Witches and Wizards in Menden in 1628

Historical Shortstories from Westphalia Von:
Witches and Wizards in Menden in 1628
Pursuit of witches and wizards in Menden/Westfalian around 1628

A historically guaranteed Story about the pursuit of witches and wizard in the cure cologne town Menden in the year 1628 in particular of the two citizens Franz Hellmich, called the lame and Blasius Billi, called the pious. The presented story has really taken place in Menden in the region called Sauerland and still available court files can be lokked into.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Hiitorische Kurzgeschichten aus Westfalen"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Witches and Wizards in Menden in 1628
Historical Shortstories from Westphalia
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