Words Have Power

User: dfields
Words Have Power

I have been on a mentally and emotionally draining journey the past few years. Accomplishing both a bachelor and master’s degree, one would think I would be on a high from my achievements. Yet, that is when my life took a major left turn.


I began to realize that anxiety and depression were facets of my life and that I needed to face my issues head-on in order to start enjoying my life again. I turned to some lifestyle changes like a healthier diet and exercise, but I still had more work to do. I then began meditating and changing the thought process of my mind and taking away the power of negative thoughts.


This e-book, Words Have Power, encompasses sayings and affirmations that have gotten me to a much better place after a tough, years-long battle. The power of words and manifestations is real and I wanted to share my “wealth” with others in hope that it can help others as well.

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