The Numbers

Super Mini-Power Contest: 504 Words Von:
The Numbers
There are many powers humans have that are not recognized. Daily we share smiles that become contagious, laughter that is healing, sympathy that comforts, and hugs that warm people to their very core.

Jeff has an uncommon power, the ability to see the number of lies a person had told in their life.

But Jenny stark is different and now, Jeff must save her.

Super Powers, Romance, Love, Abuse
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I'm impressed.

Like Kade, I was looking for the number but, more importantly, when I got to the last word... I was looking for more.

Do it. At your leisure, write us the rest of the story.

I'll ditto the remarks before me.

Wichtiger Beitrag

What a unique take on a lie detector ability. You put me straight into the scene, with no effort at all - a sign of a great writer.
I was half expecting a number one to appear above 'her' head when she said that she'll only be a couple of days.
Highly enjoyable.
- Kade.

Wichtiger Beitrag

It's a quick little story and I'm thankful Val helped inspire me to write it with her contest idea. I wish the contest was for 1000 words. I could find out what happens and how Jeff uses his ability more. I wonder if his ability can change anything for the better, but some abilities are not superman-like. In our lives there are things we must do and no matter how small or insignificant they are, it's important that we do... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Very well written describing an all too common situation. Too bad his ability wasn't enough to make a change for the better.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Great concept, Steph! It's a terrific tragic love story. I am knocked out by ending! The cover, too.
Great little piece!

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