
chapter one





                        POV SASCIA: 


A kiss… that is what it all started with. Just one simple peck was all it was suppose to be. But I guess I was the only one to blame. I am after all a carefree teenager what else should I have expected. It has been already ten months and what may you ask have I been doing. Big surprise there I am being haunted.

Why would I a simple normal teenager be hunted? Well let’s just say my haunt is quite peculiar.


 Love; a word so foreign in my vocabulary have become so common. Before ten months ago the sound and thought of this one word only brought disgust and criticism. I mean what is the point with this distasteful emotion called love. You’re born you love and that love brings you pain and death. So why would someone choose to embrace such venom....

Hell no was I going to accept it.


 Then there’s lust. Well this I can deal with; every human being lust’s especially teenagers. they go through what i call the critical stage. Hormones blossom and welcome every lust filled desire and that is not so easily contained.


And then there is passion; the stimulus to love and lust, what makes it what it is; amazing or venomous.


Those are the emotions that continuously torment me. They run within me; every vessel, whether it be the arteries capillaries or veins. Those are the emotions I've lately involunteerily learned to breathe and embrace as if life itself depended on love lust and passion.

and why may you ask this is the case?


Well of course it started with... his soft... pink lips, those luscious shade of pink begging to be tasted. The only lips to have made a mind blowing impression with just a contact.


 His moist lips lean unto my cheeks soothingly, causing me to lightly blush. Resting there a while, His lips then lingered its way to my lips. I didn’t think to reject the pleasure engulfing me for a second i could not have allowed it. No. I succumbed to this temptation. Closing my eyes I felt his tongue gently slide across mine. I took no time wrapping my arms around his neck as he held a firm grip to my waist. His heat radiating throughout my body.


God!.. did I not know the true meaning of pleasure until now. The kiss came to a halt as we stared into each other’s eyes sharing an astonished expression. You would think since we were frozen in shocked the shockwaves running within me would freeze but no. it quickened a million times….


Slowly but surely we lean to each other and embraced in yet another mind blowing kiss.


So now here I am reminiscing once more about some seemingly reality. Those emotions unraveling in my head had to be a sign that I should loosen up. I am a teenager and no doubt I have needs so yeah I decided to spread my wings. But as time passed the dreams continued with….. Him. So here I am again coming with conclusions quizzing my brain in wander of this bizarre habit. Hormones could not completely be the cause of some unknown man causing explosions of emotions inside me. Hell no. so here I am sexless with dreams tormenting me adding to the tension within me.



 Can you imagine dreaming of one person repeatedly not knowing who they are? To make it worse their image seems more of a blur but here I am feeling god knows for my unrealistic Romeo. All I know is that his touch kiss walk everything about him drives me crazy…



chapter two


                               POV SASCIA:


I sighed squeezing my eyes tightly. Taking in those poisonous breathes that seem to be a part of me now. I slowly opened my eyes viewing the scenery.  Here I am in some stranger’s room yet again. The room is grey in colour with posters of various athletes and comics plastered everywhere. It was beyond messy with clothes scattered everywhere; on the floor, chair arm, desk, bed and even the fan hanging on the room top. 


I sat up carelessly trying to compose myself so that I looked half passable. I grabbed what I assume to be a pair of shoes place it on me foot a rushed out. I needed to get home to refresh myself. The minutes pass by slowly but yeah after what seemed like hours I finally approached home. I turned off the jeep, walked out and locked the door. I walked inside.

'Morning to all' I sang aloud closing the front door. I walked up to my room. The door shuts closed and I began stripping walking to the bathroom. I opened the shower and enjoy the cool water rushing onto my body. After the long shower I entered my room once more, entered my closet and got something to wear. 


The rest of the day I slept like a baby. It was around six in the afternoon when my mom began yelling me to come for dinner. I honestly don't know why since we normally ate at random times during the day. I lazily got up and walked down stairs.

My mom turned towards me a smile appearing before she chased me out to get properly dressed. I was to say the least furious. First! She disturbed my slumber, and then calls me for dinner to only chase me just so I can come again. I rolled my eyes quickly choosing something from my closet. I grabbed a light pink tank top with black skinny jeans. After placing my hair in a messy bun I rushed downstairs...AGAIN!!...


'So what is the occasion mom' I questioned causing her to lock gaze with me for a few seconds before she dived into her plate. I simply rolled my eyes and dashed into the meal. After dinner was done i washed the dishes and head back to my room. 

Dinner was alright, I mean I got to talk with my mom a bit which I haven’t been able to do much lately. 

~~~~~~~~  ♥♥♥♥  ~~~~~~~~


It was morning now and yes last night was the same as before. It’s ridiculous you know: To keep dreaming of some unknown individual and being tormented for no reason.

I slammed the pillow unto the bed groaning as I walked into the bathroom to freshen up. Before this little crisis I was content with my life but now I’m a complete muddle.

I mean I’ve pretty much lost all my so called friends. Yeah. You guessed right; loner in your presence, but I like it this way. I’ve got no time for fakes.  The only friend I’ve got is long gone at the moment. She’ll be back soon but now I’m here with the wind facing my teenage life.


Those people that was considered to be friends, well let’s just say the minutes my life began crumbling they didn’t hesitant to walk away.

Those dreams were just the beginning of my 'perfect life' (note the sarcasm). I began thinking too much, wandering and daydreaming about him... those sweet lips. I’d lost my focus. Chasing for a solution to ease my mind resulted to me trying to get myself preoccupied. I figured finding some job would at least lessen on the activities taking place in that mind of mine. It’s not like my used to called friends we're good company, but that was my mistaken decision.

'Why not satisfy your needs same time?' that was the genius comment my ex- manager made. By that time I had tried every job possible. And yes maybe this was a sign to back off but my stubbornness refused me to give up. Being a foolish teenager I am....

I could recall that indecent thought ran through that crazy head of mine repeatedly. And guess what Sascia decided to work at....

Oh god this is where it gets all embarrassing... I actually went through with this for a month top. I don't know how you'd refer to me but...

Yeah at early 17; I didn't sell my body. But I was more like a tease. I’d dress in proactive outfits teasing my audience. Pole dance or just dancing in general but in a sexual manner; this was all in my grand presentation. I’m a dancer by heart so yeah using my body in a seductive manner as I exercised my passion gave me my salary. That was the job. Anyway somewhere along the line my friends found out. Have a good guess what comes next.

That was my result to no friends, shameful past and bad decisions. Right now the only pride I possess is my virginity. But hell! That won't break me. No Way In Hell! 


I studied a bit that morning revising what was taught the previous week. I had nothing better to do anyways. I sighed in despair thinking of my life.


~~~~~~Monday ~~~~~~~~~

It’s been a tough day. The whole damn day has been nothing but stress.

I placed unnecessary crap into my locker got what I needed before slamming it shut and walking to my class. ‘You could shift yourself behind' I harshly spoke out. This huge figure decided to plant his ass in front me. His twice the size of me... inconsiderate fool.

The fool only rolled his eyes turning to the front ignoring me.

I swear the school's population made it the duty to be a pain in the ass. Yep they definitely have been half successful. It’s just that I’m not so easy to break. The whole morning cheerleaders and my snobby ex-friends kept being dicks... I didn’t need an actual dick in front me. Hell to the no!! But thank god the school day is over I’m just by the airport waiting on my best friend. She’s been gone for a month now. Call me crazy but I miss her like hell. The month seems like years. Every day made one year.

It’s been a whole hour already hell... I’m beyond anxious right now.

Right on queue I heard a squeal and there comes my bestie running into my arms. 

'Missed me?' I gave her a cheekily smile hugging her also. She just giggled a bit.

'I’ve missed you Sas' she spoke. We hugged again before she walked inside to get her bags. Crazy chick isn't she, leaving her possessions inside while running out to meet me.

Halfway back inside, we got a hold of Stacy’s suitcases. Turns out two guys shared the extra load. 'Thanks guys' she spoke before introducing us three. Both guys were... Sexy!!... I think that describes them perfectly.

There was Jace, he’s got light brown hair slightly covering his forehead grey eyes bushy eyes brows with pink lips his body seems well built and he's about 6inch he’s also fair in complexion.

Jason on the other hand seemed to be same height but has dark brown hair style upward away from his forehead. He’s got slightly bushier eye brows than Jace. He has chocolate brown eyes light pink lips and he’s body is slightly more toned. He’s also fair in complexion.

They could actually pass as brothers. 


'Nice to meet yhu' I told each shaking their hands after, we all head outside. We got a cab place the load inside the trunk. The two guys entered the cab we addressed the driver as to where they’re going. Stacy and I rode my motorcycle. Yep I’ve got one of those. The jeep was actually dad's car before he left.

'Later guys see you in a bit' she yelled. We were long gone before any reply could be made.

..'So...' I began' who are those guys' 

'Oh' she giggled 'the cutie's my cuz' she winked at me. I laughed a bit amused at my bestie' and the other ' I questioned. She blushed. I smiled' that says a lot' she giggled once more before saying 'the sexy hunks my bf’ 

We laughed a bit ' you go girl but how'd that happen so fast' 

'Oh' she looked at me guiltily 'ughh it didn't all happen in just a month. all my visits back and forth for the past two year we've had a thing... but it’s just three months since we're officially together' 

I’ll admit I’m a little bummed I just got to know about this but whatever, It was better knowing now than later. ‘Remind me to give you a hug when we get off’ I winked her way.


Eventually we arrived at her house. We knock on the door a while before any response. Finally a figure appeared in the doorway... a sexy one at that.

'Hello cuz' he began before she waved him off heading to the noise inside. 

'And hello to you gorgeous' he smirked leaving free space so I can enter. I said my hello before entering. We went to meet the others. 

We hang a bit getting more acquainted. Well it was more Jason and I. apparently Stacy and Jace had more productive things happening. They’d engage in the conversation every now and then but it was more of a failed effort with the two eating off each other’s face. They were a cute pair though.

'So who's the lucky guy' Jason began making conversation. I assume was to wash the awkwardness.

'Well actually there are three' I said wiggling my three fingers

He raise an eyebrow ‘ooh really  ...tell' I just smiled. If only...

'Common don’t keep me in the dark...' he slurred curiosity dripping in each word. At least that is how it sounded to me.

'Why so curious'

'Well ... so why not know what I’m up against' he timidly spoke as I burst into laughter. 

'I’m myself and I ' I poked my tongue out before walking to the kitchen to get a snack. Relationships and I don't work. I just rather be alone than drag someone into my life. It’s not any paradise there. I’d rather suffer alone.

'So that's my competition' I heard a voice nearing my way sounding amused. I rolled my eyes.

‘There is no reason to compete I’m off limits'

'Will see' was all he said. He sent a wink my way and walked out.



The guys we're finally going school today. This ought to be good. There they entered the hall, Stacy in the center; hands intertwine with Jace as he stood next to her left. Jason was standing to her right. All eyes immediately fell in their direction as the hallway went quiet for a second or two before invasion of whispers travelled through the halls.

I noticed Jason spotted me sending a wink. I waved back and place a small smile. I banged my locker closed causing everyone to continue what was done before the main attraction arrived. Walking through the hallway they finally caught up with me.

Jason quickly wrapped his arms around my shoulders pulling me into him. Weird uh just a week ago we never knew each other existed. Well as you've noticed we've grown close. It seemed natural and right. 'Hey ja I see you've missed me already' he laughed a bit and peck my cheek.

 I felt an electric current running inside me...... 'Did you...' I began before drifting.

My nerves were suddenly going out of control.

 His gaze locked in mine. I felt my insides slightly melt as I drifted to in a false awakening where only us two exist.


'Guys....guys!!' my best friend’s voice echoed.

My gaze slowly averted 'uh... yeah' I was spellbind to say the least

'What’s up?' 

'Are you alright' I smiled at my best friend before having a quick glance Jason’s way. He smiled making him more adorable.  'Let’s go get the schedule peeps.'


It was lunch now. Thank god I was done in the line. I sat outside near some tree sheltering me from the sun. My ear piece blasting in my ears I was enjoying my meal. All i had was a whole large pizza with a drink. Not much.  

Guess what happens next 'hey give that back' I shook my head showing disapproval. He just laughed while devouring my lunch. much for a peaceful meal.

'What are you doing out here' he asked. 'Common have a sit' he sat before repeating his question. 'Isn’t it obvious, I’m having lunch' I spoke in a duh tone.

‘i mean alone'

'Oh yeah... Loner here. I’m surprised those idiots haven’t given you the warning.' I spoke more focus on the delight triggering joy to my taste buds.

'Oh they have but not interested so I cut them off.' I smiled his way. We ate the rest of lunch and spent the remaining lunch having pointless conversation. 


After school I went home getting my homework done. On completion I dozed off.


The rest of the week was quite a bore beside the constant whispers about the newbies as well as rumors, girls stocked their every move.

Today’s Friday. The bell just rang dismissing school.

chapter three






                               POV JASON:


'Come here beautiful' I spoke. With each word I tried to manage the eagerness.

She smiled at me...:). A smile also crawled to my face. 

She leaned against the door frame. I blushed. .she really was...    special. Her beauty seems to radiate despite being hidden in the blur of the picture.

Those eyes of hers, I can’t see them, not the colour or its image. They’re both hidden from mine. Those gorgeous strands of rich brown fell somewhat across her face. I bit my lips sitting upright.

I stretched my hands to her. Walking in my direction she swiftly swayed those hips from left to right.

When almost there, she stretched her hands in my direction. I grabbed her gently at first, then pulled her body between my legs.

‘I lovee a man in charge' she began before her words went silent. I kissed her lips. Those sweet luscious lips..........

 But unfortunately it wasn't meant to be...

Ever since I could remember, everything inside of me, Just wanted to fit in (oh oh...

...there goes the annoying lyrics’ screaming the silence to death.


'Hello?' I questioned. The voice quickly silenced me by yelling.

'Get up already!! It’s 11 for Christ sake Ja' I groaned in frustration. Was he trying to get me deaf? I took in a breath...

'Have you ever heard of sweet slumber' I paused. ‘Don’t be a pain in the ass' I sighed. I hung the call before slamming my phone into the mess near my closet.

I squeezed my eyes in attempt to continue my slumber. Why waste something as sweet as sleep.

That same annoying ringtone came ringing from the far corner. Narrowing my eyes to its view those words slyly escaped my mouth.



Finally after seemingly decades, sleep was slowly creeping... I could already visualise those succulent lips leaning to me...  

And just like that my annoying best friend cut me off; being a pain in the ass. The only difference was that instead of the annoying ringing tone it was the constant banging on my door followed by him yelling.

'Get your lazy butt up already we've got a party to plan... ‘With that being said I quickly rushed to the door to welcome Jace. It would have been a hopeless course... the bangs would only increase as well as the yelling.

I just can't deal with neither.


~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~


The whole day was spent in preparation for Jace's and my welcome party. It’s nothing big just a few friends coming over but yeah gotta be prepared. Plus we all know the teenage population with no doubt enjoy their liquor. 

We spent hour upon hour at the plaza (N.B it’s a grocery store where I’m from) shopping for a huge variety of necessities. You name it from alcohol to non alcoholic liquor snack water videos movies psps toilet rolls cups decorations and so on.

Blasting the music we began the decorating process on arrival... wake me up by avicili. Yep that was one of the random tracks.

Our master piece! We both smiled cheekily pleased with our effort. The house was now rainbow-like. It was covered in multiple colours. The roof decorated in seemingly stars that glow in the dark accompanied by a disco ball in the center. The wall was normal with just simple multicoloured balloons. There are a few tables covered in red and white design. On those tables are the various alcoholic drinks except for one which contain juice, water and non alcoholic beverages.

So there we are finally done with hard day’s work. In a few hours the fun will begin. Jace and I stay enjoyed a few hours resting before heading to our rooms in preparation. After filling the bathroom tub and adjusting the water to warm I dived in relaxing once more. 


~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~


It’s already been an hour since we've began the celebration when suddenly eagered knocks came from behind the front door. Arching an eyebrow I stood up finding my way to the entrance. I slowly opened the door half way only to view a huge bundle of teenager already either tipsy or drank accompanied by of course beer mugs, beer pongs or beer keg. They rushed inside without so much as a second glance yelling, chanting and even cheering with spirit for a good time. Without hesitation I opened wider welcoming the unwanted guests.


Things got out of hand from then onward. The music surged through the house as the crazy teens presumed consuming their beverages. They even manage setting up a bar; the counter being that with three guys as bartenders as well as the main attraction above the bar.

Boy did they put on a good show......

In the sitting room was same as before with just a few guys playing games while others sat on the sofa accompanied by female companion eating each other’s faces. Then there's our dining room; the chairs were relocated to a side as massive mass of teens danced out of co-ordination. The stairs we're filled with drunkards eagerly being pleasured. They we're barely in control to be honest. They made a line all the way upstairs with only little space to pass.


The only thing left to do was enjoy. Hell yeah was I going to enjoy. It wasn't the plan but YOLO babe! I quickly grabbed a case of beer from the hidden batch situated the near sofa. 

After what felt like I’ve drunk the whole case I dashed into the dance floor moving to the music. It was fun to say the least. I was walking to the bar for another drink when my mind flashed to Jace and the others. I have not seen them since I went to the door. I scanned the place carefully spotting a few friends but no Jace.

I shrugged it off and went for my drink. After two shots I headed to where I last recall leaving my phone.

'Dude where the hell are you' I yelled hoping he would hear my voice over the noise.

'Chill dude I’m with Stacy upstairs...'I sighed feeling a bit annoyed before ending my phone and shoving it into my pocket.


The rest of the night was a mostly a blur. It’s been hours now and damn!! That was one hell of a night. I’m now on my way to the stairs as I openly welcome my last personal welcoming. I led the way with her following behind.

But there goes my plans thrown away as if were trash. I stood frozen. I could have sworn I saw her from a distance. The same smooth long brown strands swaying. She walked away. Her body was hugged in one of those black crop tops; I think it was laced with a rich purple coloured skinny jeans and black flats. She really did look good even without so much as an effort. I ran to where she stood.  By the time I reached she was gone turning in every direction....I was thirsting for another glance. There she was.

It’s been going on for the past ten minutes me chasing a shadow... I sighed closing my eyes trying to clear my head. This whole thing was infuriating. 'Like what you see' I heard a whisper besides my ear. My heart skipped a bit. I slowly turned round opening my eye and boy to say I was shocked was an understatement.


chapter four




             POV SASCIA


'Like what you see' I whispered to him leaning besides his ear. My heart was rapidly drumming. I swear... the weirdest thing happened; it was like my hearing intensified causing me to hear the drumming of his heart. It seemed to be dancing in excitement just as mine was. He slowly turned facing me. His eyes open filled with bewilderment. I just stayed still starring. I think that was the only thing I had the energy to do...

Awkward!! That was the word running through my mind. It took him a full five minutes to actually compose himself and as he did so did my insides. I was relieved to say the least.

His face formed a smile. I shyly bit my lips as the awkward feeling drifted. I was left in pure admiration. He was... I don't even know.


            POV JASON



Was my mind playing games with me...'is this some sick joke' I questioned inwardly. I stayed there staring in disbelief. I mean its Sascia.

I know, yes she is a beauty no doubt it was just that she was definitely not what I expected. I expected nothing... nobody. I knew those 'dreams' were peculiar without a doubt but I thought that is where all the abnormality ended. Just some nightmare... a god damn beautiful nightmare!

I think that's why it really came as a shock.

So there I am gawking at her... my beautiful nightmare that was supposedly nonexistent.

 I finally processed it. My body beginning to feel more at ease as the seconds passed but my heart was on another mission. My heart screamed and jumped trying to escape my chest. I saw her bit her lips. Those lips of hers that drives me insane just by dreaming.

Taking about lips I knew I felt something. It was weird... and just a peck on the cheeks but I couldn't help feeling of longing her. I sensed something it’s just that I could not have figured this puzzle.


             POV SASCIA


'Do you wanna...maybe get some fresh air.' I looked his way a little unsure. He gave me a reassuring smile.

I turned face the way to the exit. We walked through the mass of teens and back door. We were now laying on the grass while I enjoyed the feeling of the breeze running down my spine. I stared into thin air. The night was could clearly see some stars taking a few picks looking down on us will other were still in awe, shining dimly and brightly. 

And then there's the moon, though it was not at its brightest its brilliance never failed to smile upon us. 

I lay there taking all this in, cherishing the moment. Finally I was snapped back to my previous situation.

'So...' he began staring at me. I smiled raising an eyebrow. 

'Go on' he quickly took a second glance then questioned 'guilty is charged but how did you know I was after you'

'Honestly I’m puzzled just as you are...' I looked to his face giving my undivided attention to him now. I sat turning to him. 'I uh I don't know ' smiling inward 'it’s just that my insides bubbled in excitement. I was about to leave but my body seem to move against my will. Next thing I no there I am behind you whispering to you'

'Why were you so shocked to see me?' I questioned. I had a feeling it had something to do with those 'nightmares' but then again you could never be too sure...maybe I’m way off. I needed to know though do they mean anything....these dreams.....

They probably do I mean, who dreams nightmares like I do about just one person. That’s just some sick psychotic joke if so.

'Oh you triggered some memories' he said. I raised my eyebrow, placed a questioning look but nothing... he left his answer vague as ever. I sighed

Going back to my previous spot I continue to observe god's gift to us.


'So how was the party' he began

'Well for one definitely not what I expected' he chuckled 

'Yep teens again without a doubt unpredictable'

'So how is your stay so far' I questioned

'Uhh... Some good some bad.'


We talked the rest of the night. I must admit it was great; unexpected for sure but great.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ♥♥♥   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Squinting my eyes, I tried getting a view of my surrounding.

......surprise surprise........

I found myself lying comfortably in someone's arms. My body perfectly cuddled with his. I stretched, look to the body's face. He was handsome. I smiled. I must have fallen asleep talking to him last night.

I lay there for a minute or two embracing his warmth then after woke him. His adorable smile was the first thing I was greeted with. I quickly put some space between us. Only then did I realise we were still in the back yard lying on the grass.

'We slept here' he said sounding a little unsure.

'Sure did. Had fun' I questioned a little amused.

'Sure did' I stared at him only to get lost in his fortress. A smile formed on his lips. I won't deny some naughty thoughts definitely run through that promiscuous mind of mine. 

'Common lets go inside to help the guys out' he stretched his arms to me as I placed mine into his.

We walked inside quickly helping our friends set everything in place, whether it be chasing the remaining guest out, cleaning or rearranging things back to its rightful place.

To be honest the whole time I was cleaning I kept zoning out. i had so many questions. I sighed. After we we're done turning things to normal I headed to my ride and sped off home. 

I know now for sure that it's him, my nonexistent nightmare!

I walked straight into my bathroom and went under the shower. My thoughts flowed like the water running on my skin. I took in a deep breath. I had feelings for a supposedly unrealistic nightmare and now that I know he is in fact real my feeling went to haywire.

I walked out the bath and got some clothes on.

I went to the kitchen getting something to eat. My belly has been begging for a treat. After finishing my meal I did the dishes and also a light cleaning in the house. 

If you're wandering about my parents yes indeed I do have both in fact but I am currently on speaking terms with one as you already know. My mom is a business woman she travels a lot but when she is around we make the best of the time we have together. 

After a long days work I lay on the couch, watched some TV....... that was my day because next thing I know I’m being awaken by a knock on the door... by then it was morning.


chapter five


              POV SASCIA


I was walking to the door. Who could it be; I wandered. My mom doesn't come home till in a month time.....I turned the knob and opened. It revealed my dad....

'Dad' I voice my thought. The word sounded as a question. I expected no answer from this imaginary figure. I blink my eyes his still there.

'Now this is not weird at all' I spoke. Each word laced with sarcasm.

'What are you doing here' I arched an eyebrow

'Can I at least come in before the sarcasm begins flowing' I sigh, moved from the entrance to allow him to step in. I closed the door and walked to the sitting room. He was already comfortably sat on the couch staring at the TV. I rolled my eyes. I stood in front of his view.

'What are you doing here? Does mom even know you're here' I stood my grounds. One thing for sure was that he was not welcomed here. Second, I sure as hell don't want his return and third he could go to hell if his looking for my forgiveness.

I placed my hands on my hips 'I’m waiting...' I was tapping my wrist in a tick tock tick tock redeem. As another second of silence filed the air my fury heightened. If he wasn't going to answer me, he surely would get the hell out. I gave him five minutes to speak but nothing. He just stared as if I wasn't there.

'I’m calling the cops' was the last thing I said before walking out the room and heading to the home phone. I dialled the number 911..... 'Hello this is 911 emergencies how may I be of service to you' the voice questioned. I opened my mouth to speak only to find a huge hand covering my mouth as the phone was placed into its rightful place before taking their hands off me.

'What!!' I yelled. He came into my home doesn’t speak when asked a question and now hangs my call how fucking out of place.

'Your mom is coming ok' he spoke. I raised an eyebrow,

How does he know this and when... my thoughts were cut short. 'When she arrives all will be explained.' I rolled my eyes.

'Whatever' I spoke before rushing into my room. With all honesty I don't want to see this man's face in my line of sight and here I am stuck with him.


It had been a week but yet there was no sign of my mom and to make everything worse, his there. He has been staying here from since the day that idiot barged back into my life. 

'I’m home' my mom voice sang from the entrance. Breaking my line of thoughts I ran to the door.

'Welcome home' I gave her a huge hug.

'Thanks sweetie' 

'So mom could we get this over with I’m tired of seeing this... this. Nuisance in our home' I blurted out ' why is he here?' I questioned.

We we're now sat at the dining room having a heated conversation with only the table to protect us from each other.

'Dad’s here to stay he’s moving back in' my mom blurted. I swear my mouth drops to the floor.

'What! Why! Why the hell? ‘My voice was rising with every word.

'I have my reasons Sascia everything will be clear as time pass' he spoke. I can't believe he had the audacity to talk to me.

'I don't want you here isn't that obvious you abandoned us and now! NOW YOU CHOSE TO SHOW YOUR FACE YOU CHOSE TO CARE! GO TO FUCKING HELL DAD!' my voice drifted. My mom tried defending him. I sighed how could she why would she even go there he deserved everything I said and more. My voice came as a whisper 'dad' I sighed again 'you don't deserved to be called him you left and so did a part of me. My dad the dad I’d naturally love he'd never do this to me' and with that I went to my room locked the door.

I sneaked out through my window. I walked alongside the road. I grabbed my phone from my pocket, speed dialing, I listening to the ringing a few second.

'Hello?' I heard Stacy’s voice.

'Hey Stace' my face frown in reflex

‘What’s wrong Sas'

'Could you come meet me please, have a girls night or something please Stace' I rumbled.

'I’m coming hun where are you?' I gave her the address. In about fifteen minutes she was there.

The whole ride I sat in the passenger’s side not one word being said. I was angry sad confused hurt....

I could not help but reminisce of all the good time. A sad smile crawled its way to my face before a frown washes it off. The sight of him leaving, my dad, my irreplaceable and best of all dads. I sighed I never understood why he left. His explanation was so vague.

'I’m leaving because I love you Sascia.' those were his words. 

How that was supposed to make me feel? For sure it didn’t make me feel good.

I felt torn that is for sure. I thought maybe I was the problem: some abomination that cause my dad, my mom’s love to leave and soon enough I believed that.

My mom was the only comfort I had during those times. She was great.

I put up this whole act because, because I don't know what to believe. I’m mad at myself, at him...

I don't know. I just can't be around those people right now I’ll just explode! My anger was again rising.


Hi peeps I said walking in, placing a smile. I needed absolute no attention on me. I just feel for some fun. 'Any fun tonight guys' they turn towards me 

'Hell yeah! ' Jace holler. He wiggles his eyebrow at Stacey

'Get a room for Christ sake.' I spoke a little annoyed . He laughed walked out the room after returning with four bottle of alcohol and an empty bottle.

We all sat in a circle as Jace explains whatever crazy idea is going on in his mind. ‘so yeah the game goes like this there are four of us: a bottle four each person. you spin the empty bottle whoever it ends on get to spend ten minutes of seduction with their choice' Jace finished smiling with pride.

'10 minutes of seduction' Jason Stacey and I questioned. Jace laugh 'yeah you get ten minutes to seduce the person or attempt. ‘The guy stated that as if it was the most obvious thing. I rolled my eyes. 

'But you guys are together Jace that's just bull' I stated I was even more annoyed than before at this ridiculous idea 'what now seduce someone else’s possession. No thanks' I was ready to get up when I felt a hold to my waist. I looked to my right and there was Jace.

‘You didn't wait till I’m done Sascia' I sat back waiting impatiently 'go on' I urged. 

‘ok so since we're together' he point from Stacey to him and back  ‘that wouldn't be ideal. So to get to the point, the bottles are to enjoy while we compete. No sex just seduction. Jason will seduce Sascia or should I say attempt while I enjoy seducing my girlfriend. Whichever girl begs for sex first loses.

Stacey and I locked gaze with each other. Her face showed a reflection of mine: pure horror. ‘What!!' we both screeched out. Jace watched us in humor and pride. ‘Sounds good right' he questioned. I gave him a bewildered look before I stared at Stacey.

'Where the hell did you get him Stace' I questioned in disbelief. 'Hopeless just hopeless' Stacey gave me a guilty smile. I just shook my head. I turn my head to the other direction to see Jason trying to stifle his laughter. 

'I see birds of a feather flock together'


I was not going to do anything so insane compete to see who would give into temptation first no way. I no he’s my nightmare but hell no. I wouldn't dare. We decided a movie night would be more appropriate.

Even if I were to consider this nonsensical game not now... they managed to turn my frown to a smile and definitely that is enough satisfaction for one night.

chapter six


               POV SASCIA


'Where are you going' he spoke in such a rush. I turned to face him. A frown had already surfaced my faced. A sad smile crawled to my face and faded within seconds. 

'Bye Ja...son' the words escaped. I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to experience this moment. i turned around and walked out the door. I wasn't going to look back. Today was my last day here. We were leaving, never coming back, looking back. I entered the car and drove off. We were speeding the highway trying to reach the airport. We were late with only twenty minutes to spare. I stared there with a blank expression. My eyes watered. I close my eyes allowing the tears trapped to be free.

There it came; a crash! The screeching of the vehicle as it flips around.


My eyes opened wide as the tears continuously stream down my face. I sat upright thinking to myself; I’ve never had one like this before. My dreams... they always seem to express and trigger some emotions... feeling from the nightmares... our dreamingly love in some way and now this... a nightmare! For sure there was nothing beautiful about this one. The fact that I had left, the pain I felt just for leaving followed by that incident. I sighed.

If I was to compromise, his handsome face would be the only beauty found in this nightmare but even his face held pain. Those eyes that normally sparkle seemed so dull his lips in a frown. That was more heartbreaking that beautiful.

'Is this how it ends.' I questioned myself. I got up and walked to the kitchen to have a glass of water. After finishing I shake some water in the glass placed it on the rack. I walked back to the room. I lay on the bed forcing myself to sleep. It took hours but finally I slowly drifted away from reality as my body relaxed as much as it could.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ♥♥♥   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


'Sascia hey wait up' he yelled in the hall

'Yeah' was the only thing i could utter. I stared at him as if he were fragile or would vanish in the blink of an eye. He stared at me for a second: A second to long in my opinion.

I sighed.

'Jason' I called out. I must say this nightmare was messing with my head.

'Uhh sorry just wanted to walk you class' was his reply. I turned around walking, he followed. To be honest this whole situation is getting a little too abnormal for my liking.

Why does it always have to revolve around him, those dreams haunting me... why me...why him? What’s so special about me, or should I say about us? 

I thanked him before entering the class.

All throughout class my mind kept drifting into my created reality. I could hear the voices in the background but to me, at that moment it came as noise. A variety of noise. I could not gain any knowledge from class.

'Sascia...' my best friend called me. Her voice made it easy to know how unease she felt. She pulled me to a corner.

‘What is going on...first was the call and now this. You’re avoiding me.  Or is it us?' she eyed me suspiciously. 'Don’t think I haven't noticed sascia' her voice was more defiant now. 

'The past two days haven't been the best of days' I spoke. 'It’s not easy for me to wrap my mind of what's going on'

'What is going on Sas?' 

'Will talk after school ok.'

'You better' was her last words to me before I felt her hug. She then disappeared into the crowd. 

The rest of the day went by as smoothed as it could. Times seem to have passed by quickly and I’m grateful for that much. I still felt anti-social thanks to my persistent thoughts. I now lean on my ride awaiting Stace.


After she arrived, we drove to the nearest fast food store. We stuffed some food as we spoke.

'You know how I hate spilling my guts. Not that I can but will try to calm your curiosity as much as i can. Ok.'

'Ok' she smiled in satisfaction.

I spilled my guts to her or should I say attempt. She now knows about my dad’s come back and my dream. Just this one. It does feel just a little better to get it off my chest but words could never fade the problems away... at least not mine.

We sat in quiet enjoy the chicken and fries with a beverage.


'I’m home!!' I yelled closing the front door. I walked to my room enjoying the quietness. I spent two hours completing assignments and off to bed I went.






From the moment my unrealistic nightmare became realistic life has kinda taken a turn. It’s been... interesting...

i thought those dreams were the limit to out of the ordinary for me but I guess life wasn't on the same page as me. I’ll admit that after realisation clicked I haven't really seen much of her. At first she seemed to be just preoccupied with daily activities but today well she has been MIA even more than the usual.

It’s no coincidence; I mean this morning was just... awkward! I wandered for a few minutes if there was a reason she kept avoiding me but honestly nothing came to mind. Nothing but one reason: would it mean something if she dreamed of me as well? What the hell would this mean?

I sighed.  I was frustrated, annoyed, and gloomy.

I’m a just some average teenage for Christ sake! Why the hell is this happening? My dreams... they've become more extreme. No matter how much I don't want to care I can't help but do the exact thing.

From the moment I came to terms that she was the girl in my dreams, it’s intensified.

She seemed perfect in my eyes, an exact replica of her in reality. There she stood her back towards me as she faced the mirror. She starred into my eyes. I could see her grey almond shape eyes which is seemingly a dull blue when close enough. Her black long lashes slightly concealing them. Those rich brown strands were barely braided away from her face flaunting her beauty. Her nose was straight edged and just below was those luscious fading pink lips curved into a smile. 

My dreams were no longer dreams. They felt as if I was being pulled into reality itself. At first I starred at myself observing and experiencing life even though my senses were lost as well as life seem to be ignorant to my existent. I watched myself: a clone.

Touching myself, I felt a weird sensation which caused me to be seen. My sense of touch smell sound and taste were all back. 'What was going on?' that was the question of the year.

......this for sure is not sanity.....


I could a change processing this bizarre bubbling sensation inside me. I felt foreign. Weird uh.......


Today I’ve made up my mind. Whatever this is it's coming to an end. I could recall my first of all those dreams. It all started with a kiss. She was a random stranger but yet she felt familiar and welcoming in so many was. I walked up to her. I seem to be possessed by I don’t even no. what I felt next jolt me out of my daze. It was then that I realised I had trapped her against the wall with my face only inches from the hand that just slapped me. I looked up to her gaze and there I was millimeters away from her face.

A smirk crawled to me face 'don't deny it you wanted this as much as I did' I whispered to her ear. A smile made its way to her face.

'This isn't denial'

I arched my brow 'what was it then?'

'Respect' she said slowly letting each sound or every letter linger.

I push my body onto hers 'May I' I spoke.

'You may' she smiled. My lips were already nearing hers.

'Not' she quickly added before I smashed mine against her lips.

'Just a peck on the cheeks... is that too much to ask'


'Well then' I spoke. She seemed hesitant. I interjected once more 'you know you want to' I battered my lashes. If you asked me I looked beyond ridiculous but I did earn a soft laughter. This was worth the humiliation.

'Sure a peck on the cheek' she spoke sounding amused.

And then it happened. I placed a kiss on her soft cheeks. Not being able to resist I trailed kisses to her lips. I gave her a peck there. breaking apart I requested permission. I kissed her again with her responding.

From then on those dreams have become part of me...

My plan was now to confront her. Face my demons you may put it as but she was far from that.


chapter seven






                     POV JASON:




The ground vibrated as it shook me to consciousness. I could hear the rambling of thunder. Roar! It sang with rage.  The rumbling continued. I could slightly feel my body awaking unwillingly.

I was awake.

The thunder roared through my room. I block my ear blocking out the ruckus. Squeezing my eyes shut I took in a breath. Breathe… I reminded myself. Just breathe. The rumbling came from the door. It was more of endless harsh knocks rather than thunder. Next came was the screeching sound coming from my cousin: So much for my good morning or should I say night.

Oh how I love her, ‘shut the hell up already’ I yelled.

‘No, I will NOT, now get your lazy ass up already Jason.’ I grumbled, mumbled a few curses under my breath before slowly getting dressed. That’s what she gets for waking me two in the ‘flicking’ morning. I finally walked out my bedroom door frustration blooming inside me.


‘Outlaw night out’ she shrug. I raised an eyebrow. Neither of us said anything after. Walking outside Jace was already sat in the drivers sit.

‘Hurry up already, gosh do your movements have to be so damn sluggish!’ he spoke. After entering the car, Jace sped off.  Gosh! Haven’t he heard of patience. The damn door wasn’t even closed before the car sped away. I slammed the door shut slightly beginning to feel amused. Tonight might just turn out to be... interesting. Speeding along the highway the speaker flowed with music no doubt silencing the predicted silence and our on and off voices. I could feel my insides vibrate thanks to the music’s bass. I allowed myself to embrace the music as well as its tremors. Finally coming to a halt I opened my eyes coming to view with a familiar front porch. Turning the music down, they both turned to me expectantly. A creepy smile appeared of their features.

‘What now’ I voiced my thoughts out feeling annoyed yet again.

‘Nothing.’ Stacey walked to the front porch stretching bending and twisting her body like a crazy woman. I’d assume her in search of the key but then again that would just be ridiculous, to come here without at least notifying Sascia. Walking back to the car she shyly watched me. I already know what was coming next.

‘So…’ she began trailing off looking expectantly at me.

‘Do I even what to hear’ I grumbled in an irritated tone. She smiled at me. I rolled my eyes.

‘time for operation back up’ voiced Jace in an overly energized tone. I directed my head to him, concerned for my best friend’s mentality.

‘You ok dude?’ I questioned while arching an eyebrow. He smiled wiggling his eye brow. I sighed. Hopeless! Just hopeless…

‘Now be the good cousin I know you are and climb through the window to go wake Sas up.’ Rolling my eyes I got off the jaguar f-type roadster and neared the tree besides her window. Rolling my eyes out of annoyance I took in a deep breath looking up from the ground to the tree then the window. It’s not high neither is the window to far. Yeah! I can make it. Inhaling once more, I took a step forward holding my arms to the sides of the trunk.

‘Hurry climb through the damn window. We haven’t got all night!’ she exclaimed. How fucking ungrateful. She was pushing my last nerve right now. Adjusting me to a proper climbing position I did what was needed. Finally at the top of the trunk I walked on a branch leading to her window after which I jumped the extra distance. The window was wide open. I slide in walking to her bed side.


There she lay looking peaceful and beautiful as always. Her body was turned facing away from the window in a slightly curved manner. The shits barely covering her body while her vest somewhat rolled up revealing her skin just a little. I sat on the edge of the bed starring in admiration. ‘Come here’ she whispered. I honestly had no idea what to do my body had already turned fidget as my eyes stayed unmoving starring. A giggle escaped her lips. Her restless body suddenly rose from the bed and walking towards the window. Snapping from my daze, I rushed to her holding her by the wrist to turn her facing me. My hands naturally made its way to her waist. I could feel my heart beat accelerate my body turning stiff all over again.

‘Jason’ the words escaped her mouth. My heartbeats were screaming at this rate. My body tensed. I could see she’s not awake. What should I do? Her hands slyly went to my lips trailing slowly from one end to the other.

‘I have a treat for you’ she said. My eyebrows instinctively rose. I could feel a bulge in my pants. She kissed me. My eyes opened wide. My brain shut down.

‘Whoa…’ the words echoed through my mind. I kissed her. As natural response my lips moved in redeem with her, all consciousness was lost at my end. A moan escaped her lips. Those sweet succulent lips.

‘Jason?’ she spoke again sounding unsure. My name sounded more like a question. Her eyes open wide. It was now her turn to freeze in shock. She stared for a few seconds as I stared back at her. I couldn’t find it in myself to utter a word. Her face mirrored my expression from when she first spoke. She took a cautious step towards me. Next thing I know we were embraced in yet another mind blowing and electrifying kiss. I could feel the shocks running through every vessel in my body. Her hands stalked up my chest and finally wraps around my neck. I couldn’t get enough of her. Way too much heat radiated throughout our bodies.  I felt my body slowly walking backwards.  I was push unto her bed as she stood there smirking.


Pock. Pock. Pock. The sound of continuous hitting against the floor shook us out of …this…whatever ‘this’ was. We stared at the pebbles piling up as if foreign and infectious. Turning facing me, ‘What are you doing here?’ she questioned sounding unsure. My eyes opened a bit wider than usual in realisation. I had completely forgotten my reason for coming here. I rubbed the back of my neck. I smiled.

‘Uh yeah get dressed Stace, Jace, you and I are going out.’ With no questions asked she quickly got dressed. I smirked at her dressing. We snuck down stairs walking through her front porch.

‘What took you so long’ Jace and Stace question while starring at us as if we were children. I rolled my eyes. We rushed in the back seat. Slamming the door shut Jace for a second time sped off into the quietness. He turned the volume of the music higher as we enjoyed the ride.


It was already three in the morning by the time we actually approached at the…club? ‘Ghost bar,’ that was the name. Was it where acts happen but didn’t happen same time? The jaguar was parked in a hidden spot near the club. After our departure the Tooting of the vehicle echoed indicating that ‘Jaguar’ was locked. We then walked towards the entrance. This was definitely a hot club! The line was lengthy, the sound of music echoed outside, I won’t be stun if the noise travels for miles so far less what it’s like inside.

Stacey apparently had connection so it took no time for us to enter. After allowed in we stood in the entrance from the inside observing for a minute. People dance to the music, drinking and enjoying their selves. The disco balls giving off little light in a variety of colour as it twirled. The place was crammed. We walked out to where the sits were located. A river or chat accompanied us without delay. After a while I went to the bar ordering our drinks.


‘Ha ha’ our laugh continuously sneaked out.

‘so yeah after that I was never left near the kitchen, even for water my mom chased me outside but after ensuring her I have no intention to cook ever she slowly warmed up to seeing my appearance in the kitchen.’ Jace spoke. He had a smug expression on his face. We laughed. About a few minutes later the laughter slowly faded.

Breaking the silence, ‘shall we?’ Jace spoke as he held his hand out towards Stacey. She gave him a smile before resting her hand in his and walking to the dance floor. I sat there observing. They really did seem like an endearing couple. I smirked proud of my best pal.

‘Why the smile?’ she question raising any accusing eyebrow. My attention was all on her now. I only smiled her way.

‘Common let’s have some fun’ I spoke already pulling her towards the dance floor also. Starring up at me I could see she nervously bit her lips. Those lips I thirst for so badly. I got a hold of her waist pulling her towards me. Finally on the dance floor, we danced.

‘So you have dreams of me’ I awkwardly began making conversation. Her cheeks had now turned a dark shade of pink colour. I felt a smile crawl to mine. Just gorgeous! She looked down.

‘Don’t be shy’ I place my finger beneath her chin then lift her head until we made eye contact. She hadn’t answered for five minutes so I took it upon myself to speak further.

‘Don’t be shy my dreams revolve around you also’ my voice spilled modestly, my tone became just a tad deeper and hoarse. Her face now displayed complete astonishment. Sascia bit her lips nervously.

 I stared into her greyish blue trance. My heart beat was drumming overdrive. My eyes instinctively pursued from her eyes to her lips. My lips parted slightly as I stared hungrily at those luscious fading pink… I couldn’t help but lick mine.

I could see the lust in her eyes, amazement, and disbelief.

I smashed my lips onto hers. Without hesitation she responded. Fireworks exploded into our mouths. With no doubt she felt it too. How could she not?


My eyes had already naturally closed. Pulling her body closer to mine we began swaying to the music. She turned, her back now facing me causing our lips to part. I held her tight craving her lips to mold mine but she refused… smirking. I groaned annoyed and amused in sync. Her butt now rested on my dick as she whined against me teasingly. A moan escaped. Well then… 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.06.2014

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