Growing Up Street Ways

User: sakusabi
Growing Up Street Ways
story of a girl who grows up in a drug world. (not completly finnished)

Beiträge und Kommentare
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I suppose it should have been wise instead of ways, but when I origianlly named it, the child didn't actually grow up wise, this is only a first book. I'm thinking of writting a sequel depening on how I go with some of my current writting endeavours.
Thanks for your comment, I'll go review it again soon
Love Ellie xx

2 Kommentare
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Wichtiger Beitrag

You might want to take a look at the grammar, spelling, and punctuation in a few places, but the story is very good. You have good tension and excellent characterization; a nice ending with good scenes leading up to it.
I couldn't help but wonder whether the last word in your title might better have been "Wise" ?

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