
I Hate Seeing You Like This

Today was soo long coach made us have a 5 hour practice, 3 hour training session then an hour break then straight into an hour match, normally Im fine with that but not today.

While we were training, the cheerleaders were also having a practice for the big game we had next week, to all the other boys thats great, but not for me.


Just because Im captain of our football(soccer) team everyone expects me to go out with Callie (the head cheerleader) but Im just not into that type of girl I have told her this many times but she just don't take the hint and so everytime I see her she throws herself at me.


Like legit this one time I was walking down the corridor with my boys and she came running up to me and actually jumped on me.

And today she spent the full hour break trying to persuade me to come back to her place after the match, she kept trying to kiss me and sit on my lap.


I can hear my phone ringing from my room, it can wait because I'm really enjoying this hot shower I might call Keisha and get her to come over and give me a massage (her massages are the best in the world and I normally get one after a day like this). And that idea lures me out the shower, i wrap the towel loosely around my hips and walk out across my room and into my closet a grab a pair of boxers and my QPR football shorts (i used to play for QPR but then i transferred to Arsenal and now i wear them to bed) i just finished pulling my shorts up when i heard my phone again; i decided to go find it because whoever it was had not stopped ringing. I picked it up off the bed and saw 17 missed calls from my bestfriend Keisha.


Now I started to panic because she told me that her parents have been getting into some serious fights and her mum has walked out a few times but always came back like 2 hours later. I called her back and she picked up on the first ring, i could tell just from the way she said "hello" that something was really really wrong,

"babe what happened, are you ok?" i always call her babe and baby so it was nothing special, thats just the connection we had 

"Jordan i need you here"

"Ok baby, I'm coming now should I come through the window?" 

"yeah, i will leave it open"

"ok keish I'm coming"

I shove my feet into my Jordan's grab a t-shirt throw it over my head, sprint down the stairs taking them two at a time grab my keys off the side and throw open the door open slamming it shut after me and sprinting to my car. Less than 5 mins later I was round the corner from her house where I always leave my car so her parents wouldn't know I am here because for some reason they hate me even though I'm their daughters bestfriend and have been since we were in pre-school.


I ran around to the back of the house and climbed up the drain pipe to her window she had all the lights off so I couldn't really see, but I managed to climb in find my way to her bed and kick my shoes off and get under the covers with her. But it was only then that I realised that I couldn't see her so I got my phone out and turned on the torch and shined it over the bed and saw her curled up in a ball in the corner of the bed, so I turned the torch off and put my phone on the night stand and pulled her into my arms. I could tell she was not sleeping because her breathing was hitched from crying.

"Keisha, babe whats wrong your scaring me"

"I don't want to talk about it yet I just need you to hold me tight and never let me go."

"baby i will never let you go"

I could feel that she was trying to hold back her tears; that was one weird thing between us we can both sense when the other is trying not to cry or holding back emotions.

"let it out keish, let it out" i hugged her tighter

Those words were like the trigger because straight after I said them she twisted in my arms so now she had her head in my chest crying her heart out. It killed me to see her like this, it made me want to kill whoever done this to her. But after like 20 mins of non-stop crying her breathing evened out and sleep consumed her.

I slid out from under her so I could peel the now drenched top from my body, dropped it on the floor and slid back under the cover and pulled her back on my chest. Sleep was trying to take me but I fought it because one thing was going round and round my mind "this feels so right, I want her too be mine."

I woke up lying on Keisha, but not like squashing her like she was lying on her back and I was lying on her with my arms around her waist and my head on her chest. I could feel her hand resting in hair. Only then do I realise that there is two other people in the room whispering to eachother.


Im about to get up but something in the back of my head tells me to just stay and listen so thats what I do.

"Why is he here?"

"Where is his clothes?"

"How did he get in?"

"Why is he in her bed?"

"he knows he's not welcome here but yet always comes back"

"He's a pain in the fucking ass."

I had to hold back a laugh I don't know why they hate me but they do, and they always make it very clear that I'm not welcome but I don't care because if Keisha needs me then I'm there no matter what. Just then i realised that Keisha was awake too because she pinched me and whispered to me so quietly that i nearly never heard her 

"pretend to be asleep, and go along with what i do"

I was just about to ask her what she meant when she rolled us over so now she was lying on me with her arms around my waist and her face in the crook of my neck and started slowly grinding on me. I realised what she was doing and put one of my hands on her ass and the other under the back of her top, she winced as I did this but thats probably because my hands are cold.

I could hear her parents sharp intake of breath as I caressed her ass, while I did this she made a fake moaning noise the went straight down to my dick. She then told me to "wake up" so I took a deep breath and stretched as I opened my eyes so it looked convincing. As soon as my eyes landed on her parents I got the death stares I was expecting and smiled in return. And then the questions started

"Why are you here?"

"How did you get in?"

"Where is you top?"

"Why are you in her bed?"

I just sat there giving them a cocky grin. 

"answer the questions boy, or are you deaf!?" her dad shouted at me

"Because she wants me here, through the door, on the floor, because she wants the there too." The look on her

Parents face was priceless, and Keisha took that as her que to 'wake up' she then started to shout at her parents to get out. After like 5 mins they left and as soon at the door shut we locked it and were laughing so hard I was crying. 

"did you see their faces"

"omg yeah,that was soo funny"

"Listen babe do you wanna get in the shower first or should I?"

Both our parents were rich so we both had huge rooms with a bathroom and a closet in them, we also had loads of clothes at eachothers houses for days like this.

"you get in first Jord imma go back to sleep for a while"

"ok babe, when we are done we can go back to mine and talk"

"ok jord"


Keishas POV


 Jordan is the best friend everyone wishes for; he's always there for me when I need him. But I think I'm starting to love him more than a friend. The way he was holding me last night and this morning felt so normal.... I liked it.


He came out the shower with his towel wrapped loosely off his hips, water glistening off his Carmel skin, his god-like figure along with his amazingly defined abs and v-line. I don't know how long I have been staring at him just standing there, I can see his mouth moving but I'm not hearing any words, all I can focus on is his wet messy hair (just how I like it), his beautiful green eyes and that jawline, OMG his jawline is amazing. He must have noticed me staring because next thing I know he has pushed me back down on the bed and is hovering over me with his happy green eyes staring down at me.


Jordans POV


 I walked out the bathroom and saw Keisha lying on the bed but when she heard me she sat up and just stared at me. I asked her if she is ok but she completely ignored me, I kept calling her name but it was like she was in her own little world. I realised that she was staring at me so i walked up to her pushed her back down climbed on the bed and hovered myself over her, and looked into her beautiful big brown eyes, 

"helloo, earth to Keisha"


"What were you staring at that had you so deep in thought?" i say with a smerk 

"oh erm nothing"

"You sure?"


"aww you were checking me out again"

"No i wasn't!!!!!"

she then pushed me off the bed and i landed with a thump on the floor

"oww babe you hurt me, thats not what bestfriends do" and i pulled my sad puppy face that i know she loves

"Aw poor little baby Jordan. Go get dressed"

"Hahaha why am I distracting you?"

"shut up Jordan, you know where you clothes are"

I laugh as I walk towards her closet as I hear the bathroom door shut, I pick out my black Levi jeans, black fitted t-shirt, dark grey and black hoodie, black Calvin Klein boxers and went back into the bedroom.


I took my towel off threw on my clothes just as I was pulling down my t-shirt Keisha walked out the bathroom and straight into her closet where she shut the door, thats strange because she never normally has a problem changing in front of me, like we have seen eachother naked so changing is no big deal. But maybe she still embarrassed I caught her checking me out.

Keisha and I have the same type of hair so I went to her dressing table got her brush and styled my hair, when Keisha came out she started laughing at me and taking pictures, but I take so much pride in my hair and appearance that I really don't care that soon my whole school is going to see pictures of me sitting at a girls dressing table using a pink brush in my hair. Once I have brushed it where I want it, (which is like up to the side) I use jam (hair jam, not the jam you eat) to jell it up and keep it there, once that is done I sit there for a few more mins making sure that every single strand of my hair is in the right place. All the while having Keisha cuss me telling me I worse than a girl when it comes to my appearance, but I really don't care because looking this good takes time and I might see people so I have to look good on a daily basis.

Now I'm happy with how my hair looks I walk back into the bathroom grab the coco butter cream my face and arms, (I cant leave the house without creaming because I'm mixrace if I don't then my skin will look really dry.) I grab my black ray-bans and carefully put them on my head. Once Keisha is ready we leave her house, her parents don't even try to talk to us so we go straight to my car and to my house where I make us both a full english breakfast (thats another thing nobody but Keisha knows about me, I'm a really good chef and I love to cook) even though its like 12:00, then we head up to my room to watch movies and talk.

"What film babe?"

"have you got Ride Along 2"

"yep imma go make popcorn go get comfy"

I run downstairs and shove the popcorn in the microwave, while it's popping I hear my phone from upstairs, but I don't care because it's proberly just everyone making fun of the pictures Keisha took. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs just as the popcorn is done so I grab a big bowl and put all the popcorn in it, when I see Keisha's face she looks pissed off but she's trying to hide it.

"Jordan your phone was ringing, here"

"Thanks babe, but whats wrong?"

"nothing, meet you upstairs"

Whats wrong with her, I look down at my phone and see 4 missed calls from my ex and 2 from my friend Kayden. I really hate my ex so I don't know why she is calling me, maybe thats why Keisha is upset but even then why is she pissed because my ex called? I decide to call Kayden and see if he knows why Megan called me.


"yo bro whats up"

"prepare yourself coz Megan is on her way to yours"

"WHAT, WHY!!!!!"

"bro i don't know all of us were out today she asked me where you were i said i donno, then she saw the pic of you at Keisha's house she got all mad and left so she is probs gonna come to your house and wait for you unless your

already there."

"oh for fuck sake, yeah I'm at mine with Keisha we are about to watch a movie"

"well bro she left like 5 mins ago so she will be-"DING-DONG

"shit bro! she's here"

"well all i can say is good luck"

"haha well thanks for the heads up Kay"

"well what are brothers for"

"later, bro"

"bye, oh and the boys say good luck"

"haha thanks"

I walk to the door, look through the peep hole and see my ex Megan standing there looking ready to kill someone. I open the door and her face lights up when she sees me standing there and she throws herself at me.

"Jordan!!! Oh baby I missed you why were you not out with us today?"

"Megan get off me" i say calmly, even though all i wanna do is is drag her off my property by her hair

"What do you mean Jordan didn't you miss me?"

"Megan we are not together anymore so get off me"

"what?? is there another girl here"

"yes, Keisha's here but thats not the point you can't just come to my house whenever you want and fucking jump on me"


"calm down we are not going out she's my bestfriend and you don't need to know where she is because is don't

concern you"

"it's ok Jordan i will talk to her if its me she wants to speak to" i was so busy trying to control myself didn't even hear Keisha come up behind me

"Keisha you don't need to do this"

"no Jordan i want to talk to Keisha" Megan snaps

"fine you two talk but please don't fight"


Keishas POV


Im upstairs in Jordan's room lying on his bed pissed, he told me him and his ex are done but why would she call him out of the blue like that unless they were talking. I know I don't have the right to be upset about it because I'm not his girlfriend but I have always been protective of him same way he is to me. I hear him shouting on the phone and then the door bell goes off. If thats her at the door im going to kill her. I don't know why I feel like this jealous because I know he's not mine but I cant help it.

As I'm coming down the stairs I hear her annoying voice scream Jordan's name and then Jordan telling her to get off him, I stand in the kitchen so they can't see me but I can still hear their whole convocation, and it sounds like she wants to talk to me so I decide to just go out there and talk for myself. I wait till Jordan is gone before I say anything because I don't want him interrupting me.

"Megan why are you here?, your not his girlfriend and he hates you"

"neither are you bitch"

"yeah but i'm his bestfriend, and i will always mean more to him than you"

"i don't care"

"So I'm going to have to ask again" I sigh "why are you here?"

"to get my boyfriend back"

" HAHAHAHA thats funny, good joke. he's never going to take you back"

"listen here bitch i will get him back and when i do i will make him push you out his life forever"

"will you really, because many have tried and all have failed, and you and your little fake ass are not going to be the ones to separate us"

I feel a burning sensation in my cheek, and see her laughing and only then do I realise that she slapped me. This is when the tom-boy side of me comes out, thanks to Jordan dragging me to all his boxing and self-defence lessons as a kid, I'm a pretty good fighter. I pull back my fist and slam it into her face, after what my dad done to me last night before Jordan came I take out all the pain and anger I was holding back and let it all lose on her. But before I know it I have Jordan's strong arms clamp around my waist and pull me off Megan who is now lying on the gravel driveway screaming and crying in pain. 


Jordans POV


Im lying on the sofa waiting for the girls to finish talking, when I hear screaming I know its not Keisha so I'm not that worried but I decide to go and see whats going on. As I walk out I see Megan lying on the floor with Keisha straddling her landing some really strong punches to her face, I don't want to stop her but I know I should. I run up to Keisha and pull her off but she is now kicking and shouting telling me to let her go. I turn her around so she is looking at me and she just bursts out into tears, I know now something is really wrong because me and Keisha are the same we never cry in front of people. I pull her into my arms and sit down on the gravel so she is straddling me crying into my neck. It's only then that I take note of Megan, she has a black eye, bleeding lip and a bruise on her jaw. 

"Megan get off my property"

"Jordan can you not see what she just done to me"

"i don't care, you came on my property to kick up a fuss so thats what you get, now go home"

"Fuck you Jordan, you will soon see how much you need me!"

"whatever Megan go away"

I watch her climb into her car and drive off, only then do I stand up with Keisha in my arms and carry her into the house and up to my room. I lie us both down on the bed 

"Keisha babe, you really have to tell me what happened"

"I...know" she said in between sobs. after a few minutes she starts talking

"so yesterday i came home and my mom and dad were having another argument but i don't know what is was about, so i just went straight up to my room and revised for the science test tomorrow then like 15 mins later i heard a loud thump downstairs so i went do to see what happened, and my mom was on the floor with my dad standing over her i got scared so i ran over to my dad and punched him in the head but he turned around and slapped me and starting punching me until i managed to push him away and run up to my room locked the door and started crying then i called you."

"what time"


"So why didn't you call me till 10:30?"

"i don't know, i knew you had football"

"Babe, I don't care where I am, I could be at a party, football, date, where ever i am, if something like this that happens you call me straight away. You are more important that anything in the world to me"

"Ok. But anyway he kept banging on my door telling me when he gets in he's going to make me pay for locking him out and hitting him"

all i can see is red 

"did he leave marks on you" i growl, Keisha just goes stiff and don't answer me. I get up off the bed 

"Keisha, did he leave marks on you?"

"Yes" I'm gonna kill him I don't care who the fuck he is!!

"let me see"

Keisha gets up and out of the bed takes her top off. Her ribs are all bruised up, most of her gorgous brown/caramel skin is now purple. I growl and smash my hand into the wall. Pain shoots up my arm but im too angry to focus on that. How did i not see this before, that's why she winced when i touched her back this morning, and why she never changed with me because she knew I would kick off if I saw it. I have never been so angry in my life. Im gonna kill him for doing this to her. I storm out my room while Keisha is shouting after me 

"Jordan where are you going?"

"to kill him, or at least do 10x worse to him than he did to you"

"baby no you cant do that"

"have you not seen what he did to you"

"yes but baby if he knows you know he might hurt you"

"He can do whatever he wants to me but his is never going to touch you again. Im going to your house you can come if you want or you can just stay at mine."

"I'm coming but he's not even home yet"

"well then I'm going to wait for him"

I run downstairs with Keisha hot on my tail, grab my phone and my keys and jump into my car and speed to Keisha's house. I will wait there for the rest of the day and the whole night if I have to, we have school tomorrow but school don't really matter to me when my bestfriend is getting abused. I jump out the car and walk up to Keisha's house with her under my arm, I know its a bad time but I cant help but think I really want her to be mine so we can walk like this everyday and in front of everyone; but I don't want to say anything because she's my bestfriend and if she don't feel the same it will make everything we have worked for awkward.

What Is It With Parents??

We got to Keisha's at like 3pm, and now its 9:45pm and her dad still hasn't come home yet and Keisha says he is meant to finish work at 7pm.

"Jordan we cant stay here all night, we have school tomorrow"

"i know but I'm not leaving you in the house with him"

"babe i will be fine-"

"I'm not leaving you"


"go pack the stuff you need for school, not clothes because you have that stuff at mine already, just all the books and shit"


"because I refuse to leave you in the house with him until i have spoken to him, and if your gonna make us go school then we need to sleep soon"

i hear her sigh "ok Jordan"


Keishas POV 


We have been sitting here for hours and Jordan is not giving up, he still refuses to let me stay here on my own. It's annoying but it shows he cares and not alot of people get to see this side of him, all our friend and teachers see him as the bad, angry boy but really he's a big softy and I love it. He tells me to go and get the stuff I need for school ready, I give up and just tell him ok. Normally i would put up more of a fight but i know whats going through his head right now and decide to go easy on him. Once I'm done I carry my bag downstairs to Jordan and find him on the sofa watching the football.

"Jord I'm ready"

"Cool, lets go. Babe I hope you're not angry with me but you see why I have to do this right, I can't bare the idea of anyone hurting you. 

"i know babe I'm just tired, its been a long day"

We walk back out to his red Ferrari that is parked in front of my house because he didn't care if my parents saw it now, threw my stuff in the back seat and drove back to his house.


Once we got inside we went up to his room because its now 10:30pm and we are both exhausted.

"babe you sleep in my bed and i will sleep on the sofa bed" (in his room)

"ok" i get up and walk into his closet and walk to my side and grab a pair of pyjamas

"keish grab me a pair of shorts while your in there please" I hear Jordan shout. I pick out his grey tracksuit shorts walk back into the room and throw them to him, he thanks me and we both get changed the climb into our beds and within seconds of my head hitting the pillow I fall asleep. 


He's shouting at me but i don't know what i have done wrong "you stupid bitch, you never listen" i don't know what i did so i just say "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" 

"Well, sorry not good enough, this is what you get when you don't listen to me" he picks up a belt and starts hitting me with it I scream out in pain. I feel arms shaking me but I cant see nobody, someones calling my name telling me to wake up.


Jordans POV


 I wake up to Keisha's screaming I jump out the bed and run over to her, she's still sleeping its just a nightmare. I shake her and call her name and after a few attempts her eyes shoot open. Her beautiful eyes are filled with fear, once her eyes focus on me she bursts into tears, I get into bed next to her and just rub her back soothingly letting her get it all out. I look over at the alarm clock it says 1:19. Keisha's breathing evens out and i slip out form under her to go back to the sofa bed but she grabs my hand

"Please stay" she whispers. I get back in the bed and she cuddles up on my chest, and we both fall into a deep peaceful sleep.


That is until the alarm clock wakes us both up at 6:40.


"hey Keish, do you want to get  shower or can i take it" i ask her

"Take it. I cant get up yet, your bed is so comfy" i laugh, she says this everytime she gets in my bed 

"Ok" I roll out the bed and walk to the bathroom and jump in the shower, the hot water feels amazing. Next thing I know Keisha is banging on the door telling me its 7:00. Oops. I jump out wrap the towel around my hips and walk back into my room.

"about time, what were you doing in there jord, wanking" she says in between laughs

"Very funny, but no if I was in there jerking off I would still be in there now." i say with a cocky grin

"ugh too much info jord" 

i shrug"you bought it up"

"Shut up" she walks into the bathroom and shuts the door, a few mins later I hear the water running. I walk into my closet and pick out my grey Calvin Klein boxers, dark blue Levi jeans, fitted white t-shirt, black and grey Nike hoodie, black, grey and white air Jordan's and my grey and black Kings snapback.

Once I'm dressed and ready to go, I hear her turn the shower off. I go and make us breakfast, i decide to make us sausage, bacon, eggs and waffles. a few mins later i hear Keisha come running down the stairs singing 

"food, food, food, i love Jordan's food" i start laughing at her

"Keisha you're acting like you have never eaten before"

"I don't care your food is AMAZING!!!"

"hahaha it will be ready soon, can you run upstairs and get my phone, hoodie, and snapback please i left them on the bed"

"yeah, sure"

"Thanks" I say as she runs up the stairs. She comes back and gives me my phone and snapback and throws my hoodie on the back of the sofa, I look at my phone its 7:50 we have like 15 minutes till we need to leave and I have Arsenal training after school today. I wolf my food down and go grab my kit.

"You got training?"


"what time"

"4-7 then a 9-10:30 match"

"I'm gonna come and watch the match, who are you playing?"

"aww thanks babe, we are playing Liverpool we have to beat them or they are gonna take our place as 1st in the league"

"well then you better work hard and score me some goals" i laugh

"don't worry, i have to work extra hard today anyway because today is my day to be assessed by the manager"

I throw my hoodie on grab my keys and Keisha picks up her bag but I take it off her and throw it over my shoulder.

"Jordan, i am able to carry my own bag you know"

"yeah i know, but mines at school so why should you carry one if im not"

she laughs and pats my back "aww who knew, Jordan Brown can be a gentleman"

i laugh "eh only when i want to be"

We get in my car and drive to school, when we get there we jump out I lock it, and as usual everyone is watching me. I see Kayden, Jake, Billy, Nathan, Alfie, Jack, Noah, Logan, Jacob, Dwayne (my boys/the school football team) walking towards us. "whats up boys" they all give me different greetings and say hi to Keisha

"jord, I'm throwing a party next weekend you two in?" Logan asks us

"yeah i am, Keish?"

"yeah, sure"

all the boys break out into cheers and i just laugh. When they have all calmed down Keisha says

"boys i will see you later I'm going to meet the girls"

All the boys say bye I tell her I will see her in english.

"Jordan, bro just do it already" Alfie says

"do what, Alf"

"bro don't even try to deny it we can all see that you love her, just ask her out already"

"dude she my bestfriend, i love her like that and nothing more"

"Whatever bro, but can I just say" he gets his phone out, taps a few buttons and holds it up to me. "real manly bro, real manly" it's the picture Keisha took of me doing my hair at her house. I just laugh "well what can I say, I had to do my hair" the boys just laugh and we walk to my locker to get my bag then to our form rooms. In my form I have Keisha, Kayden, Nathan and Dwayne. I walk though the door and all eyes turn to me, I walk to the back of the room and sit in my seat and check my social media, I have  Dwayne on one side and Kayden and Nathan in front and Keisha is meant to be on my other side but she isn't here yet.

"oii Jordan Callie's on her way over" Dwayne says kicking my table, giving me a heads up

Fuck sake. i look up just as Callie sits on my table right in front of me

"hey Jordan" she flicks her hair 

"hi" please just go away

"how are you" she asks as she takes my hat off and starts playing with my hair. i take my hat off her "fine thanks" fix my hair and put it back on, stand up from my seat and walk out the room leaving Dwayne laughing and Callie pissed.


It's only 8:25 so i have 5mins to kill and i can't stay in that room. i walk to the vending machine and get a bottle of coke and a bag of sensations and walk back to form, by the time i get there the teacher is there and so is Keisha i walk to my seat open the coke and drink like half the bottle, i didn't realise i was that thirsty. As the teacher goes through the register i go to put my coke in my bag but Keisha grabs it out my hand, i look at her confused she just smiles and takes a few sips and hands it back i just laugh

"Jordan what's so funny" ugh I hate Mr Miller he's one of those teachers that try their best to get me into trouble. Well you know what. Fuck it.

"do you really want to know"

"yes Jordan, if you have something funny to say share it with the whole class" ok well he asked for it

"I just found it funny how at the end of every week I think that you and your voice cant get anymore annoying, but yet every Monday you prove me wrong" the whole class starts laughing and when the bell goes off I walk out with Mr Miller calling my name telling me to stay behind but I really cant take his voice so I keep walking.

"Jordan!" I'm about to keep walking but i realise its Keisha's voice so i turn around

"you all right keish"

"Yeah, what lesson you got?"

"me and the boys got a free period so we are just gonna hit the gym"

"Ok, please try to be good Jord because you know the will stop your football if your grades slip" I love the way she cares about me, but she really dosen't need to because even though my behaviour most of the time is bad all my grades are between an A and A*.

"you know how my grades are, straight A/A* student here." i say cockly "but i get what you're saying, thanks for caring keish" i give her a hug 

"see you in english"

"Bye jord"


 I get changed and meet the boys in the gym but I notice Jacob isn't here "oii guys wheres Jacob?"

Noah replies saying "he has to do maths catch up, its sad for him but at least now we are all even" Noah is right its sad but now we can all work in pairs because normally we have four pairs and a three but today it can even

"Right boys pair up" I go with Kayden, Noah goes with Dwayne, Alfie goes with Nathan, Jack goes with Logan and Jake goes with Billy. I connect my phone to the speaker so we have music then we all split up and go to different equipment, we spend 5mins on each thing and go round in a circut by the time we are done we have 10 mins till next lesson so we walk back to the changing rooms, have a quick shower and get changed we have 2mins so i throw my hat on spray myself with aftershave, say bye to the boys and walk to meet Keisha. I'm walking down the corridor when someone jumps on my back, I'm about to start cussing but then i recognize that laugh.


i laugh"get off me" i playfully shake my back but she only holds on tighter

"take me to class"

"what so now I'm a horse" i say while walking 

"yeah you're my horse, and you smell nice" i laugh 

"Thanks" I try to shake her off again but it don't work.

"Jordan we are gonna be late" i get an idea

"Keisha hold on tight"

"Wha-" she dosent finish because I have already taken off sprinting down the corridor with Keisha holding on for dear life. We get to class just in time but Keisha is still laughing. Miss Anderson just looks at us and tells us to sit down. We walk to the back of the room and sit down, I see Alfie trying to get my attention so I look at him and he just raises his eyebrows and point his eyes at Keisha I shake my head laughing.

"Jordan!" Miss Anderson shouts "go and wait outside"

"But i didn't do anything"


"fine" i get up to leave and Alfie is laughing so i walk past him and slap the back of his head

"OWW!" everyone starts laughing

"Jordan! GET OUT!" she shouts

"yes miss" i say in between laughs. I'm standing outside for 5mins before Miss comes out

"Jordan what was that all about"

"it was his fault i got sent out and he was laughing so i slapped him"

"not only that, the way you and Keisha came into class was inappropriate"

"how is giving her a piggy back inappropriate"

"listen Jordan i understand that you two are going out but-"

"wait what, I'm not going out with Keisha, she's my bestfriend"

"well everyone can see that you both love eachother-"

"I'm not having this convocation with you"

 "fair enough, but when you go back in there i want to to get on with your work"

"alright" why does everyone keep saying me and Keisha should go out. i walk in to see a smiling Alfie i just laugh and shake my head at him, i take my seat next to Keisha and start my work

"what happened to no trouble Jord"

"she thinks we are going out"


"Miss Anderson was like, 'now i understand that you are going out with Keisha', i was like 'we are not going out' and she was like 'well i can see that you both love eachother', and i was like 'I'm not having this conversation with you'"

"my girls were saying the same thing"

"yh my boys too"

"Jordan and Keisha stop talking" i sigh and we spend the rest of the lesson in silence doing our work

skip to lunch

I walk into the lunch room and look at the que. Shit. Why is it so long i spot Jack near the front so i grab my food and jump in next to him "yo Jack"

"Hey bro, how come you're so late normally your like the first one here?"

"got held back in science for making an explosion"

"Hahaha so original jord" after we pay for our food we walk to the boys side of the table, after a while Kayden stands up and comes over to me and whispers "Jordan I need to talk to you" I look at him confused but he's already walking away so I follow him out of the room


"Kay are you ok?"

"Yeah bro im fine. Me and the boys were talking and you know how its Valentines Day next weekend." 

"ohh yeah"

"i knew you would forget, but then again you haven't got a girlfriend reminding you everyday" (all of the boys go out with one of Keisha's girls)

"haha yeah"

"well you know the party that Logan was throwing"


"well the girls are gonna come to the party thinking we forgot about valentines day, but in the middle of the party we will sit them down in a corner tell them that we are going to get them drinks but come back shirtless with roses and chocolates and give them a lap dance" i can tell he's really proud of himself for coming up with this

"you want me to give Keisha a lap dance" i like the idea but i can't let him know that

he looks nervous, like hes waiting for me to blow up "well yeah, or you and Keisha will have to sit out and thats not fair"

"and all the boys agree to this yeah?"


"well then looks like we got a plan" Kayden is now grinning from ear to ear

"bro what has you so happy"

"I'm just thinking about how much sex im gonna get after i surprise Kayla with this" 

"ugh thanks bro, imma have that in my head all day now" 

"hahaha shouldn't have asked then" kayden and i walk back to the table laughing i can feel keisha's eyes on me so i look at her and she raises her eyebrows at me questionably i just shake my head and she turns back to the girls. before i know it the bell goes off telling us its time to go to our next class i have Geography ugh, but it's not that bad because i have everyone in this class and we have a supply today because our teacher is sick.


Me, my boys and Keisha have the back two rows and are just chilling waiting for the supply teacher to arrive, I'm on my phone scrolling through Instagram when i hear the classroom door open and shut, i don't even bother looking up because a cover teacher cant do anything to me most of them are scared of me anyway. "shit" Keisha is looking at me the same way she does when she thinks I'm gonna flip out. "keish whats wrong"

"Jordan put your phone away" says the teacher, i recognise his voice but don't take note or even look at him because there is something wrong with Keisha 

"fuck off" the class erupts with "ooooos"

"Jordan don't talk to me like that" how does he know my name and where do i know that voice from

"Keisha whats wrong"

"Jordan look at the teacher" i look up at the man standing at the front of the class

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" i stand up out my seat and my chair falls behind me 

"Jordan watch your mouth" my dad replies 

"you have got to be fucking kidding me"

"Jordan, your mouth" i clench my fists and out the corner of my eye i see Kayden and Keisha stand up next to me. i try to walk forwards to punch him, but Kayden jumps into action holding me back

"Jordan bro, you don't want to do this"

"kayden, get you fucking hands off me"

 "no, not if your gonna do something stupid, you need to calm down"

"Kayden" I growl. Keisha walks in front of me and I start to calm down, how does she has this affect on me, nobody is able to calm me down they just have to let me work it off but just being able to see Keisha makes me feel calm and my muscles relax. Kayden must feel this because he lets go but stays right next to me. Keisha put her hand on my chest, looks up into my eyes and just like that i have forgotten all about my dad standing at the front of the room all i can focus on is the beautiful brown eyes "Jordan relax" i just nod my head and she moves back. i tear my eyes away from her and notice that every pair of eyes in the room are on me including my dads "Jordan sit down" who the fuck does he think he is, just showing up out of nowhere and trying to tell me what to do



"what" i snap

"sit down"

"no" i start walking and i feel Kayden start to follow but i wave him off and head for the door

"Jordan don't even think about walking out"

"watch me" i hear him telling Keisha to sit down and not to follow me but she just tells him to fuck off and teach the lesson. i don't wait for her because she will know where I'm going because everytime someone pisses me off i come down to the gym and use the punching bag. before this bag was put here i used to punch people and i got sent to anger management classes and the told my school to get this put here for me and other kids with anger problems. i strap the gloves on my hands and start punching after a few minutes i feel eyes on me, but i know they are keisha's so i don't bother turning around, well that and the fact that i have tears streaming down my face. Keisha must be able to tell because i feel her arms wrap around me, and i turn in her arms so now i am facing her. She uses her thumbs to wipe the tears from my face and hugs me tight, i bury my face in her neck. I love how she knows me so well that when I'm upset i don't like to talk i just want her there, i hug her back and she rubs my back soothingly and just lets me cry, i feel like such a pussy for crying like this but i cant seem to stop it. i manage to stop crying after a few mins

"sorry babe"

"don't say sorry for crying Jord, i know you probably felt like a pussy just now but it takes a real man to let his emotions show and you know i will always be here for you to cry on, just like i will always have you" i have no words for what she just said so i just pull her back into my arms and hug her tight she hugs me back then pushes away wiping my face again "go wash you face, then we will go back to class and show your dad that your more of a man than he will ever be" i laugh and go and do as she says.


I meet her back in the hallway and we walk back to class with her arm around my waist and my arm over her shoulders. when we get to the door i stop "keish i can't do this"

"Jordan look at me," she grabs my face with both hands "you are the bravest man i know, now get in there and show you dad that you are not the same little 13 year old boy he left behind"

"Keisha, have I ever told you that you are the best friend I could ever wish for?"

"yes, but thanks i love hearing it" she smiles that killer smile, and kisses my cheek "now get in there and make me proud stud"

"i knew you checked me out" we both laugh as i open the door and all eyes turn to us

"Thanks for joining us again Jordan and Keisha" I look at Keisha, she gently pushes me to my seat where Kayden leans over "bro, you ok?"

"yeah, i just needed to throw some punches, so it was either his face or the bag so"

"good on you bro" he pats my back and goes back to his work. The rest of the lesson goes peacefully, i don't talk to or even look at my dad, and when the bell goes i'm one of the first ones out the room leaving my dad calling my name. My next lesson i have art. i found my passion for drawing in anger management and ever since then everytime i get angry after i have let it loose on the bag i will sit and draw until im calm again. This class I have none of my friends but thats ok because when I draw I like it to just be me, my music, my pencil and my paper. Art flys by and before I know it its 3:30.


I tell the boys I will see them tomorrow, find Keisha and head back to my house to grab a snack throw my school stuff and jump back into my car, Keisha decided she was gonna come watch the training as well as the match so she came too.


I Didn't See this Coming

skip to match

We get back to the Emirates with 2mins to spare, we are walking out onto the pitch when Keisha stops me and turns me to her. "Jordan"


"are you ok"

"yeah, I'm fine why"

"well with everything that happened today and you have been really quiet"

"I'm just trying to forget it so i can play my best"

"Good because I need you score me some goals and remember your being assessed so make sure you play like your normal amazing self" she would make such a great girlfriend.


Wait what.


I cant think like this, focus Jordan focus, football. "thanks keish" I give her a hug and walk off to the middle of the pitch where the team and coach are. After coach gives us 'the talk' he asks to talk to me

"yes coach"

"Jordan i can see somethings bothering you but I'm going to ask you to leave that off the pitch because Liverpool are going to be here soon and we need our captain focused" he says as he hands me the captains band 

"yeah, I'm working on that"

"good and its nice to see your girlfriend here, haven't seen her in a while"

"Keisha is not my girlfriend, she's my bestfriend"

"ok, but by the way she's looking at you shows she loves you its written all over her face" i turn and look at Keisha she smiles at me then gets her phone out her pocket, taps the screen, puts it to her ear and starts to walk around. its probably one of the girls calling about gossip. i see Liverpool start to come out the tunnel, our coach goes to shake hands and talk to their coach. i bring our team together to talk to them before kick off.


"Boys listen up" they all turn to face me "right, normal positions, Max everytime you get the ball I need you to boot it out to me and Jayden who will always be upfront. Jason, Tony, Dean and Ethan midfield have me and jays backs but fall back if you need. Derrik, Fred, Lennie and Charles defence, protect the goal with your life; I don't want any shots taken at Max. We can't lose today, even if we draw thats fine we keep our place but if we lose then we drop down to 2nd and we cant do that this late in the season. Ok boys. LETS GO!"  all the boys cheer and we get in our positions.


Keisha's POV


Im sitting on the sub bench watching Jordan taking to his coach when my phone rings i look at the screen and see a number i don't recognise "hello" i get up and walk around i don't want to worry Jordan

"hi is this Keisha"

"who's asking"

"Jordan's Father"

"Leo why are you calling me"

"i want to know where my son is"

"and what does that have to do with me"

"hes always with you"

"what makes you say that"

"well i saw him leave school with you and you two have been joined at the hip ever since you met"

"well he is busy right now"

"doing what"


"He still plays?"

"yeah i need to go now"

"ok, but tell him i will be waiting for him when he gets home"

"he wont be happy"

"i know but he's my son and i love him"


"and Keisha you always were the daughter i never had i love you just the same"

"bye Leo"

"bye Keisha"

 I put my phone in my pocket and walk back to the sub bench just as I hear the boys cheer, the ref blows the whistle and Liverpool have kick off. As soon as its taken Jordan chases down the player, tackles him and is now running back in the other direction. He dodges all the players that come at him and passes it to Jayden who takes it to the box and crosses it into Jordan who smashes it into the bottom left corner. Jordan and Jayden burst out into their own little dance, he lifts the bottom of his shirt up over his head. He looks so happy, this it the Jordan I love to see. Ugh his abs I love them, his whole body is so defined by muscle, he's amazing.


I need to stop thinking like this he's not my boyfriend.

skip to end of match

The whistle blows and the boys cheer we won 4-0. Jordan scored 3 and Jayden scored the other. I see Jordan walking towards me so I start running to jump on and congratulate him but the I remember he's all sweaty and I come to a stop right in front of him.


Jordans POV


Keisha is running towards me so i brace myself to catch her when she jumps, but she just stops 

"i thought i was getting a hug" i say with fake puppy eyes

"You was until I remembered that your all sweaty" I laugh and lunge at her, she takes off running across the pitch. I chase after her "I want my hug!!"


"but i want my hug"


"NO i want my hug first" i dive at her and grab her waist and we both fall to the ground "ugh Jordan you made me all muddy"

"all i wanted was my hug" she just shoots daggers at me so i wrap her in a tight hug

"Jordan....cant.....breathe" i laugh and let go and the pushes me so I'm lying on the muggy grass, she sits on my belly and tickles me "k...k..Keisha....p...please....stop" i say in between laughs

"NEVER!!!" she shouts. i use all the strength i can muster to push her off me so now she is lying on her back, i straddle her legs and tickle her sides "JORDAN!!!" she screams. i laugh. after a few mins of her screaming i hear someone call my name i turn my head because I'm still straddling Keisha

"What are you doing here" I say thick with venom as I get up off Keisha and help her up?

"son, i just want to talk"

"why now, couldn't you have spoken to me back when i was 13, no, you decided to leave me to fend for myself"

"you had your mum" i can fell the anger bubbling up, i know im going to blow soon

"what mum! The one that completely ignored me and left me to cook, clean and wash my own clothes all at the age of 13!" my dad has a look of total astonishment

"Jordan lets not do this here people are watching and listening, come" Keisha says grabbing my hand and pulling me away.

She leads me to my car tells my dad to meet us at my house, we get in the car but i don't start it. "how did he even know i was here" i put my head in my hands, rocking myself back and forth. i know it sounds weird but whenever im angry it helps soothe me.

"I don't know, he called me earlier and asked me where you are but I didn't tell him, I just said your busy playing football, then he told me to tell you that he will be waiting for you when you get home and that he loves you." she says rubbing my back

"when were you gonna tell me"

"on the way home"

 i sigh "Keisha i don't know what to do"

"Jordan look at me" i take my head out my hands and look up at her

"i know you might not want to hear this but i think you should sit down with him and let him explain. And if after he has and you still think that you don't want to talk to him then ok, but you need to know why he left before you just cut him off." i knew she would say something like this. 

"can you stay with me, because I'm not sure i will be able to keep my cool if its just me and him" i know it will end in a fight

"if thats what you want, then I'm here" i start the car and drive back to mine. We get out the car walk into the house where my dad is sitting on the sofa. I walk over at sit on the sofa opposite him and Keisha sits next to me. "so what do you want to talk to me about"

"son, I'm sorry i left but i had to"

"yeah and leave me all on my own, you do know the only person i had was Keisha"

"You keep saying that but you had you mum. Where is your mum?"

"i don't know probaly at work"

"but she dosen't need to work"

"yeah i know, but after you left she got two jobs and totally ignored me, i had to do everything on my own. Its like i live on my own i never see her" my dad has a look between anger and shock. "so yeah for the past four years i have had no parents, so don't blame me when i loose my cool

"son what happened to you, i read your files at school you have been getting into so much trouble"

"YOU LEFT THATS WHAT HAPPENED!!" i shout standing up. Keisha put her hand in mine and squeezed it, silently telling me to calm down, i take a few deep breaths and sit back down. My dad eyes our hands smiles to himself but hides it almost instantly

"Jordan, I'm sorry i left but i had to"

"what could possibly be so important that would make you leave your son" i growl


"just get to the point" i half growl half shout. Keisha runs her thumb up and down the back of my hand soothingly

"your mum" he says and the amount of hurt that crosses his face hurts me too

"what did she do" i ask quietly

"She cheated on me brother, your uncle" WTF how could she do that to him, he was the perfect dad and husband before he left.

"where did you go"

"well after i left i became an alcoholic and it took a year to make me realise that drinking was not helping me, so i went to rehab but i kept relapsing but the only thing thats kept me going back was remembering that i had a son waiting for me. But i wanted to make sure i was stable before i came back into your life" i want expecting that

"i understand why you left, but you could at least have called me" 

"Jordan, son i wasn't in the right mind to call you and then when i went into rehab i was going to but then i thought if i call you and promise to come home soon, then i will get your hopes up and i didn't want to do that. It would just hurt you more"

"so what your home for good now"

"well i will need to talk to your mum first, what time does she get home"

"i don't know, i don't think i have seen her in like 5 weeks" 

"are you sure she still lives here then" thats a good point

"no, i didn't think of that i just assumed she does"

"I'm going to go check her room" my dad says and gets up and goes upstairs. Keisha turns me to her

"you ok" she asks with concern on her face

"yeah. I...i just don't know what to do"

"what are you thinking"

"i don't know, he's my dad i will always love him." i hear my dad coming back down the stairs 

"yeah i don't think she's even staying here anymore"

"how do you know"

"well clothes are gone and everything is gathering dust" oh shit

"dad where are you staying"

"I'm going to book in the hotel down the road" i cant let him sleep in a hotel when this is his house

"you can stay here you know"

"really, i don't want to intrude or upset you"

"your my dad and this is your house"

"yeah but i haven't been here in four years, if anything son its yours" 

"yeah, but I'm not even 18 yet"

"yes but this house and everything belongs to me and it was going to go to your mum but after hearing how she treated you I'm going to change it so when you do turn 18 in a few weeks all this will belong to you" woah

"are you sure"

"you're my son, i never should have left you. You will automatically get half of everything i own that includes my money."

too much, i cant take it, i feel claustrophobic, i need space to breathe. I run outside and sit on the door step but leave the door open, and try to take deep breaths. I can hear my dad and Keisha talking

"Keisha what happened why did he run, was it something i said"

"kind of, ever since you left when he get big news or too much emotional stuff happens in a short amount of time like that he needs space to take it all in, he gets overwhelmed easily "

"what happened to him, he's changed"

I hear her sigh "He's got anger and trust issues. After you left his behaviour changed, he was always angry at everyone except me, all he wanted to know was why you left and couldn't say goodbye. And then his mum totally ignored him and thats what pushed him over the edge, how else is a 13 year old boy meant to cope with losing both parents in the space of a week. He started getting angry at everything, at school if a teacher shouted at him he would totally flip out. In the end he got sent to anger management, they got a punching bag put in the gym for him and he also found a love for art, drawing especially. but anytime something gets too much for him or someone pushes him too far he needs space to clear his head and think properly or it will end up in a fight, that why when we were in school and you were telling him to sit down he left. Because if he didn't leave or not have kayden hold him back how would have punched you."

"where did you take him"

"to the gym so he could punch something"

"it took him that long to calm down"

"yeah, but because you just turned up out of nowhere and after not seeing you for so long he was crying too, but i think they were more angry tears"

"thank you Keisha"

"for what"

"for being there to love and take care of my son when i wasn't"

"He's my bestfriend i will always be here for him, same way hes always there for me"

"i think you two are more than friends" i think its time for me to come and save Keisha 

"dad, Keisha and i are not going out.


i look at the clock "keish lemme take you home because i still need to deal with your dad" she sighs

"you not gonna let this go are you"

"No I'm not, now lets go. Dad your staying here, choose a room and move in.

"what did keisha's dad do" he has a confused look on his face

"he hit her" i say with a growl

"HE WHAT!!" my dad shouts

"my point exactly, I'm going to sort it out now"

"ok but son, don't do anything stupid, call me if you need me Keisha has my number"

"ok, see you later dad" 

Got My Dad Back

We walk through Keisha's front door and hear crying, we follow it into the sitting room and find Keisha's mum on the sofa with her head in her hands crying. Keisha gasps and runs to he mothers side.

"Mum, whats wrong, what happened?"

"your dad" if he hit her again this is not going to end well

"did he hit you" Keisha says as she pulls her mothers hands away to look at her face

"no, but he's gone. like gone, gone" she says through sobs i see tears building up in keisha's eyes

"when" she asks in a small voice

"5mins before you and Jordan showed up"

"oh mum" she gives her mum a tight squeeze as her tears start falling down her own face. i walk over to the sofa and crouch in front of Keisha

"keish, I'm going to give you and your mum time alone but if you need me call me, I don't care what the time is ok?"

"ok jord, thanks" i stand up, kiss her forehead and walk out the door get back in my car and head home.

i walk through my door and head straight up to my room and take a hot shower, when i get out i just throw a pair of boxers on and climb into my bed. i look up at my clock at see its 11:57, ugh. i lean over and put my phone on charge and almost instantly fall asleep.


I wake up to the smell of bacon, mmmmm, I jump up and head into the bathroom for a quick shower. I head into my closet and decide to wear my gym stuff because I have gym all day today and training after school.


i run downstairs and find my dad in the kitchen just plating up our food "mmmm smell good"

"morning son, here" he hands me my plate and we sit at the table "so Jordan i was thinking, i know i have missed alot of your life but i would like to get to know you again" 

"um, yeah sure but i have school football tonight"

"can i come watch?, i haven't seen you play in years and you must be pretty good if you're playing for Arsenals U-21, and your oly 17" i laugh

"yeah I'm pretty good, and yeah sure you can come"

"thanks, when and where"

"my school at 5, i come home first anyway so we can go together" 



And thats how the rest of the week goes, me and my dad getting to know eachother again. Spending time with Keisha and playing football.



Valentines Day

skip to Friday

It's the day before Valentine's Day and right now all us boys are in Kaydens living room, shirtless and practising our lap dance for the girls.

It's going pretty well, we have been doing this for the last couple of days and we're getting better. The boys say the girls are getting annoyed at them because they think we have forgotten all about valentines day. We have like 20mins till Kay's mum get home and we can't let her catch us like this (grinding on her chairs, shirtless)

"ok, guys last time from the top" kayden says. We run through the dance one last time then we hear a car in the driveway so we quickly throw our tops on, put all the chairs back and jump on the sofa acting like we were playing video games the whole time. "hi boys" Kayden's mum says as she walks past us to the kitchen "hey Mrs Daniels" we all way back. After about 20 mins we all leave, i drive back to mine as soon as i get in i remember that I'm the one thats meant to get the roses and chocolates. "Ahh Shit"

"whats wrong son" my dad says as he walks towards me

"oh er nothing i just need to run and get something" i don't want him to know why I'm buying 11 bunches of roses and boxes of chocolates

"but its like half ten, cant it wait until tomorrow"

"no it really cant, ill be back soon" i shout as i run out the door and into my car. i sprint into Tesco and to the valentines section, i grab what we need and speed walk to the counter where a girl about my age is watching me practically drooling. "hi there" she says


"must be one lucky girl"

"actually me and my boys are doing a last minute thing for our girls" she finishes bagging everything and i pay for it all. "well good luck"

"thanks" i say and run back to my car, quickly but gently shove the stuff in the seat next to me and speed home. i grab the bags, lock my car and run into the house and straight into my room before my dad can ask me what i got. i put a little bit of water in my bath and put the roses in there and leave the chocolates in the bag and put the bag next to my bed, ready to take to the boys in the morning. 


i wake up to to my ring tone


Baby grind on me,
Relax your mind take your time on me
Let me get deeper shorty ride on me
Now come and sex me till your body gets weak
With slow grindin'
Baby grind on me (Sloww griind)
Relax your mind take your time on me (Sloww griind)
Let me get deeper shorty ride on me (Sloww griind)
Now come and sex me till your body gets weak (Sloww griind)
With slow grindin' babe 

ugh i lean over and pick up my phone just as it starts ringing again "hello" i say think with sleep

"Jordan don't tell me you just woke up"i hear Kayden say

"yeah sorry bro, what time it it"

"12:00" shit i was meant to be at kaydens at 11

"shit sorry bro imma just jump in the shower and come over"

"nah, sleeping beauty just get yo ass over to mine, you can shower here"

"Alright, I will bring the stuff too yeah?"

"yeah thanks bro"

"its cool, see you in like 10" i hang up, jump out of bed throw on a pair a jeans and a t-shirt. Get the roses out the bath and put them back in the bags, grab the bag of chocolates, my keys and my phone and head downstairs and find my dad at the table eating lunch

"he's aliveeee" my dad says with an evil voice i just laugh 

"yeah, but I'm not staying i need to meet the boys"

"Jordan you know its valentines day today"

"yeah i know"

"so what about the girls"

"me and the boys have plans" i say with a wink my dad laughs and says

"ok, just be careful" i laugh "what time will you be home tonight"

"erm, I'm not sure im coming home tonight, so don't wait up" my dad laughs 

" alright son, go have fun"

"I will" I say as I walk through the door, jump in my car and put the stuff next to me and speed to Kay's house.


We are in the middle of our routine when Kay's little (14) sister  walks in "Kayden what the hell!!" she shouts we all turn around to face her "what do you mean" kayden answered

"i mean, what the hell are you and the boys doing here grinding all up on chairs"

"what the hell do you know about grinding!" he shouts 

"erm, nothing but that's not the point-"

"well thats the point now, if i find out that some guy has been doing this to you then I'm going to smash his face in, we all will" he says as he points to us we all voice our agreements. Then i say "yeah I'm sorry princess, but i have known you since you were born so that makes you my little sister too, and I'm not having anyone do this to you" 

"ugh fine whatever, but answer my question" she says

"and what was you question lil sis" i say,

"why are you in here grinding on chairs" erm what do i say now

"well because...." i don't know what to say

"fine don't tell me but you have to do something else for me or mum might just find out how you boys are using her chairs" i taught her too well when it comes to blackmail

"what do you want kiddo"

"take me out with you tonight"

"no we cant do that"


"because kay aint coming home tonight" kayoed looks at me giving me the what-the-fuck look because he thinks I'm going to bait him out

"so where is he going to go"

"he's staying at mine" i see kayoed relax out the the corner of my eye

"well cant i stay at yours too" 

"Baby sis, I don't think you mum would be too happy with you staying in a house with 12 boys, do you?"

"oh yeah" she looks really sad now

"isn't there some band or something you and your friend want to see?" her face lights up

"OMG YES we want to go see Justin Bieber" she squealed. ugh i hate Justin Bieber but if thats what she wants 

"ok then, i will get you and your friends tickets to go see him next time he's around here" she comes running to me and jumps into my arms "Jordan you're the best non-related brother EVER" i laugh 

"love you too, non-related lil sister" before she's even out the room she's on her phone telling her friends i got them tickets to got see Justin Bieber

"Jordan, man you're a life saver" Kayden comes over and pats my back

"yeah well lets go get our suits or the girls will end our lives" the boys laugh but agree. all us boys are wearing all black suits with a tie that matches the colour of our girls dress so my tie is a dark blueBy the time we  have collected our suits, eaten, seperated the roses and cocolates and written out the cards and dropped the girls stuff off at Logans its 5:00 so we decide to have a sleep till 7. i wake up at ten to 7 so i decide to just go jump in the shower, by the time im out all the boys are up i grab my suit and throw it on, style my hair, spray myself with aftershave i sit on the sofa waiting. i pull out my phone and scroll through instagram, before i know it we are all ready to go, we all get in our seprate cars to go and get our girls who are all at Keisha's. we park infront her house and ring the bell, but her mum opens the door "hello boys"

"Hey Mrs Jackson, are the girls ready yet?"

"let me go check" she turns and goes upstairs. this is the nicest she has ever been to me maybe it was Mark (Keisha dad) that made her hate me. she comes back down the stairs 

"yes they will be down soon, come in boys i want pictures" all us boys stand in a line smiling as she snaps a few pictures of us and when the girls come down she does the same to them she then gets some of us all together and then some in our couples, soon its mine and keisha's turn, i stand behind her and pull her into my chest with my arm around her waist and we both smile as her mum takes the picture. Keisha tries to step away but i hold her in place as i whisper in her ear "you look amazing and smell even better" she laughs and turns to face me 

"you're not so bad yourself, who knew Jordan Brown could look so dapper, and you don't stink either you should be proud" i laugh and poke her belly when kayoed speaks up "sorry to interrupt your little flirt session but we have a party to get to" keisha's goes slightly pink and i just laugh, grab her hand say bye to her mum and walk her to my car.once we are in the car she starts with the questions "what have you got planned"
     "what do you mean"

"i mean i don't really believe that you and the boy forgot about valentines day so what have you got planned"

"this is what we have planned, we honestly did forget"

"mmmmm" i hope she stops asking questions, i find it hard to lie to Keisha.


we are all in the middle of the dance floor when Kayden comes up to me and says its time so i go find Keisha and ask her to come sit with me, i lead her to the corner of the room where there are 11 chairs sitting in a line i sit Keisha on the end one just as i see the other boys bringing the girls over. once they are all sat down we tell them we are going to get them drinks but head up the stairs into Logan's room and take our shirts off and cream our skin so it looks shiny, grab the stuff and head down stairs we tell the DJ to play the song we wanted in 1 minute and walk over to the girls who are looking at us with wide eyes we crouch in front of them and we all say what we wanted to say i say "Keisha, you're my bestfriend i feel complete when your around, i know this sound sappy but i also know that you like that, so i will keep going for you. you have always been there for me even when i was dumb enough to try push you away so thank you and happy valentines day. i stand up just as the music starts (grind on me) me and the boys do our routine and the girls love it, i loved to too, we gave the girls their stuff and went back to drinking and dancing when my song comes on ('control that' by T mulla) Keisha and are both absolutely pissed, we dance along to the song and because it's a grinding/whining song she is bent over grinding her ass all over my dick which i can feel going hard we dance like this till the song finishes when Keisha stands up, turns around grabs my face and starts kissing me. even though I'm drunk this wakes me up a little bit but i cant think straight and it feels so right so i kiss her back. i wake up in a room i don't recognise, i try to sit up but i realise i have a girl lying on my chest, so i lie back down.

Please don't tell me I had sex with some random girl. I push the girls hair out of her face. Shit. I am lying in bed naked with Keisha, crap did I have sex with my bestfriend. My phone starts ringing, thank fuck its Kayden hopefully he can tell me how i ended up in bed with Keisha. "hello"

"finally, Jordan where are you bro"

"erm" good question i look around the room "I'm in Logan's room"

"oh ok, are you with Keisha coz the girls are getting worried coz she never came home" 

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that, how did I end up naked in bed with her?"

"woah, bro"

"yeah i know, but really what happened, i cant remember anything after the lap dance"

"well, your song came on and you and Keisha were dancing to it then she kissed you and you kissed her back, then you were all over eachother and then i lost you, so that must be where you went" wtf i don't remember any of this

"are you sure"

"yeah bro, we couldn't find you, i thought you went home with some girl"

"where are you and the boys"

"at yours" why are they at mine 

"how come"

"i really don't know, but your dad was asking where you are i just said you are still sleeping"

"thanks bro"

 "jord, i need to go talk later"

"later bro" i need to talk to Keisha. i slid out from under her so she dosent wake up, but she sits up anyway. i grab a pair of shorts and a t-shirt i throw the shorts on and give the t-shirt to Keisha she says thanks and puts it on "Jordan" she says just as i say "Keisha" 

"you go first" i say 

"ok. well, I'm not really sure what happened but something must of for us to wake up like this, but I'm not sure i regret it" woah whats she saying

"what do you mean you don't regret it"

"well, Jordan, for a while i have been feeling things for you, more than i normally do and i think I'm falling for you" i cant believe it, she feels the same "now, what were you going to say" she says shyly, hanging her head

"look at me" i say pushing her chin up "i was going to say the same thing, waking up with you felt so right. the only reason i didn't do anything about it was because i didn't want to ruin our friendship" I'm so fucking happy right now "so,"


"what does this mean for us" i say as i lie down on the bed

"this means Mr Brown, that you are my man now" she says as she pounces on me, straddling my belly 

"mmmm, I'm liking this" she laughs and gets off 

"I'm hungry" she moans to me 

"and what does that have to do with me"

"you need to be a good boyfriend and make me food" i laugh

"So I now have a bossy lil girlfriend now eh?"

"yep" she says as she grabs my hand and pulls me up and towards the stairs

"Ok, I will make you food but I need to call Logan, this is his house" I call Logan and he says its all fine and to use what ever we want. "right babe, what do you want?"

"rem, sausage, bacon, eggs on a waffle"

"Cool" I start making the food.

As I'm turning the eggs Keisha comes up behind me, slides her arms around my waist and hugs me tight. i flip the last egg and turn to her and kiss her, she slides she arms around my neck and pulls me closer. i put my hands on her hips and sit her on the counter, next to the oven, so she doesn't need to stretch. i break the kiss to lean over and turn the oven off, she pulls me back to her, we kisses passionately for a while before i run my tounge over her bottom lip asking for entrance that she willingly gave to me, ugh, she tasted amazing, i ran my hand up her thighs, over her nice round ass and up the back of her t-shirt, she threaded her hand in my hair and gently pulled, a moan escaped the back of my throat and she shivered. she pulled away gasping for air but i still want more so i left a trail of kisses across her jaw, down her throat and stopped in the crook of her neck to make a love bite. she was moaning like mad, i think i just found her weak spot. "Jordan?!" I whip my head round and see my dad standing in the doorway. WTF

"Dad what the hell!!"

"don't shout at me Jordan, what about Keisha" what is he talking about

"what about Keisha, she fine"

"How do you think she would feel if she knew what you were doing" what?

"dad she does know, what the hell are you talking about"

"Jordan, she loves you, and I'm not going to let you ruin that with some random girl" ohhh, he dosent know its Keisha here, thats when i notice her gripping my shoulders with her head in between my shoulder blades out of embarrassment

"dad, go sit in the living room, i will be in there in a minute to explain" when he's gone i turn to Keisha. "go get dressed, and i will tell him"

"ok babe" she pulls me closer to kiss me, i help her off the counter and turn towards the living room and go and sit next to my dad

"Jordan how could you do this"


"don't you love her at all"

"of course i do"

"so why did you do this" why wont he just listen

"dad STOP"

"don't shout at me Jordan"

"then listen to me and stop cutting me off"


"that was Keisha"

"what??" he asks with a confused face

"that girl i was kissing, it was Keisha"

 "wait, so how long have yo been going out"

"well, this morning" i say with a smirk. thats when Keisha comes back and sits next to me on the sofa

"Keisha, I'm sorry i didn't know it was you. and as you can see your the only person i want my son with"

"it's ok Leo, i don't want anyone else with  him either" she says looking up into my eyes. a few minutes go by where Keisha and i are just staring into eachothers eyes before my dad stands up "right I'm going to leave you two lovebirds to it, jord be back by 11 you have school" he says

"cool, bye dad"

"bye Leo" Keisha says 

"bye kids, oh and be careful" me and Keisha break out into laughter. i hear the door shut and i pull Keisha onto me "well that was awkward" she laughs 

"yh but at least he knows, how are we gonna tell everyone else"

"don't, i have a plan, and i want to see their reactions" be both laugh



Keisha and I spend the rest of the day cuddled up together watching Netflix and eating pizza. I'm just about to get up when i hear the front door open and close "oii Jord" its Logan

"yeah bro in here" he walks in

"awww i take it you two are going out now"

"yep" Keisha and i say at the same time

"but don't tell anyone, i have a plan" i say

"Aww your bare cute. I'm sorry to break this up but, my parents are gonna be home soon so you two need to go" we get up and get all our stuff and head back to mine.

When we get there we go up to my room and Keisha changes into her own clothes. I pull out my phone to check the time, it 10:45pm. "babe I'm gonna drop you home now because we have school, but i will pick you up in the morning"

"ok baby, let me just grab my stuff"

"yeah meet you downstairs" i walk downstairs and find my dad on his laptop at the kitchen table 

"hey dad"

"you alright son, where are you going"

"im just goning to drop Keisha home, but i was thinking, how did you know i was at Logans house and how did you get in?"

"well, i knew you weren't in the house because if you were i would have seen or heard you by then and your car was not outside"

"ok but how did you know i was at Logans?"

"i didn't, first i went to keisha's but her mum said it was just the girls up there. So i was driving around and i saw your car in Logans driveway, so i went up to the door but it wasnt locked so i came in and there you were"

"ohh ok, but dad never do anything like that again"

"why not"

"because its embarrassing, if it was anyother girl i was with i would have flipped" he laughs 

"ok son, i promise"  just then keisha jumps on my back

"grrrrr" she growls seductively in my ear as she nibbles on my neck. Fuck, shes giving me a boner and my dad is sitting right in front in me. 

"keish" i say but it comes out in more of a moan. She must understand because she laughs and jumps off. my dad looks like hes trying to hold back a laugh and looks down at his laptop. i grab keishas stuff

"come, lets go before you decide to embarrass me more" she laughs 

"me?, i didnt do anything" she says giving me the innocent look

"sure, come on" she laughs

"ok, bye Leo" she says as she gives my dad a hug

"bye Keisha, make sure you keep my son in check"

"Ugh, ill meet you in the car" i sigh as i walk out the house, I can hear them laughing after me. i just sat down when my phone rang


"yeah bro"

"did you get it sorted for tommorow tonight?"

"yeah, finally. you know Bruno?"

"what, the bouncer Bruno"

"yeah thats the one, hes on that shift so just go straight to him and he will let you in"

"thanks bro"

"its cool"

"oh and what DJ is playing" 

"Craig David" the passanger door opens and Keisha slides in 

"Nice, listen i gotta go, talk later"

"cool bro, laters" i put my phone in the drinks holder and started the car, but before i could start driving keisha grabed my face

"your cute"


"when your embarrassed, its cute"

"well is not so cute when you leave me with a boner in front of my dad" she laughs 

"i will make it up to you baby" she says as she grabs my face kissing me, after a few minutes i pull away because if i dont then i wont be able to and i dont want the have her in my car right in front of my house 

"lemmie get you home"

"probaly a good idea, i think your dad is watching us" i look at the window and see the curtains move i laugh and put the car in gear and drive keisha home. We get out the car and i walk her up to her door "thanks Jordan"

"its ok princess. i will pick you up tomorrow, just call me when your ready" 

"ok baby"  I pull her to me

"i love you so much" i say huskily

"i love you too"

i tilt her chin up towards me and slowly lower my head till our lips touch, i start the kiss off gently but keisha is getting agressave pulling my hair telling me she wants more. So thats what i give her, i lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. I push her back into her door and she groans, i grind my hips into hers and she holds my hair tighter moaning my name. Next thing i know we are falling, i quickly spin us round so keisha lands on me and it the floor with a thud "ughhhh" she just laughs at me. i open my eyes to see keisha mum stairing  down at us in shock 

"Jordan, Keisha, what are you doing" what do i say. i stand up and then help keisha up

"sorry Mrs Jackson, i was tickling Keisha and then you opened the door and i didn't want to fall on her so i spun us around so i would hit the floor not her" that was the worst lie i have ever told

"oh ok, well be careful next time" wow she actually bought it

"we will, so erm i better get home but see you later Keish" i say as i pull her into a hug 

 "bye baby" i walk back to my car.

This girl is killing me, no girl as ever just left me with a boner but keisha comes along and does it twice in the space of like 20 minutes. Ugh. 






Keisha and i jump out my car and start walking into school, her on my arm with a huge grin on her face, just looking at her makes me smile. my boys come up to us aking me if im down for going gym after school with them. "sorry boys, not tonight" keisha looks up at me confused, i just shake my head 

"alright, i will see you later imma go find the girls" she says giving me a hug and saying bye to the boys. As soon as she out of hearing distance the boys start shouting questions at me

"what happened?" 

"why are you so happy?"

"is something going on?"

i just laugh and say "you will find out at lunch" the boys all groan


im sitting in English, the last lesson before lunch, my head on the desk just staring at the clock counting down the seconds before the bell rings 

55............54.............53.................52..............51...................50 "jordan" Mrs Jones calls making me snap my head up

"yo" everyone laughs 

"jordan, were you listening to anything i just said?"

"nope" i said popping the p

she sighs "jordan, if you dont listen then your not going to get a good grade" i laugh

"miss, when have i ever got a test back with less that an B" i say. She dosent reply so i look back to the clock 10............9............8...........7..........6...........5..........4........... i stand up and start to walk out "jordan!"

"2.....1....." i say and when the bell finally goes off i just smirk "bye Miss" everyone laughs


i get to our table and everyone is staring at me

"well are you going to tell us or what?" kayden shouts

i laugh "yeah but gimmie time"

"fuck sake jord"

i take my seat next to Keisha and hold her hand under the table, i lean over and whisper in her ear

"babe, you ready"

"for what" she whispers back


i stand up and pull her up with me, lift her up on the table and climb up next to her

"Jordan?" i pull her into my chest and lower my head down to hers, just before our lips touch i whisper "i love you"  as soon as our lips touch i hear hear everyone cheer. 

but i hear one high pitched scream louder than all the others, i laugh against keishas lips, she pulls away "whats so funny"

"did you hear Callie scream" i say inbetween laughs. i turn my head just in time to see Callie come running up to the table 

"Jordan! how could you do this, i thought we had something!"

"Callie, i told you over and over again that i dont feel the same way you do." next thing i know im drenched in water, i just stand there laughing. but Keisha dosent think its funny

"what the fuck Callie" Keisha jumps on her and westles her to the ground whilst throwing some pretty decent punches

 "umm, Jordan are you not going to do anything" Nathan asks me

"err, yeah i supose i better, but i taught keisha well" he laughs and i go to pick Keisha up off of Callie

"heyy babe, calm down im fine"

"thats not the fucking point Jordan, if she thinks she can get away with throwing her drink on my boyfriend then she has another thing coming." i laugh and pull her in for a hug 

"ohh i love you"

she laughs "love you too"






so much for a great night out

 2 months later


 I decided to take keisha out on a date tonight to a club. We are on the dance floor shes grinding her ass all over me while im controling that whine. Shes an amazing dancer.

"babe imma go bathroom quick" she shouts in my ear so i can hear her

"cool babe, i will be by the bar" i shout back


Keishas POV


im walking to the bathrooms when i feel my phone vibrate in my bra. i take it out and look at the caller ID, 




ughh, this boy will not leave me alone. i should probaly tell you the story..........


i just walked out of school and i felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me round the corner

"heyy keisha" he says 

"Adam, what are you doing, Jordan is waiting for me" i say impatiently 

"let him wait, because i love you" he says proudly

"WAIT WHAT" i shout

"i said i love you" he states

"adam no. look your a great friend but i love jordan" im crying on the inside hoping that jordan comes and saves me soon. actually no, i dont want Jordan to come, because if he does hes gonna kill Adam. i need to get myself out of this one.

"its ok, i will wait for you, you will realise sooner or later that i am the one for you" he says then walks away. i speed walk back to Jordan and get in the car. he asks me whats wrong but i just tell him it school stress.

ever since then Adam has bee popping up everywhere. always texting me telling me he loves me. its scary


back to now

 i walk into the bathroom and answer the phone


Me- "what do you want"

Adam- "come and meet me-"

Me- no, im out with Jordan

Adam- "i know, i was going to say come and meet me outside the club you are in"

Me- "how do you know im in a club"

Adam- "because i do, now come and meet me or i will have to come in and tell jordan that you are cheating on him with me

Me- "fine, where are you"

Adam- "good girl, when you leave the club take a left and i will be there"

i hung up the phone. What am i going to do, i really dont want to go meet him but if he comes in here Jordan will go mental. i walk out the bathroom and walk close to the walls of the culb till i get to the door. i walk out and turn left and see Adam standing there waiting.

"good girl" he said grabbing my waist. i pushed his hands off me, he spun me around so my back was against the wall and grabbed my face and kissed me, really really hard.

Jordans POV


i look up from my drink and see Keisha sneaking through th club close to the wall. what the hell?? where the fuck is she going? i stand and follow her out the club, i see her turn left and i follow quietly, by the time i turn i see the one thing that could ever rip my heart into shreads.

keisha and another man


i want to just curl up and cry, but i know i cant do that. if he wants to take my girl then hes gonna have to fight me.


I grab him by his hair and throw him the the floor, i can feel my anger taking over i have been in pretty good control over it lately but now i cant stop it, and all i see is red.

i pull him back to his feet by his collar, wait is that "Adam?" no way 

"hello Jordan, your kind of interupting could you leave?" i give him a straight hard blow the the jaw and he falls to the ground. But he staggers back to his feet and send some pretty good shots back but i can tell hes not a good fighter because hes all strength and no stratigy.

I tackle him to the ground and we roll around throwing, blocking and dodging punches. I hear Keisha shout for help and a few minutes later i feel arms pull me off Adam. I struggle against them trying to get lose but then i feel more arms come and help.

Keisha tells them to pin me to the floor, and thats what they do, there are four of them so they go one on each arm and leg.

Keisha comes and kneels next to me "Jordan, you need to calm down"

"dont fucking tell me to calm down when i just saw my bestfriend and girlfriend kissing another man!!"

"jordan calm down so i can tell you what happened" this better be good

"jordan, adam has been stalking me for awhile now-"


"let me talk"

"fine" i growl

"when i went to go toilet in the club he called me and said to meet him outside and i said no  but then he said that if i dont then hes gonna come in the club and tell you that i have been cheating on you with him"

By the time she finishes that sentance i am ready to kill him. i thrash around but the boys holding me down are putting all their weight on my arms and legs so i cant move

"let me go" i growl.

the boys on my arms look up at keisha and she shakes her head

"sorry bro" he says i just growl and thrash around some more.

"jordan, baby breathe, relax" i try but i can't. She must be able to see this because she rips my button up shirt open, buttons fly everywhere.

"what the hell are you doing" one of the boys say with disbelief 

"it calms him down watch" she runs her hand up and down my torso, i can feel myself relaxing. if you have ever had anyone do that to you then you know its impossible to stay angry, it almost puts you to sleep.

i feel my breathing go back to normal and my muscles relax and keisha tell the boys to let me up. i stand up, dust myself off and say thanks to the four boys. i give them £50 each for their troubles and keisha and i head for my car.


We are gonna have a LONG talk.





Lets Talk Then

 the drive home was silent.

Once we got in the house keisha headed towards my room, i devide to give her a minute to get her thoughts together. i head to the kitchen and grab myself a can of coke from the fridge. after a long sip i set it down on the counter. i rest my elbows next to it and bury my head in my hands. 


Did she really not trust me enough to tell me. well maybe if i wasnt always angry she would tell me more. but thats not really my fault, is there anything else shes keeping from me. maybe its best if she leaves me, im not good enough for her anyways. but shes mine shes been mine since well forever i cant live without her. i can feel myself

hyperventalating its getting harder and harder to breathe.


i feel a hard hand on my shoulder

"son" my dads deep voice calls out, but i cant get any words out so i just stare at him. what he sees must frighten him because a worried look crosses his face but is soon replaced with one of understanding

"son, talk to me" i still cant form words all that can be heard in the room is my heavy fast pace breathing.

"right son, i dont know what happened but if you dont man the fuck up right now i will take your car and call arsenal and tell them that you have to be benched for the rest of the season."

That only helps a little bit, my dad sensing this grabs my face between his hands and with one of the sternest looks ive ever seen on his face he says to me

"Jordan breathe properly NOW" but that dosent help i still cant get my breathing under control. my dad sighs "Keisha!" he calls. i clench my eyes shut 

"yeah" she says back i can hear her footsteps getting closer and closer "jordan, open your eyes for me" i do as she says and i fix my eyes on hers. she puts her hand on my neck and has her thumb pressed on my cheek, "good now breathe with me okay," before i know it my breathing in back to normal and my heart rate is slowing down. 


i step out the shower, wrap the towel loosly off my hips and walk back into my room. keisha is sitting on my bed, i go and sit next to her and say "lets talk then"

she takes a deep breath and explains everying to me. when she finishes she looks up at me waiting for me to say something.

"do you really not trust me" i say quietly. she must see the hurt in my eyes becaues she takes my face in her hands and makes me look her in the eyes

"jord, you know i trust you" she says and i can see the honesty in her eyes. but if she really did trust me then why didnt she tell me

"so why didnt you tell me" i can hear the pain in my voice, i sound like a little bitch

"i didnt tell you because i thought i could get rid of him on my own and i didnt want to upset you-"

"keisha, i dont need protecting, im meant to protect you, always be there when you need me. what if i didnt see you walk out the club and wasnt there to stop him. if he done anything to you i would never forgive myself." she scoots over and sits on my lap and burys her face in my neck

"i promise i will never hide anything from you again" she says, her voice a little muffled 

"thank you, and i promise to never hide anything from you either, i love you baby girl" she lifts her head up so our faces are inches apart

"i love you too baby"she whispers, i close the gap

 i connect my lips with hers and immediatley feel her hands shoot to my hair, gripping it tightly, pulling it making me groan which makes her moan in response.

She twists her body so shes straddiling me. i move us froward so i can lie down with her leaning over me gently rocking her hips over mine making my not so little friend stir. 

i put my hands on her hips setting the rhythem and my fingers play with the bottom of her t-shirt she moans and i can feel my friend getting harder.

i break our kiss to pull her top up over her head and throw it somewhere arcoss the room. i flip us over and move my mouth to her neck sucking, biting, licking leaving my mark. i ground my hips into hers we moan at the same time she wraps her legs aroung me usling her heels to push me hips closer trying to get more pressure against her.

i move down trailing my tounge down her body. lightly bite and pull her nipples through her bra. she moans and arches her back, i use that as an oppertunity to undo her bra and i throw that across the room aswell.

i put my head down to take a nipple into my mouth but she pulls my head up and towards her face then rolls us over so shes back straddling me.

i look up at her confused. but she just latches her mouth to my neck and sucks and bites the sensitive skin there. i moan and my hips buck against hers i can feel her smile against my neck. she trails her way down just like i did and traces my abs with her tounge, going lower and lower till she licks across my hips following the line of the towel. my hips buck again. she looks up at me with eyes full of lust before slowly unwrapping my towel.




"yes dad" i answer him from the stove, im making pancakes

"what happened to your back"

"what do you mean, what wrong with it"

"its all red and scratched up" oh shit, i forgot to put a t-shirt on. how the fuck am i mean to explain this 

"oh erm dont worry about it, im fine"  my dad chuckles 

"just please tell me you used a condom, im not ready for grankids yet" i laugh 

"yeahh dont worry dad" 

What We Always Wanted

 forward 6 years


"daddyyyyyyy" my little boy came running into my room screaming. i rollover and check the time 7:03 ugh.

"yes jaiden"

"daddy kaiden keeps hitting me" 

"go tell him daddy wants him" 

"okay daddy" my two boys come into my room, jaiden smiling and kaiden with his head hanging like he knows hes going to get in torouble.


"yes daddy" they say in unison

"look you two are not only brothers you are twins, that makes you very special to eaachother. you two will grow up protecting eachother so yes i know that you will get in fights and have arguments but just remember that you love eachother and daddy loves you both now. Kaiden stop hitting your brother and Jaiden if kaiden hits you you hit him back. But listen i want you to learn this from young, nobody hurts you so Kaiden if you see someone hurting your brother you  go and help your brother fight them and the same goes for you Jai okay. 

"yes daddy" 

"good now give eachother a hug and go play" my boys turn to eachother and throw their arms around eachother, swear its the cutest thing. 









Texte: keisha crossey
Lektorat: keisha crossey
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.03.2016

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