
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The light shone through my bedroom onto my face. It was so bright, so I pulled my cover over my face. Then I heard a loud clank. What was that? I pulled my cover off of my face to find my mother and our maid Bertha packing my clothes into a box.

"What's going on? What are you doing with my stuff?" I said in a fearful tone.

"Morning sweety, did you have a good night?" my mother said trying to distract me. My mother was fairly pretty. She had blonde hair and she was very thin. She wasn't very tall about five foot five, so average height. I'm getting off topic.

"I sure was then it was ruined by me waking up to see my stuff getting packed up. What are you doing?"

"Well Allyssa," she started with an apologetic facial expression " You are going to a boarding school. St. Edwards Academy. Get dressed your father and I wanted to talk to you about this."

"Ugh" I grunted before grabbing my new uniform and walking to my bathroom. I took a hot bath last night so ill take a shower now. I turned the water on and proceeded to take off my clothes when I heard a quick rap on the door.

"Don't take too long honey you have to be at the Academy at nine it's seven-fifteen, and we still need to talk to you."

I didn't answer. Can't a seventeen year old, half vampire take a shower in peace. I got into the shower , but limited it to only fifteen minutes. I combed out my long wet brown hair.Then I quickly got dressed into my new uniform. I looked down to see how I looked. Wow, this skirt is very short and the shirt is a little tight. I mean yea my chest re a little bit bigger than most girls but dag. The shirt was so tight that I had to unbutton the top button.Then I tied the striped tie but I tied it very loosely. Finally, I pulled my arms through my new blazer and ran out of the bathroom. I ran to my closset and grabbed my favorite pair of black stilettoes. Thank goodness they didn't pack theese up yet. I slipped them on and carefully but quickly ran down the stairs.

My parents already started eating breakfst by the time I got there.
"Why dont you take a seat." My father instructed for me to do jesturing to the seat across from my mother. I sat down not even asking what was going on when my father clearedhis throat. He was ready to start talking, but I was not ready to listen.

"Ally sweetie, you know that I am a vampire and your mother is human?"

"Yes." I said with one eyebrow raised.

"And you know that we are the second most powerful family next to the royal family right?"

" That is correct."

"Well I got a message from the royal family today saying that you can no longer live in the mortal realm until you have mastered your powers. Also when you get to the school you will have a surprise waiting for you in your dorm."

"Wait you guys aren't coming?"

"No we can't. Your mother and I have to work. Your things are already in the limo waiting for you bye Allyssa." my dad said with a crackling voice at the end.

I hugged both of my parents before I grabbed two slices of toast. As I headed toward the limo I turned back to wave at my parents. Then I climbed inside to see what awaited me at my new 'home'. 



Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The ride there took about an hour or so. No way did it take more than an hour. I emailed all of my friends saying that i forgot to tell them that I was excepted into a boarding school and that I would keep in touch. Its not like I could tell them the truth. That I'm a half vampire who has some unique power that I don't know how to use yet. I had to keep it light.

So I opened my purse getting ready to pull out my Ipod when I felt a piece of paper stuck to my phone. I took it out, and noticed my moms handwriting on it. It read, Dear Allyssa, I wanted you to know a huge secret that I have not told your father. I am not a mortal either. I'm an Angel. Angels on earth are very rare but I was sent with a purpose. To have you. If you have any questions call me. Also, if you one day notice that you have wings please retract them and tell no one about this. Rip this paper up. Love, Mom.

Wow that was intense. I always wondered why she's so unusually was pale. Sweet I'm part angel. This is freaking awesome. And with that thought our driver pulled up to the academy. It was huge, and it looked kinda old. When the car came to a stop and the driver opened the door I thanked him and climbed out. Thankfully my parents sent the butler, Nyles, with me to help with my things. I walked into the main building. Right after the entrance of the building was the main office. I opened the ancient looking door and walked up to the front desk.

" Hi. How may I help you?" The secretary said in a nasaely voice.

" Umm... Yes I'm Allyssa Bay. I'm the new student here." I said in a slightly timid voice.

I was smart to use my middle name as my last name. BTW my real name is Allyssa Bay Blaize.

" Ahh... Yes miss Bay." she opened a file drawer behind her and took out a thick manilia folder." Here is your class schedule, your dorm number and keys, your school credit card, the credit card from your parents, and the car keys to your new car that your parents bought you. It is parked in the west parking lot outside of your dorm."

" Wait my parents bought me a car. Omg this is so freaking awesome."

"They also said to call when you get your surprise and said do not tell any one your last name your teachers have been informed to not say it in class. Have a good day."

With that I left the office and went back to my limo where Nyles was waiting for me. I handed him my dorm information and he led the way. He had two big boxes and I had two big suit cases. When we finally reached my dorm building I was so tired. We went inside and walked straight to the elevator and up to the top floor. My dorm room was labled Royal Suite. If that means that I get good closet space then its all good. When I opened the door I looked around in awe. This place was huge. I went to the one door that was open it was huge and seemed vacant. And judging by the huge empty cloet I saw it so was. It took us a whole hour to get my stuff in and unpacked. I gave Nyles a huge hug before he left. Now what should I do? I opened the folder that the front desk lady gave me I put my credit cards in my wallet and my keys on the bedside table. There was a tiny note in it that said that I would start class tomorrow. I sat there for a minute reading through the schools activity list. They have a pool. I sooo know what I'm doing now.

I ran into my walk in closet and grabbed my favorite pink and blue bikini. It was a little to small in my moms opinion , but not to me.I slipped off my uniform and laid it neatly on the end of my bed with my bra on top.I put on my bikini and a tank top and shorts. I went into the bathroom to grab a towel. I checked myself in the mirror to mke sure I looked okay. I did, and grabbed my keys to the room and my car. There was no way that I was walking to the other side of the school. I went down the elevator and into the parking lot. I pushed the start button to see an italian sports car roar to life.I am so happy. It had sleek, black, glossy, paint. It was perfect. I climbed in and drove in the direction of the pool. The interior of the car was so beautiful. It had a gray leather seats and an all gray dashboard. I was perfect. I continued to drive in the direction of the pool.

When I arrived in front of the building I looked down to see what time it was It was only one o'clock. Classes didn't end until four so I had time. I walked into the building and right there was the pool. That is very convienent. I took off my tank top and shorts and dove in to the deep end. The water felt so warm on my skin. It was invigorating. Even though I was only a half vampire, my skin was still unusually cool I swam unitl about three o'clock then I got out and went into the girls locker room ,and rinsed off in the shower and dried of with my towel i put my bikini in the dryer for thirty minutes before I took it out and put it back on. It was very warm. I also put my tank top and shorts back on. It was a good thing that I had lotion, I hate having dry skin. It was five minutes to four when I got back in my car. I could already see students coming out of the school building and into the parking lot. Some of them stopped to look at my car before I pulled away.

It was ten minute drive back to my dorm. This school was mega huge. I turned on the radio and heard the song Like whoa by aly and aj I havent heard this song in forever. In the middle of the song my phone buzzed. It was my bestie Monique. I answered the phone.

" Hello"

"Whats up runaway."

"Hi Monique I didn't runaway."

"Sure tell me any thing. I called to make sure that you will visit soon, you better."

"I will. I promise. Tell every one I said hi. Kisses love ya bye."

"Bye girl"

I put my phone back in my purse and pulled into a parking space that convienently had my first name and dorm number on it. I parked my car and went inside. The elevator was already open but no one was in it good. I pushed my floor button and pushed the close door button. The elevator made it there in no time. Then I realized that my room was the only one on this floor. Cool, I get my own floor. I walked down the halway and unlocked my door. I entered feeling releaved. This place might not be that bad after all.

I went into my room to explore. The first thing I checked was the bedside table. I didn't notice before one of them had male jewlery on it. Hmmm. I'll get that checked out later. I set my keys and purse down on the vacant table and took off my tank top and shorts. Then I heard a faint Click ffrom the front door then talking. I grabbed my comb out and started combing my hair. Then the talking got louder so I went to investigate. That was a bad idea.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Outside my room in the living room was a group of five or six boys. The first thing that came into my mind was who are they. The second thought was oh crap I only have on a swim suit. One of the guys who was tall and had long dark hair was the first to say something.

"Damien, whats with the babe in the bikini?" He said staring at the one called Damien.

Damien was the hottest guy I have ever laid my eyes on. He had beautiful blue eyes and long blonde hair.He was very tall and kinda muscular. He had the face of an angel He spoke with the voice of an angel. A voice to match the face, nice.

"Dude. I have no clue."

Then he turned to his friends and said."Get out guys, can I have some privacy."

So all of his friends looked at each other, then obeyed his orders. Then he approached me with his hand extended in my direction begging to be shaked.

"Hi. I'm Damien Knight. You must be Ally."

"Umm.... How do you know my name?"

"Ah the office told me your name. I'm suppose to tell you about your surprise."

"Really well what is it?" I said thinking that the surprise was a beach house.

"Well you are engaged. To me. In an aranged marrige." I stared at him in shock then the next thing I knew every thing went black.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"Hello Allyssa please wake up. Nurse will she be okay?"said a familiar voice.

"She will be fine, I bet she can even hear us right now. She's bound to wake up any minute now." The nurse said to the familiar voice.

About thirty seconds after the nurse finished talking, my eyes started to flutter. I opened them fully. I sat up and looked around at the room I was in it was and off white room with one occupied chair in the corner. Damien. The nurse walked up to me with a smile.

"Hi I'm nurse Varner. How are you Allyssa you hit your head very hard when you passed out."

I shook my head a little to see how bad it hurt. Not that bad really.

" My head doesn't hurt that bad. Just a minor headache." I tried to say it very powerful to make my words seem even more believeable.

"Okay then here is a small bottle of Tylenol. Take one whenever you get a headache again. Have a good evening." she said handing me the small bottle of Tylenol.

Damien stood up and went to the door. He opened it and motioned his hand for me to follow it out of the room. I followed the direction of his hand into the main hallway. I looked down it's a good thing Damien had enough sense to put my tanktop and shorts back over my swim suit.

We walked to his car in the north parking lot. When I saw it I was awe strucken. His car was beautiful. It was a bright yellow Camero. I've always wanted one. They look so cool. I walked over to the passanger door and opened it climbing in, in one swift motion. Even the interior of the car was beautiful. It had black leather seats ,a back dashboard, and a tiny plastic hula girl on the dashboard. She had a big head. I giggled and Damien looked up at with a questioning stare.

We drove the rest of the way in silence neither one of us knowing what to say. We pulled into the parking spot next to mine that ,of course, had his name on it. We walked into the building , rode in the elevator to the top floor ,and we walked into our room in silence. I sat down on the couch and he sat down in a chair across from me and we just stared into each others eyes. I was the first one to break the silence.

"Hi. I'm sorry that we started off on the wrong foot. My name is Allyssa. Your name is Damien right?"

"Are you okay Allyssa?" He said staring at the floor.

"Yes just a little confused can you explain whats going on to me?"

"Umm... Well about five years ago my parents got a letter from the royal coucil saying that the only way that I could fill the kings spot when my father dies is to find my true love and to marry her. So we went to a psycic who found my true love by casting some kind of spell over her crystal ball. The face that popped up just happened to be yours. Then next was your parents faces. It was a good thing that our parents knew each other because there was no way that they would believe this. My parents told me I was not allowed to meet you until we were seventeen. So they arranged a meeting with your parents. They agreed knowing that in the future I would make you really happy. So here we are now." He said all of this without one hesitation.

I stood and looked at him. " I will not marry you. Have a goodnight." I said turning to the direction of the bedroom. I continued to walk into room only stopping to turn back to take one quick glance at him. He looked hurt and a little shocked. Oh,well. I don't marry random people who I just met.

I walked over to my walkin closet and got out my pajamas. This was my favorite pair of pj's to wear at night they are super soft. It was just a pair of silk shorts and a a silk tank top.I picked the pajamas up and a pair of panties and headed into the bathroom.

Chapter 5

 Chapter 5

I really didn't feel like taking a shower, so I ran the bath instead. I filled the bath with my favorite vanilla smelling bubble bath. I climbed into my perfect bath trying to take in every thing that I learned today.

"I can't believe that my parents just gave me away like that to a, very cute, stranger. This was unfathomable. Mabeye I'm dreaming. I'll just slap my self to wake up."

Slapping myself was a bad idea. It hurt like crazy. After twenty-five minutes of contemplating my parents sanity and my situation, I got up out of the tub, dried off, got dressed, blow dried my hair, and washed my face. I was now ready for bed. I walked out of the bathroom with my clothes and towel in hand to see a body occupying one hale of the enormous bed. Again it was Damien. He was sitting up on the bed reading a book. How cliche.

I walked past the bed to the other side of the room where my closet was. I cracked the door open and slipped into the closet. I hung up my towel on the towel rack and put my dirty clothes in the hamper. I opened the door back up and walked to the bed. I stopped right infront of it realizing that I had a little problem.

"What are you doing in my bed?" I asked sourly.

"This was my bed first. Our parents didn't think that you would have such a hard time adjusting, so they decided that we should share one bed." He said with an attitude.

"Whatever just stay on your side of the bed." and with that I climbed into bed.

I set my alarm on my bedside clock and laid down in the bed.

"Goodnight ,honey." Damien said with a totaly innocent tone.

"Shut up." thats the last thing I said before turning over and going to bed.

The next morning my alarm woke me up. I was very well rested. This bed is very comfortable. I sat up in my spot and streched out my arms. This place would be perfect if I didn't have to go to school.

I got up and headed straight to the bathroom. I washd my face then headed into my closet to get my uniform. I grabbed my uniform and make-up sets and went back into the bathroom. I got dressed then put my make-up on nothing to flashy but nothing to bare. I took out my flat irons to do my hair Instead of my usual waist length curls, I wore my hair straight down. I reached past my butt. I put on my heart shaped necklace that was studed with tiny diamonds. I also added a shiny silver headband.

After I was sure that I looked perfect, I unplugged everything and turned off the bathroom lights. I put everything back into my closet, and grabbed my six inch black stilletoes and slid them on. I grabbed my bag and schedule off of the dresser and left the bedroom. After I got into the living room I saw Damien sitting on the couch reading.

We still had five minutes before breakfeast started but I had to go and get my notebook and pencils out of my car's trunk. I grabbed a water out of the fridge and headed down the elevator to my car. Infront of the building was a long blonde haired, slender girl crying. I looked over at what seemed to be her car it was nice but it was smoking. I walked over to her to see if she was okay.

"Umm excuse me . Are you okay." I said in a very angelic tone.

" No, my car just broke down now I have no way to get to class." She said sobbing.

"Even though I'm new I would love to give you a ride. I'm Allyssa but you cn call me Ally." I said with my hand out.

" Really, thank you so much." she said standing up.

"My name is Malinda."she grabbed my hand and shook it.

She stood up grabbing her bag off of the ground, and dusting it off before following me. I led the way to my car and then unlocked it. I had the satisfactory of seeing her mouth the word wow out the corner of my eye. We climbed into my car and shut our doors at the same time. I reached into the back seat and grabbed my notebooks and pencils a stuffed them into my bag. Its a good thing I left my gymbag in the car yesturday. I had P.E. today. Malinda and I talked the whole entire drive to the cafeteria. She offered to let me sit with her during lunch. I calmly excepted the offer. When we were outside of the cafeteria Malinda asked if her make-up was okay.

"Yes, you look perfect." I said rolling my eyes. She grabbed both of the handles to the cafeteria's door and said,

" Welcome to St. Edwards.", then she pulled both of the doors open and we walked in. The loud lunchroom became very quiet with everyone's eyes on me. I looked around at all of the awe strucken faces before following Malinda to the food line.

"What's everyone staring at?" I whispered to Malinda.

"I think it's you." she whispered back.

"I mean I know that but why?" I asked getting worried.

"Well you are the new girl. You just walked in with one of the most popular girls in school, and you are kinda pretty." she said looking me up and down.

Chapter 6

 Chapter 6

At the end of breakfast I had a meeting to go to with the principle. My parents arranged a test for me to take to see what element I posses. I walked into the main office, which was freezing cold, and walked right up to the front desk.

"Excuse me." I said quietly."I'm here to take a test to see which element I posses."

"Ahh, yes, miss Bay" she pushed a buzzer that was on her desk.

After that you could hear a faint ring."The principle is ready to see you now."

I walked into the principles office. On his desk was a little sign that said principle Skinner. I sat down in the seat that was placed infront of his desk.

"Hello miss Bay. How is your stay so far?" He asked with an emotionless expression on his face.

"It is fine." I said with the same emotionless look on my face.

"Okay. You are here to take a very important test. I will ask you some questions. You will answer them then explain your answer breifly. Are you ready?"

"Yes I am."

"Good then lets begin. Question number one. What does it feel like to you when you go swimming?"

"Thats easy. It feels like a sensation. The water against my skin feel like satin on a summer day."

"Question number two. When it is windy out side what do you like to do?"

"Sit out side and feel the wind blowing through my hair."

"Question number three. If I were to throw soil on you right now what would you do?"

" I would take it and throw it back on you. I like puting my feet on the ground as much as the next person, but I just washed this oufit." He looked at me astonished.

"Question number four. Have you ever stuck your hand in a fire? If so what did it feel like?"

"Yes, I have. It felt like a rush of fire overcoming my body.It was freakin awesome."

"Question five. Do you believe in the spiritual relm?"

"Yes, have you ever felt like some one was always watching you but when you look around you don't see any one. I have it's not fun." And the rest of the test contiued like that.

Finally after the fifty-fith question we were done. Then principle Skinnner got up and left his office.

Chapter 7

 Chapter 7

Mr. Skinner came back, but he brought along the secretary. I should really learn that womans name. They didn't sit down like I expected them to. Mr.Skinner closed the shades on the windows and the secretary locked the doors and closed the vents.

"Allyssa,"principle Skinner started

"It has come to our attention that you have a very powerful and important element. It's called the allement. Very few elementals in the world have this element. In this element you posses all of the elements and the very rare spiritual element. We are going to have to change around your schedule.You cannot tell any one about this. There are many more magical creatures out there who are evil. They will try to use you for this pourpose. You must not tell a soul not even your parents. I will be the only one to know. Later I will erase Ms. Bluemonts memory of this conversation."

"Wow, that's alot to take in. What new classes am I going to have to take?"

"You will have to take first period earth elemental, second period fire elemental, third period air elemental, fourth period water elemental, and you will have a private lesson with me for the spirit elemantal. The rest of your scheduele, after lunch, will remain the same. You may go. Miss Bluemont here will print out your new schedule."

Oh, so that's her name I'm going to have to keep that on file. I stood up looked at both of them and said.

"Okay". Ms. Bluemont lead the way out of the door and up to her desk. She handed me my shedule a stared at me with a smile.

"Here's your schedule miss Bay."

"Thankyou." I said walking out of the room.

First period hasnt started yet. I still have five of the ten minutes between each class. Thankfully ms. Bluemont put a compete map that showed me ho to get to all my classes from the main hallway. I walked quickly to my first period earth elemental class. I was not late ,but class had started. I gave the teacher my slip and took the first seat I saw which happened to be in the middle of the classroom.

Wow if this is what they call the center of attention, then I wonder what their v.i.p. area is like. LOL if my bestie was here she would so laugh at that joke. I started off paying attention to what the teacher was saying then I kinda drifted off. I spotted a rock in the corner of the window seal.

I decided to try out my newly found power. I became very concentrated. Within one minute I had the rock floating over to me and morphing from its orginal form. In the end I ended up with an apple. I don't even know how I did it. All I knew was that it looks soo cool. I looked up at the teacher who was looking at my apple then at my face. He Picked up a piece of paper and began writing something down.

I looked around the class room. No one noticed how he stopped teaching. Wow, this class is very unattentive. They did not even notice that a teacher first of all was staring at me not only that he was writing something down to. I mean come on, the man stopped for five mintutes straight and I'm the only one reacting.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Finally the bell rang. I stood up out of my seat and stared at my schedule. I have fire Elemental class next. I walked down the hall to the fire elemental. I was happy that they didn't put me in a beginners class. They said with my temper that I'll do fine. Of course when I walked in who did I see. None other than my new fiance Damien. He was surrounded by a group of friends which I guess were the popular crowd. Again the seat in the very center of the class was empty. What's with this center seat being empty thing? Its starting to get weird. So just like the class before I went to the center of the room and took a seat . Everyone gasped and was staring at me. What I do I looked down every thing seemed to be in order. Then as if on cue a girl who had modified her uniform to add a ton of pink to it walked up to my desk.

"Umm, what do you think your doing?" She asked sounding adjetated.

"I'm sitting down in my seat getting ready for class." I didn't really understnd what the question was.

"No. I mean why are you sitting in my seat?" She said talking to me as if I was dumb.

I looked at the back of the seat. I stood up looking at the seat of the chair then I sat back down looking at the desk part.

"I don't see your name anywhere on this desk."

"I know but everyone knows that the middle seat in every class is my seat. Even If I'm not in that class It's still my seat." She was getting angry.

"Oh okay well how about for today you sit somewhere else." I said waving her good bye.

"Look newby thats my seat. Either you get up now with no hassele or I'll make you get up."

"Who do you think you you are?" I questioned her royal meanness.

"I think that my family is the second most important family to the royal family, and can get you sent back to wherever you came from."

"Ooo, only second. That means your second best not a good thing." I looked her up and down." So why don't you take your little store bought body and go over there away from me."

That did it she was mad she took out her phone and was waving it in my face.

"Newby look, My name is Jessica McDonald and I suggest that you stop patronizing me before I call my daddy on you." Was she serious. I could get her thrown in jail for life for talking to me like this.

"You've go ttill the count of three. One... Two..... Three..." Then she pushed tlk to call her daddy. She even put it on speaker phone just so every one can hear it.

"Hello" A very husky voice said into the reciever.

"Hi daddy I have a little problem. I need you to take care of it."

"Sure. Whats the problem?"

"This newby dweeb here is talking to me like I'm nothing. Like how rude is that."

"Whats the students name?" I looked her in the eye and whispered


"She said that her name is Allyssa."

"What's her last name?" Again I whispered to her. "Bay"

"She said Bay." after she said that the line went silent.

"Leave her alone! Are you trying to whine up in jail for life?! What ever the problem is just walk away from it. Tell her that you are terribly sorry. Okay, have a good day."

Then the line went dead. That plan backfired on her. So she pressed end on her phone and went to to sit next to Damien. Ha, that was the funniest thing that happened here so far. As class started more people came filing into the class room. This class went by just as the first class had. I only recieved a few death glares from Jessica. No matter I did not come here to be friends with her. When class was over I stood just like before and stretched my back. I turned to looks at the door and noticed that Jessica and Damien's bodies were very close together. Then it happened, they kissed in the doorway of the room and walked off hand in hand.

Something in me twitched. I became so angry with jealousy for someone that I just met. The only thing that I could think of at this point was how much I wanted to kill her.

You can't just go and kiss someone else's fiancee. "Like WTF." You don't see me kissing Ashton Kutcher. I mean c'mon Damien and I are practically married now. Then I realized another thing. Last night I said that I didn't want to marry him. Crap! My mom always told me that bad things always find a way to come back and bite me in the butt.

"What ever I had other classes to go to." With that I left the class room.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

The rest of my day besides the elemental classes were pretty normal. They reminded me of school back home. I did have to have a chat with the principle though. Wouldn't people start to notice it when all the diffrent element classes were saying that I was in their class. He told me not to worry, and that he has it all taken care of. What ever I have bigger problems than trying to spend my time worrying about school. When school was over I ment up with Malinda and we drove into town for a little shopping.

"So how was your first day" Malinda said eagerly while trying on a pink party dress she found.

"It was okay I did get into a little argument eith the schools queen bee." I said rolling my eyes at the memory.

"You got in an argument with Jessica. No one ever gets into an argument with her. Her teachers don't even get into an argument with her." She said sounding shocked.

"Well I don't like people disrespecting me and my space so really she had it coming."

"I guess she did I really wish I could've been there." Malinda said sounding sad now.

"Hey, Malinda can I ask you a question?" If I'm going to be living with Damien then I have to learn more about him. So why not ask one of his popular friends.

"Sure what is it?"

"What element do you control?" I said punking out from my original question.

"I control water. It's pretty cool really if I can find any thing with water in it I'll never go thirsty." She said giggling now.

" Cool do certain elements have certain color eyes? Because in this one class I walked passed everyones eyes were blue." In my head the only thing I could see was Damien's beautiful waterfall blue eyes. Which was odd considering he did posses the element of fire.

"Um.. Yea The fire elementals have blue eyes, the earth elementals have green eyes, the water elementals have grey eyes, and the air elementals have hazel eyes. It's cool how you can tell what a persons element is just by their eye color. But in my opinion fire elementals should not have blue. Blue is such a soft sweet color. Thats one thing that they aren't." She said with a smirk.

 I hated lying to one of my only friends here, but she couldn't know the truth. I walked out of the dressing roomwearing this short, teal blue, intracatly designed party dress that I found. It was strapless and it fit my curves nicely. I turned to Malinda to let her get a good look.

"Well how do I Iook?" I asked already knowing what her answer would be.

"You look perfect,and I know the perfect place where you can wear that to." she squealed in excitment.


"My boy friend, Paul, is throwing a party this friday. You have to come, and you have to wear that dress."

"Hmm" I contemplated in my head. "Sure why not."

 We both jumped up in excitement. I could tell that we were going to be good friends. On the ride back home we talked about meeting up Friday afternoon so we can get ready. I asked if we could get ready in her dorm and used the excuse tht mine was full of boxes. We were only juniors so I would be here for awhile.She agreed to it with a happy heart.

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

When we pulled infront of our building I handed Malinda her new bag of clothes that were in the backseat . She grabbed it, gave me a goodbye hug, smiled and got out of the car. We both walked into the building and into the elevator.

 The elevator stopped on the fourth floor to drop Malinda of. She skipped out of the elevator only turning around to wave goodbye. I leaned against the elevator wall waiting out the rest of the ride. My floor was the eigth floor. It would've been a long trip if this elevator wasn't so fast. When the elevator door opened up, I picked up my two bags and exited it looking back to mke sure that I had every thing. I did so I proceeded down the hall to my room. I put the key in the door lock and with a pleasent click.

I opened the door noticing that no one was here. Good I don't want that jerk in here right now. He's probaly with Jessica. Taking advantage of this free time, I took a quick shower and changed into my pj's. Just for the sake of torment I put on biker shorts and a sports bra. If I was goind to mess with him I was going to do it right. Like clock work Damien walked in setting his bag by the door and came over nd sat across from me while I turned on the t.v.

"How was your day?" he asked trying to sound sweet.

"Like  you do actually care." I said rolling my eyes.

"Sorry. I didn't know that it was illegal to talk to my soon to be wife. "

"Like I said before. I'm not marrying you. Get over yourself."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh I'm sorry your majesty has no one ever told you the truth before? Well to bad. I'm telling you now. Just becuse your royalty to the world doesn't mean that your royalty in my book bub. So stop wasting my time and go marry that slut Jessica. I'm sure you two will be very happy together." and with that I got up, walked into the bedroom,slamed the door,and climbed in the bed.

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

The rest of the week went by okay. I had a pop quiz,which I aced. Damien and I argued some more. Nothing out of the usual. Finally Friday came. All that stress of the upand coming day for nothing. My dress has been in my closet ever since I bought it. Now I can finally wear it. I also picked out a cute pair of black stilletoes to go with the dress. Nothing to high but nothing to short.

Just to make Damien's torment a little bit harder I decided to add my, oh so wonderful Mr. push up bra. Ahh if he thinks that I'm going to just marry him without a fight then he's dead wrong. At around eight o'clock, I started heading down to Malinda's room.

I already knew what floor to go to, but I didn't know what room to go to. Luckily her room door was decorated in flowers and giant letter M's every where. Wow she better hope a murderer never comes looking for her cause it wont take him that long to find her. I walked up to the door and knocked on it. Malinda opened the door on the second knock.

"Omg. Are you ready to party. I am let's get ready." She was going a mile a minute. She took my dress from my my hand and walked past the living room to a door at the end of the hall way.

"Come on" She yeld from the room.

I followed her only stopping to do a double take on the living room decor. Flowers every where. That explains the door. I walked into her room. This chick is so weird. Her room was painted black with random colors splattered on the walls. Hey at least it looked cute. We got dressed in a breeze. We did each others hair and make up. I did notice that she paired up some white ballet wedges. It fit her oufit perfectly. A hot pink dress that wasn't to long, but was a little poofy on the bottom, with some white shoes that looked like ballet slippers.

I put her hair up into a bunn with bangs. She added a white headband and white purse to make every thing go perfectly. Me, on the other hand, was wearing black heels. They went perfectly with my black clutch and black headband. Because my dress was so short I chose to have Malinda curl my hair so that it wouldn't be longer than the dress. We each looked in the mirror then at each other.

Then together we screamed.... "PERFECT!!!!"

"You ready?" I asked Malinda.

"Always lets knock 'em human." we both started giggling after that joke. If you didn't get that than you must be an idiot. We are vampires you know we cant die. We stop aging at 21. Duh.

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

We ran out of Malinda's room at light speed and down the hallway. We took the elevator to the first floor then ran out of it. We took my car for the sake of looking awesome and drove to Paul's dorm. It was a twenty minute ride to his dorm because it ws on the other side of school. We were able to occupy our selves by singing to songs we heard on the radio. The car ride went by like a breeze. It wasn't hard to tell that a party was going on. You could see lights and fog coming from the top floor. You can totally tell that this party is going to be epic.

I parked the car in the closest spot that I could find. It's not goood for two pretty girls to walk fr distances at night. I put the keys in my clutch and grabbed Malinda's arm. We walked into the building and into the empty elevator. Thank goodness for the quick elevator timing or I would die from lack of partyage. When the elevator doors finally opened on the top floor I was exstatic.

Until I saw Damien nd Jessica at the end of the hallway. Luck was on my side, because the moment I stepped out of the elevator the song ' Don't ya wish' came on. Then when the song said ' Don't ya wish your girlfriend was hot like me', Damien and I made eye contact. Well at first we did then he just started to stare at my chest. Weird right? Just Kidding. I want him to get a good look at what he can't have.

As I walked past Damien I decided to sing along with the chorus,but I only whisperd "Don't ya", in his ear. That made him upset. He turned to stare in my eyes. Instead of the ocean blue that I normally see I only saw fire. That must happen when he gets angry. I then followed Malinda over to a very cute guy, which had to be Paul by the way they were looking at each other.

Paul was pretty cute. He was super tall and muscular. He had long blonde hair, and grey eyes like Malinda's. I couldn't help but notice the guy standing next to Paul. Man was he cute. He was a little shorter than Paul. He had short black hair. Hie muscles were so big, that they made him seem bear like. We approached the two boys with smiles. Malinda walked up to Paul and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Paul this is my new friend Ally." She sid facing Paul .

Now turning to me she said. "Ally this is my awesome boyfriend Paul."

"Nice to meet you Paul." I said extending my arm for him to shake it.

"Nice to meet you to." he said shaking my hand.

" Oh. Ally, this is my friend Brad he's our football teams wide receiver. Oh, and I'm on the team too. I'm play center."

"Hi nice to meet you Brad."

"Nice to meet you to Ally. I know we just met but would you like to dance." He asked me with a huge smile.

"Sure. Why not." The moment that I got the words out of my mouth he grabbed my hand and lead me to the dance floor. Brad was a really good dancer. He was perfectly on beat. I saw a lot of football plyers but I wonder which one is the captain and quarterback.

"Hey, Brad. Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, shoot."

"Who's the quaterback for the football team?"

"Oh, um. Damien." Then he spun me in the direction Damien was standing in to show me what he looked like.

"He's also the captain!" He shouted over the loud music.

Oh, sweet joy. Damiens the captain. It would be a shame for his fiancee to hook up with one of his team mates wouldn't it. My stay here just gets better and better. Damien was in the hallway by the elevator. The very place that I am about to taunt him in. I got up on my tippy toes and kissed Brad on the lips. Then I pulled back to see a smile on his face. I grabbed his hand and led him into the hallway. I passed Damien and gave him devilish smile. In return I got a ' what are you up to' look. I walked Brad down the hall by the elevators and pulled him into my embrace. We kissed. Oh sweet bliss to know that Damien was down the hall watching.

As our kiss got deeper I got happier. Damien was going to be pissed. Our kiss was broken up by the sound of police cars outside. Well party's over. Brad grabbed my hand this time and led me to the stair door. We ran down four flights of stair to the fourth floor. we ran down the hallway and into the room that had Brad's name on it. Brad ran inside and turned on the T.V. and lights. I sat down on the couch and he came and say next to me. He put his arm around me and snuggled me in close.

"The principle must have called the cops to break up the party. If they come in here just say that we were on a date and we didn't even know about party. Ok?"

"OK." I said little afraid I can not get in trouble.

I looked down at my hands to make sure that I had my purse. Luckily I did. Then Brad got up ran to his bedroom and came back out with a white, throw blanket. He wrapped the blanket around me and sat back down. I rested my head on his shoulders while he sped foward on a romantic comedy to make it seem like we've been watching for hours. Right on cue we heard a bang on the door. Brad got up to answer it yelling

"Coming" as we went to the door. He oened the door very quickly just to find the principle and a cop standing there looking so fustrated.

"Hi Mr. Smith. What have you been up to this fine evening." The principle said to mike.

"Well Mr. Skinner, I was on a date with Ally over there." He said motioning to me.

"Hi, Principle Skinner." I said waving to him.

"Mmhmm did you two know about a party that was going on on the top floor?" He asked staring at Brad.

"Yes we did,Sir, but we did not attend it. We were here watching the movie 'The Proposal'."

"Is that so." He said turning to me.

"Is this true Miss Bay?"

"Yes Mr. Skinner. If you would like to you can touch Brad's lips. I might have left a lipgloss residue on them." Sure enogh Brad's lips were glittery from my lipgloss that I was wearing.

"Ok, Fine. Allyssa you better be getting back to your dorm. It's almost past curfew. I'll have officer McBrady escort you to your car."

"Ok. See you tomorrow at one. You are going shopping with Malinda, Paul and I." I stood up kissed Brad on the cheek and followed officer Brady to the elevator.

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

I got in the elevator the moment it opened waving to Brad as the doors closed. Officer Brady walked me to my car and helped me climb in shutting the door behind me. I drove the twenty minute drive in peace. I can't wait to see what's waiting for me at home.

The drive didn't even take twenty minutes. That was only because I was speeding to my dorm. I jumped out of my car after I parked it locking it as I speed walked to the building. I ran into the already open elevator. It was empty wich was very strange. I repetadly pushed the number eight button until the elevator door closed. The elevator was going even faster than its normal speeditude, (if speeditude is a word), which was great to me. Finally the elevtor doors opened to floor eight. I walked slowly down the hall knowing that he was already inside waiting for me so he could yell at me.

When I reached the door, I was surprised to find it unlocked. Man, he must really be ready to talk to me. I opened the door to face my doom. The living room was empty. Ha he's not even here. My luck must have ran out because in all his sexiness, Damien walked out of the bedroom drying his hair with a towel. He only had on shorts. Man he was hot. His abs looked so solid. He had muscles. Not overly large like Brads muscles, but close to it. He caught me staring at his body and cleared his throat to get my attention.

"Oh. Umm... Hey Damien." I said trying to act like nothing happened.

You could so tell that he was mad by the way he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What the heck was that back at Pauls party? Making out with one of my team mates right infront of me. Whats wrong with you?"

"Me. I can't believe that your turning every thing on me. Weren't you the one who made out with Jessica right infront of me on my first day of school?" I started approaching him. Now our bodies were only a foot apart from each other.

"I guess we were both wrong in our actions. This isn't how fiancee's treat each other." He sounded considerate now.

"For the hundreth time I will not marry you. Nobody is going to force themselves on me. And if you think -"

I was to late By the time I knew what was happening I was too weak to stop it. Damien crushed his lips down to my with such a passionate force it was unbearable. I finally noticed how much my body wanted him how much my body craved him. Our lips were going perfectly in sync with each other. It was almost like we were both two halves of a whole. Realizing that I was falling into his trap I pulled away from him.

I ran into our bed room and into my closet grabbing my towel and running into the bathroom. I ran the bath water making sure that it was extra warm. I poured a lot of bubble bath in the tub. I wanted every part of the water covered in bubbles. I even turned on the bath jets. You could tell that I was stressed. I submerged myself in the warm bath water. You couldn't even see My body under the multiple layers of bubbles. I was almost completly relaxed whwn I heard a knock on the door. I already knew who it was so I might as well let him in.

"Come in" I said in a totally relaxed tone. I heard him try to open the locked bathroom door. He sighed and said.....

"Can you please unlock the door?" he sounded sad.

"Ok." I did not want to get up to unlock the door which was about two feet away from the tub, so I tried something Mr. Skinner taught me. I used my spiritual self to unlock the door. Damien walked in very quickly, and then shut the door. My eyes were closed because my spiritual self was right behind him. I decided to have fun with it so I slapped him on the back of his head then opened my eyes so that my spirit can return to my body. Damien turned around to see what had just hit him. He didn't see any thing so he just turned back to me with a confused expression. I chuckled when I saw his face. I had to muffle my laughter as a cough when he looked down at me.

"I'm sorry Ally. I didn't mean to kiss you it just kinda happened." I could tell that he was genuinly sorry so why not. I'll let him off the hook.

"I'ts fine. I didn't really stop you either so, I guess we are pretty even."

"What are you doing tomorrow?" He asked with his head down.

"Umm.. at eight o'clock in the morning, I have a tutoring session with the principle. At ten I'm going swimming. Then I'm meeting up with Malinda, Paul and Brad at one to go shopping at that one mall close to here."

"Oh ok." He sounded mad now. Probably about the part where Brad is coming with us.

"Um.. Damien?"

"Yes Ally."

"Can you get out please? The water is getting cold and I want to get out."

"Oh yeah sure." He said while he walked out of the bathroom. When he was out I sent my spirit to lock the door. I really didn't want to get out, but I already said that I would so, oh well. I had a feeling that this conversation wasn't over. Ha I knew that it was far from it. What ever he had in store for me was most likely not that bad. He wasn't an evil person he was considerably nice. I know that every one has a dark side. I have mine too. But I can't help wonder what Damien's is. I got out of the tub wrapping my towel around me. I started looking around for my pajamas, quickly realizing that I left them in my closet. Oh man Now I have to go out there wrapped up in only a towel. Lord help me now. I cracked the door open to see if Damien was in the room.

Thankfully there was no sign of him so I scurried to my closet as fast as I could. Right when I reached the bed, I saw Damien come out of his closet looking me up and down. He raised his left eyebrow, not knowing what to say he walked past me to the bathroom. I looked back to see if he was looking at me still. He wasn't so I continued on my way to my closet. Not wanting to be late to my tutoring appointment with the principle tomorrow, I planned what I was going to wear.

I picked out some shorts, and a tank to that says "Bite me". Omg I love this shirt for many obvious reasons. I decided to lay my bikini out for when I go swimming. I put on a sports bra and some shorts. Plain and simple. I walked out of the closet again finding Damien lying in bed reading a book. What is up with this dude and cliche's. I walked over to the bed sat down on my side. I checked the alarm clock to make sure that it was still set for eight in the morning. It was. Then I got under the covers to go to bed.

"Goodnight sweetheart." I heard Damien say.

I sat up and looked at him to see if he was trying to pull something. He had a smirk on his face at the sight of me sitting up to look at him. I lied back down and said "Whatever."

In my opinion that was nicer than what I said to him before. I'm a little frightened to see what he has planned for me tomorrow.

Chapter 14

  Chapter 14 I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. Damien must have woken up before me. I grabbed my clothes and headed into the bathroom. I got dressed in only twenty minutes. I put my pajamas into my closet then I went into the living room. I watched fifteen minutes of t.v. drinking some red punch called 'O positive'. It was really good. It must be like some generic form of punch though, because it said no human was harmed in the making of this drink. Like how weird is that. I had enough time left before I had to meet with the principle to watch more t.v.. I just realized something. Where the heck is Damien. I looked in his closet for him. He wasn't there. Well I've been everywhere else he could've been. He must have left early. Man, he is so weird. I walked over to my bed side table and grabbed my phone and purse. I had thirty minutes to get to the other side of school. So I think I would drive slow. I didn't want to take the elevator today so I walked down the stairs. I jogged over to my car, unlocking it as a pulled the door open. Then I looked down at the clock to see that I only had five extra minutes to get to the office. See that's what I get for taking the stairs. I sped to the principles office. I made it there right on time. Right on time to see Damien walk into the building. What is he doing here. OMG now I'm scared to see what he has planned. I walked in behind him to find Damien no where in sight. I must be seeing things. If it was Damien I would still see him in the hallway. I must be tired. Wait I can't be I got a full nights sleep last night. Just forget it. I continued my way into the principles office. My session went by like a breeze. I learned a few new 'tricks'. I asked the principle to take me out of beginners classes. I showed him what I could do. He agreed and kindly and bumped me up. The class order on my schedule did not change. The only thing that did was the room number. After my tutoring session I went to the pool. No one was in the pool when I arrived. I turned away from the pool for literally five seconds before I heard a big splash. I turned around to see who just jumped in. Of course. It was Damien. So that's what he wanted to pull today. Following me. Well he's got another thing coming. I dived into the pool and created an air bubble around my head so I wouldn't have to come up for awhile. Damien was going to be so freaked. I sat under the water for a long time. When I finally came back up for air, Damien was waiting for me with wide eyes. "You were under there for ten minutes." "Yeah, so." "Ummm, nevermind." I swam for another forty-five minutes. Then I went into the locker room to rinse off and get dressed. When I came out I looked down at my phone. I had exactly thirty minutes before I had to meet Malinda, Paul, and Brad. I sped back to my dorm. I took a quick shower and got dressed in a black halter top, white shorts, and black sandles. I added a layered white flower necklace. My hair was still a little damp so I pulled it up into a messy pony-tail. I grabbed a white purse and my phone and walked out the door. I took the elevator down to the fourth floor. I walked down the hall to Malinda's door. I knocked on the door and out walks Malinda on the second tap. You could tell that she was excited. We met up with the guys in the parking lot. We drove to the mall in Malinda's car. We were going to take my car but my car is only a two seater sooo. That would not have worked out. The ride to the mall was soo much fun. We made jokes, laughed and sang random songs together. You would've thought that we were drunk by the way we were acting. We pulled into the mall parking lot a drove around for like five minutes looking for a spot to park. We finally found one. It wasn't far from the door either. In fact we pulled next to a very familiar car. The I remembered who's car it was. Damien's. Ugh... If he doesn't stop following me I'm going to kick his butt. I put on a smiley face so that they couldn't see my annoyance. Malinda and I went into the swim suit store first with the guys coming up behind us. I turned around as we we entered the store to see Damien and Jessica following behind us. Not directly behind us, but close enough for us to see each other. Malinda and I went into the bikini section to look for swim suits. I found this black strapless bikini with a tiny bow on it. Malinda found a pink bikini decorated in blue flowers. We stepped out of the dressing rooms so we could see each other's bikini. We nodded in agreement then walked out of the ladies section to let the guys see. Damien was out there too. Apperently Jessica was trying one on. I had the satisfaction of seeing his eyes get wide as he took in more of my body. Ahh. Revenge is sweet. If he's going to follow me around. I'll tourture him. Next we went to Claire's. I found this cute bow necklace. It was shiny and black. After that we went to, Guess, Aeropostle, Ambercrombie & Fitch, Delia's, H&M, Next, and Hot topic. Malinda and I each had nine bags. I carried four of mine. Malinda Carried four of hers and The guys carried the other five including their three big bags each from the sports store, Aeropostle, and Ambercrombie & Fitch. We were all so tired by the time we were done shopping. We stopped at Mcdonald's on the way home. Malinda and I dropped the boys off at their dorms before heading back to our own. We collected our bags and went up to our dorms waving good night at each other when we reached her floor. I carried my bags down the hallway to my dorm. I unlocked it running to my closet to put every thing down. I was tired and all I wanted to do was to go to bed. Like now. I flopped down on the bed, falling asleep the second my head hit the bed. I didn't care if I didn't make it to my pillow. I was tired. I know that I wasn't sleep for long when Damien woke me up telling me to roll over. I did but not that much.

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 I woke up the next morning well rested and cold. Why was I cold I remembered getting under the cover. That's when I saw why. I opened my eyes to only see Damiens cute bare chest. Then Iooked up to see his sleeping face. OMG, I fell asleep in Damien's arms. I had to get up right now. I tried pushing away from him but he wouldn't budge. Oh no. I don't want to give him the wrong impression so I need to get up now. No matter how much I squirmed or pushe on him he wouldn't budge. So I took a more direct approach. I used my water elemental to draw water from the sink and let it hover over Damien. Then I made a ball of air around myself. The air ball was moving so fast that the water should bounce right off. I let out a big breath. "Well. Here goes nothing. I realeased my hold on the water wich woke Damien up. He jumped to his feet and I rolled over to make it look like I was asleep. "What the crap!" I heard Damien yell aloud. "Allyssa did you do this?" "Shut up and go back to sleep." Rolling over. Damien said nothing more. Why didn't he make a whitty comeback. I opened my eyes to see him staring wide-eyed at me. Dang it, I forgot to drop the air ball. So... I played it off. "What is this? Did you do this? Get me out of here!. I'm scared. AHHHHH!!" I shreiked and fake cried until heat over came me. He was trying to stop the bubbble with fire good luck. I dropped the ball, it was getting hot in there. Now he thought that he did that. Gulluble. Oh well. He stared at his hands for a second. He must have thought that he was now super powerful. LOL "Allyssa are you okay? I don't know who did that but I'll find out." He said that sounding like he really cared. I must be loosing it. This Jock/jerk doesn't love anything except his precious football and his stupid jersey. If I could have my way I would burn both of them infront of his face. He pulled me back into reality by snapping his fingers in my face. "Allyssa. Allyssa. " I looked up at him." Oh thank God. Are you okay. You're probaly in shock. I'll go get you something to drink. He walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I could hear him opening up the refridgerator then closing it. I heard a faint click before I could see him walking back into the room. "Here drink this." He said handing my a pop can. The can read 'Number one Hemoshake in the world'. What is a hemoshake. I didn't care what it was at this point I was thirsty. I drunk the shake. It was very good. It had this distinct taste. I didn't know what it was but I do know that it was good. I put the drink that was in my hands onto my lap with my hands still wrapped around it. "Damien. What is this? This drink is sooo good." "Allyssa you never hade a hemoshake before?" I shook my head looking down at my can. Where my mouth was on the can was stained in blood . "OMG!! I'm bleeding!." "Where? Where?" I heard Damien ask me while I checked my mouth for blood. "In my mouth. See look at the brim of the can." He took the can from my hand and looked at the blood. He let out a low chuckle. Did he think that this was funny? It wasn't,not one bit. "Allyssa you're not bleeding." "Then explain the blood on my can to me." "Allyssa thats what hemoshakes are. Hemo- human blood. It's a blood shake. We vampires love to drink them they keep us alive. I was suprised to hear that you've never drank one before. Did you like to do it the old fashion way?" "No. I've never had blood before." He stared at me with wide eyes. "How is it that you are alive?" "I'm not a full blood vampire. I'm half vampire half something else that I can't tell you about." " Sure you can we are en-." "Don't say engaged" I said cutting him off. "Well we are. Any way don't change the subject. What's your other half?" I bit my lip mom told me not to tell any one about my little gift if want to call it a gift. I was stuck I could lie but that wouldn't work out. So I did what I do best. Run. I back flipped off of the bed sending a gust of wind into Damiens face. I grabbed the water bottle off my night stand and opened it throwing the water into the air. Right before Damien's eyes I froze the water and changed them into giant spearlike poles. I set them up around Damien. Pointy side up. He Stared at me in amazement. I made a lrock wall come up from the floor. The rock wall surrounded the ice spears. While all of this was going on I put many rings of fire around the rock wall making a cage of fire. Then I sent an air tornado to go into the center of the cage where Damien was. It jostled him a little bit. "Don't follow me I'll come back later mabeye. Plus. Never mess with someone who's more powerful than you." I ran into my closet I quickly changed my ouftit into a diffrent pair of shorts and a diffrent shirt. I also changed my underwear and bra. I ran out of te closet and into the living room grabbing my purse and phone on the way. I opened the door to my dorm I stood in the door way turning back to the bedroom. I blew away the fire with a gust of wind. I dropped the brick wall. I melted the water and had it come back to me while I kept it into a big water ball floating above my hand. I stopped the wind tornado. Damien looked pissed. But most of all he looked hurt. I kept secrets from him and imprisoned him in elemental cages. "Hey Damien." He looked up at me. "What?" he said coldly. "Catch." I said changing the water blob into a football shape. I hurttled it at him speeding up and hardening the impact with air. He Looked back up at me now drenched in water. "Oops. Did I do that?" With that I left. I ran to the elevator closing the door behind me. I rode down the elevator to the building lobby. From the lobby I ran to my car. I had to get out of here. And I knew exactly where to go. I'm going home. I'm going to go visit my parents, my old friends, and my old boyfriend who I will never be able to see again Nick.

Chapter 16

      Chapter 16 Nick, the love of my life. Now you see why I couldn't marry Damien. My heart belonged to someone else. You can't just change something like that. I missed Nick and he was probaly pissed that I just left with out a warning. I emailed him every day since I left. I loved Nick. Sadly I can't be with him. No matter how much I love him. I hate this arranged marriage. Don't worry I know that you probaly think that I had sex with him. But I didn't. I was taught from a very early age to not have sex before marriage. That was wise advise. I stopped off at my friend Monique's house we hung out for about two hours. Then I went to go and see my other friend Natalie. We hung out for an hour and half. It would have been longer but she had to go to soccer practice. The last one of my friends I decided to go see was Nick. I had to just give him a clean break. I'll have to be strong. Show no weakness. I walked up to Nick's house trying to plan out my conversation with him. It had to be a sweet and easy break. "Hahaha. Nick you are sooo funny!" I heard a female's voice say. I looked inside Nick's front livingroom window. Ugh, he was with Rebecca Smith. I hated that chick with a passion. If we were to cross paths I would put super glue and feathers in her's. Then I saw it. The worst thing my eye's could see. Nick kissed Rebecca. How could he do that to me. Tear's started pouring from my face as I watched this monstrosity. As I was crying, Nick was finally ending the kiss. He looked out the window that I was standing in. He saw my crying face. And got up. I saw him mouth a curse word as he came to the door. I ran back to my car. I climbed in at the same time that he was running out of his front door. "Allyssa it's not what it looks like." I hear him yelling as I was pulling out of the drive way. I didn't want him to chase me so I cause a tiny rock to trip him. It made me smile a faint smile seeing him plumiting to the ground. I mean I know I kissed Brad, but that wasn't real. The kiss I just saw was. I drove home. No not the academy but my actual house. I parked my car in the enormous drive way. I ran to the door unlocking it as I ran inside up to my room. I heard my shocked parents yel out,"Allyssa? Is every thing all right?" They wouldn't understand. They have each other and always will. I have no one. I'm alone. I jumped on to my bed which thankfully still had the sheets and blankets on it. I cried my self to sleep that nigte not even bothering to pay attention to my parents who were trying to calm me down. I didn't want to calm down. I wanted stay in my bed forever. I woke up the next morning with puffy red eye's that hurt from crying so long. I didn't want to get out of bed but my my stomach had other idea's. I haven't eaten anything since that hemoshake. Ugh I'm so hungry. I climbed out of bed. I walked sluggishly down to kitchen. My parent's sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast when I walked in. "Hi sweety." my mother said. Are you okay?" "No" I said coldly. "What happened?" my father asked. "I went to go visit Nick yesturday. But when I got there He was with The bimbo blonde Rebecca. I saw them kiss and started to cry. That's when Nick sawsaw me outside his window. He tried to explain but I saw what I saw so I drove off with tears in my eye's. I never want to see him ever again." I said without hesitation. "I'm so sorry sweety." my mother said trying to comfort me. "We called in sick for you at school promising that you would be there tomorrow." my fther said right after my father was done talking. "Thanks daddy. Thanks mommy. You guys are the best." I said in a five year old sounding voice. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat down at the dining table. "So how's it going with Mr. Knight?" my father said breaking the silence. "Who?" I didn't know who my dad was talking about. "Damien." He said with one eyebrow up. "Oh um-" I was cut off by a familiar voice. "It's going great." I know that voice, but with all of the hope I had leftI I hoped that it wasn't him. I turned around in my chair to see, none other than, Damien standing in the doorway. "Hey Damien. What are you doing here?" I let a little acid leak into my voice. "My father told me to come and check on you. When he found out tha you were sick he called me at once. Are you okay?" He said with a fake innocent smile. "Peachy. I wasn't feeling well earlier but I'm fine now." "That's good. How are you Mr. and Mrs. Bay?." Damien said turning to my parents. "We're fine Damien." My father answered. I can't believe that my parents were buying this load of crap. Ugh well I'm not falling for it. Before any body could say anything else in walks Bertha with a disturbing message. " "Umm. Excuse me. Miss Allyssa. Nick is here to see you." She had to be kiding me. But sadly she wasn't. After she said that in walks Nick. "Umm. Hi Ally." He said waving timidly at me. I felt the tears building back up. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't contain them. It happened,The tears started to over flow from my eyes. I got up from my chair running up to my room. I pushed past Damien, Bertha and Nick on the way. I ran faster now pushing myslf up the stairs and down the hall to my room. I slammmed it shut locking it before running to my bed. I collapsed on the bed face down so my pillow could absorb my tears. I heard every one pounding on my door trying to get me to open up. I just didn't want to. Then out of nowher I felt a hand rubbing circles on my bag. "I'm guessing he's what made you sick." I looked up to see Damien's face staring at me. He looked sincere, which was odd. I nodded to answer his question. Wait the door was locked how did he get in here, and why didn't I hear knocking. "How did you get in here?" I asked wiping away some of my tears. "You left your window open. That's a bad idea considering you have vines outside your window and we kicked Nick out." He said with a barely audible chuckle. "You did?" I said sitting up so that I could fully see his face. "Yes." He said looking down at his hands. "Thankyou." I said smiling at him. "No problem." He said still looking at his hands. "Is their something that you would like to talk about?" I asked him. "Why didn't you tell me that you possesed all of the elements? Why didn't you tell me that you had a boyfriend? Why do you hate me?" Wow, talk about whiney. "I'm sorry. I was told not to tell about the elemental thing. I didn't tell you about Nick because I was going to dump him, and I don't hate you. I don't really like you either. But I don't hate you. See there's an upside." I said with my voice getting higher at the end. We sat there for a moment staring into each others eyes. I stared into his beautiful blue ocean eyes while he stared into my topaz, blue and grey trimmed eyes. My eyes were always weird. Now I know why. The colors go for the elements. Before I knew it our faces were getting closer together. Why was this? Our lips finally connected with each other. His ice cold lips felt like silk on mine. The kiss was slow but building. Actualy it was building very fast. Soon enough Damien's hands held my waist, and my hands were in his hair. We were now in a full blown make out session. Trust me it wouldn't go any farther than this. Our kissing was inerupted by a knock on my door. "Allyssa are you okay?" I heard my mother's voice say. We finally broke the kiss. I was gasping for air when Damien and I were finished. He got up and unlocked the door. My mother and father walked in together hand in hand. "Hi sweety. How are you doing?" my mother asked. "I'm fine mom. Damien cheered me up." I said thinking back to what just happened. And boy did something happen. "That's good sweety. Your father and I thought that you and Damien might like to spend a day out in the town." She said with a misteveous smile. Eww never dispite what just happened I still hate his guts. That jock/jerk I oughta kick his - "We'd love too." Wait what. "Yes we would mom thanks." I said turning to Damien looking utterly confused. "Okay honey. You still have some clothes in your closet to wear so get dressed and your car will be waiting down stairs." She said with a smirk. I have a feeling that she knows what just happened.

Chapter 17

  Chapter 17 I climbed off of my bed walking to my closet. It was still pretty warm so I got out my shirt that says 'Serenity' with a picture of two girls. One of the girls is wearing all red and has fire in her eyes. The other girl is wearing all blue. She has blue streaks in her hair that falls down into water. I've heard their music its kicking. I got out a pair of shorts and black flip flops to go with the shirt. Then I remembered that I was going out with Damien. Tourture time. I put back my shirt and grabbed an all black tube top. It had a pink metallic flower on the front. I grabbed all of my things and went into the bathroom. I took a quick shower. I wanted to get out of this house. I washed my hair while I was in the shower. I hope out the shower with the towel wraped around me. I blow dried my hair with the tempuature on high. After my hair was all dry, I straigtened it with my back up flat irons. I dropped the towel to the floor and slid on my strapless bra and some pink panties. I slipped on my tube top and shorts applying lotion to my legs after the shorts were on. I took a scrunchie out of my drawer and pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail. I took one last look at myself in the mirror before looking up at the bathroom clock. I was in the bathroom for an hour. Ugh, I shoundn't have straightened it. Dang it. Now he probaly thinks that I'm self centered. Wait, what do I care? It's not like I like him. I walked out of the bathroom with the steam of my super hot shower coming up behind me. I had the satisfaction, again, of seeing Damien's eyes pop as he took me in. His breathing became very rugged. I was starting to get nervous. It felt like he was about to do something. I walked over to him and snapped my fingers infront of his face. He bliked vigorusly before standing up. "Ready to go?" He asked a little embarrassed. If he wanted to, He would've totally blushed. "Yeah let me just grab my purse." I said walking over to my dresser and grabbing my purse. "Ready to go." I said walking out of my door and down the stairs to the front room. I could already tell that this day was going to be weird.

Chapter 18

 Chapter 18 We talked for most of the car ride. We decided to go to the beach. It would be a breath of fresh air for the both of us. The beach wasn't that crowded. We found a spot to put our things before taking a walk on the beach. Damien was the first one to break the silence. "Allyssa. Can I ask you a question?" He said while staring at his feet. "Okay." I said in a very emotionless tone. I wonder what he would want to ask me. "Why do you hate me so much? Like, besides the two times we kissed. Have I done something wrong?" "No , I don't hate you I just hate this. I don't want to be forced to marry someone who I barley know. I mean, yeah the crystal ball thingy said that we were soul mates, but mabeye I don't want to be. I like to be free. Not to be forced to marry someone. I don't even like it when people tell me what to wear. Infact I hate the school uniform." He chuckled at this. "I understand that. But would it hurt you to try. Allyssa, I like you and I'm willing to make it work." "Oh yeah, you totaly want to make it work when I see you in the hall way making out with Jessica McStupid, on my first day of school. That sooo gives me the 'let's make it work' impression." I said roling my eyes. "Me. Little miss make out with Brad Smidiot. And miss I have a boyfriend back home, who I keep a secret. Don't try and turn this all on me." The Nick thing struck a nerve. I turned around and started walking back to my car I can't believe he brought that up. I grabbed my bag as I passed the spot where we layed our things. I slipped my flip-flops back on and stomped my way to my car. I climbed inside locking the door. Damien better hurry up before I leave him. I'm ticked right now. How could he bring something so horrible up. That's not even right. I hope that he falls into the ocean. I never want to speak to him again. He's right. I do hate him. Damien climbed in the car apoligizing about how he took it to far. It's to late for that now. He said what he said. Just like I said before he thinks that he can go around putting up a front. Well not with me. After Damien finally shut up the car was quiet. I wanted so badly to leave him on the side of the road. But I'm going to be the bigger person. For now at least. We pulled up to my parking spot at school. I climbed out of my car locking it as I climbed out. I was set on getting Damien back. I don't know how or when I just know that I'm going to get him back. Ugh, I'm so mad. I'm going for a swim. Swimming always calms me down. Plus I wouldn't want a repeat of yesturday morning now would I. I walked straight up into our room not stopping or hesitating until I reached my closet. I took out my new bikini and put it on. I put my oufit that I just had on back on. I didn't want Damien knowing where I was going. I walked out of my closet walking directly to the front door. "Where are you going?" Damien asked as I opened the door to our dorm. I turned around and gave him the finger. I really don't have time to deal with this right now. I closed the door to the dorm while watching Damiens face turn bright ivory. Yeah he was mad. It was kind of funny that He can't blush. So when he gets mad he just goes one shade lighter from chalk white. I sped to the pool not even paying attention to the stop signs. I was pissed how dare he tell me about nick knowing that it upset me. He took it too far and he knows it. I mean yeah I knda played the low card with the whole thing about the first day but still. I walked into the pool room where I here the song "Hips Don't Lie" by Shakira. This song always calms me down along with a good swim. I layed my towel and my clothes down on one of the chairs that lined the pool. I dived in the pool after I stripped down to my bikini and dived into the pool. I lifted the wter from the pool and swam in the water that was hovering over the pool. I put the water back and walked over to the high dive. I put my arms above my head getting ready when the last voice I wanted to hear right now spoke. "Allyssa please don't be mad I'm sorry." I turned to see Damien standing t the bottom of the ladder to the high dive. "Go away" was the last thing I said before diving in. I made a air bubble around my head so that I can breath under water. I'm not coming up until he leaves. I couln't understand what he was saying. It sounded like a symphony of blubs and glubs. Haha he soo dumb. I looked upto see him stripping down to his boxers. He was gonna come in. Well let's make this interesting. The minute he hit the water I froze it he was stuck. LOL. This is classic. I heated the water around me so I could escape. I swam to the top to look at a frozen Damien. "Ha! You look cold. Good luck getting out." I threw on my towel with my stuff in my hands and ran into the girls locker room. this school has cameras everywhere. There is no way he's getting in here. I went over to my locker and threw my stuff in so I could go take a shower. I ran to the shower and turned the hot water up high. It felt good on my skin. I started to sing. I know what you're thinking. 'You sing?' Yeah It's very relaxing. Suddenly the water got piping hot, so I tried to turn it off. Bad idea. The nossel was hot. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me. Only one person would do something like this. Damien. That little....... How did he even get in here. I slowly walked out of the shower room to my locker. This boy better stop playing I don't have time for this. Suddenly someone grabbed my waist and pulled me back against a locker. "Cute Allyssa. Freezing water. Did you forget? I posses fire I can just melt the ice." He stared at me with red eyes instead of his usual blue ones. "Oh yeah. Next time I'll trap you under a rock sculpture 'kay." I let sarcasm leak into my voice. "Look, I'm trying to make this work but it takes two people to make a relationship work. My end is trying your end isn't." He said in a tone that was almost believeable. "Mabeye I don't want it to work. Have you ever thought that 'hey mabeye not every girl likes me'? I know that answer. NO. You think that every girl should just swoon over you. Get real. Think of me as your reality check. Lord knows you need one. Now, get out so that I can get dressed perv!" His eyes went back to their normal shade of blue. Damien looked hurt. Mabeye I shouldn't have said it like that. Wait what does it matter it's not like he loves me. Right?

Chapter 19

Chapter 19  Damien left the locker room staring down at his feet. He really looked hurt. But I'm not one of his little friends who run after him just because I hurt his delicate little feelings. He'll get over it. I hurridly got dressed into my clothes wanting to get out of this locker room. As I was pulling on my pants my phone went off. I answered it with out looking at the screen. "Hello?" "Hi, Allyssa it's Malinda." Malinda's voice was squeaky which ment she was excited. "Hey Malinda, what's up?" "I was calling to ask you if you wanted to go dress shopping?" Dress shopping. Paul's probaly having another party. "Um... sure. Why do we need to go dress shopping?" I asked sounding dumbfounded. "You seriously don't know? It's our junior prom on friday and today is monday we have to find you a dress since your nominated for queen." "What!? Who nominated me for Queen.!?" "I don't know but Jessica is furious that you are running against her." "Ha, that little blonde bimbo She doesn't even know who to be mad at. It's not like I nominated myself. Any way. Sure I'll meet you in the parking lot in ten minutes. Let me call Brad to see if he has a date." "Okay. See you in a few. Bye." Malinda said with exciment so high I felt it oozing out of my phone. "Bye Malinda." I said with a chuckle before hanging up. I texted Brad after hanging up with Malinda. 'Hey Brad, can I ask you something? :-)' 'Sure shoot $' 'Will you be my date to Junior Prom? :-?' 'Yes I've been wanting to ask you but I kept getting nervous.' 'Cool! I'm going shopping w/ Malinda in ten Minutes for a dress. I'll text you what color after I get one.:-)' 'Okay text u l8r :-)' By the time I was finished texting Brad I was Already in my car driving to my dorm building. I can't wait this is going to be one interesting Prom. The minute that I pulled into the parking lot of my dorm building, I saw Malinda skipping her way out to my car. She looked like a pixie in her little black skirt and pink graphic tee that said 'Hi Haters'. I didn't really have to put the car in park before she climbed in. I just pulled up to the curb and she jumped in. "Okay, I already started looking at colors that would go well with your skin tone." Malinda said while buckling her seat belt." The Prom will be held at Le Vamp Ires. It's a hotel near the fancy resturaunt we thought about eating at that one time." "Cool do you know the theme of the Prom this year?" I asked Malida hoping that it would be good. "Yeah. The theme this year is Waterfall. Like the water element. The ballroom will be decorated in diffrent shades of blue, so you can't get a blue dress you''ll just blend in." She said letting out a slight chuckle. " Okay haha. Don't you posses the element of water. So the jokes on you." I said with a smirk. "Okay you got me." We finally pulled into the parking lot of the dress store. It's called Stardust. They sell dresses in every style and color. It's pretty cool. I found a parking spot five spaces away from the door. Judging by how packed the parking lot was, with very familiar cars, tells me that alot of the girls from our school are in there trying on fifty dresses to find 'the perfect one'. I just wanted a dress that I liked and that fit me. Malinda and I walked into the store at the same time wide eyed. The store was full of girls from our school. About thirty of them at least. "Ugh this is going to take forever." I whined to Malinda. "No it won't. We just to find an armful of dresses and a dressing room." She said trying to find a bright side. So off we went to go find dresses. When we met back up again, about twenty minutes later, we each had fifteen dresses in our arms. We decided to take the handicap dressing room for two reasons. One there were no handicapped people here. Two, we needed space to try on and show each other our dresses. The first dress that I tried on was red. It stopped right above my knee. I liked it so I put it in my yes pile. I tried on all of my dresses and ended up with five dresses in my yes pile. Besides the red one there was a purple one that was floor length. It was strapless and made out of silk. The next one was teal and had a black lace covering over it with glittery flowers on the bottom. The other dress that I really liked was this gold one. It had thin spagetti straps and had about five layers on the bottom part. It hugged my curves very nicely. I loved it. The final dress was pink. A soft pink color really. It went down to the floor and the back was out on the dress. . It had four layers on this one. I bet your wondering which one I picked. Well I picked the one that would make Damien jealous. The red one of course. It hugged my curves very tightly. The very top of it was increasted with red rubies.It made my legs look even longer than they already were. Malinda went with the pink dress that I tried on but in a shorter version of it. It didn't quite drape on the floor but stopped at her toes instead. We paid for our dresses after waiting in that long line of torture. We then walked right down the street to the jewlery store to buy necklaces, earings, bracelets, and rings. All my jewlery that I bought were ruby and diamond increasted. All of the jewlery that Malinda bought were sapphire and pink quartz increasted. We walked back to my car happy with our choices. "I love the way that my necklace drapes over my chest!" Malinda said squealing at the top of her lungs. "I like mine too. I can't wait for the Prom. This is going to be epic!" I sped home ready to put my new dress and jewlery in my closet. I dropped Malinda off on her floor and rode the elevator to the top floor. I walked down the hallway very slowly not wanting to have to talk to Damien yet. I didn't even walk all the way down the hallway before I heard shouting.

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

"Damien why don't you want to go to Prom!!" I recognize that voice anywhere. Jessica. "Babe, I told you I just don't want to go!" I herd Damien yell back. "It's junior Prom you have to go! I already bought my dress!" "Okay.... fine. I'll go to Prom with you. What color is your dress?" "It's gold and black." I heard Jessica say while clapping her hands. I heard her picking up her her purse and kissing damien with a faint "Bye". Oh crap I can't let Jessica see me out here. She'll know that somethings up and tell the whole entire school. I had to think fast. I used my earth powers to to plant a tree and put stones around it to make it look like it was potted here a while ago. I stood behind the leaves, happy that I made the leaves very thick. So she couldn't see through it. I peered trough the braches and leaves of the tree to see Jessica coming out of the door. She stared at the tree that I just made and turned back to Damien. "Hey baby, when did you get a tree out here?" "Uhh," Damien said walking out to look at the tree. " Oh the cleaning crew said that they were going to put one out here. They must have done it while you were in here." He said with a dumbfounded look. "Okay, bye babe." Jessica said while pecking Damien on the cheek. Jessica walked down the hallway and disappered behind the elevator doors. She lives one floor above Malinda so she probaly used to come here alot. "Allyssa come from behind the tree. I know you put it there." I steped from behind the tree and walked passed Damien and into the bedroom and into my closet. I walked back into the living room. I sat down on the couch and and turned on the T.V. DAmien stepped in my line of sight. He wouldn't move and was starting to get on my nerves. "We need to talk." He said in a monotone voice.

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

"What do you want now?" I asked Damien glaring at him. "I just wanted to know if you were going to Prom with any one?" He said while staring at the floor. "Why do you care? You have a date already." I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I need a water bottle. Damien came up behind me and grabbed me by the waist. He wrapped his arms around my waist so tightly that I couldn't move. I tried to get free but I couldn't. "Just answer the question." He whispered in my ear seductively. It made me shiver. "Yes, I have a date to the Prom. It's Brad." His grip tightened and he got hotter. Not like in appearence but phisicaly. He felt like he had a fever. I turned around to stare into his eyes. The were dark as night. He was kinda starting to scare me. "And tell me why are you going with him?" "Because I needed a date, and he's pretty cool." "Answer me this last question. What color is your dress?" "Silky red." "Okay" He said as his eyes turned back to normal. Talk about weird. Damien released me from his hold and went into the bedroom. He came back out with his motorcycle jacket, car keys, and phone which he had pressed to his ear. "Hey Paul. Call Brad and the guys and tell them to meet me at our spot in twenty minutes. You get your butt there too." Then he paused waiting for an answer. "Yeah I'm stressed. And cool I'll meet y'all there. Dueces." The he closed his phone and disappeared out of the dorm. Right after he left I got a text from the school saying 'No school due to water damage'. Well then I know what I'm going to do. There's this club called 'Big Baby'. It's a club for teens ages sixteen through twenty-two. Every one says that it is a totally cool club. So I have to go. I called Malinda to see if she wanted to go. "Hey Mal. You wanna go to the 'Big Baby'?" "Totally! I'll meet you in the loby in twenty minutes. I'll call Beth, Erica, and Stacy to see if they want to come." Beth Erica and Stacy are my other friends. They're pretty cool. After I hung up the phone, I ran to my closet to find something to wear. I decided to wear my purple halter dress. It was kinda short which was perfect for clubbing. I added my black half leather jacket to my oufit. I also picked out my black stiletoes that have like six inch heels. I went into the bathroom and plugged in my hot curlers. While it was heating up I slipped on my dress. I walked back into the bathroom and curled my hair. When I was done I looked at myself in the full length mirror. I looked perfect. I walked out of the bathroom and over to my nightstand. I picked up my phone and called the limo service demanding one for tonight. They quickly agreed when I said my parents names. I hung up the phone throwing it into my black 'Coach' purse. I slid on my black heels and walked to the door I put my wallet inside my purse along with my make-up. I still had on my make-up from earlier. I looked hot. I am going to have so much fun.

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

I met all of my friends in the lobby of our building. We hugged and chatted a bit until the limo came. " You ready to do this?" Erica asked. "Heck yea!" Yelled Stacy. Stacy is the crazy one of the group. Erica is the geeky chic one. Beth is the sporty one. Malinda is the very bubbly one. And I'm the fashionista. We all walked out to the limo quickly piling in ready to get to the 'Big Baby'. The limo was sleek black on the outside. The interior of it was sooo raw. It lookes like a club in the limo. the seats were red. There was a flat screen T.V. in here, a minifridge. There was even a diso Ball. It was so sick. It only took us thirty minutes to get to the club. When we pulled up I saw an all to familiar sports car. To be precise it was Damien's car. He was climbing out and giving the valet the keys as we pulled up. As they started walking up the red carpet one of his friends saw our limo and alerted the whole entire group of boys. They were still on the carpet when our driver pulled up and opened the door. Beth was the first one out followed by Erica, Stacy, and Malinda whose face lit up when she saw Paul. As I was getting ready to get out I told the driver to stay close by, but go relax and we'll call later. Then last but not least I climbed out. Damien was the first one who I saw as I climbed out. Then I noticed that most of the guys were staring at me. Then Brad walked up to me and gave me a hug. "Hey what are you doing here?" Brad said. "I came to have some fun with my friends. Duh!" "Okay. But I want the first dance!" He said as his face lit up. Brad grabbed my hand and led me into the club with his friends the girls and Damien following behind us. The club let us all in staming our left hands as we passed. I walked over to the bar and ordered us all Virgin Bloody Mary's. They bar tender told me that our drinks would be sent over to the V.I.P. section in just a moment. Brad ushered me over to the V.I.P section having to go through the huge crowd of people. When we got there I sat down and Brad sat down next to me. He put his arm around my waist. So I stood up and sat down on his lap. Then I remembered that Damien was with us. I turned aroud for a quick second to see him staring back at me with the death glare. I brushed him off and started talking to Brad. We talked about prom. I told him all about my dress. He actually was excited to see it. Our drinks were there in record time. I chugged down my drink in a few minutes. Then Brad and I stood up and worked our way to the dance floor. We started dancing. Not the cleanest dancing. But still dancing all the same. I was really enjoying myself. I continued to get death glares from Damien but I could care less. He could be a sour puss all he wanted. He eventually gave up the staring contest and found a girl to dance with. Ironicly she had long hair linke me. And a purple dress like mine, and black heels on. Wow, he would pick a girl who looked similar to me. Talk about sad. I don't know whats up with him. Like why does he care all of a sudden about my love life. It's not like he loves me. Anyway eventually I got tired and had to sit down. I checked my phone which I hadn't really used all day. I had seventeen missed calls and twelve text. All of them were from Nick. Ugh, I really don't feel like talking to that douche bag of an ex boyfriend. Then the waiter who brought out our drinks thhe first time walked up to me. "Hi mam. Would you like another Bloody Marry?" He said trying to talk over the music. "Yeah, and more for my friend too please." I said equally loud. It took about ten minutes before our drinks go here.But when they did we chugged them down like it was nobody's buissness. Then after four drinks it dawned on me. We were all acting crazy drinking like it was nothing and Damien calmed down. The waiter gave us Bloody Marry's, not VIRGIN Bloody Marry's. Oh crap. It's a good thing that we girls didn't drive. After another loopy hour of dancing and laughing. We finally went home. The driver, who was still sober had to help us in and out of the car. Malinda and I laughed our way into our building and up to her floor. I yelled goodbye to her as the elevator doors closed on its way up to our floor. I wasn't that drunk so I wasn't like flopping all over the place. So I went into my room and laid all my stuff down on the floor next to my bed. Then I heard a loud slam of the front door. Then in walks a very drunk Damien stumbling into our room.The way he was walking made him look like a noodle. "We need to talk." He slurred.

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

"Damien don't. Your drunk. Just go to bed." "No,shut up Allyssa! Now you listen up. I don't know why you hate me. I did nothing to you. No, I don't think that the world revolves around me. I'm a nice guy. I really want you to like me. I've never been not liked before. Everyone likes me. You might think that I don't like you but I do. I like you alot. That's why I don't want you to go to prom with Brad. He's a jerk and a player. He doesn't deserve you." He continued to slur. Then Damien ran into the bathroom to vomit. Eww. Then he came back in and laid down on his side of the bed still fully dressed. "Damien. Brad is sweet. You're not that nice of a guy. You're a player and a jerk too. And finally, you don't deserve me either." I said slowly and in one monotone. He turned over to stare at me red eyed. He was mad. This outta be interesting. "You don't get it do you! I don't want to go to prom with Jessica I want to go with you! Brad is more of a player and jerk than I'll ever be! You know, he's in a pool with the football team that says you guys are going to hook-up at prom?! Allyssa you don't get it! I LOVE YOU ALLYSSA BAY BLAIZE! WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME??!! WHY?" He broke down into tears. H rolled off the bed and fell to the floor while he was still sobbing. I felt a pain in my chest. He actually loves me. All this time I thought that he didn't love me and he did. Sadly that doesn't chamge anything. People say alot of things that they don't mean when they are drunk. I climbed down from the bed took a shower and put on my favorite sweat shirt and some short shorts. I climbed into bed. I looked over to where Damien fell off the bed. He was still lying on the floor. I turned over and fell asleep. Today was a long day. We went to the beach. Icried over nick. Damien kissed me. We went to the club. We argued. Damien confessed to liking me. Wow, very eventful day. The next morning I woke up well rested. Well, actually it was noon. Damien was still passed out on the floor. I got up and got dressed and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on a tank top that said ' I'm not paranoid. But stop staring at me.' I put on some jean shorts and some rainbow flip-flops. I pulled my hair back into a messy ponytail and walked into the kitchen grabbing my purse on the way out of the room. I grabbed a hemo shake out of the fridge and set it on the counter. My phone went off in a fit of vibrations. I looked at my phone to see that I got a text from Malinda. 'Pauls hammered and doesn't want to come to the bookstore with me and Stacy. Wanna come? :-P.' I text back after reading the message. ' Suree I'll come. Meet you in the parking lot in a few. :-)' I shake and wrote a note for Damien telling him to take a Tylenol when he wakes up. I also told him where I was going and what he told me last night. He better read this before I get home. He's gonna wanna talk his way out of this one. I grabbed my keys and headed for the door when I heard a little moan. "Allyssa. I that you?" Damien grunted from the bed room floor. I just slipped out the room before having to talk to him. Just to have a little fun I slammmed the door. I heard a loud groan before walking down the hall to the elevator. I walked out of the building of my dorm to feel a little nip in the air. It was still a little early so that's probaly why it was so cold. I saw Malinda and Stacey waiting for me over in Stacy's Ford Impala. It was the newer version. The 2011 one I think. I climbed into the back seat as Stacy pulled out of the parking lot. We sung along to the radio and talked about junior Prom. "So Stacy what color is your prom dress?" sked Malinda. "My dress is like a tealish blue color. It stops at my knee's and is strapless. It has a white ribbon going round the waist with pretty jewels in the front. I love it!" She squealed. "OOlala! Who's taking you to Prom?" I asked Stacy. "Josh from the football team. He's so Dreamy." We all giggled at that last comment. Only Stacey would say something like that. I had fun hanging out with them at the bookstore. Malinda bought three mystery books and one romance novel. Stacy bought the whole entire hard-backed Twilight Saga and a cook book. Ugh the Twilight Saga is a terrible portray of us vamps. I don't know what possesed her to buy it. I bought a fashion book, two romance novels and a book about the art of male torture. Literaly the cover said 'How to torture the Male Species'. I think Damien will....hate this book. Good then I'll get my money's worth. We stopped at a local diner for something to eat. We all ended up geting pancakes and sausage. It was really good. The pancakes were so soft and fluffy. They were to die for. Stacy still had to write her civil rights paper so we ended up going home earlier than planned. Which was fine with me. The laundry service already came yesturday and did my laundry. so that should be waiting for me in my hallway when I get home. We pulled up into our parking lot said our good bye's and went our seperate ways. I rode up the elevator to my floor only stopping to drop Malinda off on her floor. My laundry was waiting for me out in front of the door. I picked up the basket full of clothes and opened the door to my room I was greeted by a very handsom man. He had to be about six foot two. He had long black hair. He had a golded skin that was radiant. He had eyes as hazel as honey. I walked past him into my room and set the basket of clothes on my side of the bed. Damien was walking out of the bathroom as I was setting the basket down. "Oh, good your home. I have someone who I would like you to meet." He said with a smirk. I followed him out of the room and into the livingroom. His friend turned to me and smiled. "Allyssa this is Derrick. "He said turning to me. "Derrick here can change the way a person feels about anything. It only last for one hour when he's not in the room." "Yes, and Damien here tells me that you two are having some problems. I'm here to change that." I stopped to glare at Damien then I turned to look at Derrick. I looked into his eyes and I couldn't look away. He was holding my gaze. "Ally how do you feel about Damien. Do you hate him or love him." That's an easy question. "That's easy I him. I absolutly possitivley love him!" Wait what did I just say? "Thanks man."Damien said while fist bumping Derrick.With out thinking I went over to Damien and wrapped my arms around his waist. All I could think about was how much I loved Damien. That feeling took over. "Well Derrick. It was nice to meet you, but if you don't mind I'd like to spend time with my fiancce in private." I said while kissing him on the cheek. "You're a miracle worker. You heard her. I'll see you later." Damien walked Derrick out of the room while setting an alarm on his phone for fifty-five minutes. He walked back over to me snaking his arms around my waist. "So what would you like to do beautiful?" He said kissing my forehead. "Let's watch a movie." I said smiling up at him.He led me over to the couch and turned on a movie. Out of the billion of movies out there he picks "The Princess and The Frog'. But I didn't care. I snuggled up to his side and and kissed him. He kissed me back. Well let's just say that one thing led to another and We ended up making-out. This had to go on for about forty-five minutes before he broke the kiss and we started watching the movie again with me on his lap. This went on for another fifteen minutes before that warm fuzzy feeling was replaced with anger and fustration. Then it all came back to me. I stood up from Damien's lap and glared at him. "Hey babe. What's wrong?" He said with his hands up as though he means no harm. I slapped him with a firey hand. "YOU CANIVING DOUCHE BAG!!!!!!" I yelled at him.

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

" I can't believe you. Were you that desperate for a date. You just had to have me no matter what. You took it too far. I'm so mad I can't even see straight!" I continued to yell at him. "Allyssa when I was drunk last night I was serious. I really do love you. I want to go to prom with you not Jessica. Why won't you get it throught your head?" I was furious. I blacked out a little bit. My eyes felt like they were on fire. My back had a sharp pain coming off of it. I heard Damien screaming my name and shaking me. I heard my self speak but it didn't sound like me. "NO YOU LISTEN. I WILL NOT TAKE YOUR CRAP ANYMORE. GET OVER YOURSELF AND GET OVER ME YOU WILL NEVER GET ME." I sounded evil. What was wrong with me? "You see Allyssa your a challange. And I love challanges. The more you fight the more I'll want." I felt myself return to normal. "Let the games begin" I said with a smirk. "Good luck Sweetheart. I hope you lose." He said trying to keep up and innocent tone with an evil smirk plastered on his face. So Junior Prom is like what three days away and I have to deal with my problem. To bad my problem is Damien. He seems to not go away. What ever I won't talk to him in school or at home. If we happen to cross paths I won't say any thing. ********************************** They next day at school I tried my best to stay below the radar. I sat in my usual seat in the middle of the classroom. I had my normal classes. I was forced to see Damien in our fire elemental class. I said nothing to him. My day was blissful. Until lunch came around. Brad and Paul asked Malinda and I to sit with them during lunch. We both happily agreed. But soon after I regreted it. I forgot that he sits with Damien during lunch. Fine, but I will make him suffer. I'm going to get lovey dovey with Brad today. We bought our lunches and walked over to the table where Half of the group was already seated, including Damien. Grr. When Brad sat down and set his tray down I concocted and evil little plan in my head. I set my tray down next to Brads. But instead of sitting down next to him I sat down on his lap. He looked shocked. But Damien looked a little more shocked ecspecially when I kissed Brad. I heard a simphony of 'Awws' and 'How sweets'. I stood back up and sat down in my seat. I looked over to Damien who was boiling mad. I smiled as Brad took my sandwich that was wrapped in cling wrap and my chips and pop. He stuffed them into my bag and did the same to his food. He stood up and grabbed my hand. "Allyssa and I will be taking lunch to go." He said with an urgent smile. I waved to my friends, and a ticked off Damien, before walking out of the lunchroom hand in hand with Brad. Only if I wasn't being forced to marry Damien. I would sooo marry Brad. He's so much more fun than Damien. He's not so full of himself either. We've been out on dates before. I wondered if he was ready to step it up. Brad led me out to a tree that was outside of the school building. Infrond of the tree were two park benches. We sat down smiling into each others eyes. "Allyssa. We've been on a lot of dates together. I was just wondering. Would you like to ... you know... Go out with me?" He said timidly. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asked. "Yes." "Oh Brad, I would love to be your girlfriend!" "Really? Thats great.Thanks." "Your so very welcome." I said giving him a peck on the cheek. We kissed for another ten minutes before I began to feel a draft. Not a oh it's windy draft but a creppy one. I mean come on it's like eighty eight degrees out here. Brad walked me back into the lunch room seeing as we still had fifteen minutes left of lunch. Our seats were still empty when we got back. Malinda looked over at me with a beaming smile. I looked back at her before clearing my throat.. "Everyone we have some exciting news." I said with a huge smile. "What's the news?" Asked Malinda with a smile to mirror my own. "Brad and I are.....DATING!" I screached I was so happy. You could almost compare it to a dog getting a belly rub then a treat. "I'm so happy for you!" Malinda excitedly said. "Congrats Man." Paul said to Brad. "I know what comes next 'Bow chicka wow wow'!" said Noah. Noah was the childish pervert/jokester of the group. "Shut up Noah!" Yelled his girlfriend Mackenzie while smacking the back of his head. Mackenzie is cool she loves fashion just like me. "Congrats. You two going to prom together?" Asked the she devil Jessica. "Yea, I got my dress it's red. Hey babe did you get your tux?" I said turning my attention from Jessica to Brad. "Yes hun. I got a red tie to match your dress." He said pecking my cheek. "Damien don't be rude. Congradulate Brad for finally finding a girl he really likes."said Jessica while she pushed him. "Congrats guys." Damien said with a look that said 'I'm so pissed right now' and 'Allyssa when we get home I'm going to kill you!' "OMG, You guys look so cute together. I can't wait for prom. Don't forget to bring your party clothes. We rented out the club 'BIG BABY' for the whole night. Every one from the prom are going to meet up there after the prom is over which should be around eleven o'clock. Allyssa did you order our limo for all of us to ride in?" Malinda said turning her attention to me. "Umm yeah. I got the fourteen seater because Stacy her bf Mike, Erica and her bf Jonathan, and Beth and her bf Scott are coming with us. But the I order a second limo of the same size so after prom the girls con go in one and the guys can go in the other and change clothes. They are going to put a mirror in the limo for us." I said smiling. "Yay this prom is going to be epic." said Mackenzie. "Yeah it will" said Jessica. I'm starting to think she likes me now. Well you can never know. ************************** The rest of my day breezed by pretty quickly. I'm meeting up with Brad tonight for dinner. Sooo I have to run home and find a perfect outfit to wear tonight. I hopped into my car and sped home. I ran straight to my room and into my closet. I found a black party dress to wear. It had about three layers and stopped just above my knee. It also had pretty red rubies on the front. A satin black bow was wrapped around the waist of the dress. I paired a red clutch purse and red stilletoes with the dress. I jumped in the shower. I wahed my long brown hair in the process. I heard the front door close indicating Damiens arrival. I hoped out of the shower wraping my pink towel around me. I got a smaller pink towel and dried my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. Damien was in the living room watching some psyco killer show. I walked into my closet after walking out of the kitchen. I plugged in my curlers and blow dryer. I quickly blow dried and curled my hair into ringlets around my head. I brushed my teeth after my hair was curled to perfection.I slipped into my dress being mindful to not mess up my hair. I redid my make-up applying thick eye liner and mascara. I put on a soft red lipstick to match my shoes and purse. I put on smokey eye eye shadow, which consisted of white, grey. dark blue, and black eye shadows. with thirty minutes until I go down to the lobby to meet Brad, I decided to sit on the couch and watch whatever rediculous movie was on. Damien looked up at me with a digusted yet lustful look. He turned all his attention back to the movie. "Big plans tonight?" He sighed. "Yes acually. Brads taking me out for dinner in honor as our fisrt day as a couple." I said smiling. "You know there is no point in dating him. After our senior year your going to have to break up with him anyway." I can't believe he just said that. "You know your going to have to break up with Jessica to right?" I said as a matter-of-factly. "Yes but she knows that I'm in an arranged marrige. I just told her that I won't find out to whom until next year. So truly your going to have to break it off alot sooner." You know what I'm going to be the bigger person. I'm not going to say anything. I noticed him glance over at me waiting for me to say something. He raised his left eyebrow and cocked his head to the side. "What no smart alleck comment today? No sarcasm? No insults? Should I be worried?" He said feighning a worried expression. "No, I've decided to be the bigger person. I will not be playing in your foolish little games." I said in a very adultly manner. "Nope you can't drop out of the game once it has begun. If you forfeit then you won't go on your date tonight and you'll break up with Brad." He said with a smirk."And if you forfeit, since your already dressed up you would have to go on a date with me." "In your dreams loverboy." I looked over at the clock next to the T.V. it said that it was time for me to go."And on that note It's time for me to go meet my boyfriend for our date." "He may be your boyfriend during the day, but you still have to return to me at night. Chew on that while you eat your dinner." He said with the biggest evil grin plastered on his face. I would so love to wipe that grin off of his face. I left out the room and figured out how I can remove that grin right off his face. Heck, I can get it off this planet with this plan. I'm going to move in with Brad. His romemate graduated last year so he has a room that he can spare. I'll suggest it tonight. In my lobby I saw a very excited Brad waiting for me. Is eyes widened when I walked out of the elevator. He gave me a big hug, beforeleading me out to his waiting car.Brad had a very practical car for a football player. He had a 2011 Hummer. We both climbed in at the same time. He drove off with one hand on the wheel ond one hand in mine. I smiled at him for the whole entire car ride. We pulled up to the resturant and climbed out. Brad gave the valet his keys and the valet gave Brad a ticket. We walked into the resturant hand in hand smiling while staring into each others eyes. We probaly looked like a power couple. Trust me we were. Brad checked us into our reservation, and our waiter led us over to our table. He took our drink orders and gave us our menus to look at. When he came back with our drinks he took our orders. I ordered the shrimp platter. Oh I love shrimp. Just not breaded shrimp. Brad ordered a steak medium rare. The waiter took our menus and said he will be back in one moment with our food. I figured now would be a good time to tell brad about my living arrangement idea. "Hey Brad" I said batting my eyes. "Yes babe" He said staring into my eyes. I took time to notice that he had blue eyes. He's a fire elemental. Great. "I had a thought. Since your roommate graduated and I hate my dorm I was thinking that mabeye I can move in with you. Preferably tomorrow night." I said with a half smile. "That's a great idea. When I drop you off tonight you can pack up all of your things and I can get some of the football players to go to your room after school tomorrow. " "Yay I'm moving in with you! This is going to be great." I said beaming with happiness. I'll have to go down one floor to floor number seven. It had only one room on the whole floor which happened to be vacant. Yes tomorrow morning I'll go get the key to tht room and put all my luggage and boxes in there. The waiter came back with our food in record time. The food was sooo good. I ate most of my food but ended up getting the rest of my food to go. They wrapped it up and made it look like a swan. It was cute. Of course Brad finished his whole plate. He was such a guy. We walked out of the resurant the same way we walked in. Hand in hand smiling at each other. Brad gave the valet his ticket. The valet sent another guy to go fetch his car. He pulled up around the corner with Brads Hummer. The ride back to the Academy was fun. We joked around, sung long to songs we knew,held hands. It was by far the best date I've ever had. It only got better when Brad kissed me in the Lobby of my soon-to-be used-to-be dorm building. After the kiss I walked into the elevator I waved at Brad. While the door was closing I saw him pull out his phone. I was on cloud nine. I have an awesome boyfriend, and I get to move away from Damien. Thank the heavens I'm free! I skipped down the hallway of my dorm to the room that I would no longer have to share with Damien the demon. When I opened the door I saw Damien in the living room still watching a movie. Except this time he was on the phone. "Really?....That's great Brad." Pause. Oh Crap! He's talking to Brad. "So it was Allyssa's idea to move in with you?" "She her dorm she's in sucks?" "Wow, Congrats man. But I got to go. My moms calling me on the other line." "Okay bye." I stared in shock at Damien. I forgot that he's friends with Brad. I started sprinting to our bedroom in hopes of escaping his wrath. He ran in behind me and locked it . Damien stood infront of the door so that I wouldn't be able to get away. His eyes were as black as night possibly even darker . "Brad tells me that your moving in with him."again with the monotone voice. "Yeah. Looks like I win!" The second that I finished talking I got a call fom the king. As in Damien's father. Oh Crap! He knows. I answered the phone putting it on speaker. "Hello?"I said nervously. "Hi Allyssa I'm pretty sure you know who I am so let me cut to the chase. Your little plan of moving is being vetoed just like your absured idea of dating Mr. Smith. Your parents have made a deal. We will not have you break it. We have already told Brad that you have to break up. He said okay and that he understands. We also told him to cancel the arrangements of your move." "Yes sir. I understand" "And Damien. Obviously your not making her happy for her to want to leave you . I 've raised you better than that. Stop acting like the world revolves around you.Mabeye Allyssa is your reality check. I have to go. Try to enjoy each others company. Bye." I swear if there weren't any muscles in my face my jaw would have dropped to the ground. "You told your father." I said with my voice leaking if rage. Im so mad that I want to see what I'm going to do next.

Chapter 25

   Chapter 25

"Allyssa please listen to me I didn't tell my dad. He has security cameras all over this place. It's not hard for him to find out what he wants to know. Now please come out of the cocoon." "No!" Damien has been trying to get me out of my handmade cocoon for ten minutes now. It's just like sitting inside of a rock ball. I have a tiny window which I can get something to drink from or something to eat. I'm still a little mad and I refuse to come out until I'm calm. "Allyssa! Please come out! I didn't tell him anything!" He pleaaded. "I'm not coming out until I'm calm and at this rate I'll never get any calmer until you shut up!" He finally stopped his pleading. Wait Prom is in two days Damien and I can't go together. "Damien please go get my phone, dial your fathers number, and hand me the phone." He did exactly that. The phone was already ringing when Damien gave me the phone. "Hello" asked Mr.Knight.A.K..A Damiens father. "Hey, Mr. Knight. This is Allyssa.Can I ask you something?" "Sure, anything." "I know you said that Brad and I can't be together but we already have our matching colors for prom. Plus Damien already has his colors with Jessica.All of our plans were mad before-hand. So I'm begging you to let me go to prom with Brad. He is a really sweet guy. And....." I had to pause for a second," I'm still mad at Damien for putting a spell on me to make me adore him. He also snuck into the girls locker room and burned me with boiling hot water. Quite frankly I can't go to Prom with someone who I'm mad at." "Okay wish granted."He chuckled."You can go to Prom with him. Now please hand your phone to Damien." "Okay" I said handing the phone to Damien He pressed the phone to his ear. I heard alot of yelling coming from the other end. I could care less though. I'm so happy. Time for me to come out of my ball. I let down my rock ball and returned all of the rocks to the ground. I left Damien arguing with his dad in the living room. I walked into the bedroom looking for something to do. Hmm. Mabeye I can go for a jog. I really don't want to go outside though. So I put on a sports bra and biker shorts and started running around the dorm. I pushed Damien on the ground when I passed him. He couldn't say anything because he was still on the phone with his Dad. So I giggled and stuck out my tounge.Eventually Damien got off of the phone with his dad and started to chase me around the dorm. Trust me this place is huge. So it's not like we didn't have enough room. But soon enough He started to gain on me. So I opened the door and ran out of the room. I ran down the hall and down the flight of stairs to the lobby. I ran out of the building. I stood right outside the door. When I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. I thought it was Damien coming to get his revenge. But when I turned around I saw a face that I didn't expect to see this face ever again exspecially not at my vampire academy. Nick.

Chapter 26

    Chapter 26

"Nick, let me go!" I screamed pounding my fist against his back. I saw Damien come out of the building with fear in his eyes. "Damien help me!" I yelled with my arms stretched out to him. Then NIck turned around to face Damien totaly blocking my view. He smirked at Damien and took off in the direction he was walking in, in the first place. Nick was really fast. Like not humanly fast. "What are you." I gasped out of breath because my stomach was pressed onto Nick's back. "Aww, my dearest Ally. I am not human if that's what your asking. I'm a werewolf. Yes they do exist. And I was sent to date you in the past to keep you from marrying Damien. With your powers that would fufill the Profecy." He said as a matter-of-factly. "What Profecy?" I asked him shocked. "You idiot! How could you not know about the Profecy that you're suppose to fufill?" "Because no one told me!" "Oh, well okay then. The Profecy states that a royal vampire couple will wed for they are mates. The girl will be the most powerful half vampire half something else no one knows of. But still when the mate they will have a child that will bring peace to the world. But first the girl will destroy all evil of the magical world. Some will take her side some will take the side of evil. But no matter how hard evil fights they will ultimedly loose. Of course I'm on the side of evil. DUH! But the Profecy can't be fufilled if you are dead now can it. No it can't." I could soo tell that he was smirking. "Wait so Damien and I were destined to be together. Ewww, He's a jerk. The Profecy doesn't have some kind of loop hole. Can I marry myself. Anything but me being destined to have to marry him. And if we have a kid that means that I actually like him. Which is equally gross. "Hello earth to dumbo!" Nick yelled snapping his fingers infront of me. "Huh, oh sorry did you say something?" I asked Nick. "Yeah, I said to bad I have to kill you, You are really cute. Bummer." "Yeah Bummer." I said rolling my eyes. I'm not calling Damien for help but.... Damien hurry up and find me!" ******************************************** Nick took me to a warehouse of some sort. It has to be like an abandoned toy one because toys were like every where.He threw my down on a pile of stuffed animals and started to walk away. "Hey where are you going?" I boldly asked Nick. "I'm going to lock the door, so your boyfriend can't get in." "Hold -up boyfriend. Are you on drugs. Not am I, nor will I ever be his girlfriend. He's a stuck up concieted womanizer who doesn't give a smurf about what he does to any body." "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know." "Are you REALLY and TRULY sorry?" I ask Nick. "No, not at all." He smirked. "That's what I thought." If Nick wanted me dead then why didn't he kill me already. I have better things to do. Like plan for Prom. Get out of a marriage. Hang with my friends. It's just not fair. Why me? Some body grabbed me from behind I turned around to see two bright blue eyes. Damien. "Shhh. Don't say anything. I'm going to get you out of here okay?" "Don't count on it Dumb-i-en." I swirled around to see Nick standing there with his arms folded. He put his arms down to his sides but his fist were still clenched. "Nick, didn't I throw you out of her life already, literally." Damien said standing up with a smirk. "Haha, You know what's really funny. The fact that she still doesn't love you. Aren't you two getting married next summer?" Grr.. He just HAD to bring it up. "So what Nicolous, I'd rather have a clean slate with her, then have her know that i cheated on her while she was out of town." OOOOHHH BURN. Wait, why am I saying all of this in my head? "We both know why we're here so let's get this fight over with. And when you lose I'll marry her for you." Nick said while he started shaking. I hearf this really nasty sound after that. It sounded like bones popping. Eww I'll never be able to sleep again. In the spot where Nick was standing, was a big wolf. I mean like really big. Like mountianous. Man, If Nick and I were still together, I would get some really awesome piggy back rides. Mabeye I'll make Damien give me one later. "Hey! Why you little...." I looked up to see them already fighting. Nick had just clawed at Damien's shirt. It ripped. Bummer. For him. I'm good. I can see his bare, muscled, chest. Two Guys who I kinda like fighting for me. That's cool with me. Mabeye I should try and help. I stood up, dusted off my butt and got ready to fight. I made a suit of armor out of rock around my body. I made a pair of ice crystal/rock glasses to put over my eyes. "Hey Nick!" I yelled out. He turned to me with a murderous wolfy glare. "You want me. Then your going to have to fight me. Look on the bright side. If I lose there's a good chance that I'll die. But there is a better one saying that you won't make it out of here alive." He chuckeled a deep throaty laught. Hmm.. This will be interesting. Nick lunged at my throat and I dodged him in one quick movement. I threw a fire ball at his tail and it burned a few of the hairs off. Tehe his butt hole is bare now. LOL. He lunged for me again, but this time he went over my head so i punched him in the stomach. He whimpered in pain. He got back up and shook himself off. He was ready for round two. DING DING. That was my bell impression. Then I had a really good idea. "Nicky. You wouldn't have to kill me if I joinded the evil side. I mean you know I like to be bad. C'mon we could rule the world for evil not good how does that sound?" He disappeared behind a box of toys then reappeared in human form wearing sweat pants. "That sounds awesome babe." He came over to me and I let my armor down. He kissed me and I kissed him back. It was pretty awesome. Then I motioned my hand at Damien to come and kill Nick. He snuck up behind Nick and Stabetd him with a peice of glass that was on the floor. Then I pulled away just in time for Damien to rip his head off. "What now! Yeah first you cheat on me then you try to kill me but who's laughing now you butt wipe. Yeah!" I yelled at Nick;s unmoving corpse. "Allyssa?" "Yeah, Damien?" "Can we go home? I'm kinda tired now." "Sure. Why not." Then Damien escorted me out to his car which he supprisingly had time to grab. It wasn't a long ride home. But after that little episode we both knew that, that was only a little taste of what's soon to come. I feel kinda bad. We just left Nick there to rot. Eww whoever finds him is going to be ticked that they have to clean that up. At least it's not me. Hehe Nick doesn't have a head now. OMG I wonder what people do when they are born with no neck. Like you know who I'm talking about. Those people who are really fat and have tiny heads. If this is you I'm sorry but have you ever noticed that you have like no neck. I don't mean to offend any one but gosh. It's weird. "Allyssa." I turned my head to the direction my name was called from. "Yeah?" I asked Damien. "Two things. One: Why do you look like you are having a conversation. And we are home." He said looking at me like I was a psycopath. "Oh sorry." I said climbing out of the car. We both got onto the elevator, and rode it up to our floor. We both need to get some sleep Prom is in two days. I'm going to school tomorrow and I'll need all of saturday morning to get ready. Grrrr. Prom is a big hassle, but it's soooo worth it. The elevator finally reached the top floor. It seemed like it wanted to be evil and go extra slow today. I meen gosh I'm like really tired and this stupid elevator wants to go a mile an hour. Next time I'm taking the stairs. We trudged our way to the dorm room only to fall into each other as we walked into the door. I really need to get my own place. Sharing a room with this dude is tiring and it's cramping my style yo. Hehe I said yo. "Hey Allyssa we did some pretty good teamwork back there huh?" Damien asked me with his hands up for a high five. "Yeah, NO I'm not giving you a high five. I wouldn't even be in this mess if I didn't have to marry you. And when you were totally wasted and tried to propose your feelings for me all I could think of was whatever drunky. So get out of my face with that dumb behind high five." That's what I wanted to say instead I said this. "Yeah." I said high fiving him." We do make a good team, goodnight." Then I walked into our room collapsing on my side of the bed drifting off into a deep slumber.

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

I woke up the next day going through all the usual notions I take to get dressed. I walked into the living room dressed and ready for school today. Prom is tomorrow so they cut an hour and a half off of our school day today. I grabbed a protien bar out of the cupboard for breakfast. I grabbed my purse and keys off of the counter. I slammed the door to our dorm loud enough to wake a sleeping Damien up off the couch. I heard him yell and swear as he realized he had ten minutes to get ready. I took the elevator down to Malinda's floor. I knocked on the door and by the second tap out popped Malinda with a bright pink bow in her hair. "Hello, Hello. Someone looks really tired." Malinda said referencing me. "Yeah I'm a little tired. I had a crazy night last night." "Really?" She ask. I nodded my head. "Sucks." "Yeah it does." I said with a chuckle. We walked down to my car and climbed in. After fumbling with the radio we finally pulled off and drove to class. We were jamming in the car. If you were to be walking on the side walk next to us you might stare at us like we are psyco. But that's alright, that's okay,we're not paying attention anyway. L.O.L. mini cheer. We pulled up to the school building. "Finally that took forever." Malinda said sounding kind of out of breath. "It was only a seven minute drive." I said holding back a laugh. "Yeah but add the singing and that makes it the longest seven minutes of my life." Then out of no where Malinda's phone went off. I would have been okay with it.... If it wasn't that annoying Nyan Cat song. Who sets that as a ringer that's just weird. "OOh I made it right on time." Malinda said cheerfully. "On time for what exactly?" "My sorces tell me that Damien might be breaking up with Jessica. So if he pulls up alone then they are still together. But, if he pulls up with her in his car then they are breaking up." I gace her a confused look. "If they are still dating shouldn't she be in the car when he pulls up?" "No, Damien never let's her ride in his car in the morning. He says that it's too early to hear her whine. Though he says that out of love." I stared at Malinda in shock. Wow I really dodged a bullet. He is such a jerk. "Oooooh, here his car comes." Malinda said directing her head to the direction of Damien's car. He climbed out of his car and a nano second after he climbed out Jessica popped out of the passenger side and intertwined her hands in his. "Well," I say " Looks like their done. Probably after Prom though." I said shrugging my shoulders. We then walked into school, which was buzzing with excitement for Prom. The rest of the day went by like a breeze. Malinda and I said our good buys in the elevator to her floor. I rode it up to my floor and walked into my dorm. I plopped onto the couch like a sac of potatoes. I'm tired. Damien won't mind if I take a quick nap here would he? No he won't. If he does, oh well I'm tired. ******************************************** I woke up to an intense and annoying yell. I didn't turn over in fear that the yell would be directed to me. "Damien, I don't believe you are you cheating on me with her?!?" OMG It's Jessica. She must have seen me on the couch. "No, Babe. I 'm not cheating on you!" Damien pleaded for his life. I sat up ready to defend myself. I stretched to make it seem like I was just waking up. "Oh hey Jessica, Damien." I said acknowledging their presence. "Why are you dating my boyfriend!" Jessica screeched. "Oh, turn the volume down we are all right here." I said rubbing my ear."Any way I'm not daing your boyfriend. He's my cousin. I'm staying with him because they didn't have any other rooms open on the count of I came late. So, see no problem. No blood no foul." "Oh okay then can you give us a second please." Jessica said in a fake sweet voice. "Sure." I said turning in the direction of the bedroom. I hope everythings okay between them. 'They sure do deserve each other. I got out my clothes for tomorrow and packed all of the essentials that I would need. I set my dress on my bed. I stripped out of my clothes and hopped into the shower. I didn't take a long shower but I did play with the water While I was in there. I froze it then used fire to heat it up again. I had a lot of childish fun with that. Finally I got out of the shower and wraped my towel around me. I walked out of the bathroom and into my closet. I put on my hello bunny tank top, and my hello bunny shorts. I love the shorts the most because there is a whit fluffy bunny tail on the butt of them. I put on my bunny slippers and bunny socks. If you didn't notice.' I like bunnies.' But who doesn't like bunnies. I'll tell you who. JERKS who hate bunnies. Mabeye Damien will let me get a bunny. I glanced at the clock whhich read 5:30. Oh I can run to that one pet store and get a bunny before it closes. I slipped my uniform over my pajamas and put my flats on over my socks. I ran out of the room stopped by the kitchen counter to grab my purse and phone. Damien and Jessica were on the couch watching a movie. I ran to the door flinging it open in a hurry. "Bye Damien. Bye Jessica. I'm going to the pet store to buy a bunny rabbit. Don't wait up!" I called over my shoulder. "Wait what?" I heard Damien ask. I ran down the hall and pressed the elevator button. I reached the ground floor and was walking out of the elevator. Malinda was walking onto the lobby. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her along with me. "Oh, Hi Ally. Where are you pulling me to?" " "Pet store. I want a bunny." We both climbed into my car without hesitation. I pulled my semi-wet hair into a messy ponytail. I started the ignition and sped out of the parking lot to the pet sore. I'm going to get a bunny! We drove forever, that was the longest fifteen minutes of my life. I almost died.I jumped out of my car in excitment and ran into the pet store. I looked around to find the bunny section. "Here bunny bunny. I want to adopt you!" I said peering around every corner. At last I found the bunny section.There were alot of diffrent colored bunny's. One bunny in particular caught my eye. This bunny was all white except for her black feet. It's like she's wearing shoes. Shozie. Shuzzie. Suzzie. That's what I'll name it Suzzie. I walked around the pet store grabbing all of the nessesary things for Suzzie. I picked up a bag of food, a cage, a play pen, water feeder/giver thingy, a toy carrot and some hay to poop on. I also got a pooper scooper. I'm not touching any poop. I pushed the cart of bunny supplies to the front of the store. The casheres eyes popped out of his head when he saw how much stuff I ws buying for one rabbit. Well he needs to get over it because I'm one weird chica. He took his jolly good time ringing every thing up. The total was about one-hundred and five dollars, but who cares this is practically for my child. They pet scooper guy went and got Suzzie for me. He brought her up to the counter and put her in the cage. "Thankyou...." I paused to read his name tag."Bob." "You're welcome miss." Bob. What a generic name (no offence to all the Bob's out there.) C'mon there has to be like a kagillion Bob's out there. Good thing Damien's name isn't Bob. I would never marry him. Even if it was arranged. I grabbed all fifteen of my bags, and Bob grabbed my bunny cage and followed me to my car. Only when I opened the back door to put Suzzie in did I realize that Malinda was still in here. I packed everything into the car and drove of. "Is Damien going to be okay with you buying a bunny." I paused wait what. "How'd you know about me living with him?" "Oh Jessica called." Malinda stated. "Oh well he better because I already bought it. Animals just like people cannot be returned." Oh I really hope so. We pulled into the parking lot infront of our dorm building. Malinda helped me carry everything into the elevator. She climed off of the elevator when we reached her floor. I looked down to check on Suzzie. She was calmly sitting in the corner of her cage sniffing her surroundings. She like most animals could tell that we weren't human. I reached my floor and removed all of the bags then Suzzie's cage. I had a water bottle in my purse so I took it out. I threw the water into the air then froze it. I used air to keep it levatated. I formed arms out of the ice then put them around my waist. I loaded the bags onto my extra arms and carried Suzzie's cage in my arms. I opened the door with my free hand. Damien was fast asleep. He had one arm covering his face and the other was lazily hanging off of the couch. Aww. He looked less annoying than when he's awake. I carried everything into the bed room. I set Suzzie's cage annd things on the bed. I took her out and set her on the ground. I melted the ice arms and put the water back into the bottle. I started to get her cage together. So far if I was a bunny I'd want to live here. "WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Damien yell. I walked out of the room cautiously to see what happened. Suzzie was sitting on Damien's chest. The big problem was that she was sitting next to a pile of poop terds. That's just nasty. But because it happened to Damien it's hilarious. "Allyssa" He said my name slowly." Why is there a bunny in here, and why did it poop on me." His eyes flickered from blue to red then back. "Well. Damien this is Suzzie my new pet bunny. She pooped on you because you were sleeping where you shouldn't be. She was just trying to help you out. I was going to let you sleep through Junior Prom. So you should thank her." I said with a sheepish grin. "Just put it in it's cage." "Okay" I walked over to Suzzie, picked her up, carried her to the bedroom, and set her down in her cage. I picked up her cage and put in on top of the dresser. Damien walked in minus his shirt. Omg. He looked like a greek god. I looked over his chisled features. Everything looked rock hard. He was beautiful. I had so many diffrent urges at that moment. But I followed the strongest one. I walked right up to Damien. Put my arms around his neck. And kissed him like the world was about to end. He then grabbed my waist pulling me even closer to him. His cool tounge traced my bottom lip. He wanted access to my mouth. Access granted. We kissed for what had to be ten minutes. I pulled away first breaking the kiss. "What. Just. Happened." I asked in between breaths. "You just discovered that we are mates." He said simply. "What do you mean?" "When you see your mate in his or her most beautiful form you react. Your emoetions and senses kick in telling you that he or she is yours and no one else's. So you go for it. Dare to do the unexpected." "Oh, well then. Have you seen me in my most beautiful form yet?" "No but I do have a hint as to what it might be. Quick how fast can you fall asleep in?" "I don't know five minutes." "Okay go to sleep." I walked over to the bed and layed down on my side. I started to drift off within two minutes of lying down. After 5 minutes passed I was out cold. I felt Damien climb in the bed after my he pulled my body to his and held me for dear life. So this was my most beautiful form. Sleeping. Huh. I wonder why. Mabeye I look peaceful. Well it doesnt really matter. I'm way to tired to care right now.

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

I woke up still in Damien's arms. Suprisingly I was comfortable there. I felt like I belonged here. Ugh, but I already made it clear that I didn't like him. Well I can have a few more minutes right. I nuzzled in closer. I cracked my eyes open. It was 5:30a.m.. I didn't have to wake up until 8:00a.m.. So I turned over and had my back pressed to Damien's chest. In his arms I escape reality. No Drama. No Prom. No Wedding. No Arranged Marrage. My perfect world right here. I fell asleep once again. This time, a little bit happier. I woke up to a sudden movement. Damien was starting to toss and turn. I looked over to the clock.7:45. Whatever I'll wake up. I gently moved Damiens arms from around my waist. His eyes sprang open, and he sat up like he just had a bucket of cold water poured on him. He continued to look uneasy until he caught sight of me. His facial features calmed almost instantaneously. "Morning Aly." Damien said with a soft smile. "Morning Damien." I said returning the smile. He climbed out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. Realizing that I still had on my uniform I stripped down into my mickey mouse underwear and bra. I must not have heard Damien come out of the bathroom because all of a sudden his arms were snaked around my waist. "Mine" He growled. I was wrong my most beautiful form is when I'm half naked. I unclasped his arms from around my waist. I got dressed in a sun dress and flip flops. I also pulled my hair up into a messy pony tail. I grabbed my Bag-O-Stuff and walked out of the door. I grabbed a hemoshake from the fridge and my keys off of the counter. I looked over my shoulder. Damien was still standing in the same spot of the room. walked out into the hallway cosing the door behind me. Walking down the hallway a chucked a rock at the elevator button. It opened and I hopped on riding it down to Malinda's floor. I got off of the elevator and walked down to her flower covered door. Taking a deep breath, Iknocked on her door. She opened it on the second tap. "Hey, Ally ready to get ready for Prom?" She said all cheeky (smiley/happily). "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." I said as she led me into her room. I was letting her do my make up and hair. I sat down in front of her vanity. "Let the torture begin!" I mumbled. She giggled and started on my hair. ************************************** It had to have been forty-five minutes at most that Malinda was working on my hair. In that time span she was able to do my make-up too. She finally just finished. "Okay, when I say three turn around." I nodded my head in under standing. "Okay. One. Two. THREE!" I opened my eyes to see a girl that I didn't even recognize staring back. It took me a minute to realize that this was actually me. Malinda made it where my hair was pulled to the side. It looked like a side pony tail but it was intracatly done. She also curled it and added on of those snap in feathers. It was red. Kinda like the red in my dress but bolder. Then my make-up made me look flawless. My lips were a bold ruby red. The color of blush she had me wearing made it look like I was in a constant blush. I looked perfect. "Thank you, Thankyou, Thankyou! You did an amazing job Malinda. I love it." I gushed over my new image. "It was no problem. Now carefully go slip your dress on. I'll be in here gettin gmy self ready." I nodded my head and delightfully skipped to her room. It took about twenty to thirty minutes to get my dress on. It I didn't have to be care ful It would've been five. Malinda stepped out of the bathroom. She looked awesome! Her long blone hair was pulled into an intricate up-do. Her pink dress complemented her skin color very nicely. She wore silver heels with the dress so that it didn't drag on the floor as much. "Malinda you look amazing" I stated smiling. "As do you Ally, but c'mon. I'm the one who did your hair and make up." She said putting her hand over her heart. It was just about time for us to go so we cleaned up our mess and walked out of Mlinda's dorm. She turned around and locked it Then we linked arms and got onto the elevator. When we reached the ground floor we hopped of the elevator. Paul and Brad were waiting for us in the lobby along with Damien, Jessica, Stacy, Erica, Beth, Mike, Scott, and Jonathan. "Are you guys ready to rock this prom?" Stacy said while throwing up the rock and roll symbol.. "Totally and everyone remeber not to vote for me." I said being dead serious about the last part. Every one laughed at my comment.Then we all linked up with our dates and headed outside to get into the limo. The ride to Prom was so much fun. We sung along to the radio. We danced in our seats and we talked and joked about stupid stuff. It was awesome. It was like a mini pre- Junior Prom. When we pulled up to the hotel you could see all of the lights, the camera's and they had a long red carpet. It was like being at a movie premiere. When I stepped out I linked hands with Brad. His hands were warm but I didn't feel the tingle that I felt with Damien it's weird. I walked inside hand in hand with Brad. The inside was so pretty. I felt like I was in a fantasy wonderland. But I couldn't help but feel like something off was gonna happen. We walked into the dance and I have to say.... Everything looked great!. Each shade of blue was different yet blended well together. Hanging from the ceiling were rows of white balloons. There was this like sand stuff on the ground at the entrance of the dance. This whole thing was just magical. The music was loud and everyone was dancing. I wasn't ready to dance until my favorite song, "Love U Betta" by Neon Hitch, came on. "Can I have this dance?" Brad said while bending over to curtsy. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Why I'd be honored." I said as I took his hand and he led me to the dance floor. We did typical high school dancing. I had fun, but I felt like during this song I was being watched. I looked over to see Damien staring at me. When the chorus started playing he gave me this look. Then he started to say it back to me. "He can love u good, but I can love u betta..." I don't know why but I took it to heart. But I just ignored it. I was here tonight with Brad not Damien. Damien was here with Jessica. After the song was over I asked brad if he could get me something to drink. Of course the punch was blue. Hello water theme. he brought back my punch and I happily drank it. Boy was I thirsty. I downed that punch in a literal heartbeat. Brad then went to go throw away my empty cup for me. While he was gone I felt as though I was being watched again. I looked around but I didn't see Damien. Instead I locked eyes with someone new. Some one with green eyes like the forest. I smiled at him. When he smiled back my breath was taken away. His smile was so alluring and seemed so innocent and kind. "Wow..." was all I could manage to say. I had to pry my eyes away from him. Where is Brad? I got so distracted by him that I didn't notice that my date was missing. I looked everywhere for him. I even asked this kid to go into the boys bathroom to try and find him. He wasn't there. He was like M.I.A. So I did what any sensible person would I went back to the dance room. Sure enough I found him dancing with another girl. Of course. "These kinds of things only happen to me I swear!" I said furious. As I was turning around a pair of strong arms caught me. I looked up to see bright forest green eyes. "Hello there. I am Lucas." Green eyes said in a British accent. "Nice to met you. My name is Allyssa." I said in my now very boring sounding voice. "Well", Lucas said, "I know we just met but would you like to dance?" "I would be delighted." I enjoyed dancing with Lucas. In fact we danced all night long together. I got to learn a lot about him. He's from England.. He has a sister who goes to the school. Would you guess that it was Jessica. I laughed a little at that one. He even stays in my dorm building. He likes cars and motorcycles, typical guy. But , he also loves to read books on like a daily basis. He is really smart and kind. I never wanted this time with Lucas to end but Prom is only so long. So at the end of the end of the night we exchanged numbers and bid each other ado. I walked out of the hotel and went over to the limo section. It took some time but I found our limo with all of our clothes in it. Yay! I was the first one there so I started to change. Next was Stacy, then Melinda, then Erica, then Jessica , then lastly came Beth. Once we were all in the Limo the driver gave us ten minutes to start changing then proceeded to start driving to the 'Big Baby'. It was about a thirty minute drive so we had to leave. I's not like it was bad I mean we booked the whole club until closing time at 3 a.m. It didn't take long for us to change so after we were all done we still had about ten minutes to go before we arrived. We ended up talking about our Prom night experiences. Beth and Stacy both said how fantastic and perfect it was. Erica said she had a lot of fun. Melinda said that Paul got into a burping contest then she made him stop. I told of my night with Brad then Lucas. Jessica's story seemed to carry on and on. I can't even describe it because it's still going on. ".. and then I asked who he was looking for and he told me no one. I knew it was a lie because he was acting very distant. But after a stern talking to I got Damien to dance with me and take his mind off of things. He finally did and that is when my rocking night started!" Jessica babbled on. Omg. I never thought that her story would end. It just was so long. Finally we reached the club. I gave the driver a tip as everyone else got out of the car. We started walking into the club. I gave the bouncer my name and told him how we e rented it out for the night. I then gave him a list of every one who is a junior at our school. That way as long as you are in our grade you can come. Smart. I walked inside and it looked fenomenal. The club owners decorated it with balloons and streamers. The laser lights were going along with the fog machine . I just loved every second of it. The guys arrived to the club just after we did. Brad wasn't with them. The guys said that he went home. Figures. But that's ok. I looked over what all the guys were wearing but my eyes stopped on Damien. He was wearing black jeans with black and red Jordan's. He had on a fitted red t-shirt, a red watch, and might I say he looks great!. As people flooded in The energy in the club picked up. I went over to the V.I.P. section we reserved for us. Damien was there but there was no signs of Jessica. SWEET! She can get annoying at times. I sat down next to him. "HEY!" I yelled over the music. "SUP?" Damien yelled back. "NOTHING MUCH. YOU LOOK NICE!." "THANK'S YOU TOO!" " THANK"S!" He was right 'I looked fabulous. I changed out of my red Prom dress into a glittery black dress. It was backless and short. To accessorize, I had on Bright red stiletoes, with a red purse and bracelet. "DO YOU WANT TO DANCE?" Damien yelled over the music to me. Instead of yelling back I just nodded my head yes. We made our way to the dance floor. Suprisingly even in my heels I'm still much shorter than Damien. What can I say. Damien is not that bad of a dancer. He can really get down and party. We danced for hours. Had a couple drinks and danced some more. I actually had a lot of fun with my jerk of an unwanted fiancé. He's really not that bad. At the end of the night we called a cab and went home. He gave me a piggy back ride into the elevator so that I wouldn't have to walk. The elevator seemed to go even slower than usual. I just wanted to go to bed! When It finally reached our floor I quickly got off, walked down the hallway and went into our dorm. I looked on our couch to see that my Prom dress and a bag with like my shoe's and stuff was there. The limo service must have dropped it off. I heard the door close behind me. That let me know that Damien finally stumbled his way into the dorm room. Bout time. I totally ingored him and sluggishly walked into our room. I was tire and I could care less about him. I went into my closet grabbed a sports bra and some shorts, changed out of my dress, put on the bra and shorts. I then walked out of my closet went into the bathroom,and brushed my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom when I was done.I saw Damien already in his side of the bed asleep. So I turned off the lights as I passed by and climbed my happy little self into that bed. I was exhausted and I just wanted to go to bed.

Chapter 29

  Chapter 29

"Allyssa. Allyssa wake up!" Damien's oh so not so soothing voice nagged while he shaked me.

"UHHHHHH..." I just don't want to get up.

"Alyssa Do you really want to have your friends see you like this. Remember you said that you would visit them the day after prom. So get up. We have an hour drive and you are suppose to be there in two hours. With thee amount of time it takes you to get up in the morning I would just get up now."

"Gosh you sound like my mother.." I groaned. Like honestly I want to see my friends but I really don't want to get up right now. I roll over out of the bed. And to over dramatize me not wanting to get up, I crawled to my closet to pick out my outfit.

"Way to be a drama queen." Damien said very sarcasticly. I stood up and looked all around my closet. Yep I have no idea what I want to wear. What's the weather even like?

"Damien!! What's the weather like outside?!?"

"It's like I don't know 80 degree!" He yelled back. Cool so I can wear like shorts. This is the best part about living some where warm. I picked out my favorite purple top. It was glittery. I picked out a pair of white shorts that were so cute. For my accessories I chose my purple low top converses. My purple and silver purse. My silver, purple, and white bangles, and my purple hoop earrings. My purple top was a crop top so my stomach and belly button were exposed. So I put on a purple studded belt.

Did I mention that my belly button was pierced. Usually I just wear my silver belly ring buy I decided to wear my purple heart one. I gathered all of my stuff and went into the bathroom. Okay time for me to get ready.


Texte: Faith Gunter
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: Faith Gunter
Übersetzung: Eliza Riveres
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.03.2011

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