
Living In Flames; Part one.

My name is Skylar Grey. I’m twenty five years old, and I live in the small town of Sabadell. My hair is naturally blonde, and insanely curly. My eyes are bright blue, and my style in clothing is too expensive for my wallet to handle. Right now, I’m living in a two story apartment building, right beside my Aunt Mabel and Uncle Jess’s Bakery. They named it Sweetie pies. I’m guessing because Uncle Jess always called Aunt Mabel.
Aunt Mabel offered me a Job as a cashier, and I accepted because I was low on money, and I didn’t have a chance of being late to the job unless I slept through my shift.
I used to live with Daniel a few months back, but I refused after I came back from Belview, a small town that I stayed in for a little more than three weeks.
Right now, I was on my break, sitting by the window, eating a piece of pizza I got from across the street. Blake strolled in and looked at me. “You on brake?” he asked me.
I nodded. “Jess and Mabel are gone for the evening, had to drive some donuts up to Brentville because apparently they don’t sell jellies there.” I explained.
He nodded. “Okay. Mind if I sit in for a while?” he asked me.
I raised an eyebrow. “Why?” I asked slowly.
He shrugged. “Just curious about what goes on in here.”
I studied him for a moment, wondering what the heck was going on in his head, before shrugging. “Suit yourself.”
I threw my pizza in the trash and wiped the crumbs from my hands. My first customer came in just as I was done washing my hands. “Hi, can I help you?” I asked, approaching the desk.
It was a woman I didn’t recognize, she had long, smooth black hair pulled back into a pony tail and grey eyes that were a little apprehensive. She looked around the store, and when her eyes landed on Blake, her face changed. She smiled at me, her eyes turning friendly. “Can I get a dozen chocolates? The office is having a lunch party and I’m in charge of the donuts. I’m just getting chocolate because I have no idea what everyone likes and I’m certainly not going to ask them all,” She babbled.
I smiled, this happened all the time. “Sounds fun. Here you go, a dozen chocolate donuts. I hope you all have a fun time at the office. That’ll be five twenty five.” I said to her with a friendly smile.
“Thanks.” She said, pulling her wallet.
After she left, I glanced at Blake with a shrug. “People get nervous when a hot guy like you is around.” I said.
He cracked a smile. We’d become good friends after the scene at the police station, so we have this kind of playful banter a lot. I still remember the day at the police station with a smile. Dan and I are together, he comes to visit me sometimes on his break, which was how I knew that people got nervous around a hot guy; my customers would just start babbling almost incoherently when Dan was around.
Linda came strolling in a few minutes later. I was helping Mrs. Vale pick out some cupcakes for a birthday party this evening. She was an old woman with wrinkles upon wrinkles, her once vibrant blue eyes were grey and her once dark brown hair was white. “How about the strawberry icing with pink and white sprinkles, didn’t you say she loves pink?” I asked her.
“You’re right! Why didn’t I think of that before? I’ll take a dozen of those, followed by a dozen of the blue ones for the boys.” She said.
After I checked her out, Linda stepped up and smiled at me. “Hello sweetheart. I need a half dozen sprinkled donuts, and another half dozen chocolate.” She said.
“Right. And may I ask who these are for?” I asked her.
“My grandniece is visiting and she just loves donuts, I thought I’d surprise her this morning.” She said.
I smiled. “Well that’s very sweet of you.”
She laughed. “I try my best. Bye sweetie, I’ll see you later.” She said, handing me the money to cover it.
“Bye.” I said.

Blake left at three as Mabel and Jess strolled in, and at five Mabel and I were singing loudly to the radio as we cleaned up shop. A few months back the bakery was burned down by a kitchen fire started by a faulty oven. Jess was cooking dinner at the time that the oven burst into flames, so he came out with multiple burns on his arms and legs, and he dropped a crock pot full of food on his foot, fracturing it in two places. They got the shop rebuilt, but they don’t live above it anymore, they live in an apartment building a few blocks away.
“Are we human, or are we Dancers!” Mabel sang loudly and I giggled.
She turned the radio off as I finished mopping the floor. “Alright. Let’s call it a night. I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart.” Mabel said.
Mabel usually left out the back, because she parked her car there, and I just walked home because I was right next door. Mabel gave me the keys to the front, and she got the keys to the back. We hugged and went our separate ways.
I locked the front door and turned to walk back to the apartment, only to bump into a sturdy chest. I yelped and looked up at Dan. “You scared me.” I said, putting my hand to my heart.
He pressed his lips to mine in a brief kiss. “How was your day, love?” he asked me, steering me in the opposite direction of my apartment.
“It was okay. Blake was acting like a bodyguard. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?” I asked him.
“No. He told me he wanted to visit you, I knew nothing about guard duty.” He told me.
“Oh.” I said, a blush creeping up. Dan pulled me to his car and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Where are we going?” I asked him.
“To my house. I want you to meet Linda’s niece. She’s like a sister to me, and she wants to meet the girl that stole my heart.” He said with a small smile.
“Okay, but then you’re taking me home. I need sleep.” I groaned.
He laughed and opened my door for me. “As you wish, my love.”

We pulled up to the house and I smiled at the memories. Sleeping in Dan’s bed, all the heated kisses we shared.
Dan opened my door for me and took my hand, helping me out. “I’m not a princess, Dan. I can get out of the car myself.” I told him, my cheeks pink.
“Babe, you are so much more to me than a princess.” He told me with a soft chuckle.
This made me blush deeper. Dan opened his door, pulled me inside, and the house was filled with childish laughter and pleasant voices. We strolled hand in hand into the living room and I noticed there was more than one child playing on the floor, and a few women sat in chairs that were dragged in from the kitchen, happily chatting with Linda.
Linda stood and hugged me when we entered the room. “Hi! It’s so nice to have you visit.” She told me.
I smiled. “It’s nice to be here.”
“Skylar, this is my niece, Samantha. These are Samantha’s old friends, Bailey, Loraine, and Meryl.” Linda introduced.
Samantha stood up and looked at Dan, her eyes drifted to his arm, which was tightly wrapped around my waist, and then over to my face. She took three strides, and wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.

Living In Flames: Part Two.

Samantha and I sat in the kitchen, Dan had gotten a call from work, and Linda had taken Briana, Samantha’s daughter, outside to play. “She spoils her too much.” Samantha murmured, breaking the comfortable silence as we watched them from the window.
I smiled. “My grandmother always spoiled me.” I told her.
She smiled back. “That’s a grandmother’s job.” She said, shrugging.
I leaned my cheek on my hand and watched as Linda almost fell over laughing while Briana did a little dance. “I’m glad Dan has you.” Samantha said suddenly.
I looked at her in confusion. “Why?”
She laughed softly. “You’re right for him. I see the way he looks at you. He seems happier with you around.” She explained.
I blushed. I was happier with Dan as well; I missed him when he was away. She stood up and stretched, looking at the clock. “I think I’m going to take a nap. It’s been a very long trip. It was nice meeting you, Skylar.” She told me.
“Nice meeting you too.”
She left the room and I sighed. No way to get home. What do you want to bet that Dan planned this? I thought dryly.
I sighed and got up from the table, walking into the living room, pulling my hair over my shoulder to braid it, it was making me crazy. I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone to call Lillian.
“Hey Lillian! Listen, Dan gave me a ride to his home because he wanted me to meet Linda’s niece, but he got a last minute call from work and had to leave. Do you think you could give me a ride?”
“Sure, sure! I’ll be right there.”
“Thanks.” I said.
I disconnected and got up, walking into the kitchen and opening the back door. “Hey, Linda! I’m getting a ride home from Lillian. I need a nap.” I called.
“Okay, we’ll see you later sweetheart!” she called back, chasing Briana around the yard.
I smiled and closed the door. I would love to have a child of my own someday. It seems so nice to be a mother, I thought.
Ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find Lillian. “Hey! You ready?” she asked me, pulling me into a hug.
“Yeah. I am so tired.” I told her when she pulled away.
“Then let’s go. I just got off of work.”

We pulled up to my apartment building and I smiled in thanks at Lillian. “Thanks for the ride.”
“You owe me.” She teased.
I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. “I’ll buy you lunch.” I told her.
“Sounds like a plan.” She said.
I closed the door and waved to her as she sped off. Stifling a yawn, I walked up the stairs and as I reached the second floor, I noticed a man was standing by my apartment door. He stood up straighter as I approached. “Hello. Can I help you with something, sir?” I asked him politely.
He had sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes, and he was a large, intimidating man. “Yes. I’m looking for Skylar Grey.” He told me.
He had his back to the stairway now, and was watching me unlock the door, so he didn’t notice when Blake walked up to the second floor. Blake slowly shook his head, telling me not to reveal who I was. “I’m sorry; you must have the wrong apartment. I know of a Skylar who lives a few blocks away, in Blancheway apartments.” I told him with a friendly smile.
This would be an easy lie to believe. Everyone knew each other; there wasn’t a permanent resident in Sabadell that we didn’t know about.
He smiled back. “Right. Sorry for the disturbance.” He told me.
Blake hid around the corner and I breathed a sigh of relief as he took the elevator, unable to see Blake on the stairway. Blake opened my apartment door and pushed me in, making sure no one else was around. “What is going on, Blake?” I hissed when the door was closed.
“Shh.” He held up a hand, listening for a few long moments. He pulled a gun from his belt and I had to stifle an alarmed gasp.
He whispered for me to stay in the foyer, and walked off to check the apartment. I stood in stressed silence, waiting for Blake to reappear. After what seemed like an hour, but was probably only five minutes, he returned.
“The apartment is clear.” He told me, as if I knew what the hell was going on.
“What is going on?” I repeated, louder now.
He ignored my question and walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge and leaning over from the waist to look. “You got any beer in here?” he asked me.
I huffed and crossed my arms. “If you’re not going to tell me what is going on than you can leave.” I told him angrily.
He sighed and slowly leaned back up, closing the fridge. He stared at me, studying my seriousness. “Dan didn’t want me to tell you about this, but it seems I have no choice-“
“You’re damn right you don’t! Dan didn’t have work, did he? He was just taking me to his house to protect me, wasn’t he?” I asked him.
Blake sighed. “Yes. He asked me to help him keep an eye on you…because someone is after you. He didn’t want me to tell you because you’d gone through so much already. That woman that came in to the shop today…the one that started rambling…she was scoping the shop out. She was working for him.” He told me.
“Who?” I asked, panic showing through in my voice.
“Michaels.” He told me, his eyes dead serious.
“Well…what-what do we do? Can’t you…can’t you catch him or…put a restraining order on him or something?” I was sputtering and stammering, my panic taking over.
I felt Blake’s hands on my shoulders and looked up. He stared into my eyes, calming me considerably. “He won’t get near you. As soon as he tries to make a move, we can lock him up, just like Jonathan.” He told me earnestly.
I took a deep breath and nodded. “Can you…take me back to Dan’s house? I-I don’t feel safe here.” I told him.
He smiled slightly. “Sure.”

We pulled up to Dan’s house, and Blake idled out front while I knocked on the front door. Linda opened the door with a sleeping Briana in her arms, she smiled slightly. “Hello dear. Back so soon?” She noticed the bag in my hand. “And staying a while, I presume?”
I smiled. “I hope you don’t mind. Dan asked me to stay.” I told her.
She waved the hand that wasn’t holding the child up. “The more the merrier. Come on in!” she told me.
I walked up to Dan’s room and threw my bag on the floor by the bed. I climbed into bed, planning on taking a long nap. I braided my hair down my back and climbed into Dan’s bed, cuddling into his pillow, and closing my eyes.

The next thing I remembered, I had arms around me, and I was being shifted to the other side of the bed. I opened my eyes, feeling a sense of confusion. Where was I? Dan’s sweet, intoxicating scent brought my memory back. I turned over and looked at Dan, who smiled and kissed me lightly on my lips. “Hey, babe.” He murmured.
I smiled sleepily back. “Hi.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. Linda told me you were staying the night.” He murmured.
I stretched and looked at the clock; I’d only been asleep for a few hours. “Yeah. Speaking of that, I need to talk to you about something.” I told him.
The curious look on his face made it clear to me that Blake hadn’t told him that I knew about Michaels. I sat up and leaned against the headboard. “Blake told me about Michaels.”
I had my hand on his arm, so I felt him stiffen, and I noticed as his once even breathing slowed down to where I could barely see his chest move. “He did…did he?” he asked after a long moment of silence.
I nodded; preparing myself for the anger I knew was coming. But to my surprise, he slowly closed his eyes, and sighed. “So you know…?” he trailed off.
I sighed. “I only know that he is after me because I’m with you. Blake wouldn’t tell me anymore than that. He told me to ask you the rest.” I murmured.
Dan murmured something I didn’t catch and sat up. “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me, Skylar.” His eyes burned into mine and his hands clasped around mine in a tight grip. “The first is that I was a marine from the age of eighteen to the age of twenty. The second is that I did undercover work for the FBI from age twenty two to age twenty four. And the third is through all that time, I made a lot of enemies.”
His rugged brown hair fell in front of his eyes, making me release my hand from his and push it out of the way instinctually. He smiled slightly and lifted my hand to his lips, kissing it softly before setting it back down. His small smile slowly dropped as he got lost in a memory. Stroking the back of my hand with the tips of his fingers, he thoughtfully continued,
“Most of my enemies have tried for revenge, but I’ve thwarted them so much that they have given up. But Michaels…Let me explain how I met Michaels.” He got up and rifled through his dresser drawer, finding the object he was looking for, he walked back over and sat down. He handed me a shiny wooden picture frame. The frame held a picture of a large group of men and women. I found Dan, smiling and laughing while looking at the camera, his arm slung around…Michaels?
I looked at Dan in confusion. “Michaels’ son, Victor, became a wanted felon. Michaels tried to convince me not to go after him, but I was appointed the job. Victor was very close with his father, but he had something wrong with him, he killed because he loved the rush. Long story short, Victor was found. He pleaded insanity, and was put in a mental institute. Michaels was angry at me, he called me a traitor, and told me that he was going to get revenge for what I’d done. Michaels disappeared after that…until now.” Daniel sighed.
“So…he’s going to kidnap me for revenge?” I asked, my voice small.
Dan gathered me into him, pressing his lips to mine. “He won’t get near you.” He promised me softly, but fiercely.
I sighed when he let me go and lie back down, staring up at the ceiling. “Why didn’t you tell me, Dan?”
He lay down with me and wrapped his arm around me, sighing. “You had been through so much just recently; I didn’t want to scare you.” He explained.
I pressed my lips to his jaw, holding his hand tightly in both of mine. “I understand. Do you realize that you are too good to me sometimes?” I chuckled, closing my eyes and inhaling his scent.
“Babe, you deserve a lot more.” He sighed, tightening his arms around me.

Part Three:

Blake strolled into the bakery as I was finishing up with a customer. It was the middle of the day, and my shift was almost done. I shot Blake a dry look. “Don’t you have…oh, I don’t know, police work to do, or something?” I asked him.
He let out a laugh. “Don’t worry, I’m just here to get some donuts for the office.” He said.
I raised my eyebrows. “Really? No bodyguard duty?” I asked hopefully.
“Actually, Dan is going to walk you home and look through your apartment for intruders. He should be here soon.” Blake said.
I blew out a sigh and grumbled something unintelligible. “What kind of donuts do you want?”
“Give me a dozen glazed, five sprinkled and five chocolate.” He said.
“Jeez, who are you feeding, a sumo wrestler?” I teased, filling a big white box with his order.
“Hey, my men are hungry.” He said, doing palms up.
I rolled my eyes and handed him the box. He pulled his card and paid for the donuts, tipping his imaginary hat, he left the store.
I leaned my elbows on the counter, taking my face in my hands and rubbing it tiredly. The door opened and I sighed, not bothering to look up. “Bodyguard duty already?” I asked.
I looked up only to find the man that was at my apartment yesterday, and Michaels. I immediately straightened my stance, my hand discreetly going under the counter to touch the bat that Aunt Mabel kept hidden. “It’s nice to finally speak to you in person. I have to admit, for Dan to take an interest in you…it sparked a little interest in me as well. You are, obviously, remarkably beautiful.” He said, his eyes studying my face, which I kept very casual.
I tensed as his man moved to the side, and Michaels put a hand on his shoulder. “Not here.”
“What do you want?” I finally managed to speak, and was not surprised to have my voice falter.
“It’s actually very simple. But before I explain, I’d like to ask you something. How much do you care about Linda?”
My vision went blurry, and I felt nausea in the pit of my stomach. My hand tightened into a fist on the countertop. “Why?” This time, my voice didn’t waver one bit. I was angry now.
Michaels saw the change in my expression. He smiled. “Now we have an understanding. I want you to meet me by the lake, alone, on the twenty eighth.” He ordered, his voice casual, but his eyes were hard, telling me that this was not a choice for me, it was an order.
My fist got impossibly tighter, and my other hand itched to beat him until he bled with the bat. But I refrained, noting that his man was watching me closely.
“And if I refuse?” I asked, keeping my voice devoid of emotion.
He let out a soft laugh as if this was what he thought I would ask. “The twenty eighth. And to answer your question, I want you.” And he turned, walking out the door.
The pleasant ring of the bell as they left was almost comical, it was so happy in the tense air. Only one thing hit my mind as I stood there in terrified silence. The twenty eighth was in two weeks.

When Dan arrived, I was sitting against the counter with my back to the door, the bat cradled to my chest, held in a white knuckled grip. He leaned down in front of me, and I barely registered when he pried the bat from my hands, then his warm hands were holding my face. Slowly, his voice came into focus, and I realized he was calling me softly. “Skylar, what’s wrong? What happened?”
I broke down, clutching him for support as he murmured comforting words to me. “Shit. What happened?” he asked me, picking me up like a child and setting me on the counter.
I knew I couldn’t tell him all of it, like meeting Michaels on the twenty eighth; but I could tell him some of it. “Michaels was here.” I sniffed. “He said he just wanted to talk but he…he told me that he was going to take Linda too. Please tell me she’s safe.” I half begged, my voice shaking.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got surveillance on the house twenty four seven, she’s perfectly safe.” He swore under his breath. “I should have had someone watching the store.”
I put my hand on his cheek. “It’s not your fault. I mean even I didn’t think he would just waltz into the store in broad daylight.” I was getting control of myself again, and I was able to think just a bit clearer than before.
His eyes bored into mine, and he suddenly his hands slid into my hair and he smashed his lips to mine. It was so abrupt that I hadn’t even seen it coming. He pulled back after a few long seconds, and smiled slightly at my expression, but it didn't reach his worried eyes.
Leaning his forehead on mine, he said gruffly, “Don’t ever do that to me again.”
I smiled slightly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."
Dan grabbed my hands and pulled me from the counter. "Let's get to my house." He muttered.
I felt panic flutter in my stomach and I dug the heels of my boots into the ground, making him stop and turn half way to look at me. "No!" I said, too quickly. "I mean, I want to go home. I-uh, I need to think." I had to force myself not to grimace at my stupid excuse.
His dark eyes studied my face for a few seconds before he turned so he was completely facing me. "What else did he tell you?"
I could feel my traitor cheeks flaming as I lied, "Nothing."
"You are a terrible liar, Skylar. Tell me," He ordered, a hint of annoyance flickering in his eyes.
"There is nothing to tell," I muttered.
I couldn't help it - I had to look away. But I saw the way his usually molten-chocolate eyes turned hard with frustration. "Come on. We'll discus this at my house." he grumbled.
I let him drag me along, staring guiltily at his tense back.

When we arrived at his house, I noticed Linda, sitting in front of the porch, surrounded by beautiful, potted flowers. She had a spade in her hand and was digging up the rich soil. She got up as we aproached. "Hello, dear. It's so nice to see you today!" She smiled kindly at me.
How anyone could think about hurting this woman was a mystery to me. She was the sweetest woman I'd ever met.
I pulled her into a tight hug, needing to have her comfort like a little girl needs her mother's.
"It's nice to see you too." I mumbled.
She hugged me back, patting me softly. "Is everything alright dear?" she asked worriedly.
I could just imagine the questioning look she was giving Dan. "Everythings fine." I said, pulling back to give her a weak smile.
She gave me a worried look and glanced behind me, I assume at Daniel. "Let's talk inside," He said softly, taking my hand once again. I nodded, squeezing his hand slightly.
He led me passed the living room, up the stairs, and down the hall to his room. He let go of my hand and moved to his large window, pulling the heavy, royal blue curtains closed. The room darkened considerably, so he walked over to the lamp beside his bed and turned it on. I ignored him as he turned his eyes on me, walking over to the small loveseat in the corner of the room, moved from the living room to make room for the new, brown leather sofa that Dan helped Linda buy.
I was suddenly fasinated with my hands as Dan aproached, sitting on the couch beside me. "Skylar." He said on a sigh.
"Yes?" I asked him, briefly glancing up.
"Look at me." Without giving me a chance to look up on my own, he grasped my chin and turned my head, making me look at him. "You know I'm going to keep asking until you tell me." He said.
"I told you there is nothing to tell!" I insisted, abruptly standing up.
I could feel my frustration rising up, along with all my panic and confusion. A small corner of my mind told me that I was dangerously close to snapping. Dan stood up and grabbed my hand as I tried to head for the door, spinning me back around, he put his hand to the small of my back, pulled me flush up against him and kissed me.
This was not one of his regular kisses. This was a hot, steamy kiss that left me dazed, he snaked his arm all the way around my waist and bent me back slightly over his arm, putting his other hand to the back of my neck. He pulled me back, and I slowly opened my eyes. His brown eyes were the molten chocolate I always loved.
"Tell me." He ordered softly, but feircely.
I stared at his face, debating. I decided to tell him a half truth. "He said he was going to take me...and that I had to meet him somewhere. That he would take Linda if I didn't meet him, and that he'd call when it was time." I admitted, mumbling.
Dan growled, his eyes flashing with a new anger, and he let me go. He walked briskly over to the table, keeping one of my hands in a vize-like grip. He grabbed his phone and dialed Blake. All the while, me begging him to stop.
"Dan, please!" I begged as he held the phone up to his ear.
"What? Do you want me to just stand by as your life is threatened?" He was shouting, losing his patience.
This made my stubborn side come out. "No! I don't expect you to! But you're doing enough already! I won't have an army following me around wherever I go!" I yelled back.
"You will if I have anything to say about it!"
I ripped my hand out of his. "Fine! You want to overeact? I won't be here when you do!" I turned and took one step, before a hand grabbed my arm and spun me around again.
"You're not going anywhere!" he growled darkly, his beautiful, furious face just inches from mine.
For the first time, I actually felt a bit of fear, staring into his fiery eyes. "Let me go!" I tried to jerk my arm from his grasp, but it only tightened.
I started to feel a bit helpless, fearing that Dan was just the same as John. Tears filled my eyes and I grabbed his wrist. "Please."
Slowly, the anger drained from his face, and he seemed to realize what he was doing. Immediately, he released my arm. "Sky, I'm...sorry." He whispered.
I backed away from him. "I'm going home." I said, abruptly turning and walking out.
"Wait...Sky!" He half begged as I was halfway down the stairs. I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Lilian.
"Sweetheart, where are you going?" Linda called as I ran out the door.
"Skylar, wait!" Dan repeated.
"Hey, girl! What's up?" Lilian answered.
"Hi, um...I need you to pick me up. I'm...I'm at Daniels." I muttered.
"Is everything alright?"
"Everything is fine."
Dan caught up to me as I was striding down the driveway. "Skylar, please, I'm sorry, just listen to me for a second!" He pleaded.
"Is that Dan? What happened?" Lilian asked me.
I cleared my throat, swallowing the lump that formed. "Yes. I'll tell you later. Can you just come and pick me up?" I asked her.
"Sure, I'll be there as soon as I can."
And I disconnected.
"Sky, please, talk to me!"
I stopped, staring out at the trees, unable to look into his eyes. "What do you want, Daniel?" I asked him, my voice shaking.
"Please, Skylar. You know I wouldn't hurt you. I was just angry about Micheals and I was taking it out on you! It was wrong, and I'm so, so sorry! I told you once that I wasn't like John, and I promise you, I'm not like him!" He told me, taking my face in both of his hands, and wiping away tears that I didn't realize were falling with his thumbs.
He tried to coax me to meet his eyes, but I wouldnt do it. "I can't...just let me go Daniel!" I told him, taking his hands from my face and pushing him away.
Lilian's car pulled up, and she honked her horn twice to signal that she was here. I left Daniel standing there, not even giving myself the luxury of a parting glance.
"Take me home. I'll tell you all about it later." I added as she opened her mouth to ask.
She took me home in silence, mostly because I was lost in my own thoughts. It was stupid to get involved with him anyway. I thought grudgingly to myself. I should have stayed working as a cashier at a grocery store so many months ago.
Lilian and I didn't even say anything when she stopped in front of the apartment building, she just pat my hand as I opened the door.

Part Four:

a week later, my mother and I were shopping for party supplies. It was her 40th birthday party, and my mother was very adament that we tell everyone she was thirty five.
"You'll understand when you get to be my age." She waved her hand as I objected to the lie.
I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "Fine, but when-"
"Excuse me, ladies." I turned to find Blake, grinning charmingly at us.
"Oh, hi Blake. What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"My sister is having a birthday party this weekend for my nephew, and I'm in charge of party supplies." He grumbled.
I gasped in mock surprise. "She trusts you with that job?" I asked him.
He smiled dryly. "No. She sent our mother up here with me. She's around here somewhere- ah!" He said, looking behind me. "There she is!"
I looked over my shoulder to find her comparing platters with my mother and laughed. "Go figure. My mother and I are here for supplies for her thirty fifth." I said, rolling my eyes as I lied about her age.
Blake looked at me blankly for a second. "I thought she was forty." He said.
"Yeah, well don't tell her you know that, she's convinced she has everyone fooled."
He let out a laugh and slung an arm around my shoulders. "They look like they have it sorted. What do you say we go get some coffee?"
I shrugged. "Sure."
He steered me out the door and we walked across the street, it was nice out today, so I left my hair down. The curls blew every which way in the wind.
We walked into the shop, and we sat down at one of the booths.
After ordering, we talked about random things that popped into each other's heads. It felt easy talking to Blake, he didn't ask me any nosy questions or push me to answer something I didn't want to, he only asked me things that both of us were comfortable with, and vice versa. That was until, he asked me about Daniel.
Daniel and I hadn't spoken since the incident at his house. I'd already forgiven him, I just couldn't bring myself to call him. This was the first real fight we had, and it was all my fault. I bumped in to him at the grocery store a few days ago, and I hardly even spoke. When he greeted me, I just nodded and averted my eyes. I felt immense guilt for not calling him, but I just couldn't bring myself to face him, to meet his beautiful eyes and know that I was wrong to leave him.
"Sky?" I snapped from my thoughts as I realized he was still waiting for my answer.
"I'm sorry. No, we haven't seen much of each other...lately." I muttered.
He sat back in his seat, his perceptive eyes studying my face. "He won't tell me what happened. All he told me was that he screwed up." He murmured.
I leaned my elbow on the table, putting my forehead in my palm. "That's just like him, to blame himself for something that wasn't his fault." I muttered.
"So...what happened?" He asked me.
I sighed. "We...had a fight...about Michaels. He came to visit me in the shop, telling me that I had to meet him, and that he'd call when it was time. Daniel got angry. He was probably about to call the U.S army to follow me around, and I wouldn't have it. The next thing you know we're yelling at each other, and I was trying to leave, but he wouldn't let me go...we were both out of hand." I put my hand down and looked at Blake.
His eyebrow was raised, and his arms were crossed over his chest. "Well, he's really beating himself up about it. The man's at the fire department more than he's at home. His boss actually had to make him go home. She's not very happy with the way he's acting. Although she's never happy about the way he acts toward her." Blake chuckled.
"Why, is he rude to her?" I asked curiously.
"No. On the contrary, he's completely polite. That's what she can't stand, she's pretty well known in Sabadell, mostly as the girl who's had every guy who isn't happily married in the town. He's the only one who hasn't "succumb" to her charms." Blake rolled his eyes.
I raised an eyebrow at him. "What about you?" I asked him.
His eyes twinkled and a slow grin spread across his face. I gasped and reached over to punch him in the arm. "You are disgusting!" I laughed.
"I'm teasing you, Sky! I've never even spoken to the little slut. I like my women hard to get." He said, his eyes settling into a heated gaze on my face that made me think he wasn't talking about just any woman.
"Yes, well, I'm not sure many women would play hard to get when you were around." I teased, a little uncomfortable with where the conversation was headed.
"Yeah? Well maybe I should test that." He said, giving me a wink.
I smiled. "And who would you be testing it on, might I ask?"
Just as he opened his mouth to answer, my phone vibrated. I looked at the ID to find my mother's number. "Hey mom. I'm just across the street with Blake." I said when I answered.
"That's fine. I'm just going down the street to get some table cloths from Mrs. Betsy. And then I'm going home. Do you need a lift?" She asked me.
"No, that's okay, my apartment is just down the street. I can walk." I said.
"Oh, and tell Blake that his mother said he's off the hook, whatever that means."
I giggled and looked at Blake. "I'll tell him."
Blake raised an eyebrow when I disconnected. "You're mother says you're off the hook."
He sighed in relief, running a hand through his hair. “Finally.”
I laughed and rolled my eyes. “Men.”
But as my eyes settled back on Blake, the door opening caught my attention. I looked over his shoulder, and my breath caught. He hadn’t seen us yet, but his eyes scanned the coffee shop, looking for a place to sit. I quickly looked back at Blake, who didn’t seem to notice my distraction, he was telling the waiter something.
After she left, he turned back to me. “So how is the bakery job coming along? I heard your Aunt was thinking about promoting you to cupcake maker.” He said easily, which was the complete opposite from what I felt at that moment.
I smiled a big fake smile and shrugged. “She was thinking about it. I learned a lot from my mom, so I’m good enough at baking to make cupcakes and donuts from scratch. I guess that’s enough experience for Aunt Mable.”
I could feel his eyes on me now. He’d realized we were here. I was tempted to look over, but my phone ringing was a thankful distraction.
“Sweetheart!” Aunt Mable said when I answered, “I’m in a pickle! Do you remember that gun your Uncle gave me after the robbery happened in the store beside us?” she asked.
I raised an eyebrow. “Yes. Don’t tell me-“
“It’s illegal! Apparently I have to have a license! Jess has a license, but I have to have a license as well! What is this world coming to? Hasn’t anyone ever heard of what’s mine is yours anymore?” I could tell she was frustrated, and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.
“So what happened?” I asked.
“I’m in jail! I need you to come and pay the fine to get me out!” she told me.
“Where is Uncle Jesse?” I asked her.
“He’s out of town; he went to get more ingredients for the bakery.” She told me.
I sighed and groaned. “Okay. I’ll be right there.”
After disconnecting, I grabbed my purse and gave Blake a half dry, half apologetic look. “My Aunt Mable is in jail for carrying a gun without a license.” I said.
At this, Blake let out a laugh. “Mable? The sweetest women to walk these streets?”
“Yeah. Apparently she thought that Uncle Jesse having a license was enough. She was afraid because of that robbery that happened in the store beside her house. Anyway, Jesse is out of town, so I’m going down to pay the fine.” I said.
Blake threw a couple of twenties on the table and got up with me. “I’ll take you.”
I smiled in thanks and we started for the door. I met Dan’s eyes as we passed by, and he gave me a small smile, to which I gave a weak one back. We were talking it over in our own way. Blake noticed our exchange, but didn’t say anything. He drove me down to the station, leaving me to my brooding silence.

Part Five:

After getting Mable out of Jail, and setting her court date which would most likely get her a slap on the hand, I walked home, my mind on a matter I’d been avoiding since last week. It was six days until…until the meeting. I had no idea what he was going to do with me, but I did know one thing, I wasn’t going to like it. Dan was having me followed, and I could tell my phone calls were being monitored. Little did they know, no phone call would be needed. No matter how far apart Dan and I grew, I knew he’d always be watching over me. He was my knight in shining armor from the very first time I met him. I could feel a small smile curving my lips as I thought about it. He was so overprotective, and possessive! Every time he saw me talking with Blake, or any other men in town, he would make a show of subtly telling them that I was hands-off…or maybe, not so subtly. He would wrap an arm around my waist and kiss me on the cheek or the temple, greeting me with a, “Hey Babe.” Or a, “Hi sweetheart.” Even in the bakery, he’d stride in, and if I was talking with a customer that happened to be male, and he seemed a bit too friendly (to Dan) than he’d walk around the counter and give me a big kiss on the forehead, effectively ending all the alleged “flirting.”
I smiled and shook my head. Very possessive indeed. I walked into my apartment building and looked into my mailbox, finding nothing but bills and junk. I sighed and brought it all upstairs, opening the door to the stairwell, I was busy looking at my electric bill, so I didn’t notice the man standing beside my door until I was right beside him.
I let out a yelp and jumped back, before realizing that it was only Dan. “Oh.” I sighed in relief. “Hi, Dan.”
“Hey, Babe.” He said, his voice soft.
My neighbor, Mrs. Bernstein opened her door and peered out. “Can you keep quiet out there? I’ve got to work the night shift at the grocery store and I’m trying to rest!”
Mrs. Bernstein had the ears of a fox, but the eyes of a woman with cataracts. Her white, wiry hair was standing straight up, and her greying, blue eyes were half closed. “Sorry Mrs. Bernstein.” I said with an apologetic smile.
She pulled her two inch thick glasses from her shirt pocket and put them on, peering at me with squinted eyes, and they brightened. “Oh! I’m sorry dear. I didn’t know it was you. And you’ve got your gentlemen caller with you! Well isn’t he the one. I’ll just leave you two to talk.” She said, and she closed the door.
I rolled my eyes at Dan. Everyone in the town knew of our fight. I unlocked the door and left it open for him, strolling into my kitchen and throwing my purse and my mail on the counter. I looked in the fridge for something to eat, and settled on a piece of cold pizza I’d ordered the night before. He declined the pizza, sitting down at my small dining table with two chairs that sat in front of the window. I put my pizza on a plate and sat down across from him, looking up to meet his clear, earnest eyes. “I love you, Sky.” He murmured after a few seconds of silence.
Even after all the times he’d said it before, it still made my heart flutter in my chest and butterflies take flight in my stomach. “I know. You know how much I love you, Dan.” I murmured lamely.
He smiled, eyes crinkling at the corners, but as quickly as the smile came, it was gone, lost in regret and sadness. “Sky, I’m-“
“No. Don’t blame yourself for this. We were both under a lot of stress. And that much stress can make you snap at anyone – even the people you love most.” I told him, looking away from his eyes and out the window, at the street, bustling with activity. Quiet, but not quite enough that he couldn’t hear me, I whispered, “I learned that lesson a long time ago.”
He reached over and took my hand in his, squeezing it. He was silently asking me what I meant, but I had a feeling he didn’t want to push me, he didn’t ask out loud, because it felt as if he was prying. I glanced at him before looking out the window again. “My mother and I, after dad died, grew farther apart. I tried to talk to her but…she wouldn’t talk back. I didn’t realize before it was too late that she was deep in depression. I just couldn’t see through all the resentment I held toward her, that she was hurting, so much worse than I was. I yelled at her, telling her that if she didn’t care about me anymore then…I would leave.
“I got a call from the hospital an hour later telling me that she’d attempted suicide. Slit her wrists, and was about to slit her neck. Luckily our neighbor, Mrs. Nelly, was coming over with a surprise casserole, and she heard my mothers’ screams…she used the key from under the mat and broke in thinking that my mother was being attacked…but it was so much worse…”I shut my eyes as pain clenched my heart. The only thing that kept me from completely breaking down, was the warm hand in mine, constant, an anchor that kept me here.
“When I got…to the hospital…” I had to pause to swallow the lump in my throat, “She was being stitched up…she had cut her arms, from her wrist to her elbow. All that I could think was what if I had stayed? Why did I have to snap at her like that? She still has the scars. After that I sent her to the rehabilitation center, and got her the best therapist money could buy. Every time she got out though…she would always sink back into depression, and I would find her, either on the floor with slit wrists or…on the couch with an empty bottle of sleeping pills.”
Hot tears streamed down my face, and Dan got up from his chair, pulling me up with him, he wiped them away with gentle fingers and pulled me into his chest, cradling me into him. I accepted his comfort, wrapping my arms around him and pulling myself as close as I could get. I’d missed this. “Shh, it’s alright, Sweetheart.” He told me gently, and I realized that I was crying, letting out whimpers that were muffled by his chest.
He leaned down slightly and put his arm under my knees, sweeping my feet out from under me in one swift movement. He walked over to the couch, and sat down, letting me curl into him like a small child. He stroked my hair and pressed sweet kisses to my forehead and the top of my head, murmuring soft words of comfort to me as I cried.
Sometime after closing my eyes and burrowing my face deeper into his chest, I fell asleep.

I awoke to the smell of bacon mixed with coffee, and in between those smells, was the faint smell of pancakes. I knew this smell well, because of all the weeks I’d lived with Dan, I’d always wake up to either this smell, the smell of fresh baked muffins, or biscuits. I recalled a faint memory of waking up when we pulled up at Dan’s house. I remembered braiding my hair, almost mechanically last night, before curling up to Dan and falling back asleep quickly.
I got up and groggily walked over to the bathroom. I was barely awake, that is, until I opened the bathroom door.
“Oh!” I gasped, my cheeks burning as Dan turned around.
He paused, a towel in his hand, drying his hair. Luckily he had a towel around his waist, and his bronze chest and stomach were not a new sight, but they were nice to look at all the same. “Sorry, I thought you were at work.” I said, averting my eyes and running a hand through my hair.
He chuckled softly. “No problem.”
I felt my cheeks flame and quickly pulled the door closed. I took a deep breath, letting out a girly giggle. The sight of his chest did that to me sometimes.

I was downstairs, sipping coffee and poking at my pancakes. My mind was weighing heavily on the fact that it was five days until the meeting, and the startling fact that…I wasn’t ready. I didn’t want to lose Dan, and my mother, and Linda…but to keep them all safe, I had to. I was broken from my thoughts when Dan strolled in. He wasn’t in his work uniform; he was wearing a dark blue blazer, and blue jeans. I almost swooned at the sight.
“You look nice.” Linda commented, coming in the room with the newspaper in her left hand, and a cup of coffee in her right.
“Thanks. I’m meeting a few old friends today…” He trailed off, glancing at me.
“When will you be back?” Linda interrogated, turning into the protective mother figure as she pointed her spatula at him.
He smiled and kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.” He promised.
He turned to me, his brown eyes turning to the molten chocolate I loved so much. No words were spoken between us, but as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, I knew he was saying, I’ll miss you more than anything, and I’ll be right here if you need me.
He could always say exactly what I needed to hear. Even if it wasn’t anything at all.
When he pulled back, he tweaked my chin and smiled as my cheeks heated up. He stood, and only then did I realize that Linda had discreetly left the room. “I love you. Call me if you need anything.” He said softly.
“I will. Have fun.” I replied, blinking up at him as the sun peeked in from the window, momentarily blinding me.
After he left, I stared after him, my mind lost in fond thoughts of him. “He is too sweet, isn’t he?” Linda asked me, suddenly back in the kitchen.
I looked at her with an embarrassed smile. “One of the sweetest.”
Linda hugged herself with a big smile of affection. “I raised him well.”
I let out a soft laugh. “But you’ve only lived with him since he moved here.”
“Yes, but he was…let’s just say, since his mother died, he hasn’t been the same. Or, should I say, wasn’t the same. You’ve changed him, sweetheart. I can see that now.”
I smiled and looked down at my food. “He’s changed me, as well.”
Linda clapped her hands together, turning the stove off. “Okay. I’m going to do some laundry. Sam and Briana are going to be awake soon.”
I nodded, watching her leave the room. I stood and put my plate in the sink, rinsing it off. After turning the faucet off, I dried my hands, and headed for the living room. I sat on the sofa, turning on the TV and absently twirling my hair around my finger.
I was in the middle of watching Dr. Phil talk a girl through her addiction to drugs, when someone knocked on the door. Briana came into the living room, rubbing her eyes. “Aunty Linda told me to ask you to get the door, she’s making me waffles.” She said, stuttering slightly.
I smiled at her. “Good morning, Briana. Tell her I said sure.” I said, getting up and mussing her already messy hair.
I walked into the foyer, unsetting the alarm that Dan had set when he left, and unlocking the door. I pulled it open to find a man, maybe fifty, with greying brown eyes that looked baggy underneath, a crooked nose, and greying black hair. He was wearing baggy clothes and his arms were muscular. I didn’t miss that they were covered in tattoos. With him, was a woman. She was short, and a little bit on the chubby side, with curly blonde hair, hazel eyes, and blood red lips. Her eyes looked the same as his, tired and baggy. Her clothes were not even close to baggy. She was wearing a tight V-neck shirt that showed off way too much cleavage, and a skirt that looked like it was made for a baby.
“Hello. Can I help you?” I asked politely.
“Oh, maybe we have the wrong address.” He muttered, though his eyes roamed my body, making me shift uncomfortably. “We’re looking for Daniel Havens” He explained.
“He’s out meeting some friends. Can I ask why you wanted to see him?” I asked.
“Ah, we should start by introducing ourselves. I’m Tony Havens, Dan’s father, and this is my girlfriend, Marylyn.” Marylyn assessed me with narrowed eyes, and Tony gave me a smile, showing stained, crooked teeth, and held out his hand.
I couldn’t help the way my mouth dropped open in shock. This was his father? Well he did mention that his father had a run in with drugs, but this was the man that conceived Dan? I quickly snapped my mouth shut, realizing how rude I was being, and took his waiting hand. I held back a gag at how sweaty and rough it was.
“I’m Skylar Grey, Dan’s girlfriend. I’m sorry, how rude I’m being, would you two like to come in and wait for him?” I asked, holding the door open.
His smile turned to what I supposed he thought was flirty, and they stepped inside. “Dan sure knows how to pick ‘em.” He said, as if to himself, as he looked me over again.
Marylyn scoffed rudely, and held out her hand to me. “It’s a pleasure, I’m sure.” She said.
I took it and shook it once, letting it go immediately after. I did not like this woman one bit.
“Skylar, who was at the-“ Linda let out a huff of breath as she stopped in her tracks.
“Linda! Long time no see!” Tony said, as if they were old friends.
“T-Tony. I didn’t know y-you were coming.” Linda said, looking like she’d seen the devil himself.
I’m sure he was just as bad.

Part Six:

“Dan, either you answer this phone, or I shove my foot up your ass when you get home!” I threatened after calling him for the fourth time.

I was starting to get desperate. I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t answering his phone! Linda was down, “entertaining” the guests while I contacted Dan for help. I was starting to get worried. I decided to give up on Dan for the moment, and dialed Blake.

He, thankfully, answered on the first ring. “Hello.”

“Oh thank God, Blake, I need your help.” I said, almost drowning in relief.

“What’s wrong?” He asked me.

“I tried calling Dan and he’s not answering his phone and I didn’t know who else to call-“

“What is wrong, Sky?” He asked me again.

“Dan’s father just showed up at the door. I don’t know what to do!” I said desperately.

“I’m on my way. Stay away from him, and please for god’s sake, don’t let him near Briana.” He ordered.

“Okay.” I said.

I felt alone, so very alone after disconnecting.


I sat with my old buddies from the agency; we were laughing and reminiscing over the old days. When I called them and told them about Michaels, they all wanted in. I just haven’t told them about Sky yet.

“So what makes Michaels think he’s got a chance against you now, Dan?” My oldest friend and partner, Johnny asked.

This was what I’d been waiting for. I was a bit nervous to tell them about Sky, and this feeling was a bit strange to me, but I decided to tell them anyway. “Well, he seems to think I have a weakness now.” I said.

I couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corners of my lips, picturing her beautiful, smiling face. “And…would he be right?” Lonny asked, his grey-blue eyes studying my face.

I let out a heavy sigh. “I’m afraid so. Her name is Sky, and I tried staying away from her, but…God, the woman is a friggin’ magnet.” I muttered.

Jared let out a bark of laughter. “Dude, she must be for you to be attracted to her.” He joked.

I would have replied, but I was distracted by Blake’s car speeding by…in the direction of my house. I searched for my phone in my pocket, but found none. I swore under my breath and stood up. “Excuse me for a minute.” I muttered.

Without giving them time to ask, I went out to my car, unlocking it and searching for my cell. When I found it, it was blinking. I had four missed calls from Skylar.

“Shit!” I growled.

I dialed her number as fast as I could, and waited impatiently for her to pick up. “Dan!” She gasped in relief.

“Skylar, I’m so sorry! I left my phone in the car. Are you alright?” I asked.

“I’m fine it’s just…someone came to the door after you left and…well he introduced himself as your father.” She said.

“What?” I shouted.

“I called Blake because I had no idea what to do. He’s quite the charmer by the way; he’s had his eyes on my chest since he arrived.” Her voice was bitter, but I could hear the vulnerability behind it.

“It’ll be alright. Don’t let him near you.” I told her fiercely.

“I know, that’s what Blake said.” She said.

Completely forgetting about the men in the coffee shop, I turned the car on and sped out of the lot. I was going ninety before I got out of the area. There was something I didn’t tell Sky about Tony.  He was arrested for raping a sixteen year old girl while on ecstasy. Why and how he was out of jail was a mystery to me.

I arrived in record time, noting that Blake was already walking up to the front door. “Hey, man. You know anything about him getting out of jail?” I asked him.

“Yeah. He’s out on parole.” Blake said with a clenched jaw.

I opened the door, and we went in. I heard a grunt and then a thud. I rushed into the room, only to find Skylar, still in her tank top and shorts, dusting her hands off as she stood over a groaning Tony.

“Sky?” I asked her in confusion.

She looked at me and shrugged. “He copped a feel.” She said by way of explanation.

I let out a laugh and shook my head. “This is nothing compared to what she did to John. You should have seen it.” Blake muttered. “I’ll have to get you a copy of the tape sometime.”

“My poor baby!” A woman cooed, she looked like she had had one too many joints.

“Are you alright, Sky?” I asked her.

“I’m fine. I think your father just needed to learn a few manners.” She said, walking over to me.

I kissed her on the top of the head. “That’s my girl.”

“Damn, Dan, what did you do to him?” Lonny asked, appearing in the doorway.

“Oh, this wasn’t me.” I said with a smile, turning around.

“Then who was it, Blake?” He asked.

I shook my head. “Fellas, I’d like you to meet Skylar.” I said.

All of the men took a step back. “Skylar, this is Johnny, Jared, and Lonny.” I introduced.

She smiled politely. “It’s nice to meet you.”

They smiled slightly, and I knew they were thinking they needed to wear a cup around this girl. I chuckled and pressed a kiss to her forehead.



I watched from the kitchen with an affectionate smile as Dan sat on the porch, laughing with his friends. He seemed…at ease, more relaxed than I’d seen him since this mess started. It felt good to see him that way; he always seemed to feel the need to protect me.

Blake took Tony to the police station for sexual assault, and his girlfriend had a kilo of heroin in her trunk. Needless to say, they were both back in jail.

“Skylar, would you like to come with Briana and me to the lake? She wants to go swimming.” Samantha said, coming to stand beside me.

“Sure. I’ll go get changed.” I said, smiling at her.

“I wanted to thank you, by the way.” She said, catching my arm as I turned to go upstairs.

Giving her an inquisitive look, I asked, “For what?”

“I hate that man. He deserved to be kicked in the as-I mean butt. What he did to that girl was inexcusable.” She said, her eyes growing hard at the mention of Tony.

I raised a questioning eyebrow. “Girl?”

She bit her lip. “I guess Dan didn’t tell you the whole story.”

I shook my head, saying in a dry voice, “As usual.”

She sighed. “I’ll let him tell you that one.”

I rolled my eyes; he’s always hiding things from me. I ran up the stairs, quickly changing and packing sunscreen and a towel in my beach bag.

My bathing suit is a two piece, with a ruffled, soft pink top, and a skirt bottom, which had small flowers embroidering the hem.

Someone knocked on my door as I was slipping on some shorts.

“It’s open!” I called.

Samantha came in, looking like a model in her two piece yellow bathing suit and silk cover up wrapped around her waist.

“The boys are coming with us.” She informed, pulling her hair back into a ponytail.

“That’s nice. Dan needs to get out and relax a while.” I said, slipping on my sunglasses and turning to her. “Are we ready?”

“Yes. Briana is waiting downstairs with Linda.” I nodded and we started out of the room.

I was pulling my hair out of its braid when I came down, and I could hear the boys in the kitchen, loudly talking and laughing. I swear, all went silent when I entered.

Dan’s eyes raked down my body, turning molten chocolate. I felt my cheeks flame in embarrassment as I noticed the other men, their mouths hanging open.

“You’re drooling.” Sam teased mercifully behind me, making them snap their mouths closed and look away, Dan only smiled at me, paying no attention to the others.

“Come on!” Briana urged, tugging on my arm. “Let’s go outside!”

I laughed affectionately at the eager child and let her lead me outside; pretending like she was going too fast and I couldn’t keep up. We started for the lake, Dan catching up with Briana and I, and the rest of the group following close behind. We slowed to a walk as we reached the break in the forest, Dan pulling me into his side and kissing my temple.

He slipped off my sunglasses and threw them in my bag. “You look great in that bathing suit. I don’t like the way the others are checking you out, though.” He muttered, tightening his arm possessively around me.

I laughed and leaned my head on his shoulder. “You are a bit protective, aren’t you?” I teased him.

He kissed the top of my head. “I have every right to be. You’re mine, and will always be mine.”

Briana fell back to walk with her mom, talking to her excitedly about all of the activities they’d do at the lake. “When we get married, let’s have a girl.” He said abruptly.

My heart skipped a beat at his words, and I looked sharply up at him. My voice managed to stay steady, despite the feelings that muddled my thoughts. “Married?”

He grinned down at me. “You didn’t think that I’d just leave, did you?”

I let out a small laugh. “I guess I didn’t think about it.”

“Well you’d better start.” He teased.

I knew he was teasing, and that he didn’t know about the arrangement in only a few days, but the thought sent a sharp pain through my chest, and it was suddenly all I could think about. Having a life with Dan, watching him hold his first child in the hospital, seeing the wonder in his eyes as he stared down at the tiny infant…and knowing I wouldn’t live to see that future.

“Sky? Is there something wrong?” He asked softly, slowing us until we were behind the others, and wiping a tear I hadn’t noticed had fallen from my cheek.

I forced a smile. “It’s just…I really want that life with you, Dan.” I whispered.

I wasn’t lying to him. I wanted that life, more than anything in the world, but I couldn’t have it. I couldn’t be happy with the man I loved. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine in a slow, tantalizing kiss, but it didn’t take my mind off things. “I know, babe. I want it too.”


After swimming at the lake, we walked back, everyone around us laughing and talking. Sky seemed…lost in thought. She had been since I mentioned marriage to her. I hoped that I hadn’t ruined everything by mentioning this to her, I just thought she felt the same way.

“Sky, if I said something earlier that upset you…”

She looked up at me, her beautiful blue eyes silencing me instantly. “No, no. You didn’t, of course not. I’m just…worried.” She explained, pressing a hand to my cheek.

I knew the feeling. I was so worried about her I could hardly think. My life revolved around her. If I were to lose her…I couldn’t even think about it.

“Don’t worry, love. I’ll protect you.” I assured her, forcing the worry to the back of my mind.

I saw her swallow, and I could have sworn that guilt flashed in her eyes, but it was gone too quick to know for sure. She suddenly stopped, making me pause as I looked back at her with a questioning look.

“You go on inside…I need to think about some things.” She said, giving me a weak smile.

I raised my eyebrows, but the look on her face stopped me from protesting. I nodded and leaned down, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll be in the house if you need me.”

She nodded, putting her hand on my cheek with a soft smile. I left her to go into the house, watching from the window as she walked over to the garden Linda recently planted. She sat down and stared at the flowers, playing with the petals of a fully bloomed rose. Her eyes were distant as they stared without emotion, and suddenly, her face crumbled. She put a hand to her mouth as tears filled her eyes, streaming down her cheeks, and I could faintly hear her sobbing from where I stood. I had no idea what to do.  Should I go out there? Would she be mad at me for not respecting her wishes to be alone?

“Well, are you going to go out there and comfort her, or stand there like a stuffed animal and do nothing?” Linda suddenly appeared beside me, looking at me with stern eyes.

“But what if-“

Linda put a hand up, stopping me from speaking. “Look at her. The only reason she wants to be alone is that she is afraid to show you how scared she really is. She needs your comfort more than anything. Now go!” she gestured towards the door.

I figured Linda would know better than anyone, so I agreed, opening the back door and stepping out. She didn’t acknowledge me when I sat down beside her, so I scooted to the left until we were close enough to touch, and wrapped an arm around her. She tried to wipe her tears away, almost as if she could still hide her feelings. But after a moment, she gave up, turning so her face was buried in my chest, and letting out a pitiful sob. It broke my heart, seeing her like this. She had cried in front of me before, but not like this. Never like this. I pulled her into my lap and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, rocking her back and forth in silence.

We stayed like this for hours. Eventually, she’d stopped crying, but I cradled her anyway, never wanting her to feel like she couldn’t confide in me. I wanted to comfort her, to let her know that it was going to be alright.

Part Seven:

The days that passed were...easier. I laid my emotions out for Dan to see, and now that he knew just how frightened I was...he was extremely attentive to me. He was careful about what he said to me, and when he couldn’t be with me, he’d have one of his men with me when I went to work or the store, or anywhere. When he left for work, he could see how anxious it made me. He would take me into the garage and with me. He would press sweet kisses to my lips, and tell me that he would be home soon. He would stare into my eyes, or just ask about how I was feeling. He would hold me close to him until time was up, and press sweet kisses all over my face. It was very, very sweet. The sweetest, most heartwarming part, was when he had to leave. He would pull me close to him, and tell me he loved me, over and over.

It was one day until Michaels met with me at the lake. I was more anxious than usual, and I think Dan noticed, because he took me into the garage earlier than usual, and just held me close to him and kissed me for a long time. I was lightheaded when he pulled away, and he gave me a soft smile. “Breathe, Sky,” He whispered, tracing my lips.

I complied to the reminder, sucking in a breath. He chuckled and pulled me close to him, hugging me tightly. “I love you.”

I wrapped my arms around him as best I could, splaying my hands across his back. “I love you too, with my whole heart.” I whispered, my voice thick.

I was trying hard not to think of this as goodbye...but it was hard. There was only a few people that I really wanted to tell, and Dan was number one priority. I absolutely needed to tell him how I felt, so he knew exactly why I was going to meet Michaels.

“Sky...are you okay?” He asked, pulling me back to look into my eyes.

My eyes were blurred with tears, so I blinked them back. “You’ve been so good to me lately...I just don’t think I’ve told you how much I appreciate it. You make me so happy, and I wish I could tell you just how happy you make me in words. I love you so much I just...I just-”

“Sky,” Dan said in surprise as I buried my face in his chest, “Are you really okay?”

I wrapped my arms around him again, shaking my head. I was about to panic. My mind warned me that my careful composure had cracked. I just snapped, like a rubber band.  I couldn’t do this! I couldn’t live like this! I just couldn’t handle knowing I was going to die. I my breath was coming out shallow and tight, and my legs gave out beneath me.

“Skylar!” He said in alarm as he caught me. “What’s wrong?” He asked me.

“I-I c-can’t!” I cried, shaking my head as strangled sobs escaped.


I let him hold me as he sat us on the ground, rocking us back and forth. I couldn’t help it, the whole story spilled from my lips. He just sat rocking me as I sobbed out the truth. His eyes were angry, but his face was carefully composed.

“I just couldn’t tell you, Dan! I-I was so afraid a-and I didn’t think...oh please don’t be mad at me!” I begged him.

He didn’t answer, and he wouldn’t look at me. His lips were pressed in a thin line. As gentle as if I would break if he moved too fast, pulled me off of his lap and sat me down. I stared at him in confusion, fearing that didn’t even want to touch me anymore. “D-Dan?” I asked.

He grimaced, but didn’t stop. “Dan...I’m sorry...please I...I just didn’t want Linda hurt and I...Dan, please don’t leave,” I begged brokenly.

He paused for a moment, and I felt my breath start to hitch as I realized that he was going to do exactly that - leave me. He reached for the door handle, and he finally spoke as he left, “I’m going to speak with my men,” He muttered.

When the door closed behind him, I could feel my heart rip into pieces. This was all my fault. If I had just told him...

I could only sit on the ground and stare at my hands, tears slowly falling as I waited for the pain in my heart to kill me. Now I’d done it. Dan didn’t love me anymore. I deserved to be left here, cold and alone.

Linda came out what seemed like hours later, and sat beside me. She only wrapped her arm around me and pulled me into her. We sat in silence for a few minutes, before I finally whispered, “He hates me.”

“He does not hate you.”

“Yes he does! He wouldn’t even look at me!” I wailed, sobbing yet again.

“Oh, sweetheart, don’t cry. He doesn’t hate you, no one does!” She pulled me into her, rubbing my back.

“Then why did he leave me?”

“I don’t know, but I’m going to beat some sense into that man!” She said, getting up, and pulling me with her.

I pulled away as she tried to pull me into the house. “N-no! I’m not going in there! I don’t want to see him.” I said, backing up until his car was against my backside.

Linda’s eyes hardened as she scrutinized my face. “I’m ‘gonna kill him!”

I watched as she left the garage, leaving the door open in an obvious attempt to make me come in. I bit my lip, debating. I decided that I’d come in, having no car to leave with. I’d probably call Lillian to pick me up. I was going to lock myself in my old guest bedroom, and wait for Lillian to get here.

I hesitantly made my way through the house, hoping I wouldn’t run into Dan. Luck was on my side, as I reached my old room without as much as hearing a word from them. I closed the door, locking it behind me, and I pulled out my phone to call Lillian, trying hard not to cry as memories hit me.

“Hey girl, what’s happening?” She asked brightly.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to make my voice happy, “Hey, Lilly-bear. I need a ride home. I’m at Dan’s.”

“What happened to the sexy-sleepover?” she asked me.

I couldn’t help but smile at the way she phrased it. “I need to go home. I’ve been gone too long.” I lied.

“Oh...okay. Well I’m at work. I’m off in twenty.” She said.

“Okay. I’ll...I’ll wait.” I said.

When I disconnected, I felt very alone. I didn’t want to sit on the bed, with an irrational fear that his scent would still be there from when he would comfort me...kiss me.

I pushed those thoughts from my head, forcing myself to climb up, and curl into a ball. There was a few minutes that passed, and I felt as if I were dying. My heart was breaking into pieces, and with each piece that fell, my thoughts smashed them down like a bug.

A rational part of my brain told me that I was overreacting, and that he still loved me. It said that he wasn’t angry at me, that he was angry at the situation, but I wouldn’t listen. The irrational, overreacting part of my brain claimed that he hated me, and that I’d screwed up big-time. Naturally the irrational part of my brain won out.

After a few minutes of thinking about it, I started to get angry. He hated me for trying to protect Linda! I was afraid! I wasn’t just going to tell him what happened! He was the one overreacting!

I was hurt, angry, and heartbroken, and I wasn’t going to leave without giving Dan a good slap in the face. With a new determination, I jumped from bed and strode to the door, throwing it open.

My anger was stunted when my eyes met Dan’s. He was standing with his fist poised in the air, ready to knock.

“Skylar...we need to talk.”

Without a word, I moved aside to let him through. He walked across the room, turned, and leaned on the bed. I closed the door and leaned on it. We stared at each other for a while before Dan moved, almost making me jump as we’d become so still. He leaned his head down and pinched his nose between his thumb and forefinger. “I should have never let you stay here, that first night.” He muttered solemnly.

I furrowed my eyebrows, I wasn’t expecting this. I couldn’t answer, the hurt I felt at his words was forming a lump in my throat. “I should have just reported John to the police the moment you told me.” He let out an exasperated breath and looked up into my eyes. “But you’re so beautiful! You exude beauty with everything you do, whether it be braiding your hair, or the way you jutt that full bottom lip out when you’re mad or you’re being stubborn. You’re sweet as hell, and loving and...everything I needed. Everything I need. I put you in danger for my own selfish reasons, and as much as I didn’t want to, I fell in love with you.” He admitted, looking down as if ashamed.

I was speechless, he’d never blatantly told me how he felt like that. It was a shock. He thought I exude beauty? But...didn’t he hate me? He looked up at me, his eyes pained, but determined. “I have to leave you.”

This was what I was expecting, but it didn’t make it any easier to hear. My heart fell to pieces once again, and I felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing me in the chest. I now knew how it felt to be truly heartbroken. His eyes slowly became agonized as he read my expression. I couldn’t feel anything but the pain in my heart, and I felt myself slide down to the ground. The only thing that I could choke out was, “Why?”

“I can’t let you live in danger like this, Skylar. I won’t. If Michaels thinks I don’t love you anymore...he’ll leave you alone.” He muttered.

Anger broke through the pain, and I stood up. “If you do this, I’m walking out, and I’m never coming back. I’ll walk out that door, a-and I’ll be gone forever!” I told him harshly through the lump in my throat.

He started forward, and I had nowhere to run as he came close to me. “I’ll always love you, Skylar, please know that.” He whispered, stroking my cheek.

“No!” I denied, pushing his hand away.

I couldn’t leave, I simply couldn’t. Tears began to stream down my cheeks as he leaned down and pressed a lingering kiss to both of my cheeks, and then one short one to my lips, before pulling me into a crushing hug. “Don’t forget me, Sky. Because I’ll never forget you.” He whispered.

“Dan,” I pleaded in a broken voice.

He let me go and backed away. “Goodbye, Skylar.” He mumbled.

I pressed my lips into a thin line to keep the sob from escaping, and turned to open the door. I was numb as I walked down the hall, not even noticing as Linda tried to speak with me. I walked out the front door, and started down the driveway.

I was halfway down the road, when my knees gave out, and the pain that my body was desperately trying to keep at bay, flooded through me, drowning all the numb feelings. I wanted to die. I wanted to curl into a ball and die on the side of the road. I was sitting with my head in my hands and sobbing my heart out,  and not even caring who saw. He left me, not even acknowledging my warning. He left me!

This was what was running through my mind, for what seemed like hours, as the sun began to climb higher in the sky. I sat staring at my hands the sobbing long gone, and a broken, empty heart left behind. A car skidded to a stop, and I didn’t look up as they pulled over. I expected it to be Lillian. The door opened, and someone got out, jogging over to where I sat. I was surprised to hear Blake’s voice calling my name, and I lifted my heavy head to look up at him. My movements were sluggish, as if my body was unwilling to move.

“Blake.” I said, barely over a whisper.

He leaned down in front of me, and studied my face with concerned eyes. “Come on Sky, everyone’s worried about you. Let’s get you home.” He murmured.

He scooped me up easily, and I just curled into his chest numbly. “He left me, Blake.” I whispered.

He tightened his arms around me, his expression hardening. “I know.”

“Why? What did I do?”

“You didn’t do anything...I guess he was trying to protect you.” His words were almost a growl.

“What a shitty way of protecting me.” I whispered.

This made his lips twitch, but his eyes didn’t lighten. “Yeah.”

He put me into the car, and only then did I realize that I had gone the wrong way on the road. I was glad that his cruiser had three seats in the front, because I needed his comfort. I needed him to tell me that it would be alright, and that I would be okay. I wanted him to give me hope where there was none. He seemed surprised as I slid across the seat to curl into his side, but after a few seconds, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled away from the curb. “It’s going to be okay, Sky.” He said softly, as if reading my mind.

I nodded, suddenly exhausted and cold as pain twinged at my heart. “It just hurts.” I whimpered.

He tightened his arm, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “I know.”

We sat in a comfortable silence on the way to my apartment, and I never wanted his comforting presence to leave.

Part Eight:

I awoke to myself being shifted onto a bed, and felt Blake pull a blanket over my shoulders. He was about to leave, when I grabbed his hand with a whimper. “Blake...please don’t leave, I don’t want to be alone.” I begged.

He stared into my eyes, debating. He finally shrugged and kicked off his shoes, taking off his gun belt and setting it on the night stand. He climbed into bed and I turned, curling into him like a child seeking warmth. Some part of my brain told me that this was wrong...but I needed him here. He wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair softly.

I was feeling comfortable with his arms around me. Too comfortable. It sparked feelings of guilt inside at the thought of being in bed with another man...but I reminded myself that Blake was just here for comfort. Nothing more. “ you think I deserve this?” I asked him, my voice hardly above a whisper.

He looked at me with incredulous eyes. “Why would you think that?”

I looked down at my hands on his chest. “I mean, with everything that happened with John...and then Michaels, and then Dan leaving you think I’m being punished?” I asked him, not looking at him.

He put his hand to my chin and pulled my face up to look at him. “What would you need to be punished for, Skylar?” He asked me.

I swallowed a lump in my throat, blinking back tears. “Maybe for my resentment toward my mother. For not being with her, for being so selfish to think that I was the only one hurting. I-I can’t help but think that I deserve this for what I’ve done-” He moved his fingers to my lips, silencing me.

“Skylar, listen to me. You are a wonderful person, and you don’t deserve any of this. John was a horrible SOB looking for a beautiful woman like you so he could push her around and make her life miserable. And Michaels is a crazy SOB just seeking revenge. We’ll get him, and we’ll put him behind bars just like John. As for Dan...well he’s just an SOB.” He said with a dry look.

I couldn’t help the tiny smile that pulled at the corners of my lips, and I buried my face in his chest, snuggling deeper into his arms. “Thank you, Blake.” I whispered.

He sighed and tightened his arms. “Yeah, yeah. Anytime.”

We lay in silence for a while, and I knew Blake hadn’t fallen asleep, because his hand kept up a steady rhythm, stroking my hair. I knew that I needed to braid it, but I was too comfortable to consider moving. I wasn’t very tired anymore, just emotionally drained. My heart beat a steady rhythm, keeping up with Blake’s. It felt good to be in his arms, a very comforting thing. I knew that if Lillian were here in Blake’s place, feeding me ice cream, popcorn, and making me watch sappy movies, I’d still be crying and wondering what I did wrong. Blake was truly my only solace. Oh crap, Lillian!

I gasped and looked up at Blake. “Lillian was coming to pick me up!”

He pushed my hair back from my face. “It’s okay. Lillian got there when I did. I told her that she should go home and that I’d look for you.” He said.

“Oh.” I said, unable to stop staring into his eyes.

They were soft, sweet, and he had a strange look on his face. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Sleep, Sky. You must be tired.” He said, his voice mirroring his eyes.

I grimaced. “I can’t really sleep. I guess that nap I had on the way here was all I needed.” I said sheepishly.

He let out a laugh and squeezed me to him in a mini-hug. “Okay. Do you want to go watch TV?”

I nodded. “Okay. Nothing sappy or stupid.” I said, beginning to sit up.

He smiled. “That’s the rule I live by.”

He got up, lifting me out of bed and setting me on the ground. We walked into the living room, sitting on my tiny couch. I cuddled into him once again, and he wrapped an arm around me as he remoted the TV on. A small part of my brain told me that from the outside we probably looked like a couple, but I didn’t listen. It felt cold without him near, lonely. I could feel the pain creeping back up when he wasn’t there. It was like dipping frostbitten . I told myself it was just guilt that made me feel that way. The warning part of my brain was dubious.

My heart still pained to think about Dan, so I tried to concentrate on the TV. Blake had it on a sitcom that we both enjoyed. Blake and I were usually rolling on the floor laughing when this sitcom came on, but we were both quietly watching this time, occasionally smiling at the funnier parts.

I laid my head on his shoulder after a while, my eyes finally growing heavy as I watched. He gave my shoulders a small squeeze. I could feel myself drifting off, but something warned me that bad dreams were to come.

Those warnings were correct.

I had nightmares of Dan, walking away from me, and no matter how fast I chased after him, I couldn’t catch him. The area around me was black. There was nothing but blackness beneath me. I called his name, trying to get him to stop, and he finally paused. He looked back at me with emotionless eyes. “I lied.” He whispered.

I shook my head in confusion, a questioning look on my face. “I lied about always loving you. I never did.” And he turned, and began striding away again.

My heart was ripped completely from my chest, and as if in slow motion, I fell to my knees, hitting the ground hard.

I awoke with a sharp gasp, sitting straight up. My breathing was ragged, and my heart was pounding painfully, as if trying to remind me that it was still there. I was still in Blake’s arms, and the TV flashed different commercials. I looked at the clock over the TV and realized it was five AM. We had fallen asleep on the couch.

Blake sat up straighter, his face groggy, but his eyes alert as he took in my face. “Nightmares?” He asked, his voice quiet with sleep.

I nodded, unable to speak as tears welled in my eyes. He sighed heavily and stretched, cracking his neck. He stood up and grabbed my hands, helping me up with him. “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked me.

I shook my head.

He pressed his lips into a thin line. “Daniel is a stupid man.”

The pain in my heart wouldn’t subside, and a tear slowly streamed down my cheek. I was trying hard to hold it together, but not having Blake’s arms around me was...strange. It felt like now that I’d felt his comfort, I didn’t want it to go away. He was like a drug. My mind warned me not to go near him, and I couldn’t understand why. He was a friend comforting a friend, that was it...right?

Wrong! My mind yelled.

So, naturally, I ignored my mind, and took two steps, cuddling into him. He easily wrapped his arms around me.

“I’m sorry Blake, I’m being stupid, aren’t I?” I asked him, not pulling away from the warm embrace.

“No. You’re in pain. I understand.” He muttered.

I let him pull me away, and he pushed the hair away from both sides of my face, his eyes intently studying mine. It took a few seconds, but the air around us seemed to grow warmer, and my stomach fluttered with anticipation. “Skylar...” He trailed off, pulling me back into him.

“Blake...I...” I didn’t know what to say.

I didn’t know if I wanted this, and I knew what would happen if I didn’t say anything to stop him...but I couldn’t say anything. The words were stuck. His face grew closer to mine, and he paused for a moment, taking in my expression. I tried to imagine what my face looked like to him - eyes wide, face nervous, eyebrows raised ever so slightly: expectant.

He seemed satisfied by what he saw, leaning forward a few inches to place his lips ever so slightly onto mine. Both of us were surprised by how I reacted, though. I stood up on my tiptoes, pushing myself up so the kiss was deepened, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He responded to my enthusiasm, moving his hands to the small of my back, and pushing me more firmly against him.

As he kissed me more fervently, there was a split second where no thoughts occurred - where it was just Blake and me, feverishly attacking each other. - and then there was one thought, one picture in my head that made all of the heated feelings disappear. Dan. His eyes devoid of emotion, and this time he whispered, “I guess you didn’t love me either.”

I pulled away from Blake with a gasp, ripping from his arms with a strength I didn’t know I had.

“Blake, we can’t do this!” I cried, crossing my arms in front of me in an attempt to keep the pain in my heart at bay.

He stared at me with careful, calculating eyes. “Why can’t we?”

I didn’t expect this. I was used to the polite, loving Dan who would never do anything I didn’t want him to. I wasn’t used to Blake. “B-because...because I...because he...” I couldn’t think of a reason.

I couldn’t very well tell him that Dan would be angry, or that I felt like I’m cheating on him. I wasn’t, and I left Dan, he can be mad at the things I do because he isn’t in my life anymore.

“Tell me why, Skylar. Give me a good reason why this isn’t acceptable.” He said.

I gave him an incredulous look. “Because I just broke up with Dan yesterday!” And I felt great pain admitting that.

“So? You’ll still be broken up with him a few weeks from now, years, your whole life, by the way you explained it, so what’s the point in waiting? I can finally have you, Skylar. I can finally feel you in my arms and kiss you. Do you know how long I’ve wanted that?” He asked me.

He had a point about Dan. But I couldn’t pay attention to that. Did he just say that he’d wanted me? I slowly shook my head in denial. “You’re not serious.” I muttered, almost to myself.

“Oh really? Skylar,” He paused with an exasperated breath and pulled me into him, planting his lips on mine in another heated kiss, “I’ve wanted you since the day we met.”

I was unable to pull out of his grasp, as images of Dan started flickering in my mind. “Please, Blake, it’ll hurt him to see us together,” I pleaded..

He snorted. “Hurt him? He pretty much told you that he shouldn’t have fallen in love with you, and you’re afraid of hurting him?”

He had yet another point. “I still love him, you know.” I whispered, grasping at straws.

He sighed heavily. “Yes, I know.”

“And he told me that - even though he was letting me go - he still loves me too.”

He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed again. “I know. But he left you. As sorry as I am to say that, because I know it hurts you to hear it, he left you. I’m just asking you to give me a chance, Skylar. Just one chance to prove that I can be good for you.” He pleaded, taking my face in his hands.

I bit my lip, looking into his hopeful blue eyes. He was truly a wonderful friend to me...but could he mean more? Could he mean as much to me as Dan did? Maybe time will tell. I just couldn’t think about the future when it didn’t have Dan in it, and I couldn’t very well use Blake as a replacer. This had to be real. It had to be because I wanted Blake, and not because of the comfort hr gives me from my pain.

I had to think. I had to really search myself to consider if I really felt something for him. I sifted through the pain. I sifted through all of the hurt and all of the stifling feelings I still held for Dan, trying to find something that I felt for Blake, and even I was surprised at what I found.

He was studying my face, waiting patiently for my answer. And as I opened my mouth to speak, I knew I had made my decision.

And it would be either the best decision, or the worst mistake I’ve ever made.


Authors note - PLEASE READ:

Haha! I know what you're thinking. Emily you jerkbutt! but I promise, this next chapter will be worth the wait. I rushed into this part for a reason, which will be revealed in the next chapter. Anyhoo, I hope you don't hunt me down and kill me for leaving a cliff hanger, and I also hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Texte: I own this book, and everything written in it, if you try to steal this book I'll sue the pants off of you. Thanks.
Bildmaterialien: Google Images.
Lektorat: Emily Zimmerman.
Übersetzung: Emily Zimmerman.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.10.2012

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To my brother, and my mother, if it weren't for them, I probably wouldn't be writing today.

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