How to Understand and Develop Humans

Based on Psychology and Management Perspectives for Better Human Resources and Organizational Performance Von:
How to Understand and Develop Humans

We wrote this book focusing on 8 things that are very vital in managing human resources. We explain these vital things thoroughly and flow like a novel but full of meaning and understanding of human resource management and psychology. Psychology and human resource management are two sciences that can complement each other because in managing human resources, in addition to paying attention to human productivity within the company, it is also necessary to understand the mental and physical conditions of humans working in the company. So that psychology science is very useful in managing human resources within the company. These 8 vitals include:

  • Understanding of Human Base on Psychology perspective
  • Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • Job Analysis and Evaluation
  • Effective Employee Selection Techniques
  • Employee Awards and Motivation
  • Employee Performance Evaluation
  • Employee Training and Development
  • Stress Management

We hope that what we have explained in this book can be useful and provide a thorough understanding so that it can help readers understand and manage human resources in business.

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