beautiful nightmare

User: Davi
beautiful nightmare
well then guess i should introduce myself. as you haven't noticed i'm sascia and very well a teenager. anyways my life has flip upside down thanks to those beautiful nightmares that torment me every night. my dreams tend to revolve around a believed non existent stranger. for me they're my enemy in the most precious sense..........

these are the nightmares that will forever mark the beginning of my life changed and the people affected by change

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✅ WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?_ebook-davi-luvv-beautiful-nightmare

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Christiana Hinojosa

I have read all 9976 words. Please update.

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I like the story but i have only read a little bit of it, but i picked up on one thing can you read your sentences again and just check them because sometimes i makes it hard to understand what your trying to get across. i know from experience that readers won't read your book if they can't understand it.

You have a good story i really like it but just improve on the pint i told you about. besides that i think it awesome.

keep... mehr anzeigen

4 Kommentare

ok i will do and thanks for the advice. i was just trying it out but i'm glad u like :)


also want to thank u for adding beautiful nightmare to your favs :)


No problemo amigo ;p


just added a new chapter please read and hope you enjoy. comments are welcome :)

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