean during a storm. His skin was so pale, I would've mistaken him for a vampire.
"Can I help you?" I asked, thinking that he was just lost or something. The boy leaned against a twisted willow tree and gave a lazy shake of his head.
"Who are you, then?" I asked instead, voice shaken a bit. It's not every day you find a hot, yet scary guy, in a black leather jacket and jeans, in the woods by your house.
"That's none of your concern right now." His voice was deep and husky. "What's your name, girl?" He sounded bored, yet he was the one who asked for my attention.
"Why should I tell a complete, not to mention creepy, stranger my name?" That got me a smirk from him.
He crossed his arms and walked closer to me. Soon we were toe-to-toe. He leaned down to level our eyes. His eyes were an icy swiming-pool blue.
Meeting his eyes was an awakening. For the first time in my whole life, I knew what pure, heart-poisoning hatred was.
"I'm going to find out anyway. You might as well tell me." He said, carelessly.
"Who the hell are you?" I asked with a tone laced with icey venom. I was not so brave as I was before. The way he's looking at me, and the tone he uses when he talks to me scared me. It's like he hates me, but he doesn't even know me.
"Your worst night mare." He growled, smirk gone, eyes dark and challenging.
"GABBY, ARE YOU DEAD?" I heard John yell, getting impatient. I swore through my teeth.
"Told you." He whispered through a victorious smile. I clenched my teeth and turned to yell back.
When I turned back around, the boy was gone. I was officially freaking out. I snatched up the frisbee and ran back into the side yard.
"Gosh, you take forever." Louis sneared playfully, causing me to throw the damn frisbee at his brother.
"I'm going inside." I say, running to the front of the house.
Right now, I was at my dad's house. He moved in with his girlfriend, Heather, and her two kids. Other than her kids are annoying, the house was freaking creepy. It was supposily haunted, along with the house next to it, and the pump house after that.
I opened the front foor and ran up the stairs, Brandy, my boxer, following me to my room. I shut the door behind us both and we jumped on the bed in unison. I imediatly opened my phone and called my bestfriend, Ellie.
The phone rang twice until she picked up, "Hello?"
"ELLIE!" She giggled a little.
"Uh. Yeah?"
"Something strange just happened to me." I said, needing to tell somebody about what I just experienced.
"What?" She asked. I could tell I caught her interest.
Ellie had dark brown hair that almost seemed black, but she'd smack you silly if you said that. She had green eyes with red specks around her iris, that seem to turn brown at times. She had a few freckles along the bridge of her nose and cheeks. I think she's really pretty, but she'll argure with me if I say so.
"I was playing frisbee in the side yard with John and Louis," I explained, but she interupted me.
"You're at your dad's house?" I was speachless for a minute. I really felt like saying, "NO, I'M AT MY MOM'S HOUSE PLAYING WITH MY DAD'S GIRLFRIEND'S SONS", but I bit my tongue.
"Yes, Ellie." She giggled a bit.
"Go on."
"Anyway," I continued, "John stupidly threw the frisbee way into the woods, so I went all the way in them to get it, but a boy was there."
"A boy?"
"Huh. What did he look like?"
"Uhm...Black hair, blue eyes, pale skin. Wore a white T-shirt and a black leather jacket over it. Along with ripped and faded light blue jeans."
"He sounds kind of hot."
"ELLIE!" I scolded. I am not going to admit that she said what I thought the moment I laid my eyes on him.
"Sorry, sorry. What happened?"
"He asked for my name, then dumbass Louis goes and screams it after I said that I wasn't going to tell him my name." I heard muffled laughs on the other line. "You think this is funny?"
"Pffft... No?" God, what a horrible liar she is. "I'm sorry! Go on."
"I turned around for two seconds and he was gone without a trace. It's scaring me a lot, Ellie."
"What the hell was he doing in your yard?" She said, finnally getting more serious.
"I don't know! He wouldn't tell me anything." Brandy made a growl and got comfortable on the bed.
"Maybe it was a bet or something. Maybe you'll never seem him again." I got what she was saying. My dad's house was so-called 'haunted', like I explained earlier. It wouldn't be weird if the teens around town dared one another to come on our property.
"God, I hope so. He was scary as hell. Let alone he said he was my worst nightmare." I heard Ellie sigh, not really know what to say or do doing this situation.
"Cross your fingers." She sing-songed. I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"Oh, I am not just crossing my fingers. Toes, legs, eyes, EVERYTHING. Crossed." Ellie laughed.
"GABBRIELLA!" I heard John yell. God I hate my full name. I covered the mouth piece of the phone.
"BE RIGHT DOWN!" I uncovered the mouth piece.
"Ow?" Was the first thing I hear. Iguess covering the mouth piece doesn't work. Stupid movies and their false...ness.
"Sorry. I-"
"Dinner. Right. Got'cha. Talk to you later." I laughed and clicked the 'end' button. I put my phone down and hopped off my bed. I tied my hair up in a high pony tail and went down stairs for dinner.

If tonight was a Sunday night, my dad would be driving me home right now. But it's not, and this is my weekend with my dad.
And I really wished it wasn't.
"Gabby?" Louis asked, walking into my room. I was laying on my bed, full from Heather's horrible cooking. I had my right arm over my eyes, and my left on my stomach. I moved my arm to look at Louis.
"What?" I asked, hoping my annoyed tone will give him the message. It didn't, as usual.
"I'm bored." He jumped on my bed, making me groan and sit up.
"And what makes you think that I can help that?" I asked him.
"Play with me." He demanded with a creepy smile. Ah, yes. That is my future step brother right there.
"Out." I pointed to the door. He frowned.
"Aw." He pouted all the way out of my room. I sighed as Brandy made her way in my room, her nails taping on the hard wooden floor as she walked.
She hopped on my bed and laid down after circling her spot for a few seconds. I always wondered why dogs did that before they laid down.
I felt safer knowing that she'd be sleeping with me tonight. I got up and shut my door and put the Tv on before I laid back down. I got under the covers and apparently disturbed Brandy, who stood, circled, then laid back down.
Brandy is a very friendly boxer. She's only a pup. She will lick your face off if you let her. Although she's friendly to the the kids, Dad, and Heather, I feel like I'm her favorite human. The kids beat her up and tease her, my dad teases her to death, Heather doesn't really acknowledge her.
"Hey, Brandy." I smiled and pet her ears. God, I loved her ears. They were so soft and cute.
I decided to get up again and made sure all my windows were locked and all my curtains were closed over before I finally fell asleep cuddling Brandy.

Chapter Two

I woke up to the sound of my door opening and imediatly shot up, bumping heads with someone. I held my head and looked at John doing the same and mouthing, "Ow."
"Ow, John. What the hell?!"
"I didn't think that was going to happened." He groaned, holding his head, and walked out. I shook it off and looked at Brandy who stood and made her way over to me. She licked my cheek and her bad breath filled my nose. That's the only thing bad about this dog. Her farts and her breath.
I made my way to the bathroom, showered, brushed my teeth, and all that stuff. I went back into my room and got dressed into a purple sweater and black skinny jeans with purple uggs.
Brandy must've went down stairs to go outside and eat. I made my way down stairs as well. I laughed when John had an ice pack on his head.
"It's not funny!" He yelled, which made Louis laugh. John gave him a death look. "Shut up before I PURPOSLY do it to you."
"Now, now. He's just laughing because I am. No need to threaten." I said, but I was ignored. Louis shot back a comeback and pissed John off. I walked into the kitchen before it turned into a blood battle.
"Mornin', Dad. Mornin', Heather."
"Mornin'." They said in unison. I sat on a bar stool by the table.
My dad was bald, only because he shaved his head. He was very muscular, but not bulgy. He had a little bit of a tummy and had a gotee. My dad was very musical. He was a drummer in a band and can play the guitar, but not as well as the drums. He was also very atristic and used to paint when I was little. Then my parents got a divorce and all that had stopped.
Heather was a nail stylist. She owned a nail salon. She had long, dark brown hair that reach the small of her back. She usually straightens it and ties it up, but sometimes she leaves it down. She was tan and had John's blue eyes. Well, I guess he had her blue eyes. She's a little over curvy, but I do think she is very pretty. Her and I aren't really close. We don't talk at all, barely even say our 'hi''s and 'bye''s.
"You hungry?" My dad asked me. I nodded, shyly. I always got a little shy around Heather. She notices it, I'm sure. My dad, on the other hand, does not.
"We have cereal, eggs, waffles, pa-"
"WAFFLES!" I cut him off. His eyes widened, but a smile formed on his face.
"Okay. Waffles it is." I smiled happily and kicked my feet under the table. I looked to the corner of my eye and sudden froze. I turned my head towards the window that had perfect view of the woods and the Beumont mansion across the side yard.
Something happened to me in those woods yesterday. Something you'd read in a book or see in a movie happened to me. Something scared me yesterday. And it all happened in thoughs woods.
My train of thought was interupted when my cell phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and opened the text.

Marie: Can you sleep over tonight? Ellie is, too.

Once again, Marie saves me. I really don't want to be near thoughs woods anymore.
"Dad, Marie wants to know if I can sleep over her house tonight."
"Depends," He said, turning to me, "Who will be there?"
"Her, Ellie, me, and probably her sister."
"No boys?" He said, cocking an eye brow. If I had water in my mouth just then, I would've had to spit it out all over.
"NO, DAD!" I laughed out.
Well, I hope not.
"Fine, then. I'm heading her way later anyway. I can drop you off." I nodded.
"Thank you." I texted Marie back that I can sleep over and put my phone back in my pocket. Maybe I should get Marie's opinion on this scary guy, too.

"VAMPIRE!" Marie pratically yelled, making me and Ellie's eyes pop out of our heads. We were in her room, sitting in a triangle on her bed. The room was all dark besides the three candles around the bed.
"V-Vampire?" Ellie asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"Yes! He's good looking, pale, and obviously has speed!"
"You're right... But we're forgetting something." I said, tapping my chin. "Vampires don't exist." Ellie fell over laughing.
"Wha- HOW DO YOU KNOW?!" Marie held her heart, hurt that I questioned her story.
"It's not possible." I said, crossing my arms. Sheesh, so much for her help with this.
My phone buzzed. I pulled it out and looked at the called ID, which on restricted.
"Who is it?" They asked in unison. I shugged and answered it.
"Put it on speaker." Ellie whispered. I did.
"Where the hell are you?" A male voice asked. My eyes widened. I know that voice.
"None of your business, you fucking stalker. How the hell did you get my number?"
"Phone book. Now where the fuck are you?"
"Ask him if he's a vampire!" Marie whispered in my ear. I shook my head and put my index finger to my lips to shush her.
"What makes you think I'm going to tell my worst night mare where I am?"
"Gabriela, I am warning you. If I have to go out of my way to find you. I swe-
"Bye, freak." I hung up the phone. I looked at Marie and Ellie, biting my lip.
"That's fucking creepy. Call the police." Marie said.
"I still think it's a prank." Ellie said, nodding. "Getting the police involved would be stupid. We'll just make sure she's not alone until we know for sure." I nodded, kind of weirded out how good of an idea that was. Especially because it was Ellie's idea.
"Fine. But if he is a vampire, I will laugh at your blood-drainned body." My eyes widened at Marie's statement and how serious is was.
"Thanks." I said sarcastically.
"Anytime, love." Marie winked at me and hopped off her bed, walking out of her room. Ellie and I shared glances.
"Are you okay?" She asked me. I squinted my eyes and nodded.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.
"You're shaking." I looked down to my hands. She was right. I was trembling.
"Oh. I didn't realize." I said, smiling back up at her.
"Is this scaring you THAT much? Maybe you should go to the police." I shook my head.
"No, no. I'm going to let this kid have his fun, then he'll, hopefully, leave me alone." I said, getting up to follow Marie.
I ended up down stairs. She was setting up sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets all over the living room floor.
"We're sleeping down here tonight." Marie told me and Ellie, who followed me.
"But this is closer to windows... and the door." Ellie pointed out. She was right. Windows surrounded our sleeping spot and the door would be right at our feet.
"Exactly. I want to see this kid try to get to her. I will kick his ass." Marie said, putting her hands on her hips.
Marie had shoulder length red hair. She was taller than me and Ellie and had big brown eyes. She had freckles running along her nose and cheeks. Marie grinned, showing her braces.
"What if he has weapons?" Ellie asked, making me twice as paranoid as I was. Now it was my turn to calm down.
"Look, guys. It's not like he's a phsyco murderer or anything. He's just some kid pulling a prank. Maybe he's John's friend or something. John does have my number." They both nodded in unison.
"You're right. I'm getting too excited to kick the sexy ass of a hot guy." Marie flopped on a sleeping bag and sighed, disapointed. I rolled my eyes. That's my friend right there.
"HEY! MAYBE HE'S SECRETLY A GIRL OR SOMETHING." Ellie exclaimed, siting next to Marie. AND there is my other friend.
I face palmed.
I do NOT believe either one of them right now. They were fighting about this guy who freaks me out. Ellie says he's a she... And Marie is yelling at her for it like he was her favorite celebirty.
This is going to be a very fun night, isn't it?

"AHHHH!" My eyes shot open to find Marie getting dog piled on by her sister. I groaned and rubbed my eyes.
"Oh, Gabby. Aren't you just gorgeous in the morning." Marie's sister Sarah said sarcastically.
"Guess that makes one of us." I grinned at Marie, who played possum. Sarah didn't seem to care, though.
"Well played." Sarah nodded. I sat up and looked to my left where Ellie slept with her mouth open and head phones in. God, did she snore.
"She's loud, isn't she?" Sarah asked, like she was reading my mind. I giggled and nodded.
"I swear, I woke up last night thinking there was an earthquake, but it was just Ellie snoring." That got a muffled laugh from Marie.
I suddenly was hit in the head. I frowned and looked to Ellie who gave me a death glare.
"I'm. Awake." She growled. I bursted into laughter, along with Sarah and Marie. Sarah finally got off her and laughed all the way back up stairs.
"I love you, Ellie." I smiled, scooting closer to Marie, who was still laughing.
"Screw you." Ellie said to me, then looked to Marie. "Marie, I wouldn't be laughing. You drool like a Mastiff when you sleep." Marie suddenly stopped laughing.
"I think I'm the only normal sleeper." I said, looking up. Then I re-thought that. "Wait, no I'm not. I sleep walk."
"You do?" Ellie asked me. I nodded.
"Yeah, my mom told me that I sleep-walked into the kitchen, thinking it was the bathroom, and started to pull down my pants infront of her and her boyfriend." I made a face. "Whoops." Marie and Ellie bursted into laughter.
"You're worse than both of us COMBINED!" Marie said.
"Burn in hell." I pouted, getting up and walking up the stairs to the bathroom.
I went into the bathroom and did my thing. I washed my hands after and fixed up my hair so bedhead didn't look so bad.
Walking back down, I heard them both giggling. I looked around the railing to them, who just sat there giggling.
"What are you freaks laughing about?" I asked them, walking all the way down.
"You do not want to know." Ellie said. Marie just grinned. I rolled my eyes, knowing Ellie was probably right.
My phone started to buzz. I walked over to it, which was on the coffee table next to the sofa Ellie slept on.
"Hello?" I asked. It was my dad.
"Gabby, I'm coming to get you now."
"What? Why? Is everything okay?" I asked, kind of worried.
"Oh. Yeah, I'm just out and I want you to be ready." I sighed, letting my heart beat go back to regular speed.
"Okay." And he hung up.
"Who was that?" Ellie asked me. She's such a nosey body.
"My father. He wants to pick me up now." I said, looking at Marie.

My dad picked me up within five minutes. I hated being in the car with him. All we listened to was his band's recordings. Which included mess ups and Peggy, the leader singer, singing. She was horrific.
"We're planing on going to the beach down the rode." My dad said. I looked to him.
"Can I shower?" I asked. I did sleep on a floor last night, and I like to shower every day. It makes me feel better about the apperance I hate.
"Of course." He said as we pulled up in the drive way. The drive way was made up of rocks, so it was a pretty bumpy ride.
We got out of the car and closed our doors in unison. God, I felt so grimmy and self consious. I had a major head ache. I barely slept last night.

While I took my shower, I felt so more relaxed. Like I was cleaning all the bad way. The only thing bad about this shower was that the water went cold really quick, so I had no time to just let the water and hit me.
I got out and wrapped my hair and myself in a towel. I brushed my teeth real good. I had really straight teeth from past braces. Oh how I don't miss them.
"GABBY, HURRY UP!" I heard Louis yell from outside the bathroom door.
"Excuse me! Can a girl have some privacy?" I asked with a haughy tone.
"No?" Louis laughed out and hit the door. I growled and opened the door, walking around him, and into my room.
That little bastard didn't even go into the bathroom.
I got dressed and blow dried my hair straight. I had really stubborn hair that was very hard to work with unless you caught it right before it dried.
I walked down the stairs to, "FINALLY!" My eyes almost popped out of my head.
"Sorry. I was dirty." I smiled. Everyone had their coats and shoes on already. I put mine on and we headed out.
I held Brandy on a leash as we walked down the rode to the beach. Louis and John raced and I walked in a line with Heather and my dad.
"Hey!" Louis said, breathlessly, running up to me. "Can I walk Brandy?"
"Sure." I handed him the leash, and they ran to wear John was. Brandy loved to run, but she had a stomach problem that made her puke if she eats or drinks too much. And that's just what she will do if she gets too worked up.
When we reached the little weeded trail to get to the beach, I ran through it and raced to the play ground. Apparently, Brandy was let off her leash, since I was almost tackled by her as I ran.
I giggled. Her tail was cut off when she was a puppy because they do that to Boxers for some reason. It's funny when she wags it. It's like a little nub, barely a tail at all. And she really gets into it. Her whole butt wiggles side to side.
She ran back to where Louis and John were, since they started running the other way. My Dad and Heather were obsessed with seaglass and pretty shells and rocks. They have glass jars of them all over the house.
I made my way around the little, sad play ground that was kind of hidden on the beach. I climbed on it and read the funny things that people wrote in sharpy on it. There were things like, "Gingers are sexy," and there's one thing with a drawing of a rainbow and a caption saying, "A double rainbow! What does it mean?!"
God people are weird.
I was starting to climb down until I was suddenly pinned to a rock wall. Everything went too fast to see who my attacker was. Realizing it was a guy, I tried to kick him in the jewels, but he dodged my knee.
"Look at me." That horrid voice said. I did as told and looked into beautiful winter blue eyes. I started to tremble under him. He was so close. He pinned me with his body, my arms held over my head.
He smirked and tilted his head as
if to see me from a different angle and said, "I kind of like this position."
Greaaaaaat. A perverted stalker. Just what I needed.
"What do you want from me?" I asked, my voice in a trembling whisper.
"Nothing from you." He said, still studying me. My hands were ice cold from fear, and I know he noticed. He took my hands and put them together, then rubbed his own hands against mine.
Kind of shocked he was doing that, I my eyes widened a little. They never left his, though.
"You're freezing." He whispered.
Thank you, Captin Obvious.
"It's cold." I shivered and looked away, pulling my hands away from his comfortable heat. I heard him sigh as his warms hands cupped my face.
"Gabby," He started but I cut him off by ripping myself away from him.
"How do you know my name?" I asked in an alpha tone.
"I heard your brother yell it yesterday." He said with innocent, big eyes.
"Well you wouldn't have if you weren't on our property threatening me." I shot back. "Why were you there? Why did you say what you did?" He suddenly rolled his eyes and looked annoying.
"Will you just shut up? I'm trying to be friendly, but you're making it really hard not to stab you to death out of anger." He growled, taking a step closer to me.
"There you go threatening me again. Look, kid. I don't know who you are. And I really do not want to. I want nothing to do with you. Go find some other girl to scare." I started to walk back to my family so I could get away from him, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him.
We were even closer than we were before now. Chest to chest, hips to hips, toe to toe, and face to face. I felt his warm breath on my frozen cheeks, making me feel like I melted a little. He looked into my eyes like he was thinking hard about something, then they turned evil. The grip on my wrist tightened, making me wince in pain.
"Look, you little bitch. Don't try to run from me. I will always

find you. I will hurt the ones you love if you do not cooaperate." I pursed my lips and looked at him with big eyes. His face lowered to mine a bit. "Also," he whispered, "do not tell anyone about me. I am a secret, okay? I promise I will not hurt you, Gabby. But you have to help me out here."
My mouth was dry, so talking failed for me. I just nodded. He gave me a small smile and a peck on the cheek that lasted longer than it could have. He let me go and turned his back torwards me. I watched him walk away and I held my pained wrist against my chest.
Now I am interested.


Chapter Three

I started walking back to where to group was. They didn't even notice I was gone, not a suprise. Brandy was even too distracted to realize I wasn't there.
And he knew that that would happen, too.
That kid must be a fucking master mind. He knows how to erase any part of him being anywhere. He's like a character in a story book for teens. He'd be the dark, hot, mysterious bad boy while I'm the geeky, unsociable, ugly girl he oddly falls for. Then we live happily ever after.
I'm going to find out everything about this kid weither he likes it or not. And he's going to be the one to tell me.

That night I slept a little better than I did the night before. I was at my moms, for one. And I felt a little safer knowing that there was a good side to that kid. I could feel it. That bad boy thing is just a cover up.
But why?

I woke up that morning at 7 on the dot. Once again I didn't get much sleep, but I'm sure I'll live through school. I got the highest grades in my 7th grade class. My birthday was coming up and I was going to be 13. A teenager. Finally.
Luckily, I'll be in Florida for my birthday. I've never been that far away from home before. I live in New Jersey and I've only been in New York and Pennsylvania.
"Hurry up, Gabby!" I heard my mother yell up the stairs. God, I hate it when she doesn't have work. She annoys the CRAP out of me!
"Mom, I don't have to be there at exactly 8:20!" I shot back. "Just before 8:30!"
"Whatever! Just hurry up or you're walking!"

I finished straightening my hair, then hurried down stairs by 8:15. I ate a breakfast bar then my mom drove me to school. God, I hate school. I hate most of the people in it. I used to be friends with a whole bunch of people in school. Then I opened my eyes and decided I was getting myself into the wrong crowd. A horrible, backstabbing crowd.
I entered the school and was instantly smothered by Ellie. I thought she was going to pop me.
"You're still alive!" She screamed. I instinctivly covered her mouth.
"Yes, but you won't be for long with THAT mouth." She just laughed and pulled me to my locker.
"So. Fill me in. Did anything happen?" She asked me in a low tone. I shook my head and opened my locker.
"Nothing I can say right now." I replied in the same tone. She looked at me with a curious face, then allowed me to go to my into my locker.

After school was over, I exited the school with Ellie like always.
"So can you tell me now?" She asked me. I shook my head.
"I'll have the laptop today," I promised her, "I'll tell you on there." I started backing away from her.
"'Kay." She said and turned to start walking the other way.
When I faced forward again, I ran smack into someone. "I'm sorry!" I blurted, closing my eyes tight and looking down, trying to regain my balance. I started walking around them, but they didn't make it that easy. The mysterious stranger who I collided into grabbed my waist and walked with me.
My eyes widened in suprised and turned my head to see who is putting their arm around me.
"No." He said. I was right about the mysterious part. I groaned and tried to escape, but he was too strong.
"No what

?" I asked, with transparent hate and anger in my tone. He brought his mouth down to my ear, but we never stoped walking.
"Tell her one more thing, and that will be the last thing you'll ever be able to tell someone." He threatened, then nipped at my ear real quick before retreating. I growled and tried to stomp on his toe with my left foot.
"Na-ah-ah." He said, dodging my attack. I lowered my head in shame that I actually missed his big ass toe.
"I'll tell my best friend anything I want, thank you very much." I said, keeping my head held high.
"Hey, just remember I warned you." He said in that cocky tone of his as we crossed the street.
Wow, did I really just say that?

He slid his arm down to my waist and made sure I was close to him. I started to feel uncomfortable. People started to stare.
"What are you doing?" I asked him, since he didn't seem like he was planning on stopping nor letting me go.
His blue eyes sliced into me, and the corners of his mouth tilted up. My heart fumbled a beat and in that pause, a feeling of gloomy darkness seemed to slide like a shadow over me. It vanished in an instant, but I was still staring at him. His smile wasn't friendly. It was a smile that spelled trouble. With a promise.
"I'm walking you home. It's the least I can do." He looked ahead with that sly smirk on his face. I just wanted to slap it right off of him.
"I don't want you to know where I live." I said, suddenly and cursed at myself for doing it.
"I already know where you live. Why do you think I've been walking the right way for the past five minutes?" He asked, seeming to be annoyed again.
Great. I was home alone 'till five today, too.

When we got to my door step, I stayed perfectly still. The ball was in his court. I wrinkled my nose and felt comfortable enough to take a handful of his leather jacket to my nose. I tried to figure out what he smelled like. Cigarettes maybe? Something richer. My guess, an illegal drug.
"Why are you sniffing me?" He asked, big blue eyes wide and innocent. I shooke my head and released him.
"Because you smell horrible." I said, bluntly.
I lowered my book back down my shoulder and unzipped the compartment where I stored the spare key my mother gave me for events like this, but I couldn't seem to find them. I sighed.
"Give me back my keys," I said, disconcerted at not knowing how my keys got into his possession.
He held up his hands, claiming innocents and backed away from the door. He leaned a shoulder on my house and handed me my key. The hairs on my arm stood on end when our skin touched, by I ignored the tingly feelings that just awoken inside of me.
He watched me step up to the lock. I attempted to turn the key, but it wouldn't budge. I pouted.
"You jammed it," I said, looking at him with big eyes. I dropped back a step and handed him the key. "Go ahead, try it. It's stuck."
With a sharp click

, he turned the key. Hand poised on the handle, he arched his eyebrows as if to say, May I?
I sucked in a sharp breath, burying a surge of mutual fascination and disquiet.
"Go ahead. You're not going to walk in on anyone. No one is home."
"You'll be home alone?" He asked, almost too quickly.
Immediately, I realized it might not have been the smartest idea to say that. I mentally kicked myself.
"Yes, but not for long," I said, quickly sving myself, "My grandfather should be home soon."
"Your grandfather

?" The corners of his mouth twitched. He was fighting a smile.
"Yes. He may be old, but he's big and strong. Very strong." I tried to squeze past him. Unsuccessfully.
"Sounds scary." He said, retreiving the key from the lock and held it out for me.
"He can use a pool stick like a Kendo sword. More like terrifying." Taking the key, I edged around him. I fully entended to shut the door between us, but as I turned about, he was filling the doorway, arms braced on either side of the frame.
"You're not going to invite me in?" He asked.
Uh. Let me think about that. NO

? Like I'm going to invite my 'worst nightmare' inside.
"It's late," He said, suddenly. His piercing blue eyes followed mine closely, reflecting a wayward glint. "You hungry?"
"No. Well, yeah I am. But-"
Suddenly, he was inside and the door was shut behind us.
He backed me up against a wall. I glared at him. There was a lot of panic behind it, though. He flashed a grin birmming with dark intent, confirming that I had every reason to sweat freely.
"What's up with you?" I asked. "Why are you doing this? Why me?"
"I was tried of admiring your wicked, curvy mouth from a distance."
"I want the truth." I sucked in a sharp breath. "I think I deserve full disclosure in this prank."
"Full disclosure." He repeated with a grin. "And you think me taking interest in a pretty lady is a prank." He tilted his head as if to study me from a new angle and feigned hurt.
His gaze felt especially hot. I had to break eye contact so I trained my eyes on my hands. They were glistened with sweat, so I slid them behind my back and looked to the side.
"I have to go," I said, "I have a date with the usual."
This seemed to spark his interest. "The usual?" He rose an eyebrow.
"Homework." I gave him a small smile and he relaxed his face.
"Cancel. You pissed me off Saturday night, Gabby. I'm not letting you off easy." I swallowed hard.
"And what is that supposed to mean?"
"It means, in order to make it up to me, you're going to have to let me get to know you better."
"I don't hang out with strangers," I said, confidently.
"Good thing I do." He smirked, leaning his face closer to mine. Our eyes were now leveled. "I'm not going to hurt you, Gabby."
"Why do you expect me to believe that, my worst night mare?" I said, pushing him away from me and walking away from him.
He through his hands up.
"Would you like me to apologize for all of that, Gabby? Because I will." He said, making me turn towards him. I was taken back a step when I found out he was right behind me.
By now we were in my kitchen, the small of my back was pressed against the counter. He caged me in, both arms on either side of me. He leaned over me, the counter helping him hold himself up.
"No," I whispered, pushing him away by his chest, but he clasped my hand against his chest. He pulled my sleve over my hand. I tried to rescue it with my other hand, but I failed. He pulled my sleeve over that hand, too, and reeled me in.
I couldn't stop looking into his eyes. It was like a magnetic force. What is he going to do to me..?
"I think we got this mixed up." He said, suddenly. His cool, minted breath was hot on my skin.
"Got what mixed up?" I asked, still in a daze. I seriously wanted to kiss him right now. God, his mouth was so temptingly close to mine.
"Maybe you're my worst nightmare."

Guys. xD

I'm sorry I haven't been on for a really long time. Bookrix has changed so much, and.. I really don't like the way it's changing. I no longer gon on this website, but I do go on Quotev and write stories on there.

Here's the link if you still want to read my stuffs:


Also, I no longer write this book. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.01.2012

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