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A Diary Von:
Twisted Image
The following is the unofficial treatment record of Dr. Alicia Bessemer concerning her treatment of the patient, Lance Firnstahl. Treatment began on March 1st, 2011, and what transpired over the next month, shocked the psychological world. It is released now for all to see.

Thriller, Diary, Contest
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Great context to the story. Honestly, it surprised me with the ending. This whole time I was reading this book I thought to myself this is going to end bad but it ended a whole different way. Well done!

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Gelöschter User

Excellent writing, especially in how it is presented in a series of journal entries. It increases the suspense factor

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I know I may be behind in posting this, but I just found this website and this story. I love it. I do have a theory on the story. I believe that Lance and Desmond are in Alicia's mind - as in she is the one with the multiple personality disorder that is in the process of being "cured" - kind of like the movie Identity with John Cusack - am I way off on this?

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Gelöschter User

But your cover hurts my eye, man!

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Gelöschter User

WOW. Very well done and enthralling. :D

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Absolutely fascinating! You spun the plot as though you were a spider! I sensed that you did some real research into psychiatry, too. Really a fine piece of work. Jodi should be proud:)

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This story was great. It was somewhat like the movie Johnny Darko, well not really. But the guy being able to manipulate a persons head did happen in that movie. You've got my vote.

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But, more than that you have made me put you on the top of the list for reading requests. That was excellent./joeparente

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