Hysteria Passion

Hysteria Passion
Deon Chandler was an ex-pro football player for the Denver Broncos and while vacationing in Monte Carlo; he met and fell in love with an alluring fashion model who gave up her fashion career for love. Consequently, as they’re relationship progressed, he noticed a severe and abnormal change in his beautiful and sexy girlfriend’s displeasing behavior.

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Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Arooha Arif vor ca. 11 Jahren

your cover is really good. :')

5 Kommentare
bustareadnow vor ca. 11 Jahren

Thank you! I tried to be a little creative! :)

Arooha Arif vor ca. 11 Jahren

yes, it is creative and it suits your story :)

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Wichtiger Beitrag
brandy83 vor ca. 12 Jahren

I read your short story and it was pretty interesting. Great job. :)

1 Kommentar
bustareadnow vor ca. 12 Jahren

Thank you! I think I want to add a little more in characterization, to give it a little more flavor... then I think it will be very good.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Arooha Arif vor ca. 12 Jahren

I read your book. It's great, kept me moving till I read the last page. You should have added more.

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Arooha Arif vor ca. 12 Jahren

Not that fluent, I keep practising anyhow. I love reading. As soon as I found this website I thought I should write too. Now that is all I want to do :) And people who speak english in Pakistan are the ones who love english.
There are but not so many Americans in Pakistan.

bustareadnow vor ca. 12 Jahren

Well you keep it up and soon you will be a fluent English speaker! So glad to have this little chat and welcome to Bookrix! I look forward to reading some of your work and feel free to stop by my profile page anytime... there will always be something new to read because I love... mehr anzeigen

Arooha Arif vor ca. 12 Jahren

Inshallah(By the will of God) I will be a fluent speaker. And I am happy too to have a little chat :) I'll soon complete my book and I'll be happy if you'll give it a your time. And yes, I'll read your other books too :) you too take care :)

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