
The Crazy Love Crave

Hysteria Passion


“Good morning baby,” Deon greeted his beautiful girlfriend as she entered the kitchen.

“Ooh Good Mor-ning handsome! Why don’t you skip work today and let’s go back to bed?”  Ebony suggested sweetly kissing him.

“What? You didn’t get enough last night,” he asked shaking his head.

“Aw come on baby! I’m serious!  I’m so hot for you!  You know you want me,” she insisted smothering him with her kisses.

“Come on sweetheart now!  I’m trying to eat here!”

"Oh no baby, I got to have you now!!  Let me be your breakfast this morning and you're going to love it," she assured with an ardor appeal.

"Sweetheart stop it!  C'mon, will you stop it please!!  I have to go to work today!  You know that!"

“Well forget it then,” she fumed knocking his plate to the floor.

Deon’s sudden befuddlement of her unspeakable outburst of anger became quite annoying.

“Oh baby I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to do that,” she quickly apologized.

Deon grabbed his jacket then stated, “No, it’s alright!  A man just can’t have a decent breakfast in peace!  I’ll grab something on the way to the office.  You know you really need to work on that temper of yours.  It’s becoming quite unattractive,” he confessed walking out the door.

She ambled over to the window to watch as he drove away, quite agitated over her spontaneous reaction.  Blood oozed from the palm of her hand, as she aggressively compressed the piece of the broken glass she picked up off the floor. 


Ebony was a very beautiful Cajun girl.  She was raised by her mother on a bayou houseboat just outside of Morgan City, Louisiana near the Atchafalaya swamp.  There wasn't much for a young girl to do growing up in isolation near the swamp and the only interaction she had of being with kids her own age was in school.  Ebony never knew her father and when she asked her mother about his whereabouts, she just laughed.  It was at that time rumors surfaced that her mother placed a hex on her father that drove him away, because she chose to end their charade nuptial due to adultery.  It was said on many occasions, some witnessed her mother's involvement in rituals and spell casting out in the eerie, swampy terrain at night but Ebony had no enmity about the rumors, as far as she was concern she had a great mother and she loved her dearly.

Years later, a week after her big sweet sixteenth birthday party, Ebony entered the home from school and found her mother lying dead on the living room floor, which devastated her.  She was poisoned by some unknown source, as investigators alledged suicide.  Of course, this was highly impossible to Ebony, her mother was a happy, high spirited woman and she had no reason to commit suicide, however foulplay was very possible.  Although there was no evidence of force entry or any signs of struggle due to assault, yet there were two glasses sitting on the coffee table.  There was no need for her mother to drink from two glasses, besides other than water or tea, her mother was a social drinker.  It was very obvious she was accompanied by someone else and the question was with whom?  The invesgators bagged both glasses as evidence but later nothing was determined.  She concluded that possibly after the consumption in the glasses, all evidence was wiped clean from fingerprints and lip


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Debbie Lacy
Bildmaterialien: Debbie Lacy
Lektorat: Debbie ?Lacy
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.08.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-5912-1

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To all of my Family, Friends, Readers and Fans with much love, thanks for all of your support! May God Bless!

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