The Golden Stick

The Golden Stick
A dare leads Izzi into finding a stick that could
destroy the world...

stick, golden, the
Beiträge und Kommentare
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HEY!! i clicked on yours thourgh Judy collela i was bored:) haha but not anymore.. i realyly this book! the starting just amazes me its so exciting:D i wonder wat happens next!! i cant wait for the next chapters!! Write AWAY:D

Wichtiger Beitrag

What? With a beginning like that, you'd better continue it! Please don't leave everyone wondering where your imagination can take us. It's very original, and sounds like one heck of an adventure - please keep going! You have an amazing ability to pack tons of important information (like characterization, plot, conflict and anticipation) into only a few paragraphs, the mark of a natural short-story writer. I'm very impressed,... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Should i continue it???? I didnt want to write the whole story and have no1 lik it!!!

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