Just bestfriends or more??

User: J.C
Just bestfriends or more??

I'm jordan and I'm the schools bad boy, but I never used to be like this when I was younger (about 13) my dad left and that's what messed me up. Ever since then i have had anger and trust issues. I just can't control my anger, i really try. The only person who is able to calm me down is Keisha, i dont know how she does it but hey it works. I felt like I only had one constant person in my life and that was my Keisha, my bestfriend. (if your wondering why my mom is not a constant person in my life is because after dad left she got two jobs so I hardly ever saw her and when I did we never really spoke, we didnt need the money from the jobs but i guess she did it to keep hersrlf busy probaly because i reminded her of dad.) But anyway Keisha has been my bestfriend since pre-school when two other little boys tried to push her in the sand pit and I stood up for her, and then as little kids do we both promised to be bestfriends forever. We are both now 17, in high school and as closer than ever.

Beiträge und Kommentare
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Ange G

Best story ever just finished reading it at 1:17 am I think you should also write about their future together and their kids

2 Kommentare

lol thank you. and i will keep that in mind when writing the rest


Awesome story

Wichtiger Beitrag

Are you going to finish the book or was that the end of the book?

1 Kommentar

no i want to finish it but I'm just out of ideas

Wichtiger Beitrag

i liked it and must say was great for a first book. you should update it soon and put some challenges in the story like his ex or the cheerleader reaction also write more about their families.

1 Kommentar

Ok, Thank you

Wichtiger Beitrag

This is my first book, so please comment advice or what you want to happen next in the book. Thanks :)

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