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The Basic Of Human Resource Management Book 2


© Triple Nine Communication Press

Singapore 2021

142 pages, 8.5 inch x 11 inch

ISBN : 978-1-6780-4754-2


Author : Eny Lestari Widarni (Indonesia) , Suryaning Bawono (Indonesia)

Editor : Adriana Assyami (German), Lilik Sumarsih (Indonesia), Rian Pratama Putra (Indonesia)

Layout : Alex Norish (German)

Cover Design : Alejandro Gonzalo (Spain)

Translator : Lilik Sumarsih (Indonesia), Dian Sutejo (Indonesia), Alejandro Gonzalo (Spain)

Photos and Illustrations :

Anamul Rezwan (Bangladesh), Anastasia Shuraeva (Russia), Andrea Piacquadio (Hungary), Anna Shvets (Russia), Binyamin Mellish (Idaho), Buffaloboy (Thailand), Chevanon Photography (Thailand), Chokniti Khongchum (Thailand), Christina Morillo (USA), Ekaterina Bolovtsova (Russia), Evelina Zhu (Russia), Huy Chien Tran (Vietnam), Jeremy Waterhouse (Arkansas), Jonathan Borba (Brazil), Karla Gabriela Rodríguez Apanco (Mexico), Klaus Nielsen (UK), Lina Kivaka (UK), Lukas (Czech Republic), Malte Luk (Germany), Marc Mueller (Germany), Matheus Bertelli (Brazil), Pew Nguyen (Vietnam), Quintin Gellar (USA), Rakicevic Nenad (Serbia), Shiva Smyth (Australia), Sora Shimazaki (Japan), Suzy Hazelwood (UK).


Published on 21 March 2021

In Singapore


Published on 23 March 2021

In Madrid



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OPENING SPEECH Chairman of the Maju Jaya Negara Foundation

Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah SWT, for the publication of the book "Human Resource Management Book 2" written by Dr Eny Lestari Widarni, MM. At the Tamansiswa Malang State College of Economics, who inshaAllah greatly helps the needs of students and female students in participating in the Study of Learning Process at the STIE Jaya State Campus Tamansiswa Malang This book discusses very interesting things about Performance Evaluation including it the scope, stages in human capital and application in management, as well as what methods exist in human capital that is very useful. May Allah make this book a charity for the author, as well as make knowledge that serves as a blessing for all of us. Aamiin.


Malang, March 03, 2021

Chairman of the Maju Jaya Negara Foundation

Drs. Purnomo Adji, M.Pd

OPENING SPEECH Registrar General of the Supreme Council The Tamansiswa Union


Gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT, for the publication of the book "Human Resource Management Book 2" written by Dr Eny Lestari Widarni, MM. At STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang which is very useful in the world of education. Where education is learning, knowledge, skills and habits of a group through teaching, training or research.

This book discusses many things about education and applications in the field of Human Capital which are very helpful in the quality of human resources.

The hope is that this book will be a motivation to improve self-quality and charity for the author, as well as make knowledge that is useful and blessed for all of us.




Malang, March 03, 2021

Registrar General of the Supreme Council

The Tamansiswa Union

Ki.DR.Saur Panjaitan XIII, MM.



Human Resource Management Textbook 2 is a reading material written to enrich course material in the field of Human Resource Management related to Theory and Practice in human resource development and organizations.

This book is the result of the collaboration of a business practitioner who has more than 10 years of experience in the field of international business and an academician and researcher who has studied Human Resource Management theory and research for more than 20 years.

This book discusses a lot about the theory and practice of human resource management as well as an in-depth understanding of people and organizations. In human resource management 2, it focuses on the management and organization side. Because humans and organizations in human resource management compliment and complement each other and cannot be separated

This textbook contains four subjects which include:

  1. Introduction
  2. People and Organizations
  3. Understanding Management
  4. Understanding the Organization

The four subjects are expected to be able to provide readers with an understanding of human resource management 2 so that they can improve their abilities in human resource management in organizations and in everyday life.


Best Regards


Dr Eny Lestari Widarni1, & Suryaning Bawono S.E.M.Si2


1 Rector, Researchers and academics at STIE Jaya Negara Taman Siswa Malang

2 Business owner, Chairman, CEO of several national companies in Indonesia and outside Indonesia, Head of Research Journal Publication at Tamansiswa State College of Economics, Malang-Indonesia

Chapter 1. Introduction

Introduction of Human Resource Management Book 2


We wish that you able to enjoy to read Human Resource Management Book 2, Photo by Lukas (Czech Republic)


Human Resource Management book 2 discusses organizational development. Because human resource management is related to organizational management. In book 2, the definition of management is explained which is the basic understanding of human resource management. Described on the development and management of organizations that are a continuation of the Human Resource Management book 1 in the Human resource Management trilogy series.


1.1. Introduction  

We wish that you are happy to learn with Human Resource Management Book 2, Photo by Andrea Piacquadio (Hungary)


Creating a more effective, efficient and productive organization is one of the challenges faced by humans in the future and what needs to be observed is how to fulfil the quality and service expected by customers. Services performed by a good organization must be in accordance with the demands of an increasingly dynamic era. Customer demands will continue to change according to the development of science and technology.  A quality organization is required to be able to offer customers a variety of products and services that satisfy consumers (Mukhopadhyay,2020).


The emergence of scientific management theory, management theory based on objectives, integrated quality management, ethical management, and risk management makes it easier for humans to produce products to meet the needs of human life. Management and technology products that bring convenience to human life. In this global era, there are almost no boundaries between countries, information comes from all directions, the distance is getting closer because of the communication and transportation technology, so the cultural leap has been successfully developed by humans very rapidly because management science is increasingly powerful for humans. children who showed up recently (Waring,2016).


The implementation of effective management by managers and employees will determine organizational performance in responding to internal demands and external challenges. Human resource managers must understand that organizational management is important because organizational management is building a system that develops and directs the people in it. The quality and performance of members (employees) is the responsibility of every leader. With a vision, mission, exemplary, discipline, division of tasks and a climate that is created in the organization, it will result in good member performance. Good organizational management and human resource management have an impact on the performance of the people who work in the company. The development of the work environment including organizational management is a supporter of human resource management so that this second book emphasizes the discussion of organizational management and organizational development as well as human development.


For profit-oriented organizations (Companies) Reaching profits in accordance with capital and core business always rests on management prowess for the welfare of the community. This means that there is feedback given by the company to employees who have worked well so as to provide benefits for the company. Environmental management outside the organization, such as community management outside the company, is a human management effort that also impacts the organization. So that human resource management when interpreted as an effort to manage humans can also be understood because human management both within the organization and outside the organization requires a system. This second book will explain human management and organizational management in the framework of performance-based human resource management. Many internal and external organizational factors affect the achievement of organizational performance and effectiveness, so management must focus on achieving that performance.


Measurement of company competitiveness is generally assessed by increasing profits, improving product quality, and increasing customer satisfaction. To achieve this, all human resource management focuses only on human resource development or human management within the organization. However, one must also understand organizational management and human management outside the organization (society) in order to establish a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship between the organization and the community and consumers.


In this global era, global competition and technological changes are inevitable. Companies need to develop human capital and social capital. Human resources have been recognized as very important in increasing the competitiveness of an organization or company. And social capital is a component that really supports the achievement of organizational goals.


1.2. Understanding Management


Teamwork Illustration, Photo by Binyamin Mellish (Idaho)


Management and organization are inseparable sides of the coin. The existence of an organization is a forum for management, but management also determines the movement and breath of the organization. This means that the organization cannot be moved without management and vice versa management can only be implemented within the organization. Management includes people who carry out the responsibility to achieve goals in an organizational structure and clear roles. That means management is related to the organization. Within the organization, there is a clear structure with a formal division of tasks and authorities as an effort to mobilize personnel to carry out tasks to achieve goals.

Based on the above emphasis, management contains elements of an organized organizational structure, directed towards goals and objectives, carried out through people's efforts, and using systems and procedures. The manager is a term for someone's job. For some organizations the use of the term manager is very loose, giving rise to efforts to promote staff status and morale. As a result of this understanding, a number of people who have jobs are covered as managers and move the work (Daft & Marcic,2016).


What is the role of the manager? The manager's role is the executor of the work unit. While the work unit is a group task orientation in an organization that includes managers and subordinates or staff. As well as the business sector of selling staples, division of cooperation, bank branches, and hospitals. Even schools can be considered work units with instructors and managers. The main focus of the manager's attention is on personnel job satisfaction, job involvement, commitment, absences and dismissal/rejection, as well as performance. Without better maintenance of the people doing the work, it is unlikely that the work unit or organization will be able to move consistently at higher levels of performance over the long term. Thus an effective manager is someone who is in a work unit who achieves a high level of accomplishment and maintenance of human resources.


Managers work for the organization. The organization itself is a number of people who work together in achieving common goals, so management is an effort to move people in the organization to do something to achieve goals. The organization becomes a forum for management to take place. Management is the process of doing business to get action through the work of people in the group unit. Management is the process of obtaining an action through the efforts of others.


Strictly speaking, management activities always involve the allocation and control of money, human and physical resources to achieve the stated goals. As a science, management has a systemic approach that is always used in solving problems. The management approach aims to analyze processes, build a conceptual framework of work, identify the underlying principles and build management theory using this approach. Therefore, management is a universal process with regard to the existence of types of institutions, various positions in institutions, or experiences in a wide variety of environments between various problems of life.


What exactly is management theory? In this case, it can be explained that management theory is a way of organizing experience that in practice it can be proven through research, experimentation of experiences and principles and teaching of fundamental matters in the management process. Management is all efforts to utilize resources to achieve goals effectively and efficiently is the mouth of all managerial behaviour. Here the behaviour of individuals who carry out activities effectively will determine the effectiveness of the organization in its totality. Management must focus on activities on results and organizational performance. The manager is in charge of defining what results and performance the organization provide through the people who work. The specific task of management is to organize resources from the organization for the achievement of results outside the organization.

Chapter 2. People and Organizations

Understanding People and Organizations in Human Resource Management


Illustration of People and Organizations, Photo by Sora Shimazaki (Japan)


To understand people and organizations, of course, it needs to be understood in human resource management, people need to be managed


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.03.2021
ISBN: 978-3-7487-7800-4

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Dr Eni Lestari Widarni is a practitioner and academic in human resource management. Dr Eni Lestari Widarni is the leader of the university of economics in Indonesia, namely the Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang School of Economics.

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