Christmas Wish

Chewy and Tiger escaped into the forest in venture to find a new home, only to be swept away by a storm into a new adventure into the North Pole.

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♥ ︀➪ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?_ebook-indira-nankoosingh-christmas-wish

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The issue has been fixed. Their names are now Chewy and Tiger all the way through.:)

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♥ ︀➪ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?indie23_1350150580.0723140240

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awww, i almost cried at the storm, i have a boy kitten called Tiger to, but your blurb says the names are Gats and Linx, ya might need to change that!
I loved the way you added Santa into it, another lovely we fairtale by the famous Indira Nankoosingh!!!

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I have fixed the issue. In fact I did a little more editing on it. I hope I've got all the errors.

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I just read the top of page number twelve and the first sentence of the firs paragraph makes no sense!!!!!!!!!!! I do not understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????

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