Blown Away

User: minigaga
Blown Away
Allyssa woke up one morning expecting her same boring routine. But when her parents ship her off to borading school ,not only to be taught how to use her vampire elemental skills but to marry the Prince of the supernatural world she in total shock. All the ups and downs of this school have her BLOWN AWAY.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "My Life as Me"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Lil 'Ole Me?
Blown Away
Beiträge und Kommentare
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Good story, I like the book, and there is another best book to read is The Perfect Author, you can read it on Really mind blowing, worth to read.

The Perfect Author - Story About An Excellent Story By Best Author The Perfect Author is a Mythical Fiction, Web Story.It is an Artistically creative Novel about the Best Story about the Best Book written by the Best Author.
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I liked the book but the end was very stupid. K now that's rude. Sry it wasnt stupid but u could hv showed that Allyssa was really in luv wid Damien

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I really love this book, please do something. Update pleaseeeeeeee!

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jessamine Grey

Is this all in this book or are you updating it soon? I hope you are I really like it and I want to know what's going to happen to Ally and Damien and where does Lucas factor into all this.

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this book is so much interesting that i read it to the end. i expect that you will write the second one of this book.

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im on chapter two and its really good so far

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Omg am die here I need book 2 pleaseeeeeee it so good I want to know what happens

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Same here

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There is WAY too many typos in this. I suggest NOT to read this book even though it is very interesting.

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