Living In Flames.

Book two of the Burning Love Series. Von:
Living In Flames.
(Please do not read if you have not read Burning Love, thank you!)
Three months after Skylar came back, Dan and Sky are happily together, and Blake and Sky are good friends, but will something rip her away from them? Something about Dan's past that he didn't want her involved with?

(please friend me if you'd like me to tell you when I update)

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "The Fire Of Love."
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Burning Love.
Book One of The Fire Of Love series.
Living In Flames.
Book two of the Burning Love Series.
Romance, Dan, Skylar, Blake, protection.
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Pleaseeee update... by the way this is a very nice book.. really enjoyed reading are a very good writer.. and plzz update

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Please up date I hate cliff hangers other then that I loved it but again update that can not be the end please I'm begging you to update the amazing book but anyhoo I highly recommend this book series

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You really need to update this book! It's so amazing and I'm dying to know watchword in the end SO PLEASE UPDATE AND FINISH IT LMK WHEN YOU DO PLEASE

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What great story both books are. I really and everyone else wish that you will update the book. It is 4 years later but please make time to update you cant let such a good story go to waste. You have great talent off writing

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