The Basic Of Human Resource Management Book 2

The Basic Of Human Resource Management Book 2

Human Resource Management Textbook 2 is a reading material written to enrich course material in the field of Human Resource Management related to Theory and Practice in human resource development and organizations.

This book is the result of the collaboration of a business practitioner who has more than 10 years of experience in the field of international business and an academician and researcher who has studied Human Resource Management theory and research for more than 20 years.

This book discusses a lot about the theory and practice of human resource management as well as an in-depth understanding of people and organizations. In human resource management 2, it focuses on the management and organization side. Because humans and organizations in human resource management compliment and complement each other and cannot be separated

This textbook contains four subjects which include:

  1. Introduction
  2. People and Organizations
  3. Understanding Management
  4. Understanding the Organization

The four subjects are expected to be able to provide readers with an understanding of human resource management 2 so that they can improve their abilities in human resource management in organizations and in everyday life.

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3,49 US$
Human, People, Management
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